Interview with the Archivist, Keeper of HisStories – Connector of Dots


Radio & TV Introduction for Dustin Nemos:

Please welcome Dustin Nemos, the Citizen Journalist, Digital Supersoldier, Reporter, Historian & Scholar Archivist & His-Story Archive, Best Selling Author Behind The Great Awakening, Host of The Silent War at, Pastor of The Uncensored Church at https://Uncensored.Church., Green Thumb at, Creator of The Hidden HisStory of Man, Myth & The Mystery Babylon Religion of The Deep State and other documentaries, Scientific-Fundamentalist Christian Debate Champion, Autodidact, Polymath, Parrhesiastes – one of the most censored & attacked voices in truth media, End Times Sage, and master of *most* conspiracies. – Who has spent his life following every rabbit hole, every conspiracy theory and connecting the dots – and every
moment since 2017 exposing the deepest secrets of the deep state.




If you want a hard hitting, high ratings, exciting interview guest for your show that can connect the dots and obliterate the lies at the highest levels, consider interviewing Dustin Nemos about current events, politics, culture, history, theology, economics, conspiracy, and understanding the world and the enemies of mankind – the rulers of darkness.

What I love most is to reveal the Esoteric agenda and roots behind every Exoteric problem you can name: From WW3, to Plandemic, to Assault Trannies, etc – How does it all connect? We can show you.

The esoteric hidden truths of history offer many answers that are difficult if not impossible to find without the proper context and understanding of our past. I – the Archivist – can guide you and your audience through these difficult to find truths and relate it to the current events of today.



If you’d like to interview the archivist, please contact us Here (Telegram) or Here (Email) and let us know what you’d like to discuss! We’re very flexible on any topic – however, here’s a list of potentially interesting topics to discuss or interview about. We also have a press kit available here. Past Interviews can be seen at

Also note our debate challenge for challengers: Let Iron Sharpen Iron: Ultra Debate Challenge

Hello, I am Dustin Nemos, aka. The Archivist. Bestselling Author and Host of The Silent War at, Creator of numerous ground breaking documentaries, including the documentary series:
The Hidden His-Story of Man, Myth & The Mystery Babylon Religion of The Deep State. In my time I’ve reached tens of millions of people with a simple message: Truth, Compassion, and Reason.

Since that time, I’ve made many enemies for speaking the reasoned truth with compassion – enemies who attack with censorship, smears, lies, and hatred – Enemies of the truth.


I’ve known what it was like to walk into Babylon and speak bold truths, Like Moses Did in Egypt. To Flee from Sin and Babylon like Noah, in his time. To wallow in Sin like Solomon, and to overcome it, like Enoch. I was blessed with great knowledge, like Daniel. and felt its heavy burden – like Elijah. I’ve given up everything to pick up my cross and bear it, In Jesus precious name. I carry on for my people perish for lack of knowledge. We are not the men our forefathers were, but there are wars to be fought, deeds to be done, and glory unto eternity for those who overcome to the end. May YHWH see me home.

Once upon a time, I helped start a revolution called The Great Awakening. It was hijacked by “Patriots in Control“, but that’s a story for another time…Or perhaps relevant to this very article.

You see, I am what the Rulers of Darkness fear most among mortal men, a Parrhresiastes Polymath, Autodidact. I can walk you through human history, from Creation to Covid (And Beyond), I have connected Most of the puzzle, and I do not pretend to know it all. But I have been given to know much – and I have suffered much for it. My career was destroyed, my wealth destroyed, my name smeared by the Fake News puppets of The Enemy. But what did not happen, is I was never debunked. Only deplatformed.

Dustin Nemos’ Specialties:

Primordial Paradigm – Everything is a Lie.

Why all this Evil? Why all this Fake News? Why all this Fake Science? Why all this organized Hate? What do they want? We have it!

Mapping the Rabbit Holes – All Conspiracies Explained, All Dots Connected. Know Everything – Primordial Paradigm
His-Story, The Hidden History of Man, Myth & The Mystery Babylon Death Cult Of The Deep State


Political & Cultural:

“Connecting the Esoteric Agenda behind the Exoteric Propaganda. The Deep State are behind every aspect of this controlled demolition.”


Breakdowns on Specific Political Happenings.
Sin/Culture War – History and Themes
The Hidden War: The Deep State is Hiding Evidence of God And Worshipping Satan Openly
Economic breakdown of prevailing trends – King Dollar is Dead – What Comes Next.
Sinwar – The Origins of Assault Trannies
Truth of GAZA and Israel – (Its them. Its always them.)
The False Light of Devolution – The Dark to Light Deception
Ukraine’s Meatgrinder is about Ethnic Cleansing the Natives, Not Winning
World War 3 – It’s Here! Are You Ready?
The Truth About the Vax Agenda for World Domination
Why governments won’t shut up about Aliens? The Hidden Agenda behind Agenda 2030 (It will shock you)

The Return of The Forsaken Watchers of Genesis 6 – Angels Posing as Aliens

– Q: Legit or Psyop? The Dangers Ahead For The Great Awakening
– Unstoppable Food, How to Fight Famine & The New (Old) World Order
– MAGA Villages and Enclaves, Coming Together to Weather the Storm

Ukraine escalation – WW3 Looms
Why Are Almost to Nuclear WW3 Over Non-Ally Ukraine? It’s the Deep State’s MoneyLaundering Piggybank with a direct connection to the American taxpayer – but it goes deeper then that if you look closely you can see many patterns emerge as you study the history and events leading up to, and directly resulting from, the recent clash of the Western and Eastern hands of a hidden puppet master masking the true agenda behind C19 Vax, Censorship, and Globalism leading us up to Nuclear WW3 and the final depopulation phase of War & Famine, ushering in the New World Order’s culmination of the Magnum Opus of the Satanic secret societies: A Pagan One World Government & Religion of the Apocalypse.

Elon Musk
Contrast what’s going on with Elon supposedly Freeing Speech & Kanye’s public lynching & political kamikaze, you can see many patterns emerge as you study these overlapping situations masking the true agenda behind C19 Vax, Censorship, and Globalism leading us up to Nuclear WW3 and the final depopulation phase of War & Famine, ushering in the New World Order’s culmination of the Magnum Opus of the Satanic secret societies: A Pagan One World Government & Religion of the Apocalypse. “Novus Ordo Seclorum” Musk is bad news.

Kanye West
Contrast what’s going on with Elon supposedly Freeing Speech & Kanye’s public lynching & political kamikaze, you can see many patterns emerge as you study these overlapping situations masking the true agenda behind C19 Vax, Censorship, and Globalism leading us up to Nuclear WW3 and the final depopulation phase of War & Famine, ushering in the New World Order’s culmination of the Magnum Opus of the Satanic secret societies: A Pagan One World Government & Religion of the Apocalypse.



“The Seed War between Man and Mutant has continued from the preflood world, through myth, legend, and recent history all the way up to our modern deepstate. Virtually every organized evil on earth ever, anywhere, was THEM.”


The Giants, Men of Renown – Nephilim Demons
The Multiple Personality Disorder of History, All Myths are “Babeled” Genesis Nephilim Demigods. (All mythologies on earth are giant worship, except Christianity)
Heliosorcery – Rome Weaponized Pagan Occult Fake Science To Debunk God’s Word
– Why Did They Poison Us? The Agenda Behind Covid: Agenda 2030 & The Seed War


Biblical Theology vs Occult Conspiracy:

“I’ve found much, including how it plays out in part – Obadiah 18 (The end of all Edom/Nephilim Jews) The Mountains of Safety, End Times Leadership, who the antichrist son of perdition is and what the mark of the beast is. We’ve probably decoded more prophecy than has ever been decoded in one location at our Hidden HisStory Archive”



Evidence for Jesus and God – God’s NOT Dead. And it’s easy to prove to lifelong super atheist skeptics like I used to be.
Deep Dives on Specific Conspiracies – And Connecting them back to the greater Hidden His-Story Biblical Narrative. Including Modern Events
Breakdowns on Prophecy.
Who are the REAL Hebrew Israelites – By The Numbers. The Most Dangerous Truth In (Recent) History
The Curse of Jewish Domination – God Warned Us: Follow *The Law*, or They Will Get You!

Our “Deep State” Is the Same Nephilim Tribes God Warned Us About In Judges 2

Satan’s Children – Giants After The Flood (Through Ham) & Nimrod’s Myth “Babbled”
Jesus Warned Us: Jews Infiltrate and Pretend To Be Israelites – but are Edomites – Demons!
The Great Deception – The Enemies Great Tribulation Lies Revealed?
The True Hebrew Israelites – (The Lost Tribes of Israel – Caucasian Europeans)
The 13 Lost Tribes of Israel – America – The Land of Unwalled Villages – America and UK in Leviticus.
The Rulers of Darkness – Freemasonry Is Satanism
The Dollar Doomsday “Prophecy” – What That Pyramid Means
Prophecy – Past, Present & Future – w/ End Times Prophecies partially decoded by the Seedwar Paradigm. (With hyperlinked prophecies! America/UK were in Leviticus!)
The Origins of Evil – The Fallen Angel Watchers (Genesis explained like you’ve never heard!)
The Mystery Babylon Religion of the Deep State (Satanic connections, belief system, agenda)
Zionism: Prophesied in Scripture! The Modern Deepstate in Judges, Obadiah, and elsewhere.
Where we are in prophecy? How it relates to modern geopolitics, Covid, WW3, and everything else that is happening to us right now.
The Curse of Jewish Domination – God Warned Us: Follow *The Law*, or They Will Get You!
Jesus Warned Us: Jews Infiltrate and Pretend To Be Israelites – but are Edomites – Demons!
The War of Gog & Magog: The Khazarian Mafia’s Seed War
The Seed War Between Mankind and Nephilim – Demons Walk Among Us

Demons are Dead Jews & Nephilim – “Unclean Spirits” Come from “Corrupted Flesh”
CERN: The Second Tower of Babel: Roman Portal To Hell Has Been Activated



NASA – The Actor’s Guild of The Freemason Forked Tongue
The Mark of the Beast – MRNA Vax, Replaces God’s Name: “YHWH” with “666” in Every Cell of your Body.
The Greatest Deception: Scientism – Fake News in Science, History, Examples, & End Game Agenda.
Heliosorcery – Rome Weaponized Pagan Occult Fake Science To Debunk God’s Word


Biblical Earth – Flat, Young, Stationary, Geocentric, Hollow, & Domed


Preparedness & Abundance:

Unstoppable Food Strategies: Advanced Permaculture & “Forbidden Agriculture”.
Soil Mastery
Tribe up or Die, Failing to Plan is planning to Fail


Alternative Health – Almost anything.
Scientism versus Scientific: Fake News in Science: Evolution, Globe Earth, Ancient Earth, Space & More – All Faked for the SeedWar
C19 Vax & Deep Dive facts – It was intentional, we explain who, why, and even show you their plan.
History of Vax – Weaponized Scientism.

People are only now beginning to see the true fallout of the greatest biological attack on mankind since the Days of Noah, events which directly resulted in a worldwide flood after “All flesh was corrupted.”

Mothers milk is killing babies, Body counts are building, Athletes are dropping dead in their prime of 6 foot long clots that have never been seen before. Clots made up of graphene and nano technology which is building… something … something very much like an internal high receptivity antenna network to connect people to the coming Babylon 5g Grid, partnered with the Social Credit Score and Vaxxine passport to form a prison planet of sick & dying slaves of the Jewish Mafia/NWO/Globalist elites.





Don’t Miss: Collection of Nemos’ Greatest Works


Short Promotable Clips:

A Demon is a Dead Nephilim/Anunnaki/Jew/Monster “Unclean Spirit”

Deep State Are Demons From The Bible

The Return of The Watchers



Suggested Outline for a full Hidden History interview series with the Archivist:


Hidden History of Man, Mythology, & The Deep State’s Mystery Babylon Religion

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

― George Orwell, 1984

Episode 1) Origins of Evil – The Beginning, The Adversary, The First Sin & The Seed Curse


A) Genesis 3:1-15: What really Happened in the Garden of Eden?

B) Genesis 3:1-15: Not sexual sin, but learning forbidden knowledge.

C) Azazel

“The whole earth has been corrupted through the works that were taught by Azazel: to him ascribe all sin.”

~ENOCH 10:8 (References Leviticus 16:10 Azazel)

The Adversary: – About the enemy

Azazel: The Angel Who Corrupted Man [Book of Enoch] (Angels & Demons Explained)

Aliens: The Bene Ha Elohim – The Sons of God (The Fallen Angel “Watchers”)

D) The Seed War

So the Creator said to the serpent:

Because you have done this, cursed are you above all livestock and every beast of the field! On your belly will you go, and dust you will eat, all the days of your life. And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed. He will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.”

~Genesis 3:14-15

The Seed War – A war between Adamites (Pureblood Sons of Adam, or Human) and the Progeny of the Fallen Watchers – The “Ancient Aliens” or Fallen Angels depending on your perspective. The “Gods” of our pre-flood and pagan post-flood world. It began here, before there were “giants on the earth in those days” there was a Garden. A woman, and a Dragon with a tempting lie. This is the story of this deception, and the Seed Curse.

We explore the most ancient records of mankind to explain an ancient evil that the deep state has worshipped since these “Watchers” first invaded our world – The Fallen Angels of Genesis 6! And the Bene Ha Elohim are back! In this episode we explain the Origins of Evil: Fallen Angels, Giants, Nephilim, and – Aliens (Hint: The Fallen Angels Slick New PR Campaign!) and the “Seed War” that God (YHWH) declared when He cursed the Serpent who tricked Eve.

“The Seed of the Serpent” has been waging war on “The Seed of The Woman” ever since – and it continues today. Hidden in “plane” sight.

Study Guides:

Homo Capensis: Elongated Skull Giants of Forbidden Biblical Archeology – The Nephilim Demon Mutants

The Lineages of Man and Nephilim

The Seed War Between Mankind and Nephilim – Demons Walk Among Us

Demons – Disembodied Nephilim Darksouls


Episode 2) The Nephilim Elongated Skull Giants – Biblical Enemies of God

“In keeping in mind that these legends materialized globally at approximately the same time – it’s more likely than not, in my opinion – that the universal story agrees with the record of every major culture of the ancient world in which the astonishingly consistent story is told of Gods that descended from heaven or came through spiral vortices to materialize in bodies of flesh. From Rome to Greece, and before that To Egypt, Persia, Assyria, Babylonia, Sumer – the earliest records of civilization tell of the era when powerful creatures known to the Hebrews as Watchers and in the Book of Genesis as Bene Ha Elohim – The Sons of God – mingled themselves with humans, giving birth to part celestial part terrestrial hybrids known as Nephilim. “

~Tom Horn

A) The Nephilim

Homo Capensis: Elongated Skull Giants of Forbidden Biblical Archeology – The Nephilim Demon Mutants of Genesis

Homo Capensis – The Biblical Nephilim Elongated Skull Giants

Anunnaki – The Princely Bloodline of the Nephilim Seed of the Serpent

B) Preflood History:

Historical Timeline Charts – Mapping History

The Great Flood of Noah

Beneath the heightened water levels and the mud floods of the post diluvian world, we find impossible megalithic structures and ancient empires standing as silent witnesses to the truth of our censored past.

The Book of Enoch – Scripture, History, or Both? (Censored History of Man)

C) The Return of the Nephilim

Then, post flood – through the lineage of Noah’s sons, especially Ham (who married Nephilim wives, as “All” flesh was corrupted) the “giants” spread anew as the many various tribes of fallen angel/nephilim worshiping giants that practiced child sacrifice rituals. These tribes were told by God to leave nothing alive of the Unholy Giants, (even the evil, genetically polluted mutant offspring) such as the Canaanites – those were Ham’s descendants.)

D) Nephilim & Fallen Angels occluded from modern Bibles

The Return of The Genesis 6 Watchers – Prophecies of Aliens Censored From Modern Bibles


Episode 3) The Multiple Personalities of History – One Story, Many “Babbled” Versions & Babylon, Babel & The Assembly of Gods

All the religions tell the same basic story in many “babeled” versions, either from the creators perspective (Hebrew Scriptures the Bible was based on, incompletely as much was taken out and censored) and then the various perspectives of the local pantheon of fallen angel offspring, the Nephilim – The God Kings of the pre flood (and Post flood, albeit smaller) world. In their version, the serpent is the bringer of knowledge. Dive a little deeper and we find out this knowledge is “The knowledge of good and evil” forbidden in the ancestral Garden of Eden.

A) The Same Story, Many Perspectives – The Pagan Roots of Modern Religions.

King Nimrod, ruler of the One World Government of Babylon, worshiping the fallen angels, leads mankind in rebellion to God by building a false Mount of Assembly, an Assembly of the Gods, A mighty Tower of Babel, right above the location where Cain first built the E-Abzu, the first Shrine to Enki, or Satan. In other words – a mega temple to the false Pantheon of Gods built right atop the Prison of the Fallen Angels, the Abyss.

Come, let us go down and there confuse their language, so that they cannot understand one another’s speech. So the Lord scattered them abroad from that place upon the face of all the earth. And they quit building the city”
~(Genesis 11:7–8)

B)The Tower of Babel Event & The Splitting of Tongues.  

The False Pagan Pantheons & Their Occult Progression – Charts



Episode 4) Pagan Rome, Sun Worship – And Early Christianity

Through a secession of pagan empires, the worship of the fallen lived on and became what we know of today as the occult secret societies of Mystery Babylon. Ultimately paving the way for Pagan Rome rising to power and prominence in the world. After defeating the Canaanite Phoenician empire of cannibalism and child sacrifice at Carthage. Rome itself became a hub of child sacrifice, pagan idolatry and secret society mystery schools in worship to the old gods…  Through esoteric teachings and pagan festivals in Rome such as Saturnalia, a time of Gift Giving (Christmas Gifts), Child Sacrifice (Gingerbread cookies), Fertility worship (mistletoe) and worship of the Sun and of resurrection, the False Church was born, the scarlet whore of Babylon, mentioned in Revelations 17:4

And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication”

~Revelation 17:4

A) Rome’s Persecution of Christianity

In an age of Blood Magick, Child Sacrifice & Ruthless God Kings, A humble carpenter-king began to spread the message of love, mercy, and redemption through Yahweh’s Law. A servant king replaced the God Kings, and a new world began. A world the Rulers of darkness have never stopped trying to reverse.

B) Roman History, Pagan Emperor Constantine & A Dark Agenda

“From the Second Vatican Council to today this deep church has managed to make the faithful swallow a new religion, while at the same time making them believe that they are still Catholics.”

– Archbishop Carlo Vigano


C) Nicean Christianity Or Death

The Catholic Church (Or Church of Rome) was the Pagan Emperor approved bishops convening to delete 1/3 of the Bible as the ancients knew it. The Ethiopian Canon still includes them, oldest on earth. They are responsible for censoring the true bible and forcing people into intermediary salvation middlemen, fact checking (Like Facebook fact checks for fake news…deceptively and with an agenda) and killing anyone who disagreed with them.

…The long-held claim that the Roman Catholic Church was the only church which never changed is not supported by church history not even Roman Catholic history. Most of these changes came as a result of yielding to pagan customs and practices which were subsequently incorporated into Roman Catholic teachings and worship.

And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication
~Revelation 17:4


Episode 5) UNCENSORED BIBLE – Correcting the Corruptions

If it were not possible to alter Gods word, then why do the many modern Bibles disagree, sometimes to the extent of entire books or passages missing or added? Why does God himself promise punishment to those who add to, or remove from, His word?

A) Subtly Sabotaged Bibles:

Why The King James “Authorized” Bible (And other Modern Bibles) Are Less Accurate Than Ancient Bibles.

B) Corruption Examples:

YHWHs name removed and replaced with Baal in English over 6000 times:

God’s Holy Name is YHWH, Not “The Lord” – A Slave’s Title for Baal (Jesus is Yashuah) –

C) Age of Lawlessness: A Deep Dive Into God’s Eternal Law, Sin, and Grace:

Marcionism – Grace & Lawlessness –

Jesus Kept Torah Law –


Episode 6) Controlled Opposition Christianity


A) Rome’s Stolen Valor: The False Rock – Catholicism’s False Doctrines & False Authority (Peter was NOT The Rock)

B) Doctrines of Devils – Pagan Infiltration

Roman Catholics who read the Bible will soon discover that many Catholic teachings and practices are specifically forbidden by Jesus Christ Himself.

Doctrines of Devils – Pagan Infiltration



B3) (splits the Church & Israel)

B4) Misunderstood Prophecies (Gap theory)

B5) Pre Tribulation Rapture Theory – Neutered Christians Activism

B6) Israel and the Church together as one body in Jesus Christ. – True Israel

The True Hebrew Israelites – (The Lost Tribes of Israel – Caucasian Europeans)

B7) Seed of the Serpent stole the identity of Gods people, True Israel (Europeans)

The Seed War Between Mankind and Nephilim Anunnaki – Demons Walk Among Us

Episode 7) The Rulers of Darkness

“In the days now long past the gods walked with men and the instructors from the invisible planes of Nature were still laboring with the infant humanity of this planet they chose from among the sons of men the wisest and the truest These they labored with preparing them to carry on the work of the gods after the spiritual hierarchies themselves had withdrawn into the invisible worlds With these specially ordained and illuminated sons they left the keys of their great wisdom which was the knowledge of good and evil They ordained these anointed and appointed ones priests or mediators between themselves the gods and that great mass of humanity which had not as yet developed the eyes which permitted them to gaze into the face of Truth and live.”
– Manly P Hall, What The Ancient Wisdom Expects Of It’s Disciples: A Study Concerning The Mystery Schools, pg 24.

A) Mystery Babylon – The Rulers of Darkness (Secret Societies)

The Rulers of Darkness – The Illuminati’s Greatest Secrets Revealed

Charting The Mystery Schools of Babylon

B) The Deep State Death Cult’s Doomsday Dollar Prophecy

The Dollar Doomsday “Prophecy” – What That Pyramid Means

C) The Children of Satan

The Scriptures speak of a Seed War between Man and Nephilim, culminating in the prophesied last war, the War of Gog & Magog.

Just what is this war? Who is this enemy? What is the Seed War? And who are the seeds? The puppet masters are revealed in this groundbreaking video. Who runs the Deep State? The secret Societies? Hollywood, the music industry, Children’s education, And the Vaccine depopulation agenda? The Nephilim. Hiding in plain sight, mass murdering Christians throughout all of recorded human history every chance they got. The original antichrist religion is millions strong and controls almost every government on earth. Everyone can feel the hidden hand oppressing them, but few have traced the branches of evil back to its roots.

Here, we explain the Origin of Evil and the New World Order (Actually, It’s based on the Old World Order, the first One World Government) And how it ends.

The Biblical Prophecy concerning the last battle and the War of Gog & Magog is revealing itself in current events and through the historical record. Prepare to be shocked, triggered, or perhaps to have revelations about just who you are, and where you fit into the grand scheme.

These things matter. Fauci the Freemason is poisoning the world over these beliefs the deep state write about, have ceremonies about, put art and statues all over capitals for, and ridicule anyone who looks into it keenly. Let’s go beyond the Culture war, the Political War, The Trade War, The World War, The Ukraine War… Let’s discuss the origin of every one of them: The Seed War.

Canaan was so wicked that his last will and testament to his children was a formula for vice. It read, “Love one another (that is, of this tribe only), love robbery, love lewdness, hate your masters, and do not speak the truth.” This remarkable document, the Will of Canaan, is to be found in only one place in all the world’s theological literature, the Babylonian Talmud, where it is presented thusly, “Five things did Canaan charge his sons: love one another, love robbery, love lewdness, hate your masters, and do not speak the truth.” Pes. 113b.”

~pg. 14 Curse of Canaan by Eustace Mullins

Note: 48+ US Presidents are related to one another and to King John Lackland, who himself claimed Nephilim/Giant ancestry: they still celebrate the giants Gog and Magog in London even today. 

We archive the historical documentation, the occult references of the freemasons own writings, their hand on the censored past we call history, and much more. We’ve compiled everything you need (along with your favorite bible) at, named after a lost library of Alexandria and its destroyed knowledge of the ancient world.

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956

Episode 8) The Greatest Deceptions

Scientism V Scientific Method

A) The Great Deception – The Satans Great Tribulation Lies Revealed

The Great Deception – The Satans Great Tribulation Lies Revealed?

B) The Great Apostasy (Falling Away) Already Happened: God is Not Dead

God’s Not Dead: Primordial Truth: YHWH (God) & Jesus ARE Real: Insurmountable Evidence Marathon (Debate Series)

C) Heliosorcery – Rome Weaponized Pagan Occult Fake Science To Debunk God’s Word

Heliosorcery – Rome Weaponized Pagan Occult Fake Science To Debunk God’s Word

SCIENTISM – The Cult of False Sciences

“Our journey begins with a man named Richard E. Byrd or more commonly known as Admiral Byrd. He was a highly decorated service member achieving the Medal of Honor and had an unquenchable thirst for exploring the unknown. This drive sent him to Antarctica numerous times, but the one expedition of interest is “Operation HighJump” (1946–1947). For this mission he was supported by the US Navy, giving him plenty of ships, boats, aircraft, and personnel to accomplish his goal. Well, he found something in Antarctica and in an interview gave an account of what he saw.
Here are a few quotes pulled from that interview, “Strangely enough, there is an area left in the world today an area as big as the United States that’s never been seen by a human being.” Byrd said he found this area as he moved further into Antarctica and even went on to say, “It’s an untouched reservoir of natural resources”. This isn’t the desolate wasteland of ice and snow that we typically think about when we imagine Antarctica, but according to the admiral if you travel far enough inland that is what you’ll see. Now unfortunately we cannot trust everything Byrd said as he was a Freemason, but it has been reported that he lost plane after plane due to some invisible barrier. Not too long after this started taking place did the expedition end, six months ahead of schedule mind you.“

Trigger Warning: We’re going to debunk 90% of what the government taught you in high school science books. Please check your ego (and everything you thought you knew) at the door.

We Debunk:

Carbon Dating
Out of Africa Theory
Space (Therefore Aliens)
Commoner’s Core Education
All Maps (Except this one)
The Fake News

We Prove:

Biblical Earth (Young, Flat, Domed, Stationary, and Geocentric)
The Flood of Noah
Dinosaurs (Dragons) were with Man most of human history.
Nephilim Giants Rule the World, Seed of the Serpent.
The Deep State worships Satan – blatantly at times.
Vaccines are Intentional, Planned Genocide & Population Reduction
NASA is lying about Space.
Weaponized Food
Baby Parts in Food Supply.
How the Megalithic Structures were Built, and by whom.
The Occult Origins of CRT & Common Core.
The Existence of God.

Study Guides:

SCIENTISM – The Cult of False Sciences

Heliosorcery – Rome Weaponized Pagan Occult Fake Science To Debunk God’s Word

*Heliocentricity (The idea that we spin around the sun)

*Global-ism (The idea we are on a globe or that our planet moves at all – and NASA /etc the supporting “science” they use to hold this theory up are easily debunked piece by juicy piece)

*The Big Bang Theory (Originally a mocking insult to Gamow’s “Evolutionary Theory of the universe”) this theory was based on Swedenborg’s “Nebular Hypothesis” which was derived from a séance. He said the angels told him the theory. This is quack science from seances. Do you prefer Science, or Séance? Hmm.

*Evolution (Debunked, even mainstream are now shifting towards Panspermia – the idea aliens made us.)

*Carbon Dating (Debunked, Helium dating puts the world at about 6-7 thousand years old, like the Bible shows – and is far more accurate.)

*Archeologists who expect us to believe “megalithic” structures built out of granite (just about as tough as diamond) were chiseled perfectly smooth into “cyclopean stonework” with bronze and stone age tools, and moved long distances in many cases whereas we cannot figure out how to transport such stone today with all our technological advantages? (giants did it)

*Out of Africa/mitochondrial eve/etc – we are actually a hybrid species, RH- genetics prove that, as will our archive. But shows like ancient aliens have done the work for us, their conclusion is inevitably: Aliens did it. I have a different take. Bene Ha Elohim: The Sons of God. AKA, The Fallen Angels (Also known as The Satan) which created the Nephilim of Genesis 6. The Seed of the Serpent. Cannibalistic Giants (Goliaths ancestors)



Episode 9) The Secret Societies: Crowley, Clinton, Bush & Moonchildren of Mystery Babylon

A) Aleister Crowley – The Beast of the Apocalypse?

Aleister Crowley – The Beast of the Apocalypse?

B) Moonchildren & Politics

George W. Bush, Barbara Bush, and Aleister Crowley

C) Hillary Clinton, Moonchild of Satanic Sex Rituals

Is Hillary Clinton A “Moon Child” Demon Incarnate?


Episode 10) Prophecy of the Return of the Watchers – Aliens


They are back. The Tower of Babel has been Rebuilt atop the ruins of the Ancient Roman Abyssal Gateway to the Underworld: Apollyacum. The prophecy of the Return of the Fallen Angels, the Watchers, sometime around the 1900s, has come to pass. After centuries of brainwashing by scientism, the way has been paved for the return of the old gods as aliens, as was foretold.”

These things matter to you. Fauci the Freemason is poisoning the world over these beliefs the Freemasonic Deep State writes about, has ceremonies for, commissions expensive art and statues all over capitols for, and builds temples all over the world in even remote locations (including altars) and ridicule anyone who looks into keenly as a conspiracy theorist. These victims likely include someone beloved by the vast majority who read this – I know my own dear grandmother won’t last much longer from it, and my young cousin had a heart episode after taking it for college.”

What they found in the caves of Qumran, which came to be known by the world as the Dead Sea Scrolls, has begun a great awakening in consciousness about our shared ancient past – the hidden history of mankind, His Story. Today they are trying harder and harder to convince the world Space Aliens are here among us. Governments are admitting it candidly for the first time after decades of hushed secrecy, disappearances, and ridicule for anyone brave enough to ask questions. Suddenly a shift: They want us to know – why? and why now? These predatory visitors are explained in the pre-Christian Book of 1Enoch.
Simultaneously the Deep State Sciences and Hollyweird are both attempting to convince us these things created us – a theory known as Panspermia (Which came about as the theory of Evolution is collapsing.)The historical accounts in Genesis 6 show us that The Fallen Angels (Watchers) had human hybrid babies (which became the cannibalistic giants in virtually every continent and geographies myths, and spiritual demons in death – much like todays LIGER class cat, 10x the size of a lion…these things were very, very hungry) and those NEPHILIM were a plague of violence and bloodshed and vanity on the earth. Eventually the Fallen Watchers (or their offspring) taught mankind mixing of various species (genetic manipulation, like the MRNA vaccine and mixing species bragged about in modern magazines) and “All flesh was corrupted” and then came The Great Flood to reset the playing field and cleanse the corrupted seed.1And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,

2That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
~Genesis 6:1-2 (Also Enoch 6:1-2, Jubilees 5:1)

The “Magnum Opus” or “Great Work” of the Freemasons is to rebuild this One World Government (NWO is really the Old World Order.)
And now, through the lies of false “Deep State Sciences” like EvolutionCarbon DatingCopernican Theories, etc – humanity has been primed for the return of the fallen angels as “Aliens.”And now they are back, and prophecy records they will try once again to once again create nephilim demigod monsters:

And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.

~Daniel 2:43




Study Guides:

The Return of The Genesis 6 Watchers – Prophecies of Aliens Censored From Modern Bibles

Aliens: The Bene Ha Elohim – The Sons of God (The Fallen Angel “Watchers”)


Episode 11) The Sin War – They Want Your Soul

The Culture War: Grooming, Trans Agenda, Satanism in Schools, They Want Your Children. But that isn’t all of it. They want you to Sin.

You now know that Nephilim mutant demons (fallen angel human hybrids, The Synagogue of Satan that Christ called a Generation of Vipers) descended from the Giants and Fallen Angels (Collectively: The Satan/Adversary) of Genesis 6.

You know about the Seed War between them and humanity (Genesis 3:15, Seed of the Serpent v Seed of the woman)

They hate you, They sacrifice and eat Christian babies for holidays. They’ve been evicted from hundreds of nations by the courts/governments for doing so. They feed us our own children as flavor enhancers like Senomyx and liquidate the vaccine victims and spray them on our food crops. They run the child-trafficking, porn, Hollyweird, Children’s entertainment, Music, Political industries as well as the deep state itself through the secret society Satanic covens, disproportionately represented in the halls of power as tyrants, where recently they were guests.

People refuse to believe. So now we are going to show you what they do to the goyim when they have power. Prepare to never eat again and cry until you’re dry.

Many know “The Lord” is not in original scriptures, it is Baal’s title (A Nephilim who built the tower of Babel aka Nimrod the Idiot) replacing God’s true name, YHWH – Which is numerically writ on your human DNA unless you’ve been vaccinated.

Few realize “Jew” was likewise not a word in original scriptures, it is a deception – imposter Hebrews.

They changed scripture and establishment science in order to prepare the world for the final takeover. Alien bodysnatcher movies got it close enough. Nephilim Demons live amongst us in the flesh, and they know only hate for the Children of Adam – the Seed of the Woman (mankind) whom they call Goyim.. They write that there can never be peace until they rule all of God’s creation, that they are destroyers.

Read their own Talmudic references to goy as animals. Raping goy children is fine, in fact – their Talmud is the opposite of the Bible, and undoes all 10 commandments and profanes the name of Christ Jesus (Yeshuah in Hebrew) as someone who ‘f***ed his donkey and boils in semen in hell.’ They do not follow the Torah, they admit all of this in their own writings. Including the sacrifice of Christian children.

Canaanite Nephilim pretending to uphold God’s law, perverting everything Christ out of it. Ignoring prophecies of Moses in Torah Such as Skipping Isaiah 53 in their own teachings, because it reflects Christ. And cursing anyone who calculates the actual dates of the Daniel 9 prophecy confirming it was already completed and dispensationalism is Freemasonic satanic injected doctrine.
*They* poisoned 30% of Christendom in the Black Death by poisoning Christian wells, Talmudic strongholds were untouched, Many confessed.

IT was not a virus.

Sound familiar? They are doing it again now.

Satanic Nephilim Talmudists are behind virtually every affront to God’s law, and human decency that threatens humanity right now. They are the Deep State Dukes of Edom.

Their plan to bring world chaos to boil by waging the Sin War (the true Culture War), to destabilize sovereign nations then introduce the globalist controlled opposition counterpunch, ”conservative” Noachide laws – which aren’t conservative, have nothing to do with Noah, and are Satanic and outlaw Christ as idolatry on pain of beheading.

You’ve been warned…

The War of Gog and Magog is upon us. (Some hints as to what those words mean… a secret enemy coming up from within.)


A) The Sin War

Study Guides:

The Sin War

Sinwar – The Origins of Assault Trannies



B) The Jewish Occult Origins of Transgenderism & Androgynous Edification

The Jewish Occult Origins of Transgenderism & Androgynous Edification

C) The Occult Origins of Sodomy & The LGBTQ Culture War

The Occult Origins of The Bisexual Nature of The Freemason’s Culture War


Episode 12) The Seed War – Loxist Hatred of Humans

A) The Time of Jacob’s Trouble

B) Zionism & The End of Edom

C) Who Controls The World? Them

D) Who are the Banksters, Exactly?

E) They Really Do Hate You (Remember Genesis 3:15?)

F) The War of Gog & Magog Against You

G) The Seed War


Episode 13) Covid19 Was A Nephilim Genocide Of Humanity and NWO Domination Plan

A) They Did This:


C) The Babylonian AntiBible, The Talmud:


Episode 14) Game Over – The End Times Mapping Project: God Wins In The End



Tremulous skeins of destiny

flutter so ethereally

around me – but then I feel

its embrace is that of steel.

~The Book of Counted Sorrows


An ancient evil arises once more, prophecies are being fulfilled, and the Last Days are upon us. Those same prophecies tell us exactly how this plays out – God Wins In The End. 


Remember this, and shew yourselves men: bring it again to mind, O ye transgressors.

Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me,

Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure… yea, I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it.

~Isaiah 46:8-11


Some say the world will end in fire,

Some say in ice.

From what I’ve tasted of desire

I hold with those who favor fire.

~Robert Frost


Who are The Two Witnesses?
Who is The Antichrist Son of Perdition?
What is The Great Tribulation?
When Will It Happen?
How DOES God Win In The End?
Who are the 144,000 ?


Study Guides:

Game Over – The End Times Mapping Project – God Wins In The End (And We Prove It)


Episode 15: Connecting the Dots of Hidden History & Every Conspiracy, Ever.




From our Hidden War series:


The Hidden War ep. 1 – Occult Connections of Crowley, Clinton, Bush

Notes – George W. Bush, Barbara Bush, and Aleister Crowley & Is Hillary Clinton the Demon Hillarion?

The Hidden War ep. 2 – Why The King James “Authorized” Bible (And other Modern Bibles) Are Less Accurate

Notes – Why The King James “Authorized” Bible (And other Modern Bibles) Are Less Accurate Than Ancient Bibles

The Hidden War ep. 3 – The Censored Book of Enoch. Prophecy of Fallen Angels Posing As Aliens

Notes – Dead Sea Scrolls – Prophecies of Aliens Censored From Modern Bibles

The Hidden War ep. 4 – The Nephilim Elongated Skull Giants – Biblical Enemies of God

Notes – Giants of Forbidden Archeology: The Biblical Nephilim – Enemies of God

The Hidden War ep. 5 – Mystery Babylon – The Rulers of Darkness (Secret Societies) (Coming soon)

Notes – The Rulers of Darkness – The Illuminati’s Greatest Secrets Revealed

The Hidden War ep. 6 – Covid19 Was A Khazarian Genocide and NWO Domination Plan (Coming Soon)

Notes – The Black Plague (Poison) 2.0 – Covid19 Was A Jewish NWO Depopulation & Domination Plan & Covid19 Infographics – Seed War Genocide
Notes – The Seed War – War of Gog & Magog – Amalekites>Khazarians>Askhenazi>Now & The Seed War Between Mankind and Nephilim – Demons Walk Among Us
Notes – Babylon’s Most Unholy Book – AntiChrist Talmud: Sin to Win

The Hidden War ep. 7 – The Multiple Personalities of History – One Story, Many “Babbled” Versions

“In keeping in mind that these legends materialized globally at approximately the same time – it’s more likely than not, in my opinion – that the universal story agrees with the record of every major culture of the ancient world in which the astonishingly consistent story is told of Gods that descended from heaven or came through spiral vortices to materialize in bodies of flesh. From Rome to Greece, and before that To Egypt, Persia, Assyria, Babylonia, Sumer – the earliest records of civilization tell of the era when powerful creatures known to the Hebrews as Watchers and in the Book of Genesis as Bene Ha Elohim – The Sons of God – mingled themselves with humans, giving birth to part celestial part terrestrial hybrids known as Nephilim. “

~Tom Horn

Notes – The Multiple Personalities of History – One Story, Many “Babbled” Versions & Babylon, Babel & The Assembly of Gods

The Hidden War ep. 8 – The Deep State Death Cult’s Doomsday Dollar Prophecy

Notes – The Dollar Doomsday “Prophecy” – What That Pyramid Means


The Hidden War ep. 9 – Sinwar – The Origins of Assault Trannies

Notes – Sinwar – The Origins of Assault Trannies

Sinwar – The Origins of Assault Trannies


Our Uncensored Church Series:

Uncensored Church – Full Series

“But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.”

~Daniel 12:4


For Uncensored Church Chat:



Telegram Chatroom – Here

Series Index: Here


Uncensored Church #1: The Great Deception – The Satans Great Tribulation Lies Revealed?>> Click Here

Notes – The Great Deception – The Satans Great Tribulation Lies Revealed?

Uncensored Church #2: The Prophecies of Aliens Censored From Modern Bibles >> Click Here

Notes – Dead Sea Scrolls – Prophecies of Aliens Censored From Modern Bibles


Demons – Disembodied Nephilim Darksouls

The Nature of The Adversary (The Satan)

Seed War – Dead Sea Scrolls Reveal The Secrets of the End Times & The Mystery Religion of The Deep State

Bene Ha Elohim – The Sons of God (Aka, The Watchers – Fallen Angels)


Uncensored Church #3: Scientism: The Cult of Fake News In Science (Attack on Faith)>> Click Here

Notes – SCIENTISM – The Cult of False Sciences

Uncensored Church #4: Dead Sea Scrolls Reveal The Secrets of the End Times>> Click Here

Notes – Seed War – Dead Sea Scrolls Reveal The Secrets of the End Times & The Mystery Religion of The Deep State

Uncensored Church #5: End Times Prophecies Are Happening – Discussion>> Click Here

Notes – Game Over – The End Times Mapping Project

Uncensored Church #6: Christmas – Baal’s Birthday, The Antichrist Resurrection Ritual – Paganized Christianity>> Click Here

Notes – Christmas – A Pagan Infiltration of Christianity – Has Nothing To Do with Christ

Uncensored Church #7: Age of Lawlessness: Jesus Kept Torah – A Deep Dive Into God’s Eternal Law, Sin, and Grace

Notes – Torah Can Save Your Soul – A Deep Dive Into God’s Eternal Law, Sin, and Grace

Uncensored Church #8: The Scarlet Whore – Antichrist Catholicism: Satan’s Controlled Op Christianity

Notes – Catholicism – The Scarlet Whore of Babylon

Uncensored Church #9: The Jews: Antichrist Hybrid Descendants of Demons, “Seed of The Serpent”>> Click Here

Notes – The Seed War Between Mankind and Nephilim – Demons Walk Among Us

Notes – The Black Plague (Poison) 2.0 – Covid19 Was A Jewish NWO Depopulation & Domination Plan

Notes – The Seed War – War of Gog & Magog – Jewish Nephilim NWO Takeover Prophecy

Notes – The Nephilim Tribes of Canaan, Amalekites, Edomites, Idumeans, Khazarians (Jews)

Notes – 97%+ Of Jews Are Not of Abraham – Fake Hebrews

Uncensored Church #10: The Giants & The Nephilim>> Click Here

Notes – Elongated Skull Giants of Forbidden Archeology: The Biblical Nephilim – Enemies of God

Uncensored Church #11: What Happens When You Die According To God>> Click Here

Notes – What Happens When You Die According To God

Uncensored Church #12: Heliosorcery – Rome Weaponized Pagan Occult Fake Science To Debunk God’s Word

Notes – Heliosorcery – Rome Weaponized Pagan Occult Fake Science To Debunk God’s Word

Notes – Heliosorcery – The Papacy Contrived Hermetic Pagan Globe Earth (Heliocentric Sun Worship) To Debunk The Bible

Uncensored Church #13: Easter or Passover? Pagan or Christian? A Satanic Deception or The Truth?

Notes – Passover in the New Testament

Notes – The Occult Origins of Easter

Uncensored Church #14: The Jewish Occult Origins of Transgenderism & Androgynous Edification

Notes – The Jewish Occult Origins of Transgenderism & Androgynous Edification

Uncensored Church #15: Biblical Earth – Young, Stationary, Geocentric, Flat, Hollow & Domed

Notes – Biblical Earth – Young, Stationary, Geocentric, Flat, Hollow & Domed

Notes – Heliosorcery – Rome Weaponized Pagan Occult Fake Science To Debunk God’s Word

Notes – SCIENTISM – The Cult of False Sciences

Notes – Documentary:

Biblical Earth Documentary – Young, Stationary, Geocentric, Flat, Hollow & Domed


Uncensored Church 16: The True Hebrew Israelites – (The Lost Tribes of Israel – Europeans)

Notes – The True Hebrew Israelites – (The Lost Tribes of Israel – Europeans)

Notes – The Jewish Paradox – Imposter Hebrews

Notes – 100 PROOFS the lsraelites were Caucasian

Notes – JEW OR JUDAH? The Original Manuscripts Never Used The Word ‘Jew’

Notes – Documentary:  The Real Jews Were White: The Synagogue Of Satan & Identity Theft of European History


In case you missed it:

Primordial Truth: Mapping the Rabbit Holes – Know Everything!

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