The Allegations of Blood Libel Across Jewish History
“At the dawn of civilization, the blood rite, in which human blood is drunk from the body of a still-living victim, was known to many tribes. However, only one people, that has never progressed beyond the Stone Age, has continued to practice the blood rite and ritual murder. This people is the Jews. We have already noted that Arnold Toynbee, a noted scholar, has called the Jews “a fossil people”. I n so doing, he must have been aware of the fact that they still practice ritual murder and the drinking of human blood. As a scholar, he could not have failed to note the many attested incidents of this practice of the Jews, for hundreds of examples of ritual murder by the Jews are cited i n official Catholic books, in every European literature, and in the court records of all European nations.
It is the official historian of the Jews, Kastein, in his “History of the Jews”, who gives the underlying reason for this barbaric
custom. On page 173, he says, “According to the primeval Jewish view, the blood was the seat of the soul.” Thus it was not the heart which was the seat of the soul, according to the stone-age Jews, but the blood itself. They believed that by drinking the blood of a Christian victim who was perfect in every way, they could overcome their physical short-comings and become as powerful as the intelligent civilized beings among whom they had formed their parasitic communities.Because of this belief, the Jews are known to have practiced drinking blood since they made their first appearance in history. Civilized people find this practice so abhorrent that they cannot believe it, despite the hundreds of pages of evidence against the Jews which are found i n court records. Historical records for five thousand years have provided irrefutable proof of the blood guilt of the Jews.
As other people became more civilized, the blood rite became a symbolic one, and a symbolic form of blood, usually wine, was drunk during the ritual, while the barbaric practice of killing a victim was given up altogether. Only one group, the Jewish cult, has continued to practice the blood rite i n modern times. Authorities on the blood rite, such as the noted Catholic scholar, James E . Bulger, state that the Jews practice the blood drinking rite because they are a parasitic people who must partake of the blood of the gentile host if they are to continue to survive. Bulger also states that the drinking of blood is a rite of black magic which enables the Jewish rabbis to predict the future as the blood of their gentile victim courses through their veins.
Therefore, Jewish leaders from time to time entice a gentile child, preferably male, and from six to eight years old. According to Jewish ritual, the gentile child must be perfectly formed, intelligent, and without blemish. He also must be younger than the age of puberty, because the Jews’ believe that the blood becomes impure after the beginning of puberty. When the child is enticed into the synagogue, or, if the Jews are under observation, into some more secret gathering-place, the kidnapped child is tied down onto a table, stripped, and its body pierced with sharp ritual knives i n the identical places where the nails entered the body of Christ on the cross. As the blood is drained into cups, the Jewish leaders raise the cups and drink from them, while the gentile child slowly expires in an atmosphere of unrelieved horror. The Jews call down curses upon Christ and on all the gentiles, and celebrate their symbolic victory over the gentiles as they continue to drink the blood of the dying child. Only by performing this rite, so the Jews believe, can they continue to survive and prosper among the gentile host.
Although all Jews are aware of the blood rite and its importance to the Jewish cult, only the most important Jewish leaders, the rabbis and the wealthiest members of the Jewish community are allowed to participate in the blood-drinking rite. Kastein states, on page. 173, that the ordinary Jews are forbidden to participate in the rite. One reason for this is the fact that the practice of ritual murder is fraught with danger for the entire Jewish community. Most uprisings against the Jews during the past two thousand years have stemmed from the discovery of this practice, and the resulting attempts of the gentiles to punish the Jews for murdering gentile children.
There are so many thousands of well-attested examples of Jewish murder of children that we need only cite a few. In “Excavations at Gezer“, the archaeologist R . A . S. Macalister notes that the bodies of sacrificed young children are found in every strata of Jewish remains from the earliest times. Photographs of the children’s bodies are published in Macalister’s book, although the book itself, like most works which attest to the criminal nature of the Jews, is now almost unobtainable. It is classified as a rare book, and most rare book dealers are Jews.”
~Eustace Mullins – New History of the Jews
Although one could cite thousands of pages authenticating famous ritual murders of children by the Jews, we shall mention only two. In Lincoln, England, stands one of the most magnificent Gothic cathedrals in the world, its soaring arches a marvel of engineering and art. Tourists are told that it was built to commemorate a local child named Hugh of Lincoln, but they are not told why he was martyred, or by whom. Nevertheless, the story is well known, and i t was told by many prominent writers, including the great poet, Chaucer, who told the story of Hugh 0 ‘ Lincoln in his poem, The Prioress’ Tale. Saint Hugh was murdered by the Jews i n Lincoln in the year 1255, and the townspeople resolved to erect a great cathedral which would serve as a warning to all gentile parents to protect their children from the Jews. Hugh’s body had been found in a well on the property of a Jew named Copinns. King Henry III himself directed the investigation, as proof of its fairness. He refused to allow mercy to be shown Copinns, after the evidence had been gathered against him, and Copinns was executed, but the other Jews involved i n the act escaped punishment. Tourists are now told that no such child as Hugh ever existed, and the story has been expunged from the guidebooks about the cathedral. Many professors of English have also dropped Chaucer from their courses because he exposed this Jewish crime.
Many other European churches were erected to commemorate the victims of Jewish ritual murder, some four hundred in Europe alone. Many of these children were elevated to sainthood because of their sufferings at the hands of the Jews. One of these was Saint Simon of Trent. We cite his story from an official Catholic parochial book, Father Alban Butler’s Lives of the Saints, “In the year 1472, when the Jews of Trent met in their synagogue on Tuesday in Holy Week, to deliberate preparations for the approaching festival of the Passover, which fell that year on Thursday following, they came to a resolution of sacrificing to their inveterate hatred of the Christian name, some Christian infant on the Friday following, or Good Friday. A Jewish physician undertook to procure such an infant for the horrid purpose. And while the Christians were at the office of Tenebrae on Wednesday evening, he found a child called Simon, about two years old, whom by caresses and by showing him a piece of money, he decoyed from the door of a house, the master and mistress whereof had gone off to Church, and carried him off. On Thursday evening the principal Jews shut themselves up in a chamber adjoining to their synagogue, and at midnight began their cruel butchery of this innocent victim.
Having stopped his mouth with an apron to prevent his crying out, they made several incisions in his body, gathering his blood in a basin. Some, all this while, held his arms stretched out in the form of a cross; others held his legs. The child being half dead, they raised him to his feet, and while two of them held him by the arms, the rest pierced his body on all sides with their awls and bodkins. When they saw the child had expired, they sung round it: ‘In the same manner did we treat Jesus the God of the Christians; thus may our enemies be confounded forever.’ The magistrates and parents making strict search after the lost child, the Jews hid it first in a barn of hay, then in a cellar, and at last threw it into a river. B u t God confounded all their endeavours to prevent the discovery of the fact, which being proved upon them, with its several circumstances, they were put to death, the principal actors in the tragedy being broken upon the wheel and burnt. The synagogue was destroyed, and a chapel was erected upon the spot where the child was martyred. God honored this innocent victim with many miracles. The relics lie in a stately tomb in St. Peter’s Church at Trent; and the name occurs in the Martyrology.”
~Eustace Mullins – New History of the Jews
They use to burn children in what was called a tophet. Doing this was called a holocaust. Find any dictionary from 1950 or
A short history recap of the accusations of “Blood Libel which have followed Jews throughout history and multiple migrations.
This information is presented for educational and research purposes and does not necessarily reflect the views of the uploader.
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