The Uncensored Bible
The Uncensored Bible – Under Construction
“Test all things; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil.”
~I Thessalonians 5:21-22 NKJV
“YHWH gave us many competing copies of manuscripts. It is through study that we can learn the truth. (of the lost originals)
There are bible verses about having to study and learn, and etc. But I will spare you as I am in a hurry – but the short answer is: cross comparative analysis is the only way, as the true bibles are lost. The closest thing in the world, right now, is my UNCENSORED BIBLE post which is my notes on how to build a real bible and undo the lies and insertions and edits and corruptions
Something I’ll never finish without a direct command from YHWH himself, as I have no mandate or authority (nor time and skill) to do such a task”
~Dustin Nemos, The Archivist
“This Book contains the mind of God, the state of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners, and the happiness of believers. It’s doctrines are holy, it’s precepts are binding, its histories are true and its decisions are immutable. Read it to be wise, believe it to be saved, and practice it to be holy. It contains light to direct you, food to support you, and comfort to cheer you. It is the traveler’s map, the pilgrim’s staff, the pilot’s compass, the soldier’s sword, and the Christian’s charter. It should fill the memory, rule the heart, and guide the feet. Read it slowly, frequently, and prayerfully. Here paradise is restored, heaven opened and the gates of Hell are disclosed. Christ is its grand subject, our good its design and the glory of God its end. It should fill the memory, rule the heart and guide the feet. Read it slowly, frequently, prayerfully. It is a mine of wealth, a paradise of glory and a river of pleasure. It is given you in life, will be open at the judgement and be remembered forever. It invokes the highest responsibility, rewards the greatest labor and condemns all who trifle with its holy contents.””
― John F. MacArthur Jr., MacArthur’s Quick Reference Guide to the Bible
In an effort to have a more complete, accurate, and honest Bible – we’re compiling the various pieces of the puzzle to the Uncensored Bible project on this page. This is no small task, we ask for patience as it evolves.
In the year 1611 the Bible was translated from Latin into English. Back then the Bible contained a total of 80 books and the last 14 books, which today have been excluded, made up the end of the Old Testament and were as follows:
- 1 Esdras
- 2 Esdras
- Tobit
- Judith
- The rest of Esther
- The Wisdom of Solomon
- Ecclesiasticus
- Baruch with the epistle Jeremiah
- The Songs of the 3 Holy children
- The history of Susana
- bel and the dragon
- The prayer for Manasses
- 1 Maccabees
- 2 Maccabees
In 1684 all of these books were removed from all versions except for a 1611 edition, which was the very first edition of the King James Version.
Notes to self Merge non Masoretic? edition with best of notes from Geneva and Tyndale and Wycliffe. Include Notes in The Uncensored Bible Companion as needed.
Which Translations?
Old Testament: Brenton Septuagint Translation PDF (Greek to English)
Brenton Septuagint Translation PDF
New Testament – Tyndale’s Work (Thomas Matthews w/ gently modernized spellings)
About the Thomas Matthew Bible
Read Online Here
William Tyndale’s final New Testament translation of 1535 was completed just before he was captured, imprisoned, and executed in 1536. Tyndale’s friend John Rogers published his New Testament in a very important Reformation Bible called the Matthew Bible in 1537. Rogers also added commentaries called “The Notes.” Rogers was martyred in 1555, burned at the stake in Smithfield, England.
The October Testament contains the full New Testament of William Tyndale, some of his prologues to the gospels and epistles, and John Rogers’ notes, all gently updated by Ruth Magnusson Davis.
In 2009, Davis founded the New Matthew Bible project, dedicated to gently updating the Matthew Bible for today. In early 2016 the New Testament was published as ‘The October Testament.’ This pdf edition contains Amendments through to June 2021. Ruth’s gentle editorial hand in the work is almost unnoticeable; Tyndale continues to shine through and Rogers’ style in the notes is distinctly his.
Readers often comment on the flow and the clarity of the New Matthew Bible scriptures, and on the beauty of the original style. Because the Matthew Bible was the primary source of the King James Version, people will find much that is familiar here, but will find it much easier to understand than the KJV. (Computer studies have shown that the New Testament of the King James Bible is 83% taken from Tyndale’s New Testament in the Matthew Bible.)
The name ‘October Testament’ recalls Martin Luther’s ‘September Testament.’ More significantly, however, just as the advent of October signals the approach of the end of a calendar year, so it also reminds us that the year of the Lord is drawing on to its close.
432 pages.
Modernized Version: The October Testament
PW: 1ReadBook*
Apocryphal (Meaning: Hidden or Censored)
Apocrypha Online
Study Guides
The “Study Bible” – The Geneva Bible.
The Geneva Bible is one of the most historically significant translations of the Bible into English, preceding the King James Version by 51 years. It was the primary Bible of 16th-century English Protestantism and was used by William Shakespeare, Oliver Cromwell, John Knox, John Donne, and John Bunyan, author of The Pilgrim’s Progress (1678). It was one of the Bibles taken to America on the Mayflower (Pilgrim Hall Museum has collected several Bibles of Mayflower passengers).
The Geneva Bible was used by many English Dissenters, and it was still respected by Oliver Cromwell’s soldiers at the time of the English Civil War, in the booklet “Cromwell’s Soldiers’ Pocket Bible”. The Geneva Bible Notes are marginal notes on the Geneva Bible written by John Calvin and other leaders of the Reformation. This commentary is interesting for its unrelenting effort to build a vision of Christianity that, according to the Reformers, reflected the early Church’s doctrines and beliefs. The Geneva Bible and its notes probably shaped the religious worldview of the fiercely devout and God-fearing early generations of Americans.
The Geneva Bible 1560
File too large. (Self note to Archivist – Update later)
The Geneva Bible 1599
Geneva Bible 1599 the-1599-geneva-bible-notes
The Geneva Bible 1599 Study Notes
The Canaanite Woman Jesus Helped But Called a Dog...
Why called “Canaanite”
That region, Canaan (The promised land to Israel) was conquered and the “Canaanites” expelled almost entirely at this late point in Israelite history. Joshua Failed to get em all, but for the most part they were cleansed from the land of Canaan and by the time of Jesus had become known has Idumeans (at least the Edomite tribe) and the giants had mostly fled or diaspora’d out.
So time plays a possible role here, my interpretation is that she was a merely human non israelite of the land of Canaan. Possibly non Hebrew and non Shemitic (Possibly even Hamitic cousins of the giant Canaanites or People of Color)
“The woman was Greek, Jesus said first let the children of Israel eat, meaning He came to fulfill the promise He made with their fathers and teach them first; however He refers to her and the non-Israelites as “kynariois” which means little dogs, like a house puppy, not a rabbid stray dog which is “kuón” which means stray dog/despised (as seen in 2 Peter 2:22).
She and the gentiles are still in the house of the LORD, beloved like a puppy is, but God came for the children house of Israel first and she showed great faith that is why He healed her daughter, to give a taste of what He would do for all”
See Here
Once the book is complete, it needs to be fully transliterated at least.
Which brings us to:
The Cepher Bible – The את Cepher is a comprehensive restoration of sacred scripture that …
- Sets forth a transliteration, rather than a substitution, of the names of the Father (Yahuah), Son (Yahusha) and Holy Spirit (Ruach Ha’Qodesh);
- Transliterates over 3,100 other Hebrew names and places;
- Restores the stand alone Aleph Tav את throughout the text; previously omitted in other English translations;
- Includes all of the 81 books previously canonized as the Bible (see scripture comparison chart), plus another 6 books considered to be inspired and/or historically significant: Chanoch (Enoch) & Yovheliym (Jubilees) from the Dead Sea Scrolls, as well as Yashar (Jasher), 4 Ezra, 2 Baruch, and Hadaccah (Additions to Esther) – for a total of 87 books under one cover;
- Restores an accurate order to the books as they were originally written;
- Corrects many notorious errors found in virtually all previous English translations, such as Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 14, Zakaryahu (Zechariah) 5, and Mattithyahu (Matthew) 23;
- Restores Chapters 151-155 of Tehilliym (Psalms); and the Acrostic Psalms 35 and 145, together with the Acrostic format of Qoheleth (Ecclesiastes) are marked with Ivriyt (Hebrew) indicators;
- Restores the Missing Fragment of 70 verses in 4 Ezra Chapter 7;
- Restores the 29th chapter of Ma’asiym (The Acts of the Apostles) chronicling Pa’al’s (Paul’s) journey to Spain and Britain;
- Includes an improved Paleo Ivriyt index of the modern and paleo Hebrew alphabet that provides a comparison between Paleo letters and modern Hebrew letters, the inclusion of the sofit letters (finals), an intrinsic meaning guide, and an all new pronunciation guide;
- Includes an expanded chart of all the sacred names of Elohiym with the Ivriyt (Hebrew) spelling for easy comparison, as well as the common usage, and the Cepher transliteration;
- Includes improved one-of-a-kind ancient Maps, such as the four journeys of Pa’al, the migrations of certain houses of Yashar’el into Africa, the migration of the house of Zerach, the migration of the other tribes, the recent discoveries of the Gulf of Aqaba (Red Sea) crossing, and the true placement of Mount Cynai (Sinai) and Mount Chorev (Horeb);
- Provides an comprehensive Family History section for personalization.
- Includes extensive footnotes.
A word on Canon:
Canon comes from man, not God – which is why there are so many that disagree with one another.
The Apostate Church of Romanism (Catholicism) holds some Apocrypha as canon, yet the various Christian orthodoxies also have various canons of what books should be “official” scripture – considered to be divinely inspired.
Unconfirmed notes:
it deserves attention that Peter’s disciple Clement of Alexandria (2 Clem. 5) regards the Apocalypse of Peter as Holy Scriptures (cf. Euseb. HE VI 14.1), which is proof of an origin at least in the first half of the 2nd century.
Corruptions in Timeline: Historical Timeline Charts – Mapping History
For we wreftle not againft flefh and blood, but againft *principalities, againft powers, and againft the WORLDLIE GOUERNOUR, the princes of the darkenes of this worlde, agaift fpiritual wickedneffes, whech are in the hie places.
~Ephesians 6:12, Geneva Bible 1560
“and againft the WORLDLIE GOUERNOUR” was removed.
What about Deuteronomy 23:7-8?
7 Thou shalt not abhor an Edomite; for he is thy brother: thou shalt not abhor an Egyptian; because thou wast a stranger in his land. 8 The children that are begotten of them shall enter into the congregation of the LORD in their third generation.
“I accidentally discovered what the CLERICAL ERROR was. I will now reveal to you how I made this discovery. As I had decided to take up the topic of Esau, I was in the process of reading anything and everything I could find on the subject. I was reading along in “The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible,” volume E-J, page 24, under the subtitle Edom, when I read this:
“…there are places where, because of the similarity between the letters _ (d) and _ (r), the text has wrongly read __À, ‘Aram’ (i.e. Syria), and ____À, ‘Arameans” (i.e., Syrians), for __À, ‘Edom,’ and ____À, ‘Edomites,’ such as 2 Kings 16:6; 2 Chronicles 20:2, where the KJV has followed the MT, but the RSV has followed an emended text.
“Note: I have followed the Hebrew characters as faithfully as I know how to do on my computer; I may have made a mistake … The main thing to notice here is the ‘similarity between the letters _ (d) and _ (r). You can see very readily, that a very small slip of the pen can change the word from Edomite to Samian, or Syrian to Edomite. I will enlarge these two Hebrew letters and place them side by side so you can observe the difference in them:
_ _
With this very small change in the Hebrew writing, and the word can be changed from Syrian to Edomite! Think of it this way, syRian or eDomite. By this above slight change, the Hebrew ‘r’ sound is changed to a ‘d’ sound.
Since I originally wrote this, I now realize that the small remnant of Judah from Jerusalem who went into Babylonian captivity spoke Hebrew when they went in and spoke Chaldee when they came out seventy years later.
Also, when they went in they were using a rounded style of Hebrew to write in, and when they came out they were using a square style of Hebrew. Is it possible that the changing from a rounded style to a square style produced such an error? Well, if it did, how many other mistakes are there because of this? After all, it is absurd to believe we should not “abhor an Edomite” when the Almighty hates them Himself.
“And I HATED ESAU, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness. Whereas Edom saith, We are impoverished, but we will return and build the desolate places; thus saith the LORD of hosts, They shall build, but I will throw down; and they shall call them, The border of wickedness, and, THE PEOPLE AGAINST WHOM THE LORD HATH INDIGNATION FOR EVER.” (Malachi 1:3-4)
“And Edom said unto him, Thou shalt not pass by me, lest I come out against thee with the sword…And he (Edom) said, Thou shalt not go through. And Edom came out against him with much people, and with a strong hand. Thus Edom refused to give Israel passage through his border: wherefore Israel turned away from him.” (Numbers 20:18-21)”
~Willie Martin, Here
The text doesn’t specify. It says that Judah did marry a woman who was the daughter of Shua (Genesis 38:2) who is described as a Canaanite. That could mean one of three things:
- Exactly as stated. She was the daughter of a Canaanite, and thus a Canaanite herself.
- She was the daughter of one of the tribes residing in Canaan, but not necessarily a Canaanite. There were other peoples living there, including (but not limited to) Hittites, Hivites, Amorites, Phillistines
- According to Rashi, the Hebrew “K’naani” in this context means “merchant,” rather than “Canaanite”.
Unfiltered comments/notes
“You could always add to your library thayers interlinear complete set , all coded with (James Strongs numbering system copyright 1890 version ) it’s a 4 volume set for its Bible. With all the Greek/Hebrew words with James Strongs numbering above each word used,
A literal translation below each word and a side column with a literal translation. ( many times the readings are exceptional. Then the other two Greek thayers ( concordance / lexicon) are a two book set. Coded in the same numbering system. These are invaluable . And there’s one more set called( brown driver Briggs lexicon with James Strongs numbering system, and a new Englishman’s English Hebrew
Concordance with James Strongs numbering system. These are incredible to have … it’s about the very best tools to add to any very serious student could have , beyond the (strong concordance 1890 copyright)
Large print companion Bible, tittle and Ives 1611 with the translators to the reader ( another must read ) the preface letter to the reader.”
” The common understanding of the Bible says that “The oldest Bibles are Codex Sinaiticus, Codex Vaticanus and Codex Alexandrinus. But this is simply not true. First, the dating is obviously wrong. Next, it is dishonest not to mention Codex Washington, Papyrus Codex (Papyrus 45), Codex Syraiacus, Garima Gospels, and Codex Vercellensis which are all temporally BEFORE the mentioned three Bibles. It seems that the Roman Catholic Church is trying to embellish history so that the early Arian Bibles, which only consisted of the 4 Gospels, do not get the attention they should. But the truth about this deception is also getting out. Listed below are the many Bibles which only consist of 4 Gospels, and which both existed long before the synods in the fourth century and which were reproduced right up to the Middle Ages.”
“Conclusion The biblical account of the high priest “Zechariah son of Jehoiada,” who was slain by King Joash in the temple (2 Chronicles 24:20), has fascinated biblical students for centuries. Jewish, Christian, and Muslim literature retells this story, each tradition perpetuating different legends. The Protevangelium of James adapted the biblical account of the ninth-century high priest Zechariah’s martyrdom referenced in Matthew 23:35 to claim that John the Baptist’s father was the high priest slain in the temple, due to Herod’s edict—not King Joash’s conspiracy. Because the account made its way into Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Latter-day Saints have also propagated it.”
~The Confusing Case of Zacharias
Justin Martyr documented Jews corrupting the Septuagint: 150 AD
1. Justin Martyr took specific note that the Jews of his day (150 AD) were changing the text of their own Tanakh (Old Testament) to counter the connection with Jesus Christ and Old Testament prophecy.
a. First, Justin Martyr notes they are making changes to the Greek Septuagint (LXX) but since there are thousands of copies in circulation around the world, they give up on that idea. Of course they then gave up forever on the LXX and moved exclusively to using the Hebrew text.
b. Justin Martyr was unaware of was, that the Jews were also making changes to their own Hebrew “pre-corrupted Masoretic Text (MT) in whose sole possession it was.
c. “Until the second century AD, the Jews universally regarded the Greek translation of the OT as a faithful interpretation of the original Hebrew. Philo and Josephus lauded the Greek version, the Sanhedrin authorized it to be read in the Greek-speaking synagogues, and the apostles quoted from it freely. Russell notes that “before the second century of the Christian religion, no traces can be found of any controversy as to the differences supposed to exist in the Greek and Hebrew texts of the sacred books” (216, n. 129). The unanimous Jewish approval of the LXX during the first four centuries of its existence can only be explained if it was a generally accurate translation of the Hebrew text in circulation during that time. What happened in the second century? The Palestinian Jews suddenly began repudiating the original translation of the Greek OT and replacing it with new translations (by Aquila, Symmachus, and Theodotion). We shall explore the reasons for this presently.” (Primeval Chronology Restored: Revisiting the Genealogies of Genesis 5 and 11, Jeremy Sexton, Henry B. Smith Jr. Bible and Spade, 29, no. 2, p 45, 2016 AD)
2. Justin Martyrs charges the Jews with altering the Greek Septuagint in their synagogues for anti-Christian purposes. Justin Martyr documents this corruption of the Greek LXX bible the Jews had been using for over 400 years in 150 AD:
“‘So also was the prophecy beginning with the words, “Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a Son,” spoken of Him. For, if the one of whom Isaias spoke was not to be born of a virgin, to whom did the Holy Spirit allude when He said: “Behold, the Lord Himself shall give you a sign: Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a Son”? If He was to be born of human intercourse like any other first-born son, why did God solemnly announce that He would give a sign which is not common to all first-born? What is truly a sign, and what was to be an irrefutable proof to all men, namely, that by means of a virgin’s womb the First-born of all creatures took flesh and truly became man, was foreknown by the Prophetic Spirit before it took place and foretold by Him in different ways, as I have explained to you. Indeed, He foretold this in order that, when it did take place, everyone would understand that it all happened by the power and purpose of the Creator of the world; just as Eve was made from one of Adam’s ribs, and as all living beings were created by the Word of God in the beginning. But here, too, you dare to distort the translation of this passage made by your elders at the court of Ptolemy, the Egyptian king, asserting that the real meaning of the Scriptures is not as they translated it, but should read, “Behold a young woman shall conceive,” as though something of extraordinary importance was signified by a woman conceiving after sexual intercourse, as all young women, except the barren, can do. And even the barren can become fertile by the power of God. Samuel’s mother, who had been sterile, gave birth to her child by the will of God. The same thing can be said of the wife of the holy Patriarch Abraham, and of Elizabeth, who bore John the Baptist, and of many other women You must realize, therefore, that nothing is impossible for God to do, if He wills it. And, especially when it was prophesied that this would happen, you should not venture to mutilate or misinterpret the prophecies, for in doing so you do no harm to God, but only to yourselves.’” (Justin, Dialogue with Trypho the Rabbinical Jew 84, 150 AD)
a. “They have also deleted these words from Jeremiah: “I was as a meek lamb that is carried to be a sacrificial victim; they devised counsels against Me, saying: Come, let us put wood on His bread, and cut Him off from the land of the living, and let His name be remembered no more.” Since this passage from the words of Jeremias is still found in some copies of Scripture in the Jewish synagogues (for it was deleted only a short time ago), and since it is also proved from these words that the Jews planned to crucify Christ Himself and to slay Him, and since He is shown, as was likewise prophesied by Isaias, as led like a lamb to slaughter, and in accordance with this passage He is marked as “an innocent lamb,” they are so confused by such words that they resort to blasphemy.” (Justin, Dialogue with Trypho the Rabbinical Jew 72, 150 AD)
b. “‘I certainly do not trust your teachers when they refuse to admit that the translation of the Scriptures made by the seventy elders at the court of King Ptolemy of Egypt is a correct one, and attempt to make their own translation. You should also know that they have deleted entire passages from the version composed by those elders at the court of Ptolemy, in which it is clearly indicated that the Crucified One was foretold as God and man, and as about to suffer death on the cross. But, since I know that all you Jews deny the authenticity of these passages, I will not start a discussion about them, but I will limit the controversy to those passages which you admit as genuine. Thus far, you have admitted the authenticity of all my quotations, except this, “Behold, a virgin shall conceive,” which you claim reads, “Behold, a young woman shall conceive.” And I promised to show that this prophecy was not spoken of Hezekiah, as you were taught, but of my Christ. This I now intend to prove.” (Justin, Dialogue with Trypho the Rabbinical Jew 71, 150 AD)
3. Discussion about the Jews changing the Greek Bible in their synagogues:
a. Jews today actually teach the fiction that the book of Isaiah was never translated into Greek by Jews. In fact Isaiah was in full circulation quite early (200 BC). The easiest way to prove that the book of Isaiah was translated long before Christ was born by Jews who put VIRGIN into Isaiah 7:14 is Justin Martyr’s charge that the Jews changed the word VIRGIN in the LXX. If the Septuagint Isaiah was a Christian document as “fiction writer” Rabbi Tovia Singer maintains, the Jews would have never allowed it into their synagogues in the first place. The fact that the Jews are altering the GREEK ISAIAH in all their synagogues from “virgin” to “Behold a young woman shall conceive” (in Greek) is just another nail in Tovia Singer’s coffin of his entire collection of silly, illogical, historical-revisionist arguments. Indeed, he shows the same kind of integrity as his brothers in 150 AD who shamelessly corrupted their own Tanakh out of hatred and jealously of Christianity.
b. “Since the Jewish and Christian versions differ at certain points, despite the still undisputed common reference to the LXX, Justin charged his dialogue partners with falsifying Scripture. In contrast, the idea that his own text could contain Christian expansion does not occur to him. The falsification charge included two elements: translational alterations, as for example in Isaiah 7:14, and omissions of significant references to Christ. 1. In no way will I allow myself to be convinced by your teachers who will not admit that the Seventy elders of Ptolemy, the king of Egypt, produced a good translation and who, instead, attempt their own translations. 2. I want you to know that they have completely removed from the translation of Ptolemy’s elders many passages which clearly demonstrate that the crucified himself is proclaimed as God and Man who will be crucified and die … Dialogue 71:3 makes it clear that the first portion of the citation (71:1) refers once again to the previously mentioned disputed interpretation of Isaiah 7:14; the charge of falsification is once more forcefully repeated in relation to this passage: You dare, however, to falsify even the translation that your elders prepared under Ptolemy by contending that the scriptures do not read as they translated, but ‘… the young woman … will conceive’, as though it were a reference to some great event for a woman to bear a child as the result of sexual intercourse—all young women (νεάνιδες), except for the barren, do this. Isaiah’s word to king Ahaz refers to a ‘sign’ (σημεῖον, 84:2; cf. Isa. 7:10). According to Justin, this can only be true if an extraordinary, wondrous event is associated with this birth since giving birth represents nothing extraordinary for young women. Justin justifies the second portion of his charge of falsification (71:2) at his dialogue partner’s insistence by giving the following four examples: First, he mentions ‘Ezra’s exegesis of the Passover law’ which is found neither in the manuscripts of the books of Ezra nor in the apocrypha and which refers to Christ as the paschal lamb (cf. 1 Cor. 5:7). It conceivably originated in a now lost Christian Ezra-apocryphon, or as a Christian addition in a text of 1 or 2 Ezra in the context of the Passover festival. Disregarding a few variants, the second example (72:2) is identical with the LXX of Jeremiah 11:19 and is found in all manuscripts. Admittedly, Justin adds that this passage can still be found in a few manuscripts from Jewish synagogues since it had only been expunged very recently. The third example (72:4) concerning the descent of Israel’s Lord and God to the dead is also supposed to stem from Jeremiah, but can be found neither in a manuscript of the prophets nor in an apocryphon. Like the Ezra text, it is surely of Christian origin, perhaps from a Jeremiah apocalypse. The fourth case comes from Psalm 95:10. Justin accuses the Jews of omitting the words ἀπὸ τοῦ ξύλου following the phrase ὁ κύριος ἐβασίλευσεν because they identify the Lord and Creator of the world with the crucified Jesus (Dial 73:1–2). But this case, too, concerns a very old Christian addition that appears in only a few witnesses to the LXX. For Justin, the psalm itself is also an important christological text, already cited extensively in his Apologia25 and also quoted in totality in Dialogue 73:3–4, although now in the traditional LXX form. Skarsaune correctly concludes that here Justin utilized a Jewish manuscript of the LXX available to him, but which he regarded as falsified because of the absence of ἀπὸ τοῦ ξύλου. Trypho cautiously rejects the charge that the Jewish leadership had falsified the text (Dial 73:5). For Justin it is a sin more horrendous than the erection of the golden calf. He is prepared, however, to acknowledge the possibility of his own ignorance and, furthermore, with the exception of Isaiah 7:14, to continue the discussion on the basis of the text recognized by both sides. (The Septuagint as Christian scripture : its prehistory and the problem of its canon, M. Hengel, R. Deines, M. E Biddle, p31, 2002 AD)
“A Jewish-Christian confrontation concerning the truth and falsification of the common ‘Holy Scripture’ did, indeed, arise at a certain point in the period we characterize as ‘Urgeschichte’. The basis for the conflict is not, however, the translation phenomenon, either in the sense of whether the choice of the Greek equivalent corresponds to the semantics of the Hebrew word in question, as is the case for the divine epithet κύριος; or in the sense, already enunciated in the Prologue of Jesus ben Sirach, that a translation can never be totally faithful to its original. The point at issue is the bilateral charge of falsification of Scripture by means of tendentious additions or omissions in either the original or the translation. The process of translation at most offers new possibilities for such falsification, in that a translation equivalent may intentionally alter the meaning of the original—as the Christians supposed that the Jewish translators in the second Christian century replaced παρθένος ‘virgin’ with νεᾶνις ‘young woman’ in Isaiah 7:14 in reference to the mother of Immanuel, עלמה. The cause of the Jewish-Christian conflict about authenticity and falsification of Scripture is not to be seen in the existing multiplicity of forms of the text. The continuing comparison of the translation as copy with the original, recognized by both sides, allowed for this multiplicity, as the [Greek] Minor Prophets scroll from the time of Paul indicates. On the basis of this evidence, the widely held thesis that the translation efforts of Aquila [Aquila of Sinope ~130 AD], to be dated a few decades later, were prompted by the Jewish-Christian dispute concerning falsification of Scripture must be newly reconsidered.” (The Septuagint as Christian scripture : its prehistory and the problem of its canon, M. Hengel, R. Deines, M. E Biddle, p6, 2002 AD)
d. Henry Smith astutely comments: “The Seder Olam Rabbah, known for its severe reduction of the timeline between the exile and Christ, is the earliest witness to the chronology in MT Genesis 5 and 11. That is, the earliest witness to the MT’s begetting ages is a corrupted second-century Jewish history that reduces postexilic chronology to avoid the Christian interpretation of the Messianic prophecy in Daniel 9:26. Even aside from considerations of the Seder Olam’s compromised nature, the earliest witness to the longer chronology (LXX) predates the earliest witness to the MT’s shorter chronology by about 400 years. If the MT’s chronology is original, why did it disappear until the second century AD, and why did the longer chronology prevail in both Hebrew and Greek sources until then? Any defender of the MT’s numbers must address this question first. What could have motivated the second-century Jews to deflate their sacred chronology so significantly? Prevalent among Jews and early Christians was the belief that the Messiah would arrive during the sixth millennium after creation, between AM 5000 and AM 6000 (AM = Anno Mundi, “in the year of the world”). The Babylonian Talmud further suggests that according to some Jews, “the period of the Messiah” spanned from AM 4000 to AM 6000. The LXX’s chronology puts the birth of Jesus at ca. AM 5500, clearly “qualifying” him (with respect to the age of the world) to be the Messiah. Many scholars have argued that the Palestinian Jews living in the second century AD shortened the chronology to remove Jesus from the sixth millennium of the world, thereby disqualifying Him as the Messiah (215-16, n. 129). This reduction is likely reflected in the Seder Olam, which (dating creation to 3761 BC) even manages to put Jesus outside “the period of the Messiah,” while situating the second-century Jews right on the verge of it. After all, the authors of the Seder Olam were not opposed to manipulating Jewish chronology for Messianic (anti-Christian) reasons, for they indisputably reduced the interval between the Babylonian captivity and the Second Temple’s destruction by about 185 years, supporting the Jewish attempt to correlate the Messianic prophecy in Daniel 9:26 with the events of AD 70 instead of with Jesus Christ. We propose, then, an adequate motive for Palestinian Jewish scribes to alter the sacred text, a motive that is supported by historical and theological evidence: discrediting the Lord Jesus as Messiah. Judaism was facing a crisis of biblical proportions (literally) during the second century of the Christian era. The gospel of Messiah Jesus was spreading like wildfire across the Roman world, the Temple had been razed to the ground, and the holy city of God had been burned. The rest of Israel had been ravaged by Roman aggression in the events of AD 66-73 and AD 132 -136. The small core of Judaism that rose from the ashes had complete and autonomous control over the Hebrew manuscripts that survived the Roman devastations,’ providing ample opportunity for wholesale chronological changes that would go undetectable in later copies. Most of the world around them would have been unable to read the Hebrew texts, greatly minimizing their usefulness and dissemination outside Palestinian Judaism. These remaining manuscripts were the precursors to the Masoretic Text, which solidified during the last part of the first millennium AD. The circumstances in Palestine during the middle of the second century AD provided an ideal opportunity for the keepers of the remaining Jewish Scriptures to corrupt their texts without leaving behind a trail of evidence in the Hebrew manuscripts. Numerous church fathers testify to the lengths to which orthodox Judaism went to discredit Jesus’ Messianic office, a phenomenon also recorded throughout the book of Acts. Justin Martyr says that the Rabbis deliberately expunged or altered Messianic verses from their Scriptures in their project of discrediting Lord Jesus as Messiah (e.g., see Dial. 71). According to Justin, the second-century Jews were still promulgating the lie that the disciples had stolen Christ’s body from the tomb (cf. Mt 28:13-15). Augustine writes that “the Jews, envying us for our translation of their Law and Prophets, have made alterations in their texts to undermine the authority of ours” (Civ. 15.11). In a spiritual context that included the crucifixion of Jesus, the murder of Stephen, the attempted murder of Paul, virulent second-century opposition to the gospel, and a willingness to alter and even take away from the words of Scripture, the deliberate corruption of the primeval chronology easily falls within the realm of possibility. The theory that the second-century Palestinian Jews deflated the primeval chronology for anti-Christian reasons supplies the motive, means, and opportunity that no other theory can.” (Primeval Chronology Restored: Revisiting the Genealogies of Genesis 5 and 11, Jeremy Sexton, Henry B. Smith Jr. Bible and Spade, 29, no. 2, p 47, 2016 AD)
4. The Zippori connection:
a. At Zippori, a very small number of Hebrew manuscripts existed and were in the sole possession of those who were changing the LXX.
b. We have a direct line from Yose ben Halafta who authored Seder Olam Rabbah at Zippori to the corrupting of the Hebrew Bible at Zippori to the Mishnah at written at Zippori in 200 AD to the Tiberian Masoretes 250-900 AD who preserved the corruption down to the present day with their Masoretic Text manuscript that dates to 1008 AD.
c. Add to the Zippori connection who would have had to be Zippori to study and learn Hebrew: “Aquila of Sinope (~130 AD) Gentile, converted then excommunicated as Christian, converted to Judaism: “Aquila’s name must have been common in antiquity since it is attested in the apostolic age. This translator was a gentile by birth and came from Sinope, a Roman colony in Pontus. Epiphanius provides more details about his life. He lived during the reign of the emperor Hadrian (117–138) to whom he was related (he was probably his brother-in-law: πενθερίδης, The Dialogue of Timothy and Aquila, 117; πενθερός according to Pseudo-Athanasius in the Chronicon Pascale). Hadrian commissioned him to supervise the building of Aelia Capitolina on the esplanade of Jerusalem and there he was converted to Christianity under the influence of those returning from Pella. However, he was excommunicated [by Christians] since he refused to give up astrology. Out of resentment he underwent circumcision, devoting himself to learning Hebrew in order to translate the Bible into Greek with the aim of displacing the LXX which at the time represented Christian interpretation.” (The Septuagint in Context: Introduction to the Greek Version of the Bible, Marcos, N. Fernández, p111, 2000 AD)
d. Jews discard the Greek LXX and start corrupting their Hebrew Bible for anti-Christian purposes.
e. Soon the Jews discarded the Greek Septuagint altogether and adopted the Hebrew “proto-Masoretic” Tanakh in spite of the fact that Hebrew had been functionally extinct among the entire Jewish population for 500 years and nobody in any synagogue could even read it.
5. Justin Martyr may have been unaware that the very Jews who had corrupted the synagogue Septuagint, were also making changes to their own Hebrew “pre-corrupted Masoretic Text (MT).
6. Summary of the Jewish corruption of their own Greek synagogue Bible:
a. The changes were made in the Greek Septuagint.
b. The Septuagint was a Jewish document that had been universally used by Jews since 282 BC.
c. Justin found it unconscionable and indefensible that the Jews in his day would reject the very Greek Tanakh used by their own forefathers.
d. The Tanakh scrolls that had been changed were the very ones used for formal Sabbath worship in the synagogues.
e. The changes were made recently (150 AD)
f. Many copies of the Greek Isaiah (Tanakh) had already been corrupted.
g. A few uncorrupted copies could still be found in a few synagogues.
h. Specifically, the Greek word for Virgin in Isa 7:14 was changed to “Behold a young woman shall conceive”.
Beware False Doctrines of Men, as well!
False Teachers – Doctrines of Devils (Fake Science, Fake History, Fake Theology)
*No offense, but these doctrines and teachings are new to history, only from the last few hundred years – they have nothing to do with ancient Christian beliefs and doctrines based on sound scripture.
False Teachers – Doctrines of Devils (Fake Science, Fake History, Fake Theology)