Forbidden Archeology
Forbidden Archeology
The Age of Atlantis / Tartaria / Lemuria / Mu / etc – The Drowned and Buried Preflood World of Corrupted Blood (GMO People)
We dug deep.. dark secrets out of these tomb cities and temples. Secrets best left dead with the preflood world.
~Dustin Nemos
Mount Sinai, The Mountain Where YHWH Met Moses, In Saudi Arabia
Mount Sinai, The Mountain Where YHWH Met Moses, In Saudi Arabia…
The Dinosaur Debate Is Over! Dinosaurs Lived with man & lived recently! Tons of Evidence!
The Dinosaur Debate Is Over! Dinosaurs Lived with man & lived recently! Tons of Evidence!
PhD Scientist with 9 Degrees DEMOLISHES Human Evolution! (Nearly *EVERY* Argument DESTROYED!)
Nearly EVERY argument for human evolution completely demolished by Donny Budinsky and a PhD scientist (Dr. Jerry Bergman) who has 9 degrees!
Great Unconformity Best Solved by Global Flood
The Great Unconformity is one of the most baffling mysteries in the geological sciences.1 It is marked by a massive surface of erosion that…
The scientific meltdown over a controversial discovery of ‘biblical Sodom’
What everyone agrees on is that something unusual happened at Tall el-Hammam, an ancient settlement near the Dead Sea…
Thracian Script Decoded – Earth’s Oldest Written Language Speaks Of Eden
The world’s very first written language has been deciphered and […]
Were the Pyramids Built Before the Flood? (Masoretic Text vs. Original Hebrew)
This is a video explaining whether or not the Egyptian […]