The Truth of Trojan Trump – Stupid, Evil or THE Antichrist Son of Perdition?
Tim Cohen REFUSES to Debate me on Antichrist, Lying Jew.
Antichrist Trump Songs (Condensed Truth):
Trojan Trump – Country Edition
Trojan Trump (Rap Edition) Official Music Video
The King of The (Fake) Jews. – A Thread
The Jews Have Found Their False Christ Messiah. Crowned Vaxdaddy Kingjew Trump
Trump Complains about “Holocaust Deniers” and “October 7th Deniers” – Won’t Stop Jewwars Til VICTORY
The Trump psyop is so multi-layered and undeniably genius. The establishment has successfully conditioned both parties to focus on Trump for all the wrong reasons.
He’s not Hitler, like Democrats think.
And he’s not a savior, like Republicans think.
He is a very convincing, consuming, and charismatic actor, who will absolutely be selected this election, so he can continue to distract supporters of both parties.
Meanwhile, the technocrats and global cabal who fund them will move forward with implementing all of the policies we’ve been successfully distracted from.
They will “end the Fed”… and replace it with CBDC.
They will “control the borders”… with biometric surveillance.
They will implement a “voter ID”… that will become your digital ID.
They will present “The Everything App”… that will manage your social credit score.
This article has been some time in the making… As someone who helped build Trump to where he is, defending him from the Fake News attacks on a daily basis…
I didn’t want to believe the unavoidable Truth that this article will endeavor to make clear for the honest seeker. That Trump is either Incredibly Evil, or Incredibly Stupid.
O’Reilly: “Did You Get The Booster” – Trump: “Yes”
“Israel is not a force in Congress anymore, I mean it’s just amazing…They had such power, Israel had such power and rightfully over Congress now it doesn’t, it’s incredible actually.”
— DJT, 2022, Trojan Trump: “Israel had such power and rightfully over Congress…”
“My hand was covered with blood”
~Trump, Truest Lie He Ever Spoke.
Trump, “when I heard a loud whizzing sound, then felt something hit me really, really hard…” LIE!
You don’t hear the bullet, then feel the hit. Quite the opposite considering the bullet travels much faster than the sound.
Nimrod was beheaded, entombed, his organs stored in ritual jars, and we killed 1 million people to steal that body found in IRAQ after FAKING weapons of mass destruction in order to pretextually invade Iraq.
Then, DARPA and INQTEL type dark money began to flow towards “Genetic resurrection” startup technologies.
Then, we had mammoth meatballs for “climate change” resurrected from genetics. Jurassic Park.
Somewhere along the way, Trump MUST have injected Nimrod DNA.
Then, Trump said the vaccine WAS HIS BLOOD and began to fulfill the EXACT AND SPECIFIC steps of the SON OF PERDITION ANTICHRIST NIMROD REBORN.
“The beast who was, and is not, and yet will” be IS NOW and for a short time.
The Jab was THE MARK OF THE BEAST (hardware aspect, software update coming..)
~Dustin Nemos
Donald John Trump (World Ruler Allowed by Jahovah – Deceiver) (Jahovah is a Jewish Corrupted name for Yahweh)
Most believe Trump has been a force for positive change, or even Christian Conservative values…
But the reality is far different. He bribed and flattered his way into office using datamined talking points and tax breaks then launched worldwar gay, betrayed the constitution, warpsped the mark of the beast murder of 1billion people and rollout of the global enslavement 5g matrix, and went from lock her up to lock you down and thousands of other LIES while campaigning for King of Israel while pretending to be America First.
TRUMP: Savior or Doom with Dustin Nemos (XSpace)
Trump As the AntiChrist? IanMalcolm84 X Space: Election Predictions With @TheDustinNemos
Why I Will Not Vote For Trump (Or Kamala)
Trump’s Evil Album
Donald Trump’s Relationship With God – He’s THE ANTICHRIST
“We are going to remove the Jew haters who do nothing to help our country.” – Donald Trump
Fruit of The Trump
State of the World
The Vax
Surrounded by The Swamp
And I, after seeing the information that I have begun to accumulate on this page – Believe it is Evil.
Here we present the facts, and you decide. Savior, or Doom?
The Truth of Trump – Stupid, Evil? THE Antichrist?
Here we will present the case, objectively.
Who Was Matthew North? His Open Letter To Zionist Puppet Trump Supporters! [2018]
Fruit of The Trump –
“Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.”~ Matthew 7:20
🚨#Trump Red Flags Thread🚨
1- Warp Speed jab delivery (war seed)
2- Jesuit Schooling (entire family)
3- Gave more money to Big Pharma than all past Presidents combined.
4- Signed vaccine EO before Covid
5- RED flag gun laws
6- WEF member along with children
7- Signing of Abraham Accords
8- Jan 6th trap and letting patriots rot in prison
9- Abandoned office while America and Democracy was under attack (Election)
10- Said America won 2 beautiful world wars
11- Married kids to jews
12- Called Albert Pike’s statue a beautiful piece of art and asked it be rebuilt.
13- Town renamed after Trump in Israel. “Trump Heights”
14- Noahide Law Champion
15- Signed “Cares Act” That’s the act that sent everybody around 1200$, convinced most losers to stay home and never work again, and:
16- Family Donated land and money for Talmudic Torah Jewish Centre
17- Kabbalah initiate (his book)
18- Trump Tower symbolism
19- America’s first Jewish president
20- Zionist Awards
21- Casino business
22- Beauty Pageant owner (including TEEN pageant)
23- Promised to reveal the truth about 9/11 if elected
24- Called himself “The Chosen One”
25- Refuses to repent
26- Promised to lock up Hillary
27- Bailed out by Rothschild (Wilbur Ross)
28- Foreign Policy mentor is Henry Kissinger
29- Business mentor Roy Cohn was a known pedophile and “worse person ever profiled” according to FBI
30- Sent Ivanka to get mentored by known sexual predator Casablancas to help propel modelling career at age 13
31- Israeli Trump Messianic coin
32- Funded GAVI
33- Blocked Kennedy files disclosure
34- Pardoned a bunch of sh!t bags
35- Still proud of and pushing “His Vacc|ne” to this very day
36- Space Farce (Space Hoax)
37- 15 days to slow the curve
38- More Zionists in his cabinet than any past President
39- Incessant reciting of Snake Poem
49- Gold plated penthouse (66th floor) with Apollyon symbolism (666 5th ave)
50- Art of the Grift (Sneakers, NFT, Coins, merch & donations)
51- 60+ years of predictive programming (Trump pop culture)
52- His spiritual adviser is basically Lilith (Paula White)
53-His favourite pastor is a 33rd degree Freemason (Norman Vincent Peale)
54- Proclaimed King of the Jews
55- Donald Trump was given the ‘Torah Crown’ by the Israel Heritage Foundation whose mission is “to await King David’s descendant to rule the land…”
56- His persecution being deemed Jesus-like
57- Attended Al Smith charity dinners, a Jesuit function, his entire life as his father was a lifetime member. (Dinner he roasted Hillary)
58- Signed 2 Executive Orders mandating biometric surveillance at all ports of entry.
59- Didn’t repeal Obamacare
60- Recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moved the American embassy there
61- etc..
State of the World
WW3: Jewish Donald Trump attacks Syria
These Disunited States are competing to fly/bus/train/ship immigrants to other states in a suicidal doom loop. Sanctuary City New York is cutting public services and begging for help as it , California is taking children from parents who refuse to allow them to be molested and butchered. Texans are a demographic minority in Texas. Most capitals in the states have fallen. Europe is actually worse off than we are. Our women and children are being chained to the floor and gangraped in homes built by their fathers. Children are being mass trafficked and raped to the point of becoming mute at the tender age of 2-5. Hell has been unleashed upon our world.
Roughly 10% of our population is in active caloric restriction or outright starvation.
We have an impending famine, 3 world War 3 Scenarios we can’t win – all at once, with a fully depleted and poisoned military whose pilots are dropping out of the sky weekly.
The Social Credit Score, Vax Passport, and Digital Funnymunny (Controllable) softwares will soon be installed into the vaxxed people (hardware) and linked up to demand The Mark of the Beast to buy or sell.
The roaming migrant rape and theft gangs will be active. They are chaining our children and women to the floors of their dwellings as rape toys, paid for by our stolen tax dollars.
Edom thinks it has destroyed us. But YHWH will preserve us who keep His law.
Immigration has exponentially grown worse. Immigrants who climb into a 4 year old American boys bedroom and torture rape and murder him are given no jail time while actual Americans are being persecuted, imprisoned, Tortured and worse, en masse, for protesting while white.
The Final Takedown is nigh.
Those who are, pass laws to destroy their enemies, force a popular presidential candidate in the allegedly most powerful nation on Earth to travel to their nation to pass “Hate Speech” laws restricting your First Amendment, imprison innocent people for years while torturing them and get caught setting them up, and its swept under the rug despite everyone knowing, send dozens of FBI at families and point guns at children, setup wars, destroy economies, poison 1/3 of the world with vaccines, run all the porn, are behind the hollyweird grooming, and are forcing parents to allow their children to be groomed for sex activism and use in public schools.
They burn down states forests leading to record loss of life, and its called wildfires.
They start race wars leading to billions of dollars of damage in hundreds of cities.
They control the worlds borders and are behind multicultural immigration.
They beat old women, rape children, imprison just men for speaking out against it, and control every single voice, without exception, that we listen to that isn’t being called a Nazi for using the J word.
Transgenderism originated from their unholy anti bible from Babylon, the Talmud
They promote materialism and flesh everywhere we look, violence and drug abuse in our childrens music.
They normalize the continual slippery slope of degradation.
They harvest living babies whom they cut to pieces for money, without painkillers. Some stolen from mothers told they had died during childbirth.
They blackmail your leaders with child sex videos.
They get a free pass on stealing nukes, spying on us, having stolen nukes, and not participating in the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty, and when they threaten to use them, the world powers ignore it or approve it.
They destroyed Rome, Hellenic Greece, Burnt Chicago, Burnt London (twice), and have instigated virtually every war in the modern era, including all 3 world wars – which has already wiped out over 50% of Caucasian Israel, whose Identity they stole.
They are behind the secret societies, infiltrated the pagan church of Rome via Loyolas, the first Jesuit and before, as early as Julius and Nero. Why did Brutus betray his friend Julius? Selling out the empire to the Jews for political power.
They were behind the Dark Ages, and Inquisitions – killing Christians for daring to read Gods word. They are why Catholics pray repetitive prayers to Dead bones and call men “Father” despite it being forbidden by God.
They’ve been evicted from nearly 200 nations (including multiples) for ritual murder of Christian children and peoples after being found guilty in courts of law. Like Saint Simon of Trent.
They are the reason Christians think the Rapture will save them from The Tribulation that has already begun – according to the signs they were commanded to watch for and be sober and vigilant for.
They are the reason Christians stopped following God’s laws, whom Yeshuah (Jesus) Christ said would never end.
They were behind MLK jr, Rosa Parks, George Floyd, the ADL (Founded to defend their child rape) and the Fake News.
They are the reason the world believes in Globe Scientism rather than Scientific Method.
Global warming to deindustrialize, depopulate and enslave.
They created vaccines to poison Christians.
They Poisoned 1/3 of Christians during the “Black Plague” which wasn’t a plague.
The Spanish Flu – Them
The Irish Potato Famine – Them
The Holodomor – Them, The firebombing of women and children by the millions at Dresden, them.
The Chinese Communist Party, The Bolshevik and French Revolutions, the wars in the middle east, them.
The word cannibal – Canaanite Priest of Baal sacrificing and eating babies to Satan’s antiChrist King – Nimrod. Whose body we invaded Iraq and killed a million people for, supposedly hunting Weapons of Mass Destruction. Now DARPA wants to resurrect ancient creatures and is funding resurrection genetics technologies.
They slew the Prophets. Even Jesus “His blood be on us and on our children”
But not in one of these instances has justice been served. The one man who tried to stand up to them politely, peacefully, and in defense of Christ and Christian, western values – you’re literally afraid to talk about or you’ll be branded a Nazi.
Most of our people cheer their puppets like Trump & Tucker, yet they will never tell you any of this and were created so you do not find out.
not in one of these instances have good guys yet won the day.
That is power.
Patriots are NOT in control.
But they will be. Soon. The Wrath of the Awakened Saxon comes.
All of this was written down – on both sides, long ago. Gods prophecies are being fulfilled, for those who are watching the very specific signs come to pass. They had their self fulfilling “prophecies” as well, prescient documents laying out the plan to poison us by becoming Dr’s. Enslave us by becoming Politicians, Judges, and Lawyers. And to lead us away from God by becoming clergymen and priests.
The stories of giants, such as Goliath? Their ancestors. Nephilim Hybrids from Genesis 6.
Welcome to the Seed War of Genesis 3:15
France Has Fallen to the Jewish Kalergi Golem Invasion Strategy – Good Short Summary Of Their Kalergi Plan Endgame
The Jews…….
Burned down Rome and blamed the Christians
Conservatives, why do you support Israel when:
* Israel sells US military secrets to China.
* Israel spied on America.
* The ADL censors you.
* Epstein worked for Mossad.
* They attacked your Navy vessels.
* You are forced to give them more aid than Ukraine.
* They drag your military into foreign wars.
* The wars will create refugees.
* The fake news media backs Israel.
* Israel was created by the Rothschilds
* Palestinians are christians, the OG, are persecuted by Israel.
* You are pro-life when the Israelis kill babies.
* Israel is the most LGBT-woke-lib ‘state’ in the region.
* The Palestinian areas are templates for “smart cities” – literally with AI machine guns and Permits required for movement.
* Israel is threatening you with Nukes?
The Vax
“I saved you,” cried that woman
“And you’ve bitten me, even why?
And you know your bite is poisonous and now I’m gonna die”
“Oh, shut up, silly woman,” said that reptile with a grin
“Now you knew darn well I was a snake before you brought me in”~Trump
“I recommend taking the vaccines. I did it, it’s good. Take the vaccines.” — Donald J Trump, August 21st, 2021
“I hope everyone remembers when they’re getting the COVID-19 Vaccine, that if I wasn’t President, you wouldn’t be getting that beautiful ‘shot’ for 5 years, at best, and probably wouldn’t be getting it at all. I hope everyone remembers!” — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021
“I would recommend it and I would recommend it to a lot of people that don’t want to get it and a lot of those people voted for me, frankly.” — Donald J Trump, March 16th 2021
“We have our freedoms and we have to live by that, and I agree with that also. But it is a great vaccine. It is a safe vaccine, and it is something that works.” — Donald J Trump, March 17th 2021
“Get those shots everyone!” — Donald J Trump, December 17th 2020
“I guess in a certain way, I’m the father of the vaccine because I was the one that pushed it. To get it done in less than nine months was a miracle.” – Donald J Trump, April 29th 2021
“Everybody, go get your shot.” — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021
“It works incredibly well. 95%, maybe even more than that…and it is really saving our country and it is saving frankly the world.” — Donald J Trump, March 9th 2021
“It will save millions of lives, and soon end the pandemic once and for all. These vaccines are also very safe.” — Donald J Trump, December 11th 2020
“The Vaccine and the Vaccine rollout are getting the best of reviews. Moving along really well. Get those shots everyone!” — Donald J Trump, December 17th 2020
“Well, I got the Pfizer, and I would have been very happy with any of them. I thought a very bad statement was when they did a pause on Johnson & Johnson. I think that frightened people. That was a bad thing to do. At that time, when they did the pause, they had six people that may have had some difficulty out of millions that received it. But I think the pause was a very bad thing to do.” — Donald J Trump, October 2nd 2021
“During my administration, everybody wanted the vaccine. There was nobody saying oh, gee, I don’t want to take it. Now they say that. And that’s because they don’t trust the Biden administration. I can think of no other reason. But they say we don’t want it, we aren’t going to take it. When I was there, everybody wanted it and we were doing great. Well, the military did a fantastic job.” — Donald J Trump, October 7th 2021
“I’m very proud of the vaccine, I’ve taken it, you’ve probably taken it. But I’m very proud of it. I think we could have another situation with the Spanish Flu, 1917, where up to 100 million people were killed.” — Donald J Trump, August 18th 2021
LEAKED! Trump Admits on Call with RFK Jr He Knew V@XXines Harm Babies ALL ALONG!
“Something is wrong with that whole system” “And then you see the baby all of a sudden starting to change radically – I’ve seen it too many times” “And you and I talked about that a long time ago”
~Trump, who said on 4.26.24 that “His views on vaccines are FAKE, as is everything else about his candidacy”
Champion of the Deathshot, TrumpZ
Trump’s Indefensible Promotion of Suicide Shots – Updates, Luciferian Son In Law, WEF Daughter
“By declaring a “public health emergency” and placing the injections under “medical counter measures” overseen by the military, Trump was able to bypass a landmark component of the free world — informed consent as required by the Nuremburg Code. Whether he knew it or not, this one single move empowered the Luciferian death cult to have its way with millions of people’s lives…..I would have taken a bullet in the head before I would implement a culling of the American population….If the corporate media really hated Donald Trump as much as they pretend to hate him and believed he was as evil as they say he is, all they would need to do to take him down is admit that the mass injection program placed toxic chemicals into the bodies of millions of Americans of all ages, and then blame him for setting it all in motion. The shots had known side effects up to and including death. But they won’t do this. That is the one Trump policy they won’t touch.”
Top Genocide of All History:
Vaccine Kills between 1,072,847 and 2,616,700 in United States per Gov. Data.
Arguments Made In Trump’s Defense:
I know many people are weaving long threads and posts telling you Trump is playing 4d Chess. Consider the points below when you read them. And maybe even call them out by sharing this.
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What could make the MAGA Movement turn on Trump, even booing him numerous times at his own wildly popular events?
I used to be Trump’s most ardent supporter. I helped launch what we today call “The Great Awakening” A worldwide political movement, by constantly rebutting fake news and defending Trump against the vicious and unfounded lies of the deep state. But lately I’ve been having my doubts since he began to promote the vaccine, and my final straw was when he promoted the booster poison. And I am not alone.
Arguments for Trump, Rebutted:
“He’s using misdirection cause they made fun of him”
– They make fun of him anyway. They called him “Literally Hitler” for years. What worse can they do?
“He’s using misdirection because they banned HCQ last time he resisted the Vax”
– They banned Ivermectin anyway, despite him not having been promoting it. Nonsensical defense of Trump.
“He’s using misdirection because he’s playing 4d Chess”
– And killing babies with his terrible booster promotion, babies I report on almost every single video dying from bleeding from the mouth after being born, or dying of seizures and heart attacks after drinking mommy’s milk. Do you have children? What 4d Chess gain is worth it? What did we GAIN from this? Was it worth the price paid in dead babies ?
“But, It’s for the “Optics””
I can’t see the cost/benefit analysis to this argument. What nebulous gain? At such terrible cost?! Most “Optics” arguments seem to be variations of avoiding criticism (thin skin? Trump? No way) or some subjective and nebulous implied, yet rarely defined, benefit.
“They would have shut down the economy for years if he hadn’t gone along with it.”
– They shut down the economies everywhere (that they could) anyways. So we didn’t avoid it. This argument makes no sense. I wish they had shut down the economy for 10 years instead of poisoning half the world. By year 2 everyone would have rebelled as no one was dying and they would have been fed up. Instead everyone is dying from Variants caused by the vaccines, and they have the perfect excuse – Better Broke than Dead.
“More people would have died !”
– How would more people have died with Trump saying “refuse the poison” as opposed to Trump saying “Take the Poison” ? This can ONLY be true if most of the world was vehemently anti Trump. Most loved him. Even Zuckerberg is now pro Trump...
“If Trump was actively against the vaccines, the media would be eviscerating him and he would be blamed for us still being in this Covid situation. Because he has been pro-vaccine, the media can’t blame him for anything. His stance keeps focus on the inadequacies and illegitimacy of the Biden administration where it needs to be.”
Then why is he promoting the boosters? That’s when it clicked for me.
“Trump isn’t killing anyone. Is he physically injecting people? Go away.”
– Is Fauci Physically Injecting People? Or CDC’s Walensky? No. Their job is to sell you the poison, yet no one trusts them. People Trust Trump – and he’s selling it like a pushy used car salesman, even drawing Boo’s at his own rallies.
I know many people are weaving long threads and posts telling you Trump is playing 4d Chess. Consider the points above when you read them. And maybe even call them out by sharing this.
Whether you still support Trump or not – he lost me pushing vaccines and now boosters which are mass killing millions of people including babies – I think we need to push back against Trump when he’s wrong. at the very least. And if that means calling him out for his promotion of poison, then maybe he’ll think twice about promoting it to keep the FAKE NEWS from calling him bad names. Who cares what the FAKE NEWS thinks? What do lions care for the opinion of Sheep? Is he a leader or a pansy? We already KNOW Trump has thick skin.
He should care what WE think. Not what THEY think
WE THE PEOPLE are the ones who put him in power in the first place.
We’re the ones whose lives are being destroyed, whose economy is falling to pieces, whose jobs and livelihoods are being threatened. Whose currency is being hyperinflated into mass poverty and privation.
We’re the ones whose babies are dying when they nurse on their mothers. Who are born only to die bleeding from the mouth in their mothers arms because she was pressured into taking the vaccine in order to live a normal life.
We’re the ones who are suffering.
Where is he on these issues? Any of them?
Take heart, We The People’s Great Awakening is NOT over. Trump or no Trump.
“You knew I was a snake before you took me in!” ~Trump
Vax Booster Promotion – The Moment I Knew.
Update 11.13.22: – He Defends The Folly – No Remorse
Candace Owens On Donald Trump: He Got Upset With Me
“What I am saying is that Trump needs to take a good look in the mirror…and he needs to exercise a tiny bit more humility when he gets something wrong.”
Quotes from Candace’s Interview December 2021
Trump Opinions Of The Covid Vaccines:
“The vaccine is one of the greatest achievements of mankind” … “All three vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, J&J) are very good”
“The vaccines work – if you take the vaccine you are protected” … “People aren’t dying when they take the vaccine”
“The mandates are killing our economy” … “I totally respect somebody saying we don’t want to take it”
Candace Owens Interview with Trump on His Vaccine Cheerleading (2021)
Candace Owens: The Private Doubt Conversations About Trump Should Go Public
Attacks those who expose the truth
Then later admits he agrees with RFK jr, knew it harmed MANY babies, and this was way back.
LEAKED! Trump Admits on Call with RFK Jr He Knew V@XXines Harm Babies ALL ALONG!
Trump’s Medical Dictatorship EO: 13887, (etc)
Surrounded by The Swamp:
“Through the centuries, the Jews have endured terrible persecution … And those seeking their destruction, we will seek their destruction.“
Be Not Deceived: Trump on “Anti-Semites” – Term 2 – “we will seek their destruction.”
“Do not be deceived: Bad company corrupts good character.” ~1 Corinthians 15:33
Trump’s Funding – Follow the Money
Putin’s Rabbi, Trump’s Money Guy
Trump’s Lineage
Looks like Donald Trump is Jewish
Donald Trump: The «Anti-Christ» Agenda Exposed (R$E)
Trump is a Crypto (Closet) Jew
Donald Trump’s Father was so Dedicated to Israel Causes, People Thought he was Jewish
Trump’s love affair with Israel and the Jewish people
Donald Trump is casting himself as Israel’s “protector”
Trump’s family denied German heritage for years
Trump’s Associates in Business
Allan Weisselberg (Ashkanenazic Jew) CFO
Michael Cohen (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Special Counsel
Gil Dezer (Ashkenazic Jew) – President, Trump Dezer Development
Michael Dezer (Ashkenazic Jew) – Founder, Trump Dezer Development
Alan Fishman (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chairman, Ladder Capital (Donald Trump’s second largest lender)
Alan Garten (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and General Counsel, The Trump Organization
Lawrence Glick (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President of Strategic Development, The Trump Organization
Jason Greenblatt (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer, The Trump Organization; Co-Chairman, Israel Advisory Committee for Donald Trump
Yael Kushner née Ivanka Trump] (Orthodox Jewish convert) – Executive Vice President, The Trump Organization
Ronald Lieberman Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President of Management & Development, The Trump Organization
Amanda Miller – (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice President of Marketing, The Trump Organization
David Orowitz (Ashkenazic Jew) – Senior Vice President of Acquisitions and Development, The Trump Organization
George Ross (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Senior Counsel, The Trump Organization
Felix Sater (Ashkenazic Jew) – Former Senior Adviser, The Trump Organization
Keith Schiller (Ashkenazic Jew) – Director of Security, The Trump Organiztion
Andrew Weiss Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President, The Trump Organization…Since then Weisselberg did a little stretch in jail for tax evasion, of course. Other execs and wives come and go like Ivanka, but the tribe is still in charge. The Trump logo should be the word TRUMP superimposed over a Star of David.
Trump’s Family – Jewish Deathcult
Ivanka Trump Is A Member Of The World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders
Her Husband, Jared Kushner – is a member of the Talmudist Supremacist Luciferian Death Cult, Chabad – Which worships the Talmud – Babylon’s Unholy Bible. A book that says Jesus Christ (Yeshuah) boils in excrement in hell.
This is not a joke. These people are at the highest level of the occult pyramid, from which Freemasonry originates.
Jared Kushner attended Chabad House at Harvard. “Israel wasn’t a political discussion for him; it was his family, his life, his people,” said Hirschy Zarchi, rabbi at the Chabad House at Harvard.
Between 2003 and 2013, his family foundation donated a total of $342,500 to various institutions and projects associated with the movement. Especially endowed was the Chabad center at Harvard University, which received $150,000 in 2007 (the foundation’s single biggest donation to a Lubavitch-affiliated enterprise) and then another $3,600 in 2013. In addition, the Donald J. Trump Foundation has donated $11,550 to three Chabad institutions.
In 2006, Kushner’s father Charles was sentenced to 24 months in prison for making illegal campaign donations & witness tampering.
Note: I cannot confirm that Trump himself has converted to Talmudic Judaism, however – it is worth noting his close ties to Chabad.
Perhaps that’s why when Bill Gate’s said:
“In both of those two meetings [with Donald Trump], he asked me if vaccines weren’t a bad thing, because he was considering a commission to look into ill-effects of vaccines… And I said “No… that would be a bad thing, don’t do that.””
That’s why Trump obeyed?
Trump was also Jesuit trained for a brief time during his youth. How far did he take that? Here’s a choice snippet from the Jesuit Oath:
Trump Honors Dead Jewish Supremacist Talmudist
Political Endorsements – A Pattern of Failure and Evil
Trump Endorses Far Left Radical Dr. Oz
The same Dr. Oz who promotes transgender ideology for toddlers, encourages “cutting edge” gender surgery for kids, And wants to Microchip you.
“Strong and Fearless” – Trump Endorses Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy Despite Boos at Wyoming Rally
Sen. Rand Paul WARNS Trump: “Stop Supporting Speaker Johnson” | Beyond the Headlines
Article Here
Hillary & Bill Clinton
Trump Confession: “protected” Hillary despite her being “Evil” after promising to “Lock her up”
Trump Has Never Read The Bible – Can’t Name Single Verse – BUSTED
Trump’s Freemasonic Childhood Pastor – Norman Vincent Peale
Trump Accepts A Crown From Israel’s Heritage Foundation – Reads Prayer to Satan! (Note: see this article about “hashem”)
Trump Accepts Crowning From Israel Heritage Foundation – Reads Prayer to Hashem (Satan) Inscribed
O HELL: President Trump praying TO HASHEM / SATAN at the Ohel in Queens, NY 10.7.24
The Donald: the Serpent Seed from the Royal Bloodline/Tribe of Dan
TEFLON ANTICHRIST: Even The Elect Shall Be Deceived
“Have you ever asked God for forgiveness” Trump: “I’m not sure I have… I don’t think so”
15 Bible Verses Identifying Trump as the Antichrist – Backup
Could American Evangelicals Spot the Antichrist? Here Are the Biblical Predictions:
Antichrist Trump Says “I’m Not Christian”, ‘Believe in me PLEASE’ ‘You won’t have to vote again’
He clearly pronounced a NOT, with a clear T.
While shaking his head NO.
Trump Deity Syndrome is real
See Voice Caption agreeing with this:
Realizing he slipped up, pay attention to the very awkward eye movement and the UNCHARACTERISTIC way he finished this video with a very weak word, barely mumbling it. SIMILAR Trump word usage where he says I’m a quickly. It does NOT sound like the other clip where he clearly says I’m Not.
Context: He said “I love YOU Christians” instead of saying something like we Christians.
Does Trump REALLY Love Jesus? NO
Comparing himself to Christ (AGAIN) is not the same thing as endorsing or supporting Christ.
This guy basically just said I need help from Satan to get more popular than Jesus.
Faking Christ
Midrash Hints that Trump Will Return Glory to Western World by Building Third Temple
Beloved – Most Popular Politician Alive, By Far – Bar None.
“Every time a “former foe” comes over to Antichrist 45-47’s side, I say Dustin knew the future …
Michael Rappaport
Brian Kemp
RFK, Jr.
Mark Zuckerburg
Elon Musk
Snoop Dogg
The entire bitcoin community, etc.”
Space Force
Did you know the original “Space Force” was created by Nimrod, at the Tower of Babel, in order to kill God and take over creation?
He built the tower of Babel right on top of the E-Abzu (The Abyss), the first shrine to Satan built by Cain at Eridu.
Temple Coins introduces limited edition Abraham Accord medallion
Trump Exposes Himself as The Antichrist (Son of Perdition – See in His NFTS
Inauguration Ceremony for US Presidents – Rising of Apollo (The Son of Perdition Incarnation Ritual)
Son of Perdition
~Donald Trump
Trump is THE CROWNED Jewish Messiah-King (Christian AntiChrist Son of Perdition) FALSE CHRIST
Before 2016, Trump was famously irreligious. His lifestyle recalls the best stories of Roman decadence. Like Nimrod, he built a golden tower in Manhattan, itself a modern-day Babylon. As every fact-checker would attest, Trump speaks lies at a pace close to what’s expected of Antichrist—30,573, by the Washington Post’s count.
Trump’s Jewish son-in-law would normally have raised anti-Semitic apocalyptic hackles, especially because this same son-in-law owned a building whose address happens to be 666 5th Avenue (5 is a symbol of fallen humanity because of its association with bodily senses, and 666 is . . . well, you know). The recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is typically viewed as a precondition for the restoration of the Temple, again an important item on Antichrist’s resumé. And, of course, as President, Trump presided over a plague.
Yet none of these associations stuck. Trump proved to be a Teflon Antichrist. But how? His willingness to nominate conservative justices contextualizes the question but doesn’t explain the cult-like devotion he inspired.
The answer lies in prophecy and starts with Islamophobia. Because of Trump’s over-the-top anti-Muslim rhetoric, evangelicals felt they had a leader who saw what they saw—Islamic demons at Christendom’s gates. It’s no coincidence that a popular early meme from Trump’s presidency was a photoshopped image of him on a white horse, waving an American flag, and dressed as a Templar Knight, a leader of medieval Crusades against the new Babylon.
But in the latter half of Trump’s presidency, with the rise of Q Anon, these associations metastasized. Supposedly a government operative, the anonymous Q acts and writes like an apocalyptic prophet—someone gifted with secret knowledge dispensed in heavily symbolic language. As with Revelation, half the joy of Q drops lies in the decoding.
Most consequentially, through Trump, Q injected millenarianism into American prophecy. According to Q, an apocalyptic storm is brewing (Trump fueled this belief in 2017 when, surrounded by generals, he spoke vaguely of “the calm before the storm”). The storm shall lead, in Q’s terms, to a Great Awakening, a phrase borrowed directly from American Protestant traditions, when evil shall be purged and just leadership established. It will be a Rapture on Earth, led by the most unlikely of heroes: Donald Trump.
The psychological gymnastics needed to maintain these beliefs are unfathomable. What perhaps they most reveal is an under-recognized truth about modern evangelicalism: whatever their spiritual bravado, American Christians do fear this world’s agents of chaos. They don’t want to live through the nightmares of the Apocalypse and have always hoped to be swept up to safety before it begins. But at the same time, they crave the Last Days. They want to see unbelievers burned on Earth and then ushered to hellfire. Ultimately whether Trump is hero or Antichrist doesn’t matter, as long as he makes these things happen.
From this perspective, Antichrist’s most terrifying characteristic contains both a promise and a threat: “insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.”
My research says only one man, in all of human history – Nimrod, can be the Son of Perdition commonly referred to as The Antichrist. But Trump is so close in description, biblically, that we must consider that he himself has some form of connection to Nimrod. It doesn’t yet make sense. Where is Nimrod? Why is Trump fulfilling all the Antichrist Roles? Follow along with our reasoning and decide for yourself.
Politicians take their orders from Chabad Rabbi’s who tell them when to jump, how high, and what issues to pretend to care about while betraying with policy.
The Most Important Q Video Ever Made: The Reality of “Saving Israel For Last”
Trump is no exception.
Trump Verdict Seen As ‘Pivotal Moment’ For Undecided Voters
Vaxdaddy Trump of “Operation Warp Seed” is OBSESSED WITH GENETICS (Especially Yours..)
Operation Warpp Seed – THE MARK OF THE BEAST – Human DNA Made In Gods Image (Until Vaxxed…)
The fake news is attacking him so we defend him. He is under 0 risk, discomfort, or actual attack. He had stock in Pfizer, he made operation Seed War (Warp Speed), 15 days to slow the spread, and faked taking the vax to get you to trust it. When the bank runs began, his neverending arrest started the next day.
It’s a game. A show. A battle of sock puppets over the clawed hands of Satan itself. He benefits by getting massive trust. He’s the most TRUSTED man in the world despite being a serial liar who betrayed the 2A and ignored the 1A being destroyed while turning over the nation to the coup of 2020 and continually promoting the poisons to his people. Did all this damage really happen under Biden? Or did Trump merely prepare the soil, and step out of the way as the Tares grew to choke out the wheat?
It could be Trump, the champion who proudly cheerleads the greatest genocide in human history:
Descriptions in Scripture:
Peace Accords (Necessary /Soon to be Re-Affirmed?)
“But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.
For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.
Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.
Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.
For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night.
But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation.
For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ”
19 Then I would know the truth of the fourth beast, which was diverse from all the others, exceeding dreadful, whose teeth were of iron, and his nails of brass; which devoured, brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with his feet;
20 And of the ten horns that were in his head, and of the other which came up, and before whom three fell; even of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spake very great things, whose look was more stout than his fellows. (Trump’s the stoutest world leader currently by far)
21 I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them;
~Daniel 7
Parallels to Nimrod or Jesus
Both had a boastful attitude, Nimrod’s self promotion was legend.
Both were tower engineers. Masons.
“I am the chosen one,” Donald Trump told reporters on Wednesday. He looked up to the heavens as he said this, CNBC reports, so perhaps he truly believes that God anointed him.
Positioning for Kingship
Sitting in the Temple – Of Influence within Christianity
The Carcass Recovered
Consider Matthew 24:24-28 where Jesus says,
“For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before. (In other words, PAY ATTENTION!) Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not. For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.” (KJV)
Notice Jesus says, “Behold, I have told you before.” Backing up to verse 23 it says:
“Then if anyone tells you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah,’ or ‘There he is,’ don’t believe it. For false messiahs and false prophets will rise up and perform great signs and wonders so as to deceive, if possible, even God’s chosen ones. See, I have warned you about this ahead of time.”
In other words, I believe Jesus is saying, “PAY ATTENTION! This is serious guys! Even YOU could be deceived by what is going to happen!”
He then mentions the desert. Gilgamesh was found in the desert.
Is it a coincidence that the 2003 Gulf War started 1 month after Gilgamesh’s Tomb was found? Something sinister may have happened. If governments were transparent enough, they should have informed the public about everything found in the tomb. The notion that the operation was undertaken to overthrow Saddam Hussein’s government and liberate the Iraqi people is a fallacy.
He mentions “the secret chambers.” The Tomb of Osiris was found and it most certainly was/is a secret chamber. Click Here for some more interesting information and videos about this find.
Gematria Breakdown
The Trump surname is an anglicized version of the German name Drumpf. In Jewish gematria, the value of the letters in Don Drumpf is 666. (Don being both his abbreviated first name and meaning «powerful ruler.»).
@laurieisbackagain7 #duet with @Glennomaly #ofthebeast #prophecy #endtimes #bible
Trump’s Tracking System – Beast Grid
Trump’s Biodigital Surveillance Tracking BEAST System
“In order to win in 2024, Republicans must learn how to properly talk about abortion”
Sorry Pro-Life Pro-Vaccine Christians – Novavax Allegedly Based on Aborted Fetal Cell Lines After All – Trump funded 1.6 billion to fetal cell line vaccines.
Baby Killing Trump: Trump Against Anti Abortion Laws
Trojan Trump Stands Against Anti Abortion Law – Yet “Judeo” Christians LOVE HIM (Abortion is Jewish)
Free Speech
Trump’s Executive Order to Stifle Israel Critics Probably Violates the Constitution
Here’s Trump saying he’ll arrest college protestors – “put them down quickly”
Trump – “Freedom of Speech” is for “Foolish People” – ‘Trust Bill Gates.’
Gun Control
Anti Gun past statements, actions, and endorsements also…
Trump’s Plan to Confiscate the Guns – “Involuntary Confinement” “Take the Guns First”
Mercy, Compassion, & Duty to Protect the Weak: Why Trump Didn’t Pardon Edward Snowden or Julian Assange?
“You Have Two Sides of It, In One Case, You Have Sort of a Spy Deal Going On, And in Another Case, You Have Somebody That’s Exposing Real Corruption. I Feel a Little Bit, I Won’t Say Which One, But I Feel a Little Bit More Strongly About One Than the Other.”
“I Could Have Done It, But I Will Say, You Have People on Both Sides of That Issue, Good People on Both Sides. And You Have Bad People on One Side. But I Decided to Let That One Ride, Let the Courts Work It Out.”
‘The Irish deserve it’: Israeli ex-spy turned election candidate wants Gazans ‘moved’ to Ireland
Trump is for Open Borders (WITH a Jewish Indoctration First!)
Trump says legal immigration is needed to replace Americans.
Trump – “Lots of People Coming in” (Expect TONS OF INDIANS!)
Trump Honors Dead Jewish Supremacist Talmudist
Immediately after winning election term 2, Priorities of betrayal:
Trump Complains about “Holocaust Deniers” and “October 7th Deniers” – Won’t Stop Jewwars Til VICTORY
Donald Trump’s pro-Israel cabinet, a thread
The Zionist Occupied Government of Trump 47
“People Of Israel Love Him”: Mike Huckabee Tapped As Trump’s Ambassador To Israel
Biden-Harris DoJ Reportedly Winding Down Trump Criminal Cases
Trump to Give Bibi a “Blank Check,” Open Door for Total War, Former CIA Director Declares
Kremlin Says Reports That Trump Spoke To Putin Are ‘Pure Fiction’, Didn’t Happen (In response to WAPO’s FAKE NEWS suddenly being Pro Trump)
Netanyahu: I’ve spoken to Trump three times, we see eye to eye on Iran
Trump’s National Security Advisor Mike Waltz Made Millions Bilking Taxpayers in Afghanistan
Trump Elected: MAGA Celebrates As Trojan Trump’s Betrayals Begin!!!!!
Trump Taps South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem as New Homeland Security Secretary: Report (Remember her betrayals of Free Speech around college protests of GAZAN baby-bombing massacres)
Another Jew – Trump To Nominate Jewish Banker Howard Lutnick As Commerce Secretary
Détente? Why Are Top Swamp Operatives Suddenly Playing Footsy With Trump?
Trump said to lift all military restrictions on Israel on 1st day in office according to reports
The irony is that @psyop4921 was viciously attacking my children for days before the election for pointing out Trump is Israel First – he called me a “Bible Doomer”
GAZA (Post Oct 2023):
Trump Says Finish GAZANS, Goyim Noticing! News Link
Trump says that Israel needs to “finish the job” in Gaza…. (Again)
Trump’s Third ‘GET ER DUN IN GAZA’ moment (BABY BOMBER)
Trump wants to Bomb the FEW REMAINING Babies of GAZA – As Israel Explodes The Holy Land
Trump says that Israel needs to “finish the job” in Gaza and expresses concern that people have forgotten about October 7th, equating them to Holocaust deniers. Trump then complains that Israel has lost its influence in Congress, and pledges to restore it if elected.
Death to Noticers
Trump says DEATH PENALTY a proper punishment for “antisemitism” in America
Trump, Putin, pope vow to fight anti-Semitism in collection of missives
Israel First, or America First?
“The Zionist Organization of America presented President Trump with its most significant honor at its annual gala tonight, calling him ‘the best friend Israel ever had in the White House’…The ZOA rarely gives its Theodor Herzl Medallion and has presented it to renowned world leaders and dignitaries like Winston Churchill…”
It’s worth quickly reminding everyone that it was under Donald Trump that the US began its current global push to decriminalize homosexuality.
Richard Grenell, a Trump appointee, launched the foreign policy initiative under Trump’s watch and with 200 million dollars in funding.
Grenell, a gay man and member of the US Holocaust Museum Memorial Council ( (he was also appointed to this post by Trump), even threatened to withhold vital intelligence ( from nations which refused to cooperate in opening the floodgates for tolerance of homosexuals.
The Q Psyop Connection
While entire books could (and have) been written on this subject (and yes, before you say it – I am the bestselling author on this topic, called a “Q Tuber” and “King of QAnon” by fake news repeatedly since 2017) The topic is actually much simpler than people make it out to be – at least from my, admittedly unique, perspective:
Trump and Q ARE legitimately connected – 100% absolute evidence that Trump and Q are working together and connected.
Trump Addresses WHY He Faked The Shooting – For Ratings! (Satire)
Trump – “The Enemy is God” – OR JUST ANOTHER “ACCIDENT”, MAGA?
Comments worth reading from our Chat
“You mention Chabat (- Chabat Lubavitch) in your article. Not only did Trump’s daughter and Trump’s son in law visit the grave of the former (and ueber – ) leader of Chabat Lubavitch (still casting a shadow over their current leadership, apparently) – Schneerson was his name. No, Chabat Lubavitch (by far the biggest Chassidic/Hasidic movement today) has also very close ties to both Putin and Zelensky – and to some people who push themselves forward as intermediaries, such as Abramovitch and Bennett:KIEV, Ukraine (JTA) — Volodymyr Zelensky, the Ukrainian Jewish actor who was elected president last month, met the country’s top Chabad rabbis.’s oligarch Igor Veleryevich Komolmoisky is a donor of Chabad (as the original title revealed, still visible in the URL florida-chabad-donors-property-seized-by-federal-government/ Starting in 1999, Putin enlisted two of his closest confidants, the oligarchs Lev Leviev and Roman Abramovich, who would go on to become Chabad’s biggest patrons worldwide, to create the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia under the leadership of Chabad rabbi Berel Lazar, who would come to be known as “Putin’s rabbi.” war: Roman Abramovich in Belarus assisting talks at Kyiv’s request Chabad Led Me Back to My Root’s Zelensky asks Bennett to mediate with Russia, host talks in Jerusalem Bennett Speaks with Vladimir Putin on Ukraine Crisis effectively raised by a Chassidic family link: 2021 mainstream article: A FEARED outbreak of war between Russia and Ukraine could herald the coming of the Messiah, scholars claim. Renowned 18th century cleric Vilna Gaon left a prophecy about the coming of the Messiah It’s clear, it’s not simply a war between Russia and the Ukraine but a war against the people in general. More poverty, more tyranny, an excuse for the financial crash. If you have not read 1984 yet – do – it’s the best analysis of the Russian Ukrainian war, you will find. Spoiler alert: In 1984 there are 3 blocks in constant war against each other and it turns out they are all manifestations of the same power that keeps wars running to better control the people.”
It’s worth quickly reminding everyone that it was under Donald Trump that the US began its current global push to decriminalize homosexuality.
( Grenell, a Trump appointee, launched the foreign policy initiative under Trump’s watch and with 200 million dollars in funding.
Grenell, a gay man and member of the US Holocaust Museum Memorial Council ( (he was also appointed to this post by Trump), even threatened to withhold vital intelligence ( from nations which refused to cooperate in opening the floodgates for tolerance of homosexuals.
Avoid reflexively pining for the days of the “serious” GOP, such a thing is a myth.
Chat Comment:
“One of the greatest achievements of mankind.”
That’s what Donald Trump said about the deadly bioweapon known as the vaccine and he praised
his administration’s success in getting the vaccine developed on his watch.
[note: All above are controlled opposition agents/groups, be careful]
—Keep in mind VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System)
currently records the following deaths from the quack-cine:
35,000 murdered as of March 31st, 2023
(1) “Columbia University Study” , study title: COVID vaccination and age-stratified all-cause mortality risk
(2) Jessica Rose Ph.D, Data Scientist, VAERS x 31 (under-reporting factor)
Using Pfizer’s Phase III Clinical Data set,
The Viral Delusion Part 1 the Tragic Pseudoscience of SARS-Cov-2
timemark: 1hr, 58minutes
(Steve Kirsch uses an Under-reporting factor of 41)
(3) CMS Database, Attorney Thomas Renz “We got them. Fact check this!”
All new whistleblower info ! ,
(4) The “Harvard Pilgrim Study” , VAERS x 100 (under-reporting factor)
“I’m the father of the vaccine because I was the one that pushed it.
To get it done in less than nine months was a miracle.”
— Donald J Trump, April 29th 2021
- Pro Bud Lite
- Pro Abortion
- Pro Vax
- Pro War
- Pro Gay
from “online etymology dictionary” Trump
“fabricate, devise,” 1690s, from earlier trump “deceive, cheat” (1510s), from Middle English trumpen (late 14c.), from Old French tromper “to deceive,” a word of uncertain origin.
Apparently from se tromper de “to mock,” from Old French tromper “to blow a trumpet.”
“trumpet,” c. 1300, from Old French trompe “long, tube-like musical wind instrument” (12c.), cognate with Provençal tromba, Italian tromba, all probably from a Germanic source (compare Old High German trumpa, Old Norse trumba “trumpet”)
Trump’s Indefensible Promotion of Suicide Shots – Updates, Luciferian Son In Law, WEF Daughter
TEFLON ANTICHRIST: Even The Elect Shall Be Deceived
The False Light of Devolution – The Dark to Light Deception
Trump is a Crypto (Closet) Jew
a second notation by Dylan Allman:
“I can’t, in good conscience—or even in acceptable conscience—vote for Donald Trump this November, regardless of how terrible his opponent is.
He’s not just disqualified; he’s a living embodiment of everything wrong with American politics.
His record is an indisputable disaster, littered with betrayals, lies, and a toxic brand of populism that has only deepened the very swamp he promised to drain.
I wasn’t fooled the first time, and now that he has been given the opportunity to show his true colors, I sure as hell won’t be deceived now.
Trump’s failures are a fundamental betrayal of every principle worth defending.
Trump’s entire brand is a fraud. He poses as an anti-establishment outsider, but his administration was nothing more than a recycling bin for the very swamp creatures he vowed to expel.
He surrounded himself with lobbyists, corporate insiders, and military-industrial complex shills. From his Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, to his National Security Advisor, John Bolton, Trump’s cabinet was a parade of the worst Washington had to offer.
His Interior Secretary was an oil & gas lobbyist. His Defense Secretary was a Raytheon lobbyist. His EPA Administrator was a coal lobbyist. His HHS Secretary was a pharmaceutical lobbyist. And his Labor Secretary was a lawyer for mega corporations.
Not to mention him effectively handing the keys to the country over to Anthony Fauci.
This isn’t draining the swamp—it’s expanding it. And anyone who believes otherwise is deluding themselves.
Trump didn’t start any new wars? Fine, but what an astronomically low bar. It’s laughable.
What he did do was escalate drone strikes by 432%, turning the Middle East and beyond into a kill zone. Innocent lives were lost, and all under the radar of the American public.
Trump armed Saudi Arabia to the teeth, directly fueling their genocidal war in Yemen. And when Congress, in a rare moment of conscience, tried to stop him, Trump vetoed the bill.
Trump continued America’s endless cycle of violence in the Middle East, launching missile strikes in Syria.
Trump’s reckless assassination of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani didn’t just escalate tensions with Iran; it brought us to the brink of a full-scale war. It was an unnecessary and dangerous provocation, one that could have spiraled into global catastrophe.
Trump’s attempt to orchestrate a coup in Venezuela was a classic case of American imperialism—meddling in another sovereign nation’s affairs with no regard for the consequences, all while cloaking it in the language of democracy and freedom.
Trump’s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear agreement wasn’t just foolish—it was reckless. He pushed us closer to potential nuclear confrontation, all in the name of undoing Obama’s legacy, regardless of the fallout.
Trump’s criticism of Biden for not being aggressive enough in supporting Israel’s destruction of Gaza reveals a man who is perfectly comfortable with more bloodshed.
Despite all his bluster about pulling out of conflicts, he kept America’s war machine humming along just fine. This is not the mark of a peace-seeking leader but of a man willing to wage war by remote control, with no oversight and no accountability.
Trump had every opportunity to roll back the surveillance state’s reach, but instead, he doubled down. He renewed the Patriot Act and FISA without a second thought, ensuring that Americans remain under the watchful eye of Big Brother.
His administration did nothing to dismantle the NSA’s mass data collection programs, keeping the deep state’s grip on our personal freedoms as tight as ever.
Trump’s betrayal of Julian Assange and Edward Snowden is unforgivable. These men exposed the crimes and corruption of the deep state, only to be abandoned by a president who claimed to be on the side of truth and transparency.
Trump could have pardoned them, but instead, he left them to the wolves, showing that when it comes to challenging the surveillance state, he’s all talk and no action.
Trump’s so-called defense of free speech is one of the greatest cons of his presidency.
He has repeatedly called for jailing journalists who report unflattering truths, sued media outlets for negative coverage, and proposed jailing flag burners and deporting pro-Palestine protestors.
Trump raged against Big Tech censorship, but his actions never matched his words. He failed to rein in the power of Silicon Valley giants like Facebook and Twitter, who continue to manipulate public discourse with impunity.
His complaints about social media bias are nothing more than self-serving whining from a man who can’t stand criticism.
Trump isn’t some great defender of free expression—it is clear that he is more interested in crushing dissent than protecting the First Amendment.
Far from being a triumph, Trump’s Operation Warp Speed was a rushed, reckless endeavor that prioritized Big Pharma profits over public safety.
The vaccine rollout was chaotic, poorly managed, and the long-term consequences remain unknown. This wasn’t about protecting Americans—it was about scoring political points and enriching the pharmaceutical industry.
Trump’s initial support for lockdowns led to the greatest wealth transfer in modern history, crushing small businesses while enriching the mega-corporations he claimed to oppose.
The economic devastation wrought by these policies will haunt future generations, and Trump bears a significant share of the blame.
In response to the economic fallout, Trump turned on the money printer, devaluing the dollar, adding more to the national debt than any President in history, and setting the stage for the inflationary crisis we’re living through now.
This reckless monetary policy was nothing more than a short-term fix that ignored the long-term consequences, leaving future generations to pay the price.
Trump’s choice of JD Vance as his VP is a chilling sign of things to come. Vance, a Silicon Valley puppet with deep ties to Peter Thiel, represents the fusion of Big Tech and Big Brother—a surveillance state nightmare that should terrify anyone who values freedom and privacy.
Thiel’s influence, from Palantir to Anduril, has already entrenched the surveillance state in ways we can barely comprehend. Vance, a man who once compared Trump to Hitler, is now firmly in his camp—a testament to the corrosive power of money and influence in American politics.
Thiel’s vision for America is one of omnipresent surveillance, where every action is monitored, every dissent suppressed, and every movement tracked. His companies’ technologies are already being used by law enforcement and the military, creating a panopticon where privacy is a relic of the past.
By aligning with Vance and Thiel, Trump is signaling that his second term will be even more authoritarian, even more invasive, and even more destructive to our civil liberties.
Trump, who presents himself as a staunch defender of the Second Amendment, was quick to turn his back on gun rights when it suited his agenda.
After the Las Vegas shooting, Trump pushed for and successfully implemented a ban on bump stocks—a move that not only violated the Second Amendment but set a dangerous precedent for further gun control measures.
And let’s not forget his comments about taking guns away from people “first” and worrying about due process “second”—an outright authoritarian statement that should chill anyone who values their constitutional rights.
Trump’s willingness to flirt with gun control when it’s politically convenient shows that his commitment to the Second Amendment is as flimsy as his other promises.
Trump’s broken promise to fully declassify the JFK assassination files is one of the most glaring examples of his lack of transparency and his willingness to protect the establishment he claims to fight.
He initially promised to release all the files, only to backtrack and keep crucial documents hidden from public view. This isn’t the behavior of a man committed to truth and transparency—it’s the action of someone protecting powerful interests at the expense of the American people’s right to know.
If Trump can’t be trusted to follow through on something as fundamental as transparency regarding the assassination of a president, what else is he willing to hide?
Trump’s supporters need to wake up to the fact that he is not the savior they believe him to be. He is a self-serving conman who has used his platform to enrich himself and his cronies while leaving his base to suffer the consequences.
The idea that Trump is fighting for the little guy is a fantasy—a dangerous, delusional fantasy that keeps millions trapped in a cycle of false hope and disappointment.
Supporting Trump is not an act of rebellion; it is an act of submission to the very forces that are tearing this country apart.
Trump is not the answer to America’s problems—he is the embodiment of them. To vote for him is to endorse the continued erosion of our liberties, the perpetuation of endless war, and the entrenchment of a surveillance state that watches our every move.
I refuse to be complicit in this grand deception. Trump’s record is all the proof I need that he is unfit for power.
His promises are empty, his rhetoric is hollow, and his legacy is one of betrayal.
We deserve better. America deserves better.”