The Great Flood of Noah
“And I will establish my covenant with you, neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth.”
~Genesis 9:11
The Flood Really Happened.
All evidences prove worldwide flood.
The Great Unconformity, the Strata soil layers are laid down by flood waters, worldwide.
Historical Documents, Tidal Flats filled with proof fossils, the ability of Noah’s Ark to hold breeding pairs of every land creature due to its massive size, The Great Canyon, The Mini Great Canyon, the Genetic Bottleneck From Noah and His 3 sons being the only survivors to continue the human race post flood, Tropical Animals Beneath Tundra, the Rapid freezing of even large animals, rock layers with marine fossils covering continents, 95% of fossils being marine (whale bones on mountain tops, etc) The existence of many of those mountain ranges themselves parallel undersea equivalent mountain ranges from the Bursting Forth of the “water below.”
Flood legends in nearly every culture worldwide,
Seashells on top of most mountain ranges,
rapidly buried dinosaurs across numerous continents and states – often choking on mud,
usually buried in mud, sand, and ash – consistent with a flood,
dinosaur mummies and 16 types of soft tissue found in dinosaur bones also show a recent burial of thousands of years ago – not billions.Underwater Cities Around the Preflood Coastlines of the Ancient World, 400feet below water!~Dustin Nemos, The Archivist
God’s Not Dead And His Name Is YHWH (Dustin Nemos Unofficial Music Video) – (Don’t tell me it’s too fast, who could keep up without pausing for study?)
A Brief History of the World
Kurt Wise, PhD (Paleontologist) ˙ Pocket Wilderness, Dayton, TN
The Creation of the universe in six normal days was the first epoch. During that period, God rapidly created everything in a miraculous, unrepeatable fashion. The Edenian epoch followed with Adam and Eve living in the garden of Eden. It is impossible to understand the setup of the laws of the universe since death had not entered the world. With the Fall, God cursed the creation and changed those universal laws. The children of Adam lived in the Ante-Diluvian epoch, a world with a very different arrangement and variety of organisms compared to our world today. The Flood destroyed everything. The Post-Flood epoch was therefore marked by a series of unique environments as the earth settled down from the global catastrophe. Before and during the Ice Age, the world recovered to the Modern epoch. We can now only look into the Bible and the rocks to see evidence of those prior worlds.
“The Bible lays out what I would call epochs of earth history.”
—Kurt Wise
The Origin of Fossils
Marcus Ross, PhD (Paleontologist) ˙ Discovery Park of America
There are billions of fossils in the earth. Most are from animals that lived in the Ante-Diluvian epoch before the Flood, but some are from the
Post-Flood epoch when the world was recovering from the global catastrophe. During the Flood, as huge tidal waves pulsed back and forth over the existing continents, different types of sediment and ecosystems were picked up, carried, then deposited in massive layers on top of each other. The presence of marine
fossils on the continents, the sudden appearance of complex fossils in the lowest Cambrian layers, the widespread extent of fossilization, and the pattern of trackways (footprints) below body fossils, all point to the record in Genesis where God said He was going to wipe out a violent earth with a global flood.
“Man and all of the animals over which we ruled were judged at the time of the Flood.”
—Marcus Ross
When Dinosaurs Walked the Earth
Arthur Chadwick, PhD (Taphonomist) ˙ Hanson Ranch, Wyoming
An examination of an actual ‘bone bed’ reveals unique aspects that could only occur during a massive flood. A layer of mudstone 3 to 4 feet thick is spread over a 100-acre area and contains the remains of 5,000 to 10,000 large dinosaurs. Millions of bones are disarticulated (separated) and display a unique sorting process: they are in a graded bed with larger, heavier bones at the bottom and smaller, lighter bones at the top. This could only occur through a major, waterborne catastrophe. Evidence for these kinds of burials is seen throughout the fossil record, with animals suddenly appearing fully-formed, then disappearing from higher layers.
“We don’t ever see changes from this form into this form in the rocks themselves.”
—Art Chadwick
When Dinosaurs Walked the Earth
Arthur Chadwick, PhD (Taphonomist) ˙ Hanson Ranch, Wyoming
An examination of an actual ‘bone bed’ reveals unique aspects that could only occur during a massive flood. A layer of mudstone 3 to 4 feet thick is spread over a 100-acre area and contains the remains of 5,000 to 10,000 large dinosaurs. Millions of bones are disarticulated (separated) and display a unique sorting process: they are in a graded bed with larger, heavier bones at the bottom and smaller, lighter bones at the top. This could only occur through a major, waterborne catastrophe. Evidence for these kinds of burials is seen throughout the fossil record, with animals suddenly appearing fully-formed, then disappearing from higher layers.
“We don’t ever see changes from this form into this form in the rocks themselves.”
—Art Chadwick
Note: Timeline manipulation between Septuaguint (Accurate) and Masoretic editions disguise the period wherein the Flood occurred.
The Best movie explaining Noah’s Flood Ever made
Absolute Evidences of Flood – Strata
The Great Flood of Noah was REAL
Great Unconformity Best Solved by Worldwide Flood
When You Realize SAHARA Proves a GREAT FLOOD Actually Happened
Ever tried to freeze salt? Icebergs have no salt in them.
Historical Witnesses:
The Areni Cave, the worlds oldest winery. Found near Mt. Ararat possible Noah’s Ark location. Noah was a wine dealer, apparently. And had plenty of personal reasons for sorrow and drinking…
This coincides with the modern “Durupinar site”
Pagan Witness:
Babylonian “ark” tablet
MANY OTHER “BABBLED” legends corroborate Noah under various “Babeled” names. See Timestamp 23:07 for examples from Noah’s Ark: The New Evidence
NOAH: the TRUTH is BIGGER than you thought……The Journey BeGins
Fountains of the Great Deep – Hydroplate Theory – Dr. Walt Brown
SCIENTISM – The Cult of False Sciences
The Best Movie Explaining Noah’s Flood Ever Made
Were the Pyramids Built Before the Flood? (Masoretic Text vs. Original Hebrew)
The Age of Atlantis – The Drowned and Buried Preflood World of Corrupted Blood (GMO People)
In case you missed it:
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