Trump is a Crypto (Closet) Jew

“Trump’s fabricated claim in The Art of the Deal that his grandfather was Swedish, not German, set the tone for a lifetime of manipulation. It’s clear that deception runs deep in his family history.

Trump grew up in Jamaica Estates, Queens, a heavily Jewish enclave. He attended the Kew-Forest School, where many alumni—including Katherine Weber, Gideon Yago, and Hank Azaria—are Jewish.
His father, Fred “Christ” Trump, was on the school’s board of trustees, further connecting the family to this environment.
His father also donated the land for the Beach Haven Jewish Center, which teaches the Talmud and Kabbalah. (See post below for more Kabbalah ties)

Genealogical digging into Trump’s lineage reveals oddities. His maternal grandmother Mary-Anne MacLeod, for instance, has records that suggest she married a man with the same name as her father—a red flag in genealogical research.
On the paternal side, his great-grandfather Friedrich Drumpf had sisters with distinctly Jewish surnames (Freund and Schuster). Meanwhile, his mother’s maiden name, Kober, could be an altered form of Kolber, a surname with Jewish roots.

Trump’s aunt Elizabeth married William O. Walter, a name tied to Jewish families and organizations in both the U.S. and the U.K.
Not coincidentally, both Fred and Mary Trump passed away at Long Island Jewish Medical Center.

The connections don’t stop at genealogy. Trump’s business dealings orbit major Jewish figures, such as attorneys Samuel and Abraham Lindenbaum, and Roy Cohn (His mentor and arguably worst man ever profiled by the FBI)
Link 1:
Link 2:
The Lindenbaums, for instance, were heavily involved with prominent Jewish developers like Larry Silverstein and Leonard Litwin, partners in Trump’s real estate empire.

As for Ivana Trump, her surname Zelnícek on is suspiciously close to Zelnick, a common Jewish name (notable example: Hollywood producer David O. Selznick). Trump’s daughter Ivanka, now married to Jared Kushner, further cemented the family’s ties to the Jewish elite. Nearly every layer of his family tree and business dealings is intertwined with this network.

The reality?
Trump’s narrative is one of deliberate confusion and carefully curated optics—designed to play multiple sides while hiding plain truths.

Think what you want, but let me make something perfectly clear: there is no such thing as a Christian Kabbalist. Period. The two systems are fundamentally incompatible.

Kabbalism is rooted in Jewish mysticism, drawing heavily from the Zohar and other esoteric texts, and is centered on the concept of achieving closeness to the Ein Sof (the infinite). Its framework revolves around the Sephirot, a mystical diagram of divine emanations, and involves practices like numerology, Gematria, magical invocations, and meditation. These ideas directly contradict Christian teachings about salvation, grace, and the sovereignty of Christ.

Christianity doesn’t rely on secret mystical frameworks or coded paths to divine wisdom; it centers on faith in Christ as the sole mediator between humanity and God.

Christianity and Kabbalism are fundamentally at odds.
Theologically, these systems cannot coexist. Christianity teaches simplicity in faith and the sufficiency of Christ’s sacrifice, while Kabbalism delves into complex, arcane systems of self-actualization and enlightenment.

To claim the title of “Christian Kabbalist” is to completely undermine and invert the fundamental truths of Christianity, aligning it with the very principles of Satanic inversion.

If you’re not seeing the red flags here, it’s time to wake up.”

~Sir Escanor

Ivanka Trump Before and After The Nose

Trump Is Jewish pdf

The Trump Bloodline


Click to Enlarge


WW3: Jewish Donald Trump attacks Syria

Original Here

Today must be a depressing date for the Trumpers, #Trumped, the day they will see their so-called ‘Christian President’ Trump start laying the World in ashes. Exactly 100 years ago to the exact date the US of A enters WW1.

Just a short note for my readers. The Trump fanclub claimed to be ‘christian’ (see below analysis exactly how christian they are) was warned, but they continued to pray him into position of power ( Matthew 19:24 ), by me and thousand more real Christians, those who have the Spirit of Christ, and not only doing lip service to Christ. Should he really make America great again, or make Israel great again (The Yinon Plan)? What is so great with America being lapdogs for Israel, and the Americans to die for satanists in Israel?

The Trump surname is an anglicized version of the German name Drumpf. In Jewish gematria, the value of the letters in Don Drumpf is 666. (Don being both his abbreviated first name and meaning «powerful ruler.»).

That is the Jewish Masciach, a MILITARY and POLITICAL leader, like Barrabas, the Anti-Christ. The Jews have had plenty of such Mashiacs through the ages, all of them same loosers, all the time proven false, all the time loosing in the fulfillment of the promises, but still gullible Jews look forward for the next of these utopian promisemakers that now , yes, now, they really are on the brink to make the rest of the World their slaves, if they only support the next and present one and only of those in an endless row of mashiach candidates through the ages. Are Jews somewhat stupid or what? Never cease to believe the promises, why not accept Jesus Christ as the REAL Messiah he was, as prophesied throughout the Old Testament?

The Mashiach

“The mashiach will be a great political leader descended from King David ( Jeremiah 23:5 ). The mashiach is often referred to as “mashiach ben David” (mashiach, son of David). He will be well-versed in Jewish law, and observant of its commandments ( Isaiah 11:2-5 ). He will be a charismatic leader, inspiring others to follow his example. He will be a great military leader, who will win battles for Israel. He will be a great judge, who makes righteous decisions ( Jeremiah 33:15 ). But above all, he will be a human being, not a god, demi-god or other supernatural being.”

A carnal man, for a materialistic carnal godless kingdom, the Anti-Christ kingdom of the Jews:

Rabbi says 666 – the Mark of the Beast =
“We do know that the number six represents the physical world. ( ) The number 666 could thus represent the strength and perfection of the physical world, which Judaism teaches will occur in the messianic era, when the physical world will reach its ultimate purpose, to be a vehicle through which the created experience the Creator.” main.php/277/Q1/

Donald Trump (424) is the Gematria of “Messiah for the House of David” (משיח בן דוד). That is not to say that Donald Trump is the Messiah, but that his presidency will usher in the Messianic era, – for the Jews. The Jewish Masciach, of all the Christian anti-Christs – but the one with the most power of our times, fooling many Christians into believing he is Christian, when he is actually Jewish.

The Jews want continuous wars in the Middle East to expand and secure their realms, The Yinon plan, that all the powers and leadership in the western World helps them implement . They always get what they want. And the wars in the Middle East are to spread worldwide, of different controlled ‘nations’ (read: corrupt leaders) taking sides.

Looks like Donald Trump is Jewish

Trump bombs Syria for ISIS – HUGE new false flag on the way?

Trump bombs Syria for ISIS – HUGE new false flag on the way?

Exactly 100 years later

ISIS is as we know Israel Secret Intelligence Services . Poor souls of the Trump supporters and the wars for Israel they indirectly thereby support, when they find out it was all wrong and Trump as all other Presidents serves the ‘gods’ in Israel more than the One above in Heaven, but at the same time they will will also find out that Christ never was in them at all because where Truth resides lies can have no foothold ( Galatians 2:20 ), that must be even worse.


” and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” – II Thess. 2:10-12

Trump is the same strictly controlled Zionist Alt-Right hero as Hitler was, and as Obama was for the left. It is all part of the dialectics. ALWAYS controlling both sides (read the books of Anthony C. Sutton who financed both the Bolsheviks and Hitler). A ‘side’ would not have been allowed to grow into prominence had it not been controlled by the usual suspects.

Words, words… promises, promises, it is part of the gameplan.. lets look at what they do instead..

“Trump is making great strides through his anti-corruption Twitter campaign. [against the Rothschilds]

“They do not own the world, and they do not have carte blanche to do whatever they want. If we do not challenge them there will be other issues. We will not be bullied by them!”

Rothschild Accuses Donald Trump Of Deceiving Naive Voters

Lynn the Rothschild, the King of Israel, playing the (deception) game:

Putin is playing his part. Do NOT be deceived. There are no good guys in the leadership of this Biblical Armageddon. All leaders are controlled by the Jews. Wasn’t they controlled, like Lenin (Blank), Trotsky (Bronstein), Churchill , FDR, Stalin and Hitler, the Jews could not assure the outcome to their advantage.

You can’t make this stuff up: Putin is behind the terrorist attack in Russia!

You can’t make this stuff up: Putin is behind the terrorist attack in Russia!

OR some False Flags,

Putin needs his subjects to align behind him now, for the Jewish gameplan of World War 3.

King of Israel

The Bible says that at one point the whole world will worship the man of sin and believe the lies. They are able to believe the lie because Christ does not live in them, Satan does. Those who practice the truth, who love the truth will resist the lie from the ultimate liar because they have trained themselves beforehand.

Jewish Globalism, New World Order

Things are very easy actually. You can never thrust Satanists to tell you any Truth, lies, lies, lies, – that is all they are good at. And if they are to be in power, they have to do the bidding of the Jews. There are no other options if they want to live and prosper.

‘Stay out of Syria’: What Donald Trump’s old tweets say

Jesus said, ” Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice .” ( John 18:37 ) Psalms. 117:2 “ the truth of the LORD endures forever .”

In the end what will matter is the love of the truth, it will be one of the things Jesus Christ will do for you to save your soul from the great deception.

TV = Talmud Vision , twisting people’s opinions, hearts and minds.

Jesus Christ; Immunization against mind control:

Mystery religion of iniquity – 2 Thess. 2:7 , of Babylon, ref. Babylonian Talmud; the mystery of lawlessness (iniquity). Rev. 17:5 . Daniel 4:7

Babylon is the birthplace of all false religions, false ideals and false philosophies.

One hundred years ago this date the United States entered Europe’s Zionist Jewish backed Great War , officially making it ‘World War One’. The military strike against Syria from Trump took place consequently on the 77th day of his presidency. And this would happen during year 5777 (The Year of the Sword in the Hebrew Calendar). And now this, World War Three to sum up all that Freemason of B’nai Brith Albert Pike said in his letter to Mazzini in 1871 should happen with 3 World Wars to secure their New World Order . The two former World Wars were exactly as he said it would be, so we see that Satan knew the gameplan directing his troops 150 years ago.

Freemasons, Jews and King Solomons (Third) Temple

Freemasons, Jews and King Salomos (Third) Temple

7 Year Tribulations starting with the Jewish Anti-Christ(s) coming into their full power.

“Donald Trump Will Be 70 Years, 7 Months And 7 Days Old on His First Full Day in Office. 777 means ‘of god’ or Year of Completion, and Year of the Sword, as 7 is a weapon as the hebrew symbol looks like an ax (5777 = keep, warfare, warfare, warfare according to Kabbalists), when according to the Kaballah is when The Messianic Kingdom of the Jews is to come into fruition, for Christians it marks the Kingdom of Anti-Christ and the start of 7 Years Tribulations. Hayo Tihyeh Shnat Aliyat Zechuyoteinu says for the Jews; «It shall surely be the year of the ascent of our merits«. And this would happen during year 5777 (The Year of the Sword) on the Hebrew calendar. Just remember their god is Lucifer, the Serpent, not Jacob-Israel’s God. Trump is an incarnation of Nimrod and the Sun God Horus. During the inauguration of the Washington Obelisk, the Pillar of Osiris what the Mayans called the Serpent Rope, will be activated by the Heavens – as a Standing Serpent Stone. All very masonic. ‘God’ is for some a relative entity, the perception of ‘god’ is different. We have to look up the characteristics of God of the Bible to see if it fits with the ‘god’ they claim to follow, if their spiritual natures are in compliance with the God of Abraham, Jacob-Israel and Jesus, the only living God .”

Trump as Nimrod; A Great Day for Conspiracy Nuts have Arrived

Trump as Nimrod; A Great Day for Conspiracy Nuts have Arrived

Before he was ‘elected (selected). Gullible people believe in promises and liars. He was right here, but what he didn’t say is that the leader to do it is him.

But we must ask; WHO exactly gave Satan his gameplan, and have also outlined the final solution and end of it in the Bible, as mentioned in Isaiah chapter 70 regarding Damascus?

Why does it all happen, that the Synagogue of Satan ( Rev. 2.9 & 3.9 ) got such a stronghold of the hearts and minds of even the Elect, replacing Jesus with themselves as the victims and sacrificial lambs for man’s sins? (Holocaust replaced Calvary).


Why does this happen?

The Bible is clear, why God allows Satan to deceive and tempt the human race, who ‘have stumbled because of their iniquity’ ( Hosea 14:1 ); To bring people back to God ( Deuteronomy 4:30 , Isaiah 19:22 , 1 Samuel 7:3 , 2 Chronicles 15:4 , Job 22:23 , Zechariah 1:3 , James 4:8 ), at least some of them .

And so the Word of God can come to the realization:

“The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.” – Isaiah 17:1

Damascus has never been an ‘ruinous heap’ before.

Henry Kissinger: ” If You Can’t Hear the Drums of War You Must Be Deaf”

“If you haven’t realized that the Israeli regime and its puppets in the United States want to start World War III, then you need to wake up from your dogmatic slumber.”

Israel Wants World War III—Now

Israel Wants World War III—Now

WW3 FEARS: Russia THREATENS Donald Trump with ‘negative consequences’ if he strikes Syria

If the Jews want a new World war, the Jews will get it. After all they control the media and the politicians of all the nations, what to expect?

Don’t worry. Jesus Christ is to have the biggest laugh. The ones who laugh last laugh the best. He conquered the satanists in the Synagogue of Satan and their followers ( Rev. 2.9 & 3.9 ) at Calvary, remember? Jesus Christ as the Messiah needs to be invited back into our nations to reach a critical mass, surrender and repent, and than we can rest assured He will take the wheel. It has happened in thousands of personal lives, by their own testimonies, it will happen the same for nations as well.

Relevant reading

Jews – Jesus 0 – 1

Jews – Jesus 0 – 1

Trump as Nimrod; A Great Day for Conspiracy Nuts have Arrived

Trump as Nimrod; A Great Day for Conspiracy Nuts have Arrived

Bibi Trumping a War with Iran to Save Himself?

Bibi Trumping a War with Iran to save Himself?

The Donald: the Serpent Seed from the Royal Bloodline/Tribe of Dan

The Donald: the Serpent Seed from the Royal Bloodline/Tribe of Dan

‘Peoples Power’ is a ruse

‘Peoples Power’ is a ruse

Hillary And Trump are Cousins
Hillary And Trump are Cousins
American Presidential Genes
American Presidential Genes



Trump’s Associates

Allan Weisselberg (Ashkanenazic Jew) CFO
Michael Cohen (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Special Counsel
Gil Dezer (Ashkenazic Jew) – President, Trump Dezer Development
Michael Dezer (Ashkenazic Jew) – Founder, Trump Dezer Development
Alan Fishman (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chairman, Ladder Capital (Donald Trump’s second largest lender)
Alan Garten (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and General Counsel, The Trump Organization
Lawrence Glick (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President of Strategic Development, The Trump Organization
Jason Greenblatt (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer, The Trump Organization; Co-Chairman, Israel Advisory Committee for Donald Trump
Yael Kushner née Ivanka Trump] (Orthodox Jewish convert) – Executive Vice President, The Trump Organization
Ronald Lieberman Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President of Management & Development, The Trump Organization
Amanda Miller – (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice President of Marketing, The Trump Organization
David Orowitz (Ashkenazic Jew) – Senior Vice President of Acquisitions and Development, The Trump Organization
George Ross (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Senior Counsel, The Trump Organization
Felix Sater (Ashkenazic Jew) – Former Senior Adviser, The Trump Organization
Keith Schiller (Ashkenazic Jew) – Director of Security, The Trump Organiztion
Andrew Weiss Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President, The Trump Organization…

Since then Weisselberg did a little stretch in jail for tax evasion, of course. Other execs and wives come and go like Ivanka, but the tribe is still in charge. The Trump logo should be the word TRUMP superimposed over a Star of David.


From Drumpf to Trump



TEFLON ANTICHRIST: Even The Elect Shall Be Deceived

Trump’s Indefensible Promotion of Suicide Shots – Updates, Luciferian Son In Law, WEF Daughter



Always Name The Jew – Exposing Jewish Crypsis Infiltration Tactics

Jewish Crypsis 101: The Name Game

European Royals are ALL Jews

Name the Jew If You’re True

Trump is a Crypto (Closet) Jew

Vladimir Putin Is a Jew

The Jewish Paradox – Imposter Hebrews


Forbidden Biblical Anthropology:

The Table of Nations: Biblical & Historical Fact


Lineages of Adam

The Lineages of Man and Nephilim
Beyond The Pale Origins: Caucasians – The First Men

Lineages of Noah

The Sons of Shem – The Caucasian Peoples of Europe
The Descendants of Japheth

Lineages of Ham & The Fallen Angels

The Descendants of Ham – Cushites, Canaanites. Blacks & Jews.
Sons of Cush – The Black Tribes of Man
The Nephilim Tribes of Canaanites, Edomites, Amalekites (Jews)
The Will of Canaan
The Jewish Paradox – Imposter Hebrews
JEW OR JUDAH? The Original Manuscripts Never Used The Word ‘Jew’
The Satanic Star of Judaism (Remphan) – David Had NO Star
European Royals are ALL from Edom/Esau/Canaan (aka ‘Jews’)
Trump is a Crypto (Closet) Jew
Esau Have I Hated! The Nephilim/Canaanite Connection (part 1)
Esau Have I Hated! Edom Through the Centuries of History (part 2)
Esau Have I Hated! The Apostate Tribe of Dan (part 3)


Lineages of Abraham

Sons of Ishmael – Modern Arabs
The True Hebrew Israelites – The Caucasian Race (The Lost Tribes of Israel)
100 PROOFS the lsraelites were Caucasian
About Christian Identity

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Primordial Truth: Mapping the Rabbit Holes – Know Everything!

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