Did Catholicism Create Islam? The True Origins of the Islam Revealed | The Islamic Connection
This topic has puzzled numerous expositors: how does Islam fit into the picture of global conflict? Is this a political or religious conflict, or both? What is Islam’s origin and what are its goals? How does it impact ecumenism and the doctrine of salvation in Christ? Can we find evidence that the Catholic Church created Islam or helped them grow? Find out in this informative video. A clear line is drawn through history, showing that the reality is more startling than the theory. This presentation includes a look at some powerful Islamic leaders past and present, a comparison of Catholicism and Islam, and a discussion of Islam and Mary worship.
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The Quran also says that the Abraham from the Bible build the Kaaba in Mecca when the Bible never mentions he travelled to Arabia. Abraham when from Palestine to Egypt but never south to Arabia. This was another attempt to sway the people of that time away from Jesus and the rapidly growing faith of Christianity.
Prior to the birth of Mohammed, the Islamic Prophet, the Kaaba was the major temple of Quraysh and the residence of its idols. There used to be 360 idols in Kaaba worshiped by the arabs, where the moon god was Lah / Hubal, the chief among those idols. Notice the similarities with Hubal and Baal and Lah with Allah – Source (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allah_as_a_lunar_deity)
These Pre-Islamic Pagan Arabs travelled to Mecca in a pilgramage prior to Mohammed. The word Pilgrammage in Arabic ‘Haj’, comes from the the arabic word ‘Hak’, which means rubbing. This was because there a strange pagan ritual that was practiced during the pilgramage where arabs would rub themselves with the black stone near the Kaaba – Source (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_pre-Islamic_Arabia)
Women would touch the black stone of Kaaba with the blood of menstruation because they believed they were being blessed with by the moon/fertility moon God. Woman and Men would cirlcle the kaaba naked and then would engage in orgies after the ritual.
Al-Lāt, Al-‘Uzzá and Manāt were common names used for multiple goddesses across Arabia. G. R. Hawting states that modern scholars have frequently associated the names of Arabian goddesses Al-lāt, Al-‘Uzzá and Manāt with cults devoted to celestial bodies, particularly Venus, drawing upon evidence external to the Muslim tradition as well as in relation to Syria, Mesopotamia and the Sinai Peninsula – Source (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzsxsTInvtg)
During the Muslim conquests, Christians faced religious discrimination and persecution in that they were banned from spreading Christianity in the lands invaded by the Arab Muslims. If they broke this Arab law they would receiver pain or death, they were banned from bearing arms, undertaking certain professions, and were obligated to dress differently in order to distinguish themselves from Arabs.
Under the Islamic law (sharīʿa), Christians were obligated to pay the jizya and kharaj taxes, together with periodic heavy ransom levied upon Christian communities by Muslim rulers in order to fund military campaigns.
All of this contributed a significant proportion of income to the Islamic states while conversely reducing many Christians to poverty, and these financial and social hardships forced many Christians to convert to Islam.
Christians unable to pay these taxes were forced to surrender their children to the Muslim rulers as payment who would sell them as slaves to Muslim households where they were forced to convert to Islam.
So who benefitted from the creation of Islam?
Well lets looks at the important events surrounding Jerusalem:
– 614 AD – Sasanian (Persian) Siege of Jerusalem and the Jews from Babylon began to rebuild the Temple of Solomon. Christians rebel and push them out of Jerusalem.
– 617 AD – the Persians had reversed their policy to let Jews settle in Jerusalem and sided with the Christians, probably because of pressure from Mesopotamian Christians in Persia itself. Control was given back to the Byzantine Empire and the True Cross was restored back into Jerusalem
– 638 AD – The Arab Islamic Empire under Caliph Omar conquered Jerusalem. Caliph Omar permitted the Jews to reestablish their presence in Jerusalem–after a lapse of 500 years. Jewish tradition regards Caliph Omar as a benevolent ruler and the Midrash (Nistarot de-Rav Shimon bar Yoḥai) refers to him as a “friend of Israel.”
Under Islamic rule, the Jews worked as “the assayers of coins, the dyers, the tanners and the bankers in the community”. During the Fatimid period, many Jewish officials served in the regime.
During this time Jews lived in thriving communities all across ancient Babylonia. In the Geonic period (650–1250 CE), the Babylonian Yeshiva Academies were the chief centers of Jewish learning; the Geonim (meaning either “Splendor” or “Geniuses”), who were the heads of these schools, were recognized as the highest authorities in Jewish law.
In the 7th century, the new Muslim rulers institute the kharaj land tax, which led to mass migration of Babylonian Jews from the countryside to cities like Baghdad. This in turn led to greater wealth and international influence, as well as a more cosmopolitan outlook from Jewish thinkers such as Saadiah Gaon, who now deeply engaged with Western philosophy for the first time.
This just so happened to coincide with the ‘Islamic Golden Age’.
And who Rules Rome? The Jews, of course…
You have a Muslim problem because you have a Jew problem.
“We Jews, we the destroyers, will remain the destroyers forever. Nothing that you do will meet our needs and demands. We will forever destroy, because we want a world of our own, a God-World, which it is not in your nature to build.”
Maurice Samuel , You Gentiles, p. 155
The Jewish Origins of Islam
Edouard-Marie Gallez, Le Messie et son prophète: aux origines de l’Islam. Paris: Studia Arabica, dirigée par Marie-Thérèse Urvoy. Tome I: De Qumran à Muhammad. 4th edition, 2012. 523 pp. 35 Euros. Tome II: Du Muhammad des Califes au Muhammad de l’histoire. 2010. Pp 574. 39 Euros.
Reviewed by Anne Barbeau Gardine, Culture Wars, February 2018.
“Jewish Involvement in Shaping US Immigration Policy”
by Prof. Kevin MacDonald, Culture of Critique, Chapter 7:
Jews Unite Behind Push for Immigration Reform
by Rex Weiner, Forward, June 26, 2013
Those leading an active push for the bill, which will offer a path to citizenship for some of the nation’s 11 million undocumented aliens, include the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, the American Jewish Committee, the Anti-Defamation League, the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, Bend the Arc and the National Council of Jewish Women.…And a Jewish establishment ever mindful of its need to operate through alliances and coalitions to advance its own interests is not blind to the implications of the issue in a country whose demography is shifting rapidly.
Did The Quran Copy the Bible? Partly, but added Arabic mythology and ritual
First, let us look at the contents of the Qur’an, and which parts can also be found in the Bible.
The most striking similarities that stand out are certainly the inclusion of 25 protagonists from the Bible that are re-labeled as the 25 prophets of Islam. This list includes Bible protagonists such as Adam, Abraham, King David, Moses, and even Jesus. While the stories in the Qur’an are quite different from the Bible narratives, and the take-out of those stories are sometimes quite the opposite from the Bible as well, we still have, for example, Adam eating some fruit, the Burning Bush, Moses parting the Red Sea, and Jesus reviving stuff.
You can see a full list of the 25 prophets of Islam here:
Mike Muluk’s answer to Why is Jesus both in the Quran and the Bible?
The only “prophet” not lifted straight out of the Bible is the prophet Saleh (صالح). This person had its origins with the confederation of northern western Arab tribes, the Thamud (see: Thamud – Wikipedia).
While during Muhammad’s time, the tribe was no more, the ruins that the Thamud inhabited around the ancient city of Al-Hijr were a source of Arabic folklore of a once mighty people who had been destroyed by a cataclysmic event (the Qur’an mentions an earthquake) of divine origins.
When we come to the laws of Islam, we can clearly see that the Qur’an is quite different from the Bible.
For example, polygamy – which the New Testament has abolished – is allowed, regulated, and codified in the Qur’an.
Unique to the Qur’an as well was the codification of the ghaziya and how war booty is to be distributed among the mujahedeen.
We cannot discuss Muhammad’s military expeditions without talking about the ancient Arab tribal tradition of the ghaziya—an Arabic word that serves as the origin of the term razzia or raid. In pre-Islamic Arab culture, the ghaziya or ghazwa was a form of limited warfare that avoided head-on confrontations and instead emphasized the taking of livestock, slaves, and property (see: Ghazi (warrior) – Wikipedia).
In his nine years in Medina, Muhammad sent out 100 military raids and expeditions (Montgomery Watt, Muhammad at Medina, 1956, pp. 339–343). And each of them entailed the distribution of the war-booty. Arguably, Muhammad’s cause rapidly grew because of the promise of war-booty.
While the Qur’an doesn’t regulate daily prayers to minute detail, one has to look at the rituals surrounding the Ka’aba. The Hajj has been practiced as it is today even before Islam. It is not something new that Islam has invented. The only difference is that instead of 360 deities, presided over by Hubal, the owner and chief deity of the Ka’aba, Muslims now pray to Allah, the owner of the Ka’aba.
Persian painting of Muhammad restoring the black meteorite – the Hajr Al-Aswad – to its place on the Ka’aba. Barbara Walker writes in her book The Woman’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets writes that the stone and its vulva-shaped casing was originally part of a shrine for the Babylonian Goddess Har, mother of harlots.
Jordan’s King Abdullah kissing the black Meteorite, Hajr Al-Aswad, in imitation of Muhammad.
We can also be sure that historically there is no link whatsoever between the Ka’aba and the biblical Abraham and his son Ishmael. Regarding that topic, I have written an article that you can read here: The Abrahamic Legacy: Beersheba or Mecca
The Supernatural
Although the theology behind angels and the divine in Islam and the Bible is quite different, the Qur’an also features a unique race of supernatural beings that cannot be found anywhere else except Arabic folklore. I am talking about the Jinn.
The Qur’an even goes so far to dedicate a whole Surah to these incorporeal beings. Aptly named Surah Al-Jinn (see: Surah Al-Jinn [72]). The Jinn are described quite similar to the Celtic Faeries: a race of beings who live side-by-side with humans in their own tribes and families but are rarely to be seen by humans. The Jinn can shapeshift into various animals (dogs and snakes – one of the reasons why the Hadith calls for these animals’ extermination), eat dung, and can provide humans with supernatural knowledge.
The black king of the djinns, Al-Malik al-Aswad, from the late 14th century Book of Wonders
The ancient Arabs had their own shamans or mediums who are supposed to be able to contact these beings. According to Jordanian scholar, Dr. Rafat Amari in his book Occultism in the Family of Muhammad, Khadijah’s first husband was Nabash ibn Zarareh ibn Wakdan. Ibn Wakdan was a visionary for the Jinn. Dr. Amari wrote that this profession was the source of Khadijah’s wealth.
It is also quite interesting to see how the Qur’an diminishes the role of the Christian devil. In the Qur’an, Satan or Iblis is described not as a fallen angel, but rather as an obstinate Jinn who dared to defy Allah’s command (you can read more on that here: Mike Muluk’s answer to What is the difference between Satan in Christianity and Islam?).
In conclusion
Based on all the points above, we can clearly say that Muhammad clearly added Arabic folklore and beliefs into his new religion. It seems that the Qur’an itself is a composite of Jewish and Christian stories and folklore added in with a sizeable dose of Arab superstitions, beliefs, and myths.
Baal (Allah) and Ashtaroth (Easter) in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Rabbi is excited that Moslem ‘refugees’ are arriving in Europe to exterminate the Christians!
Jewish involvement – promotion of ‘hate speech’ laws, multiculturalism, mass immigration, denationalization, and subversions
Jewish Involvement in Shaping American Immigration Policy, 1881-1965: A Historical Review
by Prof. Kevin MacDonald, California State University-Long Beach
Ted Kennedy is not responsible for the Immigration Act of 1965
Ted Kennedy was not responsible for the Immigration Act of 1965
The Tactics of Immigration
Barbara Specter—Jewish activist for “multiculturalism” for Europe
since 1926
“Open” Society for whom?
George Soros Bet Big on Liberal Democracy. Now He Fears He Is Losing.
One morning in Paris, I had coffee with Alex Soros, who is 32 and the second-youngest of George’s five children… When the caffeine finally kicked in, Alex told me that for many years, his father had not been eager to advertise his Judaism because “this was something he was almost killed for.” But he had always “identified firstly as a Jew,” and his philanthropy was ultimately an expression of his Jewish identity, in that he felt a solidarity with other minority groups and also because he recognized that a Jew could only truly be safe in a world in which all minorities were protected. Explaining his father’s motives, he said, “The reason you fight for an open society is because that’s the only society that you can live in, as a Jew…”
György Schwartz, “George Soros,” was a student of Karl Popper and claims Popper as his mentor. Karl is the philosopher who authored The Open Society and its Enemies. Some details on György’s Open Society Foundation:
Report: How George Soros packed the European Court of Human Rights and Pushed Its Open Border Policies
Sensational revelations from Europe document the deep involvement of George Soros’ Open Society Foundations in the European Court of Human Rights, which has been key in forcing an “Open Borders” policy on countries like Italy.
and, as usual, hypocrites:
Israeli Minister: 90% of Ukrainian Refugees Arriving Are non-Jews, Situation ‘Cannot Go On’
https://www.haaretz.com/world-news/europe/israeli-minister-90-of-ukrainians-refugees-are-non-jews-situation-cannot-go-on-1.10655497 Shakeed is also a vocal advocate of killing gentile mothers: https://www.dailysabah.com/mideast/2014/07/14/mothers-of-all-palestinians-should-also-be-killed-says-israeli-politician
Check out >>>TheSerapeum.com/hisstory
The NAKBA – The Genocide of Palestinians by JEWS (Update: Nakba 2.0 Has Begun)
Sons of Ishmael – Modern Arabs
The Pre-Islamic World And The Destruction of Classical Civilization
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Did Catholicism Create Islam? The True Origins of the Islam Revealed | The Islamic Connection
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