The Library
1919 US War Dept Investigation Substantiates Protocols of Zion by Unknown
100 Facts About Whites and Blacks (But One Lie) by Unknown
200 Years Together by Aleksandr Solzenhitsyn
The $5 Trillion Dollar Cold War Hoax by Eustace Mullins
The 6 Million: Fact or Fiction? by Peter Winter
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Abrahamic Covenant by E. Raymond Capt
Abraham Lincoln and the Jews by Isaac Markens
Adamites and Preadamites by Alexander Winchell
The Affinity Between the Hebrew Language and the Celtic by Thomas Stratton
The Africa of Albert Schweitzer by Charles R. Joy and Melvin Arnold
African Americans and Serial Killing in the Media by Anthony Walsh
Alfred Rosenberg and the Track of the Jews Through the Ages by Eustace Mullins
The Alien Menace: A Statement of the Case by A.H. Lane
Alien Minorities and Mongrelization by Miss Marilyn R. Allen
Alien Nation by Peter Brimelow
All America Must Know the Terror That Is Upon Us by Dr Revilo P. Oliver
American Christian Rulers or Religion and Men of Government by Rev. Edward J. Giddings
American Dissident Voices Collection by Dr. William L. Pierce
America in the Kingdom Parables by C.O. Stadsklev
America Needs Divine Law by Dr. J. Franklin Snook
America not Discovered by Columbus by Rasmus B. Anderson
The American Jew by Telemachus Thomas Timayenis
The American Negro as a Dependent, Defective and Delinquent by Chas H. McCord
The American Race by Daniel G. Brinton
American Race Theorists by Bram Campbell
America’s Decline by Revilo P. Oliver
America, Roosevelt and the Causes of the Present War by Ezra Pound
America’s New Robber Barons by Eustace Mullins
America’s Unelected Rulers by Kent and Phoebe Courtney
Am I an Anti-Semite? by Rev. Charles E. Coughlin
Annals of Clonmacnois
The Anatomy of a Conspiracy of Race Riots and Revolution by Gary L. Wean
Ancient Celtic/Scottish Viking Sites in New Zealand? by Unknown
Ancient Hebrew Sea Migrations by Unknown
Ancient Israel in Spain and Britain by Pastor J.S. Brooks
Ancient Jerusalem by The Religious Tract Society
Ancient Man: A Handbook of Puzzling Artifacts by William R. Corliss
Ancient Man in Britain by Donald A. Mackenzie
The Ancient Mark-Stones of East Anglia Their Origin and Folklore by W.A. Dutt
The Ancient and Medieval Architecture of India: A Study of Indo-Aryan Civilisation by E.B. Havell
Ancient Mining on the Shores of Lake Superior by Charles Whittlesey
Ancient Pillar Stones of Scotland, Their Significance and Bearing on Ethnology by George Moore
And Men Wept by Catherine Palfrey Baldwin
The Anglo-American Establishment by Carroll Quigley
Anglo-Israel or the British Nation the Lost Tribes of Israel by Rev. W.H. Poole
Anglo-Israel, the Jewish Problem, and Supplement by Rev. Thomas Rosling Howlett
Anglo-Israel a Lecture by William Greig
The Anglo-Israel Post Bag by Rev. J.H. Titcomb
An Anglo-Israel Primer by Henry Sweet
Anglo-Israel or the Saxon Race Proved to be the Lost Tribes of Israel by Rev. W.H. Poole
Anglo-Saxons and Celts Unite and Fight Against World Government by Eustace Mullins
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle by Unknown
Anglo-Saxon Superiority: To What It Is Due by Edmond Demolins
Anglo-Saxon Supremacy or Race Contributions to Civilization by John L. Brandt
Anne Frank’s Diary a Hoax by Ditlieb Felderer
The Annihilation of Man, the Conspiracy for His Destruction by Kenneth Roderick McKilliam
Answers to Sixty Anglo-Israel Difficulties by John Wilson
Anthropology for the People by Caucasian
The Anti-Defamation League by Senator Jack Tenney
The Anti-Defamation League and Its Use in the World Communist Offensive by Robert H. Williams
The Anti-Humans by Dumitru Bacu
Anti-Semitic Causes of Today by Robert Edward Edmondson
Anti-Semitism: Cui Bono? by Dr. K.R. Bolton
Antisemitism: Its History and Causes by Bernard Lazare
Apotheosis of the Jew by A.K. Chesterton
The Archer and the Steppe or The Empires of Scythia by F.R. Grahame
The Archko Volume by Dr. McIntosh and Dr. Twyman
Are the Jews a Race by Karl Kautsky
Are the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel Really Lost? by Pastor Dan Gayman
Are Not These the Footsteps of Jezreel? by Rev. J.M. Hodge
Are These Things So? by World Alliance Against Jewish Aggressiveness (WAAJA)
Are We a Declining Race? by Walter Hunt
Are We of Israel? by George Reynolds
Are You an Israelite? by Pastor Dan Gayman
The Arnold Leese Pamphlet Collection by Arnold Leese
Aryan Civilization by Fustel De Coulanges
The Aryan Homeland by Henri Martin
The Aryan Household by William Edward Hearn
The Aryan Origin of the Gaelic Race and Language by Rev. Ulick J. Bourke
The Aryan Race Its Origin and Its Achievements by Charles Morris
The Aryan Village in India and Ceylon by Sir John B. Phear
Asianizing Australia: An Elite’s Long-Term Project by Denis McCormack
The Asiatic Danger in the Colonies by L.E. Neame
The Assassination of Dr. H.F. Verwoerd and British American Scheming by Jan Marais
As We Sodomize America by O.R. Adams, Jr.
Atlantic Crossings Before Columbus by Frederick J. Pohl
Atlantis – Any work by Berlitz! Wanted!
Auschwitz by Christophersen Roeder
Auschwitz Crematorium 1 by Carlo Mattogno
Auschwitz Lies by Germar Rudolf and Carlo Mattogno
Auschwitz: Plain Facts by Germar Rudolf Et Al.
The Babylonian Connection by Stephen Jones
The Babylonian Talmud, Complete Soncino Edition by various Jews
Balaam’s Doctrine, What Is It? by Arnold Kennedy
The Balance Sheet of Sovietism by Boris L. Brasol
Banged Up by David Irving
Banking and Currency and the Money Trust by Charles A. Lindbergh
Barbarians Inside the Gates by Donn de Grand Pre
Bassou: The Bible, Science and Race by Kenneth McKilliam
Beautiful and Dynamic Detroit (Detroit before diversity) by Detroit Convention and Tourist Bureau
The Beginnings of History by Francois Lenormant
The Beginnings of Libraries by Ernest Cushing Richardson
Behind the Balfour Declaration, Britain’s Great Pledge to Lord Rothschild by Robert John
Behind Communism by Frank L. Britton
Behind the Falkland Islands Story by Eustace Mullins
Behold the International Jew! by Col. Jack Mohr
Behold a Pale Horse by Milton William Cooper
Belzec by Carlo Mattogno
Beraysheeth or In the Beginning by George O. Barnes
Besieged Patriot by Gerald G.K. Smith
Best of Merchant Redpills 2019 by Unknown
Best Witness: The Mel Mermelstein Affair and the Triumph of Historical Revisionism by Michael Collins Piper
The Betrayal of the White Race by Erst La Flor
Be Ye Not Unequally Yoked Together Through Deceptive Love by Adam de Witt
Beyond Misinformation What Science Says About the Destruction of World Trade Center Buildings 1, 2, and 7 by Ted Walter
The Bible as History by Rev. Dr. A. Law
The Bible Is True by Howard B. Rand
Bible Law on Money by Sheldon Emry
The Bible and Segregation by C.R. Dickey
A Bible Treatise on Segregation by Festus F. Windham
The Bible Verified by Rev. Andrew W. Archibald
Billions for the Bankers, Debts for the People by Sheldon Emry
Binding the Strong Man by Willie Martin
The Biological Jew by Eustace Mullins
The Biology of the Race Problem by Prof. Wesley C. George
The Bizarre Story of Kristallnacht by Ingrid Weckert
The Black Book of Communism by Jonathan Murphy and Mark Kramer
Black Innovation? by V.S. Herrell
The Black Plague: Destroying America from Within by Eustace Mullins
The Black Shadow and the Red Death by Billy Munday
Blasting the Historical Blackout by Harry Elmer Barnes
Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier
Blood Groups and Race by Roger Pearson
Blood and Iron by John Hubert Gruesel
The Blood of the Nation by David Starr Jordan
Blood Passover – The Jews of Europe and Ritual Murder by Ariel Toaff
A Book of Giants: Tales of Very Tall Men of Myth, Legend, History, and Science by Henry Wysham Lanier
The Book of Revelation by Bertrand L. Comparet
“Born Again” or “Begotten from Above?” by Arnold Kennedy
Boycott the Jewish Weapon by Eustace Mullins
Breaking the Spell by Nicholas Kollerstrom
Britain and the Gael by William Beal
Britannia After the Romans by Algernon Herbert
The British Edda by Unknown
British History Traced from Egypt and Palestine by Rev. L.G.A. Robert
British Israel Doctrine Problems by Arnold Kennedy
The “Brotherhood” Fraud by Myron C. Fagan
Buddha the Israelite by Isabel Hill Elder
The Bunkers of Auschwitz by Carlo Mattogno
Campaign in Russia by Leon Degrelle
The Camp of the Saints by Jean Raspail
Canaanite Myths and Legends by J.C.L. Gibson
Canada As It Is by John Foster Fraser
The Canon of the Old and New Testaments Ascertained by Archibald Alexander
The Case for Germany by A.P. Laurie
Caucasian Legends by Sergei de Wesselitsky-Bojidarovitch
Causes and Effects of the First World War by Captain Kenneth McKilliam
The Cause of World Unrest by Howell Arthur Gwynne
Caution: Zionism! by Jim Saleam and Alec Saunders
CDC Lowers Guidelines For PCR Test On Vaccinated Individuals
The Celebration of Rosh Hashanah by Eustace Mullins
Celt, Druid, and Culdee by Isabel Hill Elder
The Celtic Christianity of Cornwall by Thomas Taylor
The Celtic Church in Britain and Ireland by Heinrich Zimmer
Celtic Iberia by Unknown
The Celtic Inscriptions of Cisalpine Gaul by Sir John Rhys
The Celt and the World: A Study of the Relation of Celt and Teuton in History by Shane Leslie
Censored History by Eric D. Butler
Chaplains and Clergy of the Revolution by J.T. Headley
Chapters on the Early History of Glastonbury Abbey by Rev. William H.P. Greswell
Characters of the Reformation by Hilaire Belloc
Charles Martel and the Rescue of Europe or Moslem and Frank by G.L. Strauss
Chicago’s Black Traffic in White Girls by Mrs. Jean Turner-Zimmerman
Chinese Communism and Chinese Jews by Itsvan Bakony
The Christian Doctrine of Nations by H.A. Scott Trask
The Christian Guide to Mass-Media Mythology by Sheldon Emry, Ben Williams, and Paul Bunch
Christianity, Truth and Fantasy: The Holocaust, Historical Revisionism and Christians Today by Herman Otten
Christianity vs Judeo-Christianity by Malcolm Ross
Christians Before Columbus by Pastor Earl Jones
Christian Sheep and Satan’s Wolves by James Combs
Christian Zionism: Its History, Theology and Politics by Stephen Sizer
Christ Was Not a Jew by Jacob Elon Conner
A Chronology of the International Conspiracy to Form the New World Order by Willie Martin
The Church by Arnold Kennedy
Cimmerians and Scythians by W.H. Fasken
Cin of Drom-Snechta
Cinderella: Israel in Disguise by Sheldon Emry
The Clansman by Thomas Dixon
The Collected Works of Col. Jack Mohr by Col. Jack Mohr
The Color of Crime by Jared Taylor
The Color Line by William Benjamin Smith
Communism: A Legacy of Terror by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Communism with the Mask Off by Dr. Joseph Goebbels
Communism and the New Left by Joseph Newman
The Communists and the Struggle for Negro Liberation by James W. Ford
Communism a Jewish Talmudic Concept by Willie Martin
The Compilation of Jewish Ritual Murders from Before the Time of Christ Until 1932 by Unknown
The Complete Works of Bertrand Comparet by Bertrand Comparet
Concentration Camp Majdanek by Jurgen Graf and Carlo Mattogno
Concentration Camp Stutthof and Its Function in National Socialist Jewish Policy by Jurgen Graf and Carlo Mattogno
The Confessions of an Anti-Semite by Michael Collins Piper
Confessions of Stalin’s Agent by Kenneth Goff
The Conflict of the Ages by Arno Clemens Gaebelein
The Conquering Jew by John Foster Fraser
Conquest of a Continent by Madison Grant
Conquest Through Immigration by George W. Robnett
The Conquest of the World by the Jews by Major Bey Osman
Conservatives and Race: How Political Correctness and Multiculturalism Have Transformed the Right by Kevin Lamb
Conspiracy Against Freedom by Liberty Lobby
The Conspiracy to Destroy All Existing Governments and Religions by William Guy Carr
The Controversy of Zion by Douglas Reed
Coup d’Etat – The Bizarre Inside Story of How the CIA and Mossad Took Over the Institute for Historical Review by Michael Collins Piper
The Covenant or Jacob’s Heritage by Fred. Chas. Danvers
The Covenant People by William J. Cameron
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The Cradle of the Aryans by Gerald H. Rendall
Creed of a Fascist Revolutionary by A.K. Chesterton
The Cremation Furnaces Of Auschwitz Part 1 by Carlos Mattogno
The Crime of Our Age by Dr. Ludwig A. Fritsch
A Critique of Race-Mixing by Andrew Ryan and Peter J. White
Crypto-Jews in the Canaries by Lucien Wolf
The Cult of the All-Seeing Eye by Robert Keith Spenser
The Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald
The Curse of Canaan by Eustace Mullins
Dachau: Reality and Myth by John Cobden
Dallas Conspiracy by Nord Davis, Jr.
The Danger of International Merger-Mania by Eustace Mullins
Deadlier than the H-Bomb by Leonard Young
Dealing in Hate by Dr. Michael F. Connors
Death of a City by Michael McLaughlin
The Death of James Forrestal by Cornell Simpson
Debacle in Damascus: The 1840 Ritual Murder Case by Harrell Rhome
Debunking the Genocide Myth by Paul Rassinier
Defensive Racism by Edgar J. Steele
The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt
Denominational Doctrine Vs. the Bible by Matthew D. Dyer
Deportation and Colonization by Walter L. Fleming
The Descent of Bolshevism by Ameen Rihani
The Development of Germanophobia by Michael F. Connors
Devilry in the Holy Land by Arnold Leese
Did King Solomon’s Fleets Visit America? by William F. Dankenbring
Did the Norsemen Erect the Newport Round Tower? by Barthinius L. Wick
The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry by Walter N. Sanning
Drugs in Prophecy by Sheldon Emry
The Economic Pinch by C.A. Lindbergh
Egypt and Israel by W.M. Flinders Petrie
Elegy for a State by Eustace Mullins
Epilogue: The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse by Eustace Mullins
The Ethnostate by Wilmot Robertson
Eustace C. Mullins a Tribute by John Kaminski
Every Vaccine Produces Harm by Dr. Andrew Moulden
Ezra Pound by Eustace Mullins
Ezra Stiles and the Jews by George Alexander Kohut
Facts and Fictions Regarding Noah’s Flood by Charles A. Weisman
The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour by Various Authors
The Fall of Western Man by Mark Collett
The Federal Reserve Conspiracy by Eustace Mullins
Final Judgment – The Missing Link In the JFK Assassination Conspiracy by Michael Collins Piper
For My Legionaires by Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
The Fraud of Soviet Anti-Semitism by Herbert Aptheker
Germany and England by Nesta Webster
Germany Must Perish by Theodore Kaufman
God Punishes Israel by Sheldon Emry
The Grave Diggers of Russia by Alfred Rosenberg
Heirs of the Promise by Sheldon Emry
The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century by Arthur Butz
Indian Slavery In Colonial Times Within The Present Limits Of The United States by Almon Lauber
The International Jew: The World’s Foremost Problem by Henry Ford
The Invention of the Jewish People by Shlomo Sand
The Iron Curtain Over America by John Beaty
Is Universalism Of God? by Charles A. Wiseman
I Testify Against The Jews by Robert E. Edmondson
I Will Send You Elijah the Prophet by Sheldon Emry
Jesus Christ the Galilean by Sheldon Emry
Jewish Confessions of Ritual Murder
Jewish Dominance And Control of Trans-Atlantic African Slave Trade
The Jewish Fifth Column in India by Itsvan Bakony
The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians by Christopher Jon Bjerknes
Jewish Inroads Into British Royalty by J. Thorkelson
Jewish Involvement in Shaping American Immigration Policy, 1881 – 1965 by Kevin MacDonald
The Jewish Onslaught by Tony Martin
Jewish Ritual Murder by Arnold Leese
The Jews by Hilaire Belloc
The Jews And Their Lies by Martin Luther
Jews Behind Race Mixing by Dr. Edward R. Fields
The Jew, the Gypsy, and El Islam by Richard Burton
The Judas Goats – The Enemy Within by Michael Collins Piper
Judah’s Sceptre And Joseph’s Birthright by J.H. Allen
Karl Marx – Racist by Nathaniel Weyl
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The Life Of An American Jew In Racist Marxist Israel by Jack Bernstein
Light Dawns On West Virginia History by Ida Jane Gallagher
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Love Letter To America by Yuri Bezmenov (aka Tomas Schuman)
Man In The Middle: Abe Feinberg And US-Israel Relations, 1945-1968 by Max Rotenberg
Mass Conversion and Genealogical Mentalities- Jews and Christians in Fifteenth-Century Spain by David Nirenberg
The Masterminds of Stonehenge by Paul Bunch
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Murder By Injection: The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America by Eustace Mullins
The Myth of German Villainy by Brenton L. Bradberry
The Nameless War by Captain Achibald Ramsay
Narrative Of The Captivity And Restoration Of Mary Rowlandson by Mary Rowlandson
Negroes In Negroland by Hinton R. Helper
The New Jerusalem: Zionist Power in America by Michael Collins Piper
The New Testament Israel by Sheldon Emry
Not Of One Blood by Charles A. Wiseman
Nuremberg: The Last Battle by David Irving
The Old Jerusalem Is Not the New Jerusalem by Sheldon Emry
The Origins Of The Jews by Sheldon Emry
The Origin Of Race And Civilizaiton by Charles A. Wiseman
Our Jewish Aristocracy by Arnold Leese
The Passing Of The Great Race by Madison Grant
Paul and Joseph of Arimathea by Sheldon Emry
Pawns In The Game by William Guy Carr
The Pedigree Of Judah by Lothrop Stoddard
Physical Anthropology Of The Jews by Maurice Fishberg
The Plot Against South Africa by Klaus D. Vaque
The Port Arthur Massacre: A Mossad Operation
Positive Christianity in the Third Reich by Professor D. Cajus Fabricius
Pre-Adamite Man or The Story Of Our Old Planet And Its Inhabitants by Isabella Duncan
Proofs of a Conspiracy by John Robison
The Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion
A Program For The Jews And An Answer To All Anti-Semites by Rabbi Harry Waton
Races In Chaos by W.G. Finlay
The Rapture Of The Saints by Duncan McDougall
The Rapture of the Wicked by Sheldon Emry
Red Symphony — Interrogation of Christian Rakovsky by Dr. J. Landowsky
Revenge Of The Neanderthal by Willis Carto
The Rich Man and Lazarus by Sheldon Emry
The Riddle of the Jew’s Success by Capel Pownall
The Rising Tide of Color by Lothrop Stoddard
Rivers Of Blood Speech by Enoch Powell
Roosevelt’s Communist Manifesto by Emanuel Josephson
The Rulers Of Russia by Denis Fahey
Russia’s Grave Diggers by Alfred Rosenberg
The Satan Controversy by Sheldon Emry
The Satanic Phenomenon: Medieval Representations of Satan by Morgan Matos
The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews (Vol.1) by Nation Of Islam
The Secret World Government or “The Hidden Hand” by Maj. General Cherep-Spiridovich
Secrets Of The Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins
The Seven Sins of Canaan by Sheldon Emry
Sex and Culture by Joseph D. Unwin
Should Christians Love The Wicked? by Sheldon Emry
Six Million Open Gates by S.A.R. Lynch
Solving The Mystery Of Babylon The Great — Tracking The Beast From The Synagogue To The Vatican by Edward Hendrie
SPARS Pandemic Scenario by Johns Hopkins University
Take Your Choice, Separation or Mongrelization by Theodore G. Bilbo
The Talmud Unmasked by Rev. I.B. Pranaitis Link Two.
They Dare To Speak Out by Paul Findley
They Were White And They Were Slaves: The Untold History of the Slavement Of Whites In Early America by Michael Hoffman
The Thirteenth Tribe by Arthur Koestler
The Transfer Agreement and the Boycott Fever 1933 by Udo Walendy
The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop
Tracing our Ancestors by Frederick Haberman
Twilight Over England by William Joyce
Theozoology By Jorg Lanz Von Liebenfels
Understanding the Jews, Understanding Anti-Semitism by Hervé Ryssen
Under the Sign of the Scorpion – Rise and Fall of the Soviet Empire by Juri Lina
The Victory Of Judaism Over Germanism by Wilhelm Marr
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution by Anthony Sutton
Waters Flowing Eastward by L. Fry (aka Paquita de Shishmareff)
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What About The Seedline Doctrine? A Biblical Examination And Explanation of The Cain-Satanic Seedline Doctrine by Charles A. Weisman
Where is Your Soul After Death by Sheldon Emry
Who Are Israelites by Sheldon Emry
Who Is Esau-Edom? by Charles A. Weisman
Who Killed Christ by Sheldon Emry
Witness To History by Michael Walsh
The World Conquerors – The Real War Criminals by Louis Marschalko
You Gentiles by Maurice Samuel
To be continued…
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Confessions of a British Spy and British Enmity Against Islam – the Memoirs of Mr. Hempher pdf
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John Gibbons Interviews David Wise – Recommended Listening
Video Library
*** Europa – The Last Battle ***
Hellstorm – The Real Genocide of Nazi Germany
When The Survivors of Atlantis Wake Up
Documentary: Forbidden history: Operation Keelhaul 1945
A Planned Trespass: Christopher J on Common Law
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Items to Find:
“Josephus,” the “Odyssey,” the “Iliad,” Terrien de Lacouperie’s “Early History of Chinese Civilization,” Flammarion’s “Astronomical Myths,” Lenormant’s “Beginnings of History,” Hesiod’s “Theogony,” Sir John de Maundeville’s writings, and Sayce’s “Records of the Past,”
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Primordial Truth: Mapping the Rabbit Holes – Know Everything!
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