The Elongated Skulls Of Paracas Peru And Their DNA
The Elongated Skulls Of Paracas Peru And Their DNA…
The Elongated Skulls Of Paracas Peru And Their DNA…
We dug deep.. dark secrets out of these tomb cities and temples. Secrets best left dead with the preflood world.
~Dustin Nemos ~Michael Heiser’s Site, here preserved Nibiru Sitchin’s Nibiru Hypothesis […]
In this video clip, I describe how I believe the genetics of the Post-Flood Nephilim worked, with various scientific examples to support my theory…
It has been called the nation’s attic, the Smithsonian museums house some 150 million artifacts. But what all is the Smithsonian hiding…
‘Jews are NON ISRAELITES (non Aryans) Infiltrating Our Religious and Governmental Institutions’
~John 8:33-44
18 Because thou obeyedst not the voice of the Lord, nor executedst his fierce wrath upon Amalek, therefore hath the Lord done this thing unto thee this day.
~1 Samuel 28:18
The Dinosaur Debate Is Over! Dinosaurs Lived with man & lived recently! Tons of Evidence!