The Seed War Between Mankind and Nephilim Anunnaki – Demons Walk Among Us

The Children of Satan are The Jews. Genetically. Literally. Anunnaki Nephilim. YHWH (God) said so.

Jews Admit Jews are Demons

American Green Beret Speaks Out Against Israeli Jews: More Testimony


And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
~Genesis 3:15


And an angel of the Lord came up from Gilgal to Bochim, and said, I made you to go up out of Egypt, and have brought you unto the land which I sware unto your fathers; and I said, I will never break my covenant with you.

And ye shall make no league with the inhabitants of this land; ye shall throw down their altars: but ye have not obeyed my voice: why have ye done this?

Wherefore I also said, I will not drive them out from before you; but they shall be as thorns in your sides, and their gods shall be a snare unto you.

And it came to pass, when the angel of the Lord spake these words unto all the children of Israel, that the people lifted up their voice, and wept.

~Judges 2:1-4


Evil is a faceless stranger,
living in a distant neighborhood.
Evil has a wholesome, hometown face,
with merry eyes and an open smile.
Evil walks among us, wearing a mask
which looks like all our faces.
~The Book of Counted Sorrows


“The whole Bible is the history of the conflict between our God and the rebel Satan carried on between their children also. Didn’t you know that they both had children? Yes, I do mean children, not merely followers. If you don’t know this, you should read your Bible more carefully.

~Bertrand Comparet


[Verse 1]
Bone cracking hits tear and rip like the beaks of griffin
With sharp pointy tips and the grip of a falcon
Grasping with grappling talons and worn on
Medallions of battling scythian nomads
So many masterfully sculpted renditions
Artistically marvelous monstrous visions
Descriptions of possibly authentic dragon like animals
Fossilized mandibles gradually formed by the annual
Downpours and rainfalls exposing mysterious samples
Examine examples like cylinder seals
Revealing the secrets of serpents unveiled by
Ubiquitous snaps of a snapdragon sound serendipitous
Just like the epic of gilgamesh
Sеveral conspicuous mythical beasts
Could exist and in fact thеy could actually be
Crossbreeds from angels who planted there seeds
Non indigenous demons hungry to breed[Verse 2]
What would we see in the antediluvian world full of giants?
If we could go back and observe all the things
In the lost book of enoch and eavesdrop on nephilim hybrids?
Their fathers who flocked in a pack of 200 deserters
These tyrants who plundered like pirates
And lusted for flesh in a cycle of violence
They squandered like pigs in the mud of defiance
Abnormal like dr.Moureau and his science
Monsters without any use of a latex appliance
A vial alliance of violent goliaths
Drowned and deluged by the flood into silence
Desirous delinquents they lost there commission
Now lucifer’s legions they’ve turned into demons
Chained and then blinded and bound in abyss
Living with locusts deep in the pit
[Verse 3]
Memories lost from a time in our history
Should we be blind to the mystery?
Willingly ignorant to the reality
Fallacies formed by fallacious facsimiles
Angelic offspring conspiracies possibly aliens
Visiting revealing sinister enemies
Posing as saviors with remedies
Entering mental capacities cavities
Demons are grabbing our faculties
Abducting sanity offering new age mentalities
Fraudulent phonies who mimic and imitate
Based in satanic black magic facilitate
Ufo sightings debacled debauchery sorcery
Portable forgeries copied demonically
Forged by a forked tongue mythology
Genesis six talks of nephilim vividly
Mentioning stories of alien babies and women
Apparently forced to endure hybrid pregnancy
~Destiny Lab, Days of Noah

The Edomites are infiltrating Nephilim (no longer giant) who Jesus and God warned us would infiltrate like parasites and takeover from within and lead us astray and were fake israelites and actual nephilim from the actual lineage of fallen angel entities (Anunnaki, if you prefer to believe they are aliens)

God warned us to kill all the jews – we failed and in judges 2 YHWH told us point blank: You’re gonna have a deep state, and it will be jewish, because you failed to wipe the jews out.

Jesus told us in John 8:33-44 for example these edomites were fake israelites teaching talmud

It’s a central theme to the bible, and mixing Judean and Judahite (multicultural nation at that point, and the bloodline that founded that nation and one of the 12 lost tribes)

These twisted editions of bibles today pervert truth and remove YHWH’s name from scripture. Replacing it with The Lord (Baal in English)

They put the word Jew in Bibles nearly 1500 years after Jesus died, King of the Judeans – A Yahudim Judahite of the Lost Tribe of Judah.

~Nemos, the Archivist.

What Did Jews Ever Do To You?

6000 years ago: God told us we would have war between man and monster.

5000 years ago: All flesh became corrupted and Noah was saved for his Pureblood Generations, or Genes.

3500 years ago: God told Joshua to “leave nothing alive” of the monsters

3000 years ago: God replaced King Saul with David, the Giant Killer, after Saul refused to Leave Nothing Alive.

2000 years ago: Christ came telling us they were demon tares, not israelite men – but infiltrators teaching the Talmud instead of the Torah. They had him put to death for hate speech laws.

During that time period, Rome and it’s Jewish masters have done everything they could to kill or corrupt every soul on earth. With over 50,000,000 Christians martyred for reading the bible without a Roman priest or rabbi to guide them.


It is our generation’s turn. = Jews = Nephilim/Anunnaki Demon Giants (Diluted, smaller..)

They are at War with Mankind (Loxism) since Genesis 3:15 and are averse to all men, the source of all monsters, myths, gods, including vampires, werewolves, the greek gods, the egyptian, nordic, hindu, etc. gods.

The Seed War Between Mankind and Nephilim Anunnaki – Demons Walk Among Us

The Multiple Personalities of History – One Story, Many “Babbled” Versions

Now, at the end, they are fulfilling prophecy, and are in position of power worldwide, the Jew World Order is Nimrods preflood occult worship empire brought back!

The dollar bill includes a prophecy of the return of jews to power. “The race of golden men” from Virgil’s evil poem.

The fallen angels of Genesis 6, (the dragons who spawned the “gods” of each mythology who twisted Genesis into their own version) who wept in prison in chains of darkness were released at the time of Roswell (as per Gods prophecies in 1Enoch – supported by all scripture) and “Aliens” are now restarting the Genesis 6 cycle of All FLESH BECOMING CORRUPTED

MRNA were a big leap, diy crispr kits for “biohacking” and gmo foods are others.

The technology has increased at exponential rate as well, as abortion and sin has increased to buy it from THEM, as in the preflood times. They want baby blood (Gods pain) for the price of their secrets.

Like in the preflood TARTARIAN /ATLANTEAN/LEMURIAN/MU era. When PLATO would later lament the “gods” had “mingled” “too often” with “mortal admixture” and begun to lose their power.

Every civilization on Earth, every faith on Earth, agreed on the facts of Genesis but worshipped the Nephilim as Gods (Such as Anunnaki in Sumeria during the time of Nimrod)

The Tower of Babel “BABBLED” the tongues separating the various faiths and peoples who all agreed on the same basic facts. Today they have the chutzpah to tell you that Christianity copied these stories from other myths, rather than vice versa. And as with everything else the public believes and the CIA’s goal – Everything is an inversion.

Nimrods The Tower builder’s order of Builders Freemasons, (who would later reclaim all that Tartarian free masonry… .. little jk… anyways) would invent the “language of symbols” to reconnect the lost sects of Nimrod warring over whose god was the real sungod high king. ..

This Language of Symbols can be read about here:

All the evil symbolism today is intentional at the leadership level and generally naive at the individual dumb uninformed consumer or teenage level. (Not every child who rebels and wears these symbols is a Nimrod worshipper. We’ve JUST reached that level of cultural saturation of Satanic influence equivalent to end times “as in the Days of Noah” that Jesus warned us about. when “all flesh” was “Corrupted” and “unclean spirits” emerged from their bodies when slain.

Today, they are no longer giant, but live amongst us. In each tribe of man, wearing a LOCAL face.

IN Mexico, a local face is pushing for cultural reforms and shifting policy toward Israel.

In Islamic and Arabic and European and Asian and South American (at least) nations, we see LOCAL FACED demons.

But to the west, none are so dangerous as the offspring of Esau with the Canaanite wives which, presumably, is why YHWH (God Almighty who gave HIS only begotten SON to die FOR US and loves us despite our wretchedness as in the parable of Hosea2 and is willing to BUY OUR WHOREISH selves back from another god even at the cost of everything and all His pride.) HATED ESAU BEFORE HE WAS EVEN BORN because he mated with the “leave nothing alive” Canaanite monsters which became the giants and demons of every myth.

Giving us the Local Whiteface Jew Demon. The Sayanim.

The Infiltrator. The “I hate my white privilege lets destroy whites” and then 2 minutes later starts rapping “I’m not white, I’m jewish” type.

They are the bad guys at the end of the Bible story (Edom, Amalek) which persecute and attempt to annihilate Lost Israel (The West)

America, the UK, are in Leviticus 26:18

White Israelites became known as multi colored Canaanites including White-ish Edomite/Canaanite mix when Edomite Canaanites (Modern Jews)  immigrated to Judea, became Judeans, infiltrated everything, Killed Jesus and all those babies, taught Talmud instead of Torah, and later (1400 years of edits later..) they settled on the word Jew which is this multi color tribe of Canaanites.
Who now want Canaan (Gholan Heights is their mount Olympus to the fallen angels) and Khazaria back… (explaining Everything happening in the Middle East and Ukraine)




The 1000 Year Reign and Jacob’s Trouble

These Disunited States are competing to fly/bus/train/ship immigrants to other states in a suicidal doom loop. Sanctuary City New York is cutting public services and begging for help as it , California is taking children from parents who refuse to allow them to be molested and butchered. Texans are a demographic minority in Texas. Most capitals in the states have fallen. Europe is actually worse off than we are. Our women and children are being chained to the floor and gangraped in homes built by their fathers. Children are being mass trafficked and raped to the point of becoming mute at the tender age of 2-5. Hell has been unleashed upon our world.

Roughly 10% of our population is in active caloric restriction or outright starvation.

We have an impending famine, 3 world War 3 Scenarios we can’t win – all at once, with a fully depleted and poisoned military whose pilots are dropping out of the sky weekly.

The Social Credit Score, Vax Passport, and Digital Funnymunny (Controllable) softwares will soon be installed into the vaxxed people (hardware) and linked up to demand The Mark of the Beast to buy or sell.

The roaming migrant rape and theft gangs will be active. They are chaining our children and women to the floors of their dwellings as rape toys, paid for by our stolen tax dollars.

Edom thinks it has destroyed us. But YHWH will preserve us who keep His law.

Immigration has exponentially grown worse. Immigrants who climb into a 4 year old American boys bedroom and torture rape and murder him are given no jail time while actual Americans are being persecuted, imprisoned, Tortured and worse, en masse, for protesting while white.

The Final Takedown is nigh.

Patriots are NOT in control.

Those who are, pass laws to destroy their enemies, force a popular presidential candidate in the allegedly most powerful nation on Earth to travel to their nation to pass “Hate Speech” laws restricting your First Amendment, imprison innocent people for years while torturing them and get caught setting them up, and its swept under the rug despite everyone knowing, send dozens of FBI at families and point guns at children, setup wars, destroy economies, poison 1/3 of the world with vaccines, run all the porn, are behind the hollyweird grooming, and are forcing parents to allow their children to be groomed for sex activism and use in public schools.

They burn down states forests leading to record loss of life, and its called wildfires.

They start race wars leading to billions of dollars of damage in hundreds of cities.

They create terrorist paramilitary’s of their young (not yet employed by Government) and when they commit crimes they get released, when they get challenged by truthspeakers – we’re told it’s an idea – not an organization.

They control the worlds borders and are behind multicultural immigration.

They beat old women, rape children, imprison just men for speaking out against it, and control every single voice, without exception, that we listen to that isn’t being called a Nazi for using the J word.

They dress as demons and groom children, strip naked, or perform lewd sexual acts on TV and in our streets with “Pride.”

Transgenderism originated from their unholy anti bible from Babylon, the Talmud

They promote materialism and flesh everywhere we look, violence and drug abuse in our childrens music.

They normalize the continual slippery slope of degradation.

They harvest living babies whom they cut to pieces for money, without painkillers. Some stolen from mothers told they had died during childbirth.

They blackmail your leaders with child sex videos.

They get a free pass on stealing nukes, spying on us, having stolen nukes, and not participating in the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty, and when they threaten to use them, the world powers ignore it or approve it.

They are disproportionately represented in every element of power, wealth, and corruption – universally – without exception, over the entire course of human history.

They destroyed Rome, Hellenic Greece, Burnt Chicago, Burnt London (twice), and have instigated virtually every war in the modern era, including all 3 world wars – which has already wiped out over 50% of Caucasian Israel, whose Identity they stole.

They are behind the secret societies, infiltrated the pagan church of Rome via Loyolas, the first Jesuit and before, as early as Julius and Nero. Why did Brutus betray his friend Julius? Selling out the empire to the Jews for political power.

They were behind the Dark Ages, and Inquisitions – killing Christians for daring to read Gods word. They are why Catholics pray repetitive prayers to Dead bones and call men “Father” despite it being forbidden by God.

They’ve been evicted from 109+ nations (including multiples) for ritual murder of Christian children and peoples after being found guilty in courts of law. Like Saint Simon of Trent.

They are the reason Christians think the Rapture will save them from The Tribulation that has already begunaccording to the signs they were commanded to watch for and be sober and vigilant for.

They are the reason Christians stopped following God’s laws, whom Yeshuah (Jesus) Christ said would never end.

They were behind MLK jr, Rosa Parks, George Floyd, the ADL (Founded to defend their child rape) and the Fake News.

They are the reason the world believes in Globe Scientism rather than Scientific Method.

Global warming to deindustrialize, depopulate and enslave.

They created vaccines to poison Christians.

They Poisoned 1/3 of Christians during the “Black Plague” which wasn’t a plague.

The Spanish Flu – Them

The Irish Potato Famine – Them

The Holodomor – Them, The firebombing of women and children by the millions at Dresden, them.

9/11 – Them

The Chinese Communist Party, The Bolshevik and French Revolutions, the wars in the middle east, them.

The word cannibal – Canaanite Priest of Baal sacrificing and eating babies to Satan’s antiChrist King – Nimrod. Whose body we invaded Iraq and killed a million people for, supposedly hunting Weapons of Mass Destruction. Now DARPA wants to resurrect ancient creatures and is funding resurrection genetics technologies.

They slew the Prophets. Even Jesus “His blood be on us and on our children”

But not in one of these instances has justice been served. The one man who tried to stand up to them politely, peacefully, and in defense of Christ and Christian, western values – you’re literally afraid to talk about or you’ll be branded a Nazi.

Most of our people cheer their puppets like Trump & Tucker, yet they will never tell you any of this and were created so you do not find out.

not in one of these instances have good guys yet won the day.

That is power.

Patriots are NOT in control.

But they will be. Soon. The Wrath of the Awakened Saxon comes.

All of this was written down – on both sides, long ago. Gods prophecies are being fulfilled, for those who are watching the very specific signs come to pass. They had their self fulfilling “prophecies” as well, prescient documents laying out the plan to poison us by becoming Dr’s. Enslave us by becoming Politicians, Judges, and Lawyers. And to lead us away from God by becoming clergymen and priests.

The stories of giants, such as Goliath? Their ancestors. Nephilim Hybrids from Genesis 6.

Welcome to the Seed War of Genesis 3:15

What Did Jews Ever Do To You? Answered

Thumb for Nephilim Time Map

France Has Fallen to the Jewish Kalergi Golem Invasion Strategy – Good Short Summary Of Their Kalergi Plan Endgame

The Jews…….

Burned down Rome and blamed the Christians
Killed the Son of God
Planned WW1 (17 years before) – Started WW1
Instigated a genocide of Hungarians (Béla Kun)
Own all Hollywood studios
Own the magazines
Own the newspapers
Own the social media platforms
Own the porn industry and use it to demoralize
Print all the school books
Control Wall Street
Control the School System,
Control the FBI,
Control the CIA,
Control the NSA,
Control the UN,
Control the WEF,
Control the Federal Reserve (And all Central Banks)
Controlled the KGB
Ran the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, now blame it on White Christians.
Starved to death 12-18 Million White Ukrainian Christians,
Started the French Revolution
Started the Cuban revolution
Started the Russian Revolution – Killed 50-67 Million White Christians,
Started the German Revolution
Started the Spanish Revolution
Started the Chinese Revolution (Co-launched)
Started the “Rhodesian Bush War”, led to the cleansing of White Farmers
Started the ethnic cleansing of Serbia
Started the American opioid crisis: killed milliins of Americans
Started WW2 – blamed the Germans
Started “Drag Queen Story Hour” (Jew Michelle Tea)
Lied about being gassed
Sank the Titanic to Force the Federal Reserve onto the United States
Blew Up the Hindenburg
Ethnically cleansed Palestine,
Stole Israel in 1948 after the Rothschild-Balfour Declaration,
Changed the immigration policies in western countries in 1965
Attacked The USS Liberty
Attacked The USS Cole
Attacked The Twin Towers, World Trade Center, and Pentagon,
Sent America’s sons to die for Israel in pointless, middle eastern wars
Lied about WMDs in Iraq and repeated the above
Invented communism
Invented the “Frankfurt School”
Invented the “Over Population Theory”
Invented apartheid and anti-apartheid in South Africa (supported both sides)
Invented the phone sex business (Jew feminist Gloria Leonard)
Invented the Abortion Pill,
Invented the mass produced Condom,
Invented Feminism,
Invented the LGBTQIA+ Movement,
Invented the Anti-Christian pride Movement,
Invented the ADL, (after Rape and Murder of Mary Phagan),
Mutilate the genitals of infant boys then suck the blood from their bleeding penises (spreading their STDs to infants),
Invented Black Lives Matter,
Invented the NAACP,
Invented Antifa,
Invented the KKK,
Invented NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Association),
Invented Communism,
Invented a climate disaster 3 times (global cooling, global warming, climate change),
Invented fake news,
Invented fake viruses,
Invented fake and lethal vaccines,
Invented the use of mercury to fill people’s teeth
Founded CPUSA (Communist Party USA) in 1919 (Jew C. E. Ruthenberg)
Founded Southern Poverty Law Center in 1971 (Crypto Jew Morris Dees)
Founded the abortion industry
Founded: “The Church of Satan” (Jew Anton LaVey)
Founded: “The Satanic Temple” (Jew Malcolm Jarry)
Wrote: “The Satanic Bible” (Jew Anton LaVey)
Wrote: “The Satanic Witch” (Jew Anton LaVey)
Infiltrated and took control of Freemasonry,
Put phytoestrogen (soy oil) in corporate baby formula (for males),
Put all of the fluoride in the water,
Were expelled from over 1000 countries and communities (Afghanistan & Yemen recently),
Are demoralizing all western nations
Are Satanic,
Openly admit worshipping Lucifer as their god (Whistleblower Harold Wallace Rosenthal),
Are called the synagogue of Satan by the very Son of God

Conservatives, why do you support Israel when:
* Israel sells US military secrets to China.
* Israel spied on America.
* The ADL censors you.
* Epstein worked for Mossad.
* They attacked your Navy vessels.
* You are forced to give them more aid than Ukraine.
* They drag your military into foreign wars.
* The wars will create refugees.
* The fake news media backs Israel.
* Israel was created by the Rothschilds
* Palestinians are Christians, the OG, are persecuted by Israel.
* You are pro-life when the Israelis kill babies.
* Israel is the most LGBT-woke-lib ‘state’ in the region.
* The Palestinian areas are templates for “smart cities” – literally with AI machine guns and Permits required for movement.
* Israel is threatening you with Nukes?






Jesus and the Jews
The Descent Into Truth – Click to Enlarge

In Judaism, yetzer hara (Hebrew: יֵצֶר הַרַע yēṣer haraʿ) is the congenital inclination to do evil, by violating the will of God. The term is drawn from the phrase “the imagination of the heart of man [is] evil” (יֵצֶר לֵב הָאָדָם רַע‎, yetzer lev-ha-adam ra), which occurs twice at the beginning of the Torah (Genesis 6:5 and Genesis 8:21)
the rabbis have stated: “The greater the man, the greater his [evil] inclination.”

“In keeping in mind that these legends materialized globally at approximately the same time – it’s more likely than not, in my opinion – that the universal story agrees with the record of every major culture of the ancient world in which the astonishingly consistent story is told of Gods that descended from heaven or came through spiral vortices to materialize in bodies of flesh. From Rome to Greece, and before that To Egypt, Persia, Assyria, Babylonia, Sumer – the earliest records of civilization tell of the era when powerful creatures known to the Hebrews as Watchers and in the Book of Genesis as Bene Ha Elohim – The Sons of God – mingled themselves with humans, giving birth to part celestial part terrestrial hybrids known as Nephilim. “

~Tom Horn

Luther on the Jews
Luther on the Jews – Click to Enlarge

This page serves as an organizational appendix of Seed War related topics, it may not be exhaustive (This site has much more info)

Riddle me this: You shouldn’t need clues. Who owns all the media, including the news?

Ukraines Khazarian Symbol
Ukraines Khazarian Symbol




Immediately before the siege of Jerusalem by Titus, twenty thousand Idumaeans were admitted to the Holy City, which they filled with robbery and bloodshed. From this time the Edomites, as a separate people, disappear from the pages of history. Scriptural indications that they were idolaters (2 Chronicles 25:14‑15, 20) are amply confirmed and illuminated by discoveries at Petra. For a discussion of the degrading practices of Edomite religion, see George L. Robinson, The Sarcophagus of an Ancient Civilization. (bibliography: D. N. Freedman and E. F. Campbell, eds., Biblical Archaeologist Reader 2 (1964): 51‑58; T. C. Vriezen, Oudtestament Studien 14 (1965): 330‑53; N. Glueck, The Other Side of Jordan (1970); D. J. Wiseman, ed., Peoples of Old Testament Times (1973), pp. 229‑58). (from New Unger’s Bible Dictionary) (originally published by Moody Press of Chicago, Illinois. Copyright (C) 1988.)


Jews are Not Israelites


1. Jews Rule the World

It’s their religion: it’s called Tikun Olam: WHAT IS TIKUN OLAM?

Ben Garrison Jews

Who Controls The World? Them

Who Controls The Fake News? Kanye West Was Right

Is the New World Order “Jewish”?

Who Are The “Banksters” Exactly?

Jews Founded & Rule Communist China

The Golden Secret Society With a Black Soul That Rules the World

The Rulers of Darkness – The Illuminati’s Greatest Secrets Revealed

Vladimir Putin Is a Jew

You may hate it, or disagree.

But there IS a war on Whites, and the rest of mankind.
There IS a cabal behind it all, they hate Christians and our freedoms.
They are already moving towards the NWO
The one world religion
They’ve poisoned half the world with vax, and plan for the rest.
They are behind the banksters, transification of children, common core and porn and smut and filth being pushed at every child from every angle.
They are behind the fake news, and the ones like the ADL who go after truth media.

They are ALL JEWS.

Their religion confirms this hatred and genocidal takeover NWO plan.
Their written documents confirm it
Leaked quotes from their leaders, religious and non confirm it hundreds of court cases have seen them guilty and evicted – as a people, not individuals – for widespread murdering and sacrificing in torture rape snuff rituals – Christians and Babies.

Their culture protects it, and attacks anyone who points it out.

2. They are Not Human, but Hybrid Demons, genetic descendants of fallen angels.

Jewnetics – Biology of Demons

Dustin Nemos VS Dr. Dmitry Radyshevsky – “God’s Chosen People Or The Seed Of The Serpent?” A DEBATE

Rothschilds are Nephilim
Rothschilds are Nephilim

The Seed War Between Mankind and Nephilim – Demons Walk Among Us

Seed War – Lost Giant Genetics Today

Don’t Mix With Hamitic Races

Lineages of Ham & The Fallen Angels

The Lineages of Man and Nephilim

The Descendants of Ham – Cushites, Canaanites. Blacks & Jews.
The Jewish Paradox – Imposter Hebrews
97%+ Of Jews Are Not of Abraham – Fake Hebrews
The Nephilim Tribes of Canaanites, Edomites, Amalekites (Jews)

The Descendants of Ham – Cushites, Canaanites. Blacks & Jews.

The Nephilim Tribes of Canaanites, Edomites, Amalekites (Jews)
The Will of Canaan
The Jewish Paradox – Imposter Hebrews
JEW OR JUDAH? The Original Manuscripts Never Used The Word ‘Jew’
The Satanic Star of Judaism (Remphan) – David Had NO Star
European Royals are ALL from Edom/Esau/Canaan (aka ‘Jews’)
Trump is a Crypto (Closet) Jew
Giants of Forbidden Archeology: The Biblical Nephilim – Enemies of God
Homo Capensis – The Biblical Nephilim
Anunnaki – The Princely Bloodline of the Nephilim Seed of the Serpent

Esau Have I Hated! The Nephilim/Canaanite Connection (part 1)
Esau Have I Hated! Edom Through the Centuries of History (part 2)
Esau Have I Hated! The Apostate Tribe of Dan (part 3)

The Seed of the Serpent – The Pharisees

The Evil Jews – The Criminal Profile of a People


The Serpent’s Seed

Who or What is a Jew?

Satan’s Serum and the Resurrection of the Nephilim!


From The Jew’s Own Mouths
What Yeshuah (Jesus) Said About Jews
What Yahweh (God) Said About Jews



3. They are Edomite Imposter Israelites, They’ve Stolen The Identity of True Israel (Gods chosen family/tribe) – whom were Caucasian.

Khazaria (Land of Magog) – Click to Enlarge

The Satanic Star of Judaism (Remphan) – David Had NO Star.

The Jewish Paradox – Imposter Hebrews

Exactly Why Jesus Christ is NOT a Jew


Forbidden Biblical Anthropology:

The Table of Nations: Biblical & Historical Fact


Lineages of Adam

The Lineages of Man and Nephilim
Beyond The Pale Origins: Caucasians – The First Men

Lineages of Noah

The Sons of Shem – The Caucasian Peoples of Europe
The Descendants of Japheth
The Descendants of Ham – Cushites, Canaanites. Blacks & Jews.
The Jewish Paradox – Imposter Hebrews
97%+ Of Jews Are Not of Abraham – Fake Hebrews
Sons of Cush – The Black Tribes of Man
The Nephilim Tribes of Canaanites, Edomites, Amalekites (Jews)

Lineages of Ham & The Fallen Angels

The Descendants of Ham – Cushites, Canaanites. Blacks & Jews.
Sons of Cush – The Black Tribes of Man
The Nephilim Tribes of Canaanites, Edomites, Amalekites (Jews)
The Will of Canaan
The Jewish Paradox – Imposter Hebrews
JEW OR JUDAH? The Original Manuscripts Never Used The Word ‘Jew’
The Satanic Star of Judaism (Remphan) – David Had NO Star
European Royals are ALL from Edom/Esau/Canaan (aka ‘Jews’)
Trump is a Crypto (Closet) Jew
Giants of Forbidden Archeology: The Biblical Nephilim – Enemies of God
Homo Capensis – The Biblical Nephilim
Anunnaki – The Princely Bloodline of the Nephilim Seed of the Serpent


Lineages of Abraham

Sons of Ishmael – Modern Arabs
The True Hebrew Israelites – The Caucasian Race (The Lost Tribes of Israel)
100 PROOFS the lsraelites were Caucasian
About Christian Identity

Esau Have I Hated! The Nephilim/Canaanite Connection (part 1)
Esau Have I Hated! Edom Through the Centuries of History (part 2)
Esau Have I Hated! The Apostate Tribe of Dan (part 3)


About Christian Identity
Things Christians Need To Know
Oxymoronic Judeo-Christian Deception


4. The Seed War – They are at War with Whites, Christians, and God. Everyone else is to be enslaved as Goyim.

Much, if not most, of evil throughout our human history is due to the Jewish children of Satan’s direct participation and infiltration into human affairs in an ongoing effort to wipe out #pureblood human Adamites.


The Seed War Between Mankind and Nephilim – Demons Walk Among Us


The Prophecy of Genesis 3:15 was partially fulfilled when the Canaanite Pharisees had Yeshuah put to death by the Romans.  Part 2 will be when Yeshuah returns to wipe out evil.


“Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field:

But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.

But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also.

So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares?

He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up?

He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him,

Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up?

But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them.

Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.

Then Jesus sent the multitude away, and went into the house: and his disciples came unto him, saying, Declare unto us the parable of the tares of the field.

He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man;

The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one;

The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels.

As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world.

The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity;

And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.”

~Matthew 13:24-30,36-43

We Will Destroy America
We Will Destroy America


Torturing children to death, evil blood sacrifice rituals to dark fallen angel gods and demons, books writ in blood, ethnic cleansing of Christians every chance they get… They destroyed Rome while feeding Christians to the lions in the coliseums and mass torturing them to death. They destroyed Hellenic Greece, before that, they ruled Babylon. More recently they’ve engaged in the Holodomor, the Irish potato famine, and even the black plague which wiped out 30% of Christianity. It wasn’t famine, it wasn’t plague, it was poison put in Christian wells. The Seed War has been waged against humankind (Adamites) since the days of Jared, documented in Genesis 6.

It is not that we WANT the Jews to be the enemy. We simply recognize that they’ve declared war, and choose to share that fact.

Pursue any avenue of challenging the system, you will inevitably run into the jews. Look at anything that a conservative or vaguely right leaning American might see as a problem with America, if you follow it to it’s source you will inevitably find jews.

Look at banking, the fed, Joe Bidens cabinet, Hollywood, the media, drag queen storytime, Jeffery Epstein, social media, Google, the federal reserve, the SPLC, transgender hormones, Antifa activists and organizations, pharmaceutical companies, political pacts, porn etc.

They ruled Babylon:
In the English edition, published in London in 1935 as the Soncino Talmud, Rabbi Hertz says, page X X I , “When we come to the Babylonian Gemara, we are dealing with what most people understand when they speak or write of the Talmud. Its birthplace, Babylonia, was an autonomous Jew-ish centre for a longer period than any other land; namely, from soon after 586 before the Christian era to the year 1040 after the Christian era — 1626 years.”

They destroyed Hellenic Greece:
Thus Kastein attributes anti-Semitism to the Jews, but says nothing of the Jewish hatred for Greek culture. On page 88 of his History of the Jews, he gives a more plausible reason for anti-Semitism: “Judea paralyzed the Greek attack while the Alexandrian Jews brought about the disintegration of Hellenic civilization.
Alexandria was the intellectual center of the late Greek Empire, and its library was the greatest in the world. It was here, as Kastein says, that the Jews brought about the disintegration of Hellenic civilization. They later burned the great library, because it contained hundreds of historical references of the destructive activities of the Jews.

They destroyed Rome:
One of the greatest historians of ancient Rome was Tacitus. He wrote of the Jews, “The customs of the Jews are base and abominable and owe their persistence to their depravity. Jews are extremely loyal to one another, always ready to show compassion, but towards every other people they feel only hate and enmity. A s a race, they are prone to lust; among themselves nothing is unlawful.”

Scholars and historians have offered many reasons for the downfall of the Roman Empire. One leading theory is that “the Fall of Rome stemmed from a gradual dissolution of old values”. This theory fails to state just who dissolved these values, but the record speaks for itself. Another theory is that the barbarians swept over Rome. True, this happened, but why? Why did the finest army in the world lose its will to fight, and allow naked tribesmen to take Rome without a fight? It is the same story that we find in the fall of Egypt, in the fall of Babylon, in the fall of Persia.
And here too, as in the case of the previous civilizations, we find that the parasitic community of Jews had developed a terrible pathological hatred of their gentile host. In his “History of the Jews,” Kastein says, page 192, “To the Jews, Rome constituted the quintessence of all that was odious and should be swept away from off the face of the earth. They hated Rome and her device, arma et leges, with an inhuman hatred. True, Rome had leges, laws, like the Jews. But in their very resemblance lay their difference; for the Roman laws were merely the practical application of the arma, the arms . . . but without the arms, the leges were empty formulae.”
In this extraordinary paragraph, Kastein admits the feeling which the Jewish parasite always feels for the gentile host, “an inhuman hatred”. So terrible is this hatred that the most important thing for the Jew is to mask his feelings. Consequently, he always appears bearing an olive branch. His first word is “Shalom or Peace”. It is this necessity to conceal his true feelings which leads the Jew to conduct his affairs and his meetings in secret.
We have already seen how the Jew continues to hate the people he has destroyed. Centuries after Babylon is no more, the Jew fulminates again “the whore of Babylon”. But of all nations, the Jew hated Rome the most, and even today, the favorite epithet of the Jew for his opponent is “fascist”. What does the word “fascist” mean? It refers to the fasces, or rods bound together, which the Roman jurist carried to implement his punishment of the wrong-doer. It means simply the rule of law, that is, gentile law, as opposed to the bloodthirsty Jew
The politically ambitious Julius Caesar recognized the power of the Jews, which stemmed from one incontrovertible fact — Rome was made up of many opposing political groups and sects.
In order to win, the politician needed the support of one group which would stick by him steadfastly, and thus influence other groups to support him. Just as i n our present-day democracies, this group was the Jews. They would guarantee their support to any politician who i n turn would do what they asked. When Caesar discovered this simple truth, he sought out the Jews, and won their support. On page 8 of “Jews of Ancient Rome”, Leon says, “The Jews in the ‘Populares’, the liberal-democratic or people’s party, supported Caesar and he issued verdicts in their favor.”
Things have not changed much in two thousand years. We still have the liberal-democratic party in every country, and it always represents the ambition of the Jews. With the Jews behind him, Caesar soon became the dictator of Rome and the unchallenged ruler of the world. Alarmed by his increasing subservience to the Jews, a group of loyal Senators, led by Brutus, a former friend of Caesar’s in his pre-Jewish period, resolved to assassinate him. On page 9, Leon says, ” In return for the support which he had received from the Jews, Caesar showed them his favor conspicuously.”


The Era of Iron & Miry Clay? They are now destroying the West.

The War Against The West

Babylon’s Most Unholy Book – AntiChrist Talmud, Sin to Win

The Seed War – War of Gog & Magog – Jewish Nephilim NWO Takeover Prophecy

Seed War on Pureblood Humanity: mRNA = Mark of the Beast

White Genocide and Hatred

Sabbatean/Frankists – the “Cult of the All-Seeing Eye”

The Truth About Palestine & Israel

Antifa: Jewish Paramilitary

Wall Street And The Bolshevik Revolution

The Final 9/11 Truth – The Jews Hate Christian Nations

Doctrines of Devils – Pagan Infiltration

Curse of Canaan

The Will of Canaan

The Last Days of The Serpent’s Red Throne

Year 2000 – Important Historical Events

The Sheep and The Wolf

The History of The Khazarians

Khazaria 2 In The Making

Ernst Zündel and the Wicked Silence

The Cipherers of Sephar

Jesus in The Talmud

New History of the Jews – Eustace Mullins

Seed War: Loxist Talmudic Weaponized Racism – AntiSemitism & White Guilt Explained

The Synagogue Of Satan Full Documentary

Pastor Steven Anderson – WHO IS THE Synagogue of Satan? Duh.

God’s Fate For Talmudists

ISAIAH 53 – The Forbidden Chapter! (Ancient Jews Censored Jesus Prophecy?!)

The Unholy Third Temple To Be Built

Jewish Demon-God Hashem

Metzitzah B’peh (Sucking Newborns Penis’s) Causes Massive Herpes Infestations


The Holodomor – Jewish Genocide of Christians

SeedWar: What Happens To The Hundreds of Thousands of Child Trafficking Victims? McDonalds

Oops! Deleted Tweet By Israel’s Former PM Disclosed Nuke Arsenal

Jesse Watters: “It’s Never Been More Clear. Epstein Was an Intelligence Asset. Not Only Was He Working with the CIA, Israeli Intelligence, Maybe Even Russian”

Timeline Of The Jewish Genocide Of The British People

The Holodomor – Jewish Genocide of Christians

The Power and Aims of International Jewry: U.S. War Department Investigation 1919

Talmudist Confessions of Ritual Murder

Bloody Passovers – Top Jewish Scholar Says Jews Sacrifice Christians

The Jew’s Multicultural “Golem” Strategy For Cultural Genocide

Ernst Zundel – Interviewed By An Israeli Journalist

Gun Control, A Jewish Prerogative

The Allegations of Blood Libel Across Jewish History

Who Are The “Banksters” Exactly?

The ADL’s Dark Past – Leo Frank – The Pedophile Jews Defended

Who Controls The Fake News? Kanye West Was Right

Is the New World Order “Jewish”?

Zionist Jews Happily Brag About Being At The Center Of The Muslim Invasion Of Europe

It’s Always Been Them


Jews ARE Edomites, But Pretend To Be Israel at War with Edom, and Call Whites Edomites (Projection)


Slavery Throughout History – Focus on The Slave Trade



Catholic Church's Jewish Warning
Catholic Church’s Jewish Warning – La Civilta Cattolica – Click to Enlarge


Notice the Jews do not recognize Jesus

For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.

~2 John1:7

For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews:

Who both killed the Jesus Christ, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men:

~1 Thessalonians 2:14-15

They Weaponize Drugs – Pharmakopeia Sorcery – Pseudoscience Poisons

Rockefeller – They Are Behind Big Pharma

Where Judaism and Rockefellerism Join: Meet the Rockefeller-Growalds



The Black Plague (Poison) 2.0 – Covid19 Was A Jewish Depopulation Plan

Chemical Attacks & Cohenincidences

Here is the Updated List of US-Based Food Manufacturing Plants Destroyed Under Biden Regime – Interactive Map


They Weaponize Race Against White Christian Nations:

See The Kalergi Plan – White Replacement

See: The Jew’s Multicultural “Golem” Strategy For Cultural Genocide

Click to Enlarge

5. They Manipulate Wars To Kill Christians, Gain Power, Weaken Enemies, and Enrich the Banksters (them)


Ukraine's Jewish Nazi's - Azov Batallion - Antiwhite Psyop
Ukraine’s Jewish Nazi’s – Azov Batallion – Antiwhite Psyop – Click to Enlarge

Mass Child Organ Harvesting & Ethnic Cleansing Operation in War-Torn Donbass Region Exposed

A 1993 George Soro document has surfaced, recommending NATO wage war against Russia with Whites.

It was always them.


Goyim Altruism Destroys Jewish Rule
Goyim Altruism Destroys Jewish Rule – Click to Enlarge


Hitler didn't want war
Hitler didn’t want war


“We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will help the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.” Israel Cohen, A Racial Program for the 20th Century” (1912).


Noachide Laws – The End of Christianity?

JFK Killed by Israel Over Nukes

Beware of the Noahide Laws

6. They Are Behind The “Sin War” And Most Human, Child, and Organ Harvesting Supply & Demand.


The Sin War


Rapey Rabbi Reports – Child Trafficking

Israel Is the Organ Harvesting and Human Trafficking Capital of the World

Whistleblower Claims Ukraine is Harvesting Child Organs, Corroborates Russian Military Reports

The People Behind Organ Trafficking & Child Trafficking

Rockefeller – NWO Leak



7. They Are Liars – Chutzpah: arrogantly, shamelessly lying.

Their Unholy AntiBible from Babylon, the Talmud, proves their religion includes lying to Christians.


Rosenthal Admits the Plan
Rosenthal Admits the Plan – Click to Enlarge


Due to Nepotism and corruption, not high IQ:

Smart Jew Myth
Smart Jew Myth – Click to Enlarge


Chutzpah - The Proud Art of Lying
Chutzpah – The Proud Art of Lying – Click to Enlarge


The Black Plague (Poison) 2.0 – Covid19 Was A Jewish Depopulation Plan
Chemical Attacks & Cohenincidences
The Holodomor – Jewish Genocide of Christians
The Seed of the Serpent – The Pharisees
The Seed War – War of Gog & Magog – Jewish Nephilim NWO Takeover Prophecy
SeedWar: You Are Already A “Terrorist” – Targeting Intensifies. They ARE Coming
Babylon’s Most Unholy Book – AntiChrist Talmud, Sin to Win
Sabbatean/Frankists – the “Cult of the All-Seeing Eye”
The Power and Aims of International Jewry: U.S. War Department Investigation 1919
The Satanic Star of Judaism (Remphan) – David Had NO Star.
The Jewish Paradox – Imposter Hebrews
The Will of Canaan
The Last Days of The Serpent’s Red Throne
Year 2000 – Important Historical Events
The Serpent’s Seed
The Sheep and The Wolf
The History of The Khazarians
Khazaria 2 In The Making
Exactly Why Jesus Christ is NOT a Jew
Ernst Zündel and the Wicked Silence
The Cipherers of Sephar
Jesus in The Talmud
Talmudist Confessions of Ritual Murder
Curse of Canaan
The Serpent’s Seed
Who or What is a Jew?
Bloody Passovers – Top Jewish Scholar Says Jews Sacrifice Christians
The Allegations of Blood Libel Across Jewish History
Simon of Trent – Child Sacrifice Victim of Jews
Excavated Canaanite High Place: “the sin of the Amorites”
Seed War on Pureblood Humanity: mRNA = Mark of the Beast
White Genocide and Hatred
New History of the Jews – Eustace Mullins
Seed War: Loxist Talmudic Weaponized Racism – AntiSemitism & White Guilt Explained
The Synagogue Of Satan Full Documentary
Satan’s Serum and the Resurrection of the Nephilim!
The Jew’s Multicultural “Golem” Strategy For Cultural Genocide
Ernst Zundel – Interviewed By An Israeli Journalist
Gun Control, A Jewish Prerogative
The Star of David (Not) Satanism In Plain Sight
The Kalergi Plan – White Replacement
The ADL’s Dark Past – Leo Frank – The Pedophile Jews Defended
Who Controls The Fake News? Kanye West Was Right
God’s Fate For Talmudists
Is the New World Order “Jewish”?
ISAIAH 53 – The Forbidden Chapter! (Ancient Jews Censored Jesus Prophecy?!)
Who Are The “Banksters” Exactly?
The Unholy Third Temple To Be Built
Jewish Demon-God Hashem
Don’t Mix With Hamitic Races
Jews Founded & Rule Communist China
Zionist Jews Happily Brag About Being At The Center Of The Muslim Invasion Of Europe
Metzitzah B’peh (Sucking Newborns Penis’s) Causes Massive Herpes Infestations
The Truth About Palestine & Israel
Antifa: Jewish Paramilitary
Wall Street And The Bolshevik Revolution
Jewish Loxism: A Primer
Israel and the assassinations of The Kennedy Brothers
Anti Defamation League Notice To Jews – Support Goy Wars, You’re Exempt From The Draft

1919 US War Dept Investigation Substantiates Protocols of Zion by Unknown

The Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion

The Final 9/11 Truth – The Jews Hate Christian Nations

The Evil Jews – The Criminal Profile of a People

Israel’s Stolen Illegal Nuclear Secrets: Stockpile Violates US Israel AID Dollars.

EU Displays Satanic Anti-Christian Artwork by Godless Lesbian in Parliament

Scientists Discover Gene That Predisposes Ashkenazi Jews to Schizophrenia

Early Celtic Church Taught Two Seedline
LA TIMES: New Details of Extensive ADL Spy Operation Emerge : Inquiry: Transcripts reveal nearly 40 years of espionage by a man who infiltrated political groups.

The Curse of Jewish Domination – God Warned Us: Follow *The Law*, or They Will Get You!
God Said It’s ALL of THEM! The Entire Race
Jesus Warned Us: Jews Infiltrate and Pretend To Be Israelites – but are Edomites – Demons!
“The Necessity of Anti-Semitism”
Goy Guide to World History
In the Name of Zion
The Architect – 2023 Documentary – Part 1
The Architect – 2023 Documentary – Part 2
Tunnelgate – SewerJews Beneath The Girls Bathroom, Near Epstein’s Place – Tunnels, Toddlers, & Soiled Mattresses
Rabbis Kill Babies For Fun – Practice with Beheading Child Dolls.
Rabbi’s Daughter: We Glorify Lies and We Uglify Beauty


From The Jew’s Own Mouths
What Yeshuah (Jesus) Said About Jews
What Yahweh (God) Said About Jews

Forbidden Biblical Anthropology:

The Table of Nations: Biblical & Historical Fact


Lineages of Adam

The Lineages of Man and Nephilim
Beyond The Pale Origins: Caucasians – The First Men

Lineages of Noah

The Sons of Shem – The Caucasian Peoples of Europe
The Descendants of Japheth
The Descendants of Ham – Cushites, Canaanites. Blacks & Jews.
The Jewish Paradox – Imposter Hebrews
97%+ Of Jews Are Not of Abraham – Fake Hebrews
Sons of Cush – The Black Tribes of Man
The Nephilim Tribes of Canaanites, Edomites, Amalekites (Jews)

Lineages of Ham & The Fallen Angels

The Descendants of Ham – Cushites, Canaanites. Blacks & Jews.
Sons of Cush – The Black Tribes of Man
The Nephilim Tribes of Canaanites, Edomites, Amalekites (Jews)
The Will of Canaan
The Jewish Paradox – Imposter Hebrews
JEW OR JUDAH? The Original Manuscripts Never Used The Word ‘Jew’
The Satanic Star of Judaism (Remphan) – David Had NO Star
European Royals are ALL from Edom/Esau/Canaan (aka ‘Jews’)
Trump is a Crypto (Closet) Jew
Giants of Forbidden Archeology: The Biblical Nephilim – Enemies of God
Homo Capensis – The Biblical Nephilim
Anunnaki – The Princely Bloodline of the Nephilim Seed of the Serpent


Lineages of Abraham

Sons of Ishmael – Modern Arabs
The True Hebrew Israelites – The Caucasian Race (The Lost Tribes of Israel)
100 PROOFS the lsraelites were Caucasian
About Christian Identity

Esau Have I Hated! The Nephilim/Canaanite Connection (part 1)
Esau Have I Hated! Edom Through the Centuries of History (part 2)
Esau Have I Hated! The Apostate Tribe of Dan (part 3)


About Christian Identity
Things Christians Need To Know
Oxymoronic Judeo-Christian Deception


Israel Soldiers Mock Dead GAZA Babies – They are Nephilim, Not Human!

The NAKBA – The Genocide of Palestinians by JEWS (Update: Nakba 2.0 Has Begun)


Additional unfiltered notes:

And he said, Woe unto you also, ye lawyers! for ye lade men with burdens grievous to be borne, and ye yourselves touch not the burdens with one of your fingers.

Woe unto you! for ye build the sepulchres of the prophets, and your fathers killed them.

Truly ye bear witness that ye allow the deeds of your fathers: for they indeed killed them, and ye build their sepulchres.

Therefore also said the wisdom of God, I will send them prophets and apostles, and some of them they shall slay and persecute:

That the blood of all the prophets, which was shed from the foundation of the world, may be required of this generation;

From the blood of Abel unto the blood of Zacharias, which perished between the altar and the temple: verily I say unto you, It shall be required of this generation.

Luke 11:46-51

Luke 3:38-39

He that soweth the good seed, are the seed of Adam

(Satan has children on the earth)

John 8:31-8:34

You are of your father the devil

Matthew – the enemy?

John 8:44 You are of your father the Devil

John 8:47 You are not of God

Revelations 2:9

Which say they are Jews and are not, but are of the Synagogue of Satan

Nowhere in the bible does it say that God Changed the name of Israel to Jew. It does Say that he changed Abram to Abraham and Jacob to Israel

Saul – Benjamenite – First King over Jacob Israel

John was first of Jacob/Israel who was called Baptist

Moses was not a jew.

David or his Son Solomon, not called Jews.

You don’t find the word Jew in the entire first 11 books of the bible (They racially claim the first 5 as the Torah)

Who was the first Jew?

The first mention of the word Jews is in II Kings 16:6 and then only in translations revised in 18th century.

II Kings 16 Jacob/Israel was at War with the Jews

Matthew 13: Parable of Wheat and Tare.

Mixed Multitude went away, he was sent only to the Lost Sheep of Jacob/Israel (Matthew 15 and Matthew 10)

End of Matthew 13:39 The enemy sowed them that Satan

“The Jewish nation dares to display an irreconcilable hatred toward all nations, and revolts against all masters; always superstitious, always greedy for the well-being enjoyed by others, always barbarous — cringing in misfortune and insolent in prosperity.”

A page full of PDFs I haven’t gotten around to yet:


sayanim • סייענים


excerpted from Sayanim & Hasbara and The Art of War

by Lisa Phillips, April 27, 2018


[Sayanim (sing. sayan; Hebrew: helpers, assistants) are Jews living outside Israel who volunteer] to provide assistance to Israel and/or the Israeli Mossad utilising the capacity of their own nationality to procure assistance. This assistance includes facilitating medical care, money, logistics, and even overt intelligence gathering. Estimates put the number of sayanim in the hundreds of thousand.


While not official Mossad agents and sometimes acting without explicit knowledge, they may work in the capacity of unregistered representatives of the government of Israel in their respective nations.


Generally-speaking, these non-Israeli Jewish volunteers are asked to engage in legal activities that will not bring them into trouble with the authorities, such as using Wikipedia to spread propaganda. There are exceptions, however, as for example in the case of Jonathan Pollard, the U.S. Naval intelligence employee who engaged in espionage on behalf of Israel’s intelligence agencies and whose exposure by the FBI strained relations between the U.S. and Israel.


Victor Ostrovsky, a former Mossad katsa turned author, wrote extensively about activities of the sayanim, as has Gordon Thomas. According Ostrovsky and Thomas, the sayanim provide assistance of various kinds to Mossad officers operating in foreign countries. This assistance can include facilitating medical care, money, logistics, and even overt intelligence gathering. They can be Judges, Court Clerks, Expert Witnesses, Child Protective Service Workers, Assistant District Attorneys, Police Officers, or anyone with a great degree of power over people’s lives, and will do anything at the behest of Mossad case officers (katsa) for the State of Israel against its enemies or those perceived to be unfavorable politically to Israeli policy. (“By Way of Deception”, Victor Ostrovsky). Sayanim are supposedly not directly involved in intelligence operations, and are only paid for their expenses.


Jewish Activist Reveals How Jews Use Worldwide Network Of ‘Sayanim’ To Silence Their Critics

July 10, 2020


The sayanim are tens of thousands of people — Jews, Zionists — who are members probably of the B’nai B’rith, for instance. B’nai B’rith is the jewish masonry who occupy high levels in all the societies. I mean, you can imagine five thousand sayanim in New York only in the business area. Five thousand sayanim in Los Angeles in the production area, in the artistic area. And in France, in London, you can imagine a thousand sayanim in the medias.


And they receive orders from the Mossad, from a department in the Mossad called the War Department. They work for the Mossad. It means that all these people who work normally. The work in a bank. They work political. They are publishers.


But when the Mossad calls them and tells them, ‘Look, I need information. For instance, I need all the sayanim, all over the world, say that this person — for instance, the Secretary General of the United Nations — has said something antisemitic.’ And you see all over the world — in Europe, in New York — the medias….When I discovered that, I understood. It’s like when you turn the light on, you know?


Because suddenly you open a newspaper, you listen to the radio, you hear a politician, everybody says, ‘The Secretary of the United Nations said something antisemitic.’ And the poor guy….why? Because the Mossad gave the order to do that.


And I can say for instance Gilad Shallit, you know, the Israeli soldier kidnapped by Hamas. In 24 hours, his name was known all over the world. I mean, even if it was an American general who was kidnapped, his name would never have been mentioned. Gilad Shallit, in 24 hours celebrated in the universe. And this is the work of the sayanim.


Jewish Activist Reveals How Jews Use Worldwide Network Of ‘Sayanim’ To Silence Their Critics

shluchim • שליחים • agents

Here is Wikipedia’s santized-for-goyim description:


shaliach (Hebrew: שליח‎, pl. שליחים/שלוחים‎, shlichim/shluchim) is a member of the Chabad Hasidic movement who is sent out to promulgate Judaism and Hasidism in locations around the world. There are over 4,900 Chabad shluchim families worldwide, in over 100 countries.


They work even to infiltrate their shluchim into the U.S. military. Here are more shluchim:

To understand the significance of these agents, it is essential to understand Chabad’s malevolent agenda:

deceit • “be Chabad on the inside”
See: Modern on the Outside and Chabad on the Inside by Rabbi Shlomo Riskin

The shapeshifting deceit disguising Jews’ true intentions is quintessentially talmudic—derivative of the deceitful parable of Moed Katan 17a that teaches Jews that when they are tempted to do evil, they should disguise themselves, then do their evil in another place where they are not known The Talmud is full of corollary instructions to do evil against gentiles providing there is no blowback on the tribe.


Jewish supremacism • See Chabad’s teaching on “Kill even the best of the Gentiles…” at: Who is human? Who is not?


global domination • the promotion of the “Seven (actually 620) Noahide Laws” for Gentiles, a Jewish version of Islamic dhimmitude, global gentile slavery under the talmudic slavemasters.
See: Noahide Deceit


hasbara • הסברה

Jew ‘splaining

Hasbara (Hebrew: הַסְבָּרָה‎ hasbará, “explaining”) refers to pro-Israel propaganda efforts (or similar propaganda efforts promoting Jewish interests more generally).[1][2] The term is used by the Israeli government and its supporters to describe efforts to “explain” government policies, to promote Israel, and to counter what they see as delegitimisation of Israel around the world. Hasbara means “explanation” but is also a Hebrew euphemism for propaganda.

pilpul • פלפול

tortured reasoning

How do the “sages” turn God’s clear commands inside out? How do lawyers deny the plain text of the US Constitution and find non-existent “rights,” such as the “right” to kill unborn babies? By pilpul, a quintessentially Jewish form of lying and self-deception.


What Is Pilpul , And Why On Earth Should I Care About It?

by David Sasha, May 22, 2010, updated May 25, 2011


Pilpul for Beginners

by Gilad Atzmon, Mayt 18, 2020

“Pilpul, as described, is not about understanding of the law and its meaning but about the deliberate miss- interpretation of the law so it fits with one’s core interests.

Shasha points out that ‘even though many contemporary Jews are not observant, pilpul continues to be deployed. Pilpul occurs any time the speaker is committed to ‘prove’ his point regardless of the evidence in front of him. The casuistic aspect of this hair-splitting leads to a labyrinthine form of argument where the speaker blows enough rhetorical smoke to make his interlocutor submit. Reason is not an issue when pilpul takes over: what counts is the establishment of a fixed, immutable point that can never truly be disputed.’

Pilpul is basically a legalistic exercise that is removed from truthfulness, ethical thinking or even logic.”





Unfiltered Resources to check:


In case you missed it:

Primordial Truth: Mapping the Rabbit Holes – Know Everything!

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