HisStory Explained – A Primer

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The Mystery Religion of The Occult Elite and The Hidden History of Man & Mythology.

The pages of the book of history are written in the blood of its peoples.

The New World Order is neither New nor Order: it represents the foolish ambition of Satan to overthrow the providential plan of God, to cancel the true Religion that leads to eternal salvation and finally to replace the “ordo christianus” (“the Christian order”) with infernal chaos. In this disorder, the lie replaces the Truth, injustice and abuse of power replace justice, whim instead of obedience to the law of God, death instead of life, illness instead of health, the legitimization of Evil and the condemnation of Good, the persecution of good people and the praising of evil ones, ignorance in the place of culture and wisdom, ugliness and horror instead of beauty, division and hatred instead of harmony and love. Satan doesn’t want to be worshipped by adopting the qualities of God, but by demanding to be an object of adoration through everything that is evil, obscene, false, absurd, and monstrous. He seeks complete subversion, a subversion ontologically devilish and Antichristic: a “New Order” obtained by means of a global coup d’état imposed under the guise of an engineered planned emergency.

The vaccine campaign, lacking any scientific validity, serves first of all as the apparent legitimization for implementing global tracking and controls, today under the pretext of limiting COVID spread (a pretext which is false, because, among other reasons, the vaccinated can still become infected and be contagious). But tomorrow, this campaign aims to expand its reach, extending the “Green Pass” to include information used in a “social credit system” to confront a “green emergency,” which will be likewise false and specious. The “Green Pass” is being conceived as something like the Mark of the Beast mentioned in the Apocalypse of Saint John to allow or forbid people to buy, sell, travel, spend, eat and live.

Secondly, the inoculation of people with an experimental genic serum that provokes a weakening of our natural immune system represents a very grave crime, because it turns ordinary healthy people into chronically ill people, and consequently into customers of the health care companies and private care. This situation hugely inflates the profits of the globalist élite and brings a general impoverishment of the population.

~Archbishop Carlo Vigano

The Synopsis of the Book of Enoch which Adds Context to the Book of Genesis and explains the OCCULT RITUALISTIC BELIEF SYSTEM of the DEEP STATE in FULL – 


The Fallen Watchers (Angels) had human hybrid babies (which became cannibalistic giants in life (hundreds of examples of skeletons of giants and megalithic structures found) and demons in death – much like todays LIGER class cat, 10x the size of a lion…very hungry) and those NEPHILIM were a violent evil plague on the earth. Eventually they taught mankind mixing of various species (genetic manipulation, like the MRNA vaccine and mixing species bragged about in modern magazines) and “All flesh was corrupted” and the flood came to wipe these things out. 


Then, post flood – through the lineage of Noah’s sons (Ham and Japheth who married Nephilim wives) the “giants” came back as the many various tribes of Baal/Moloch worshipping giants that practiced child sacrifice rituals and the tribes were told by God to leave nothing alive of – even the genetically evil offspring, such as the Canaanites – those were Ham’s descendants.)


They carried on the Canaanite/Babylonian rituals and worship of fallen angels and the first KING of a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT – Nimrod/Gilgamesh/Osiris/Mithras/Baal/the various incarnations of Sun worship)


These beliefs lived on and became what we know of today as the Deep State and Freemasonry, through esoteric teachings and pagan festivals in Rome (Saturnalia, a time of Gift Giving (Christmas Gifts), Child Sacrifice (Gingerbread cookies), Fertility worship (mistletoe) and worship of the Sun and of resurrection. Specifically the Christmas Tree is a symbolic phallic reference to the resurrection OF Nimrod (who we call Santa Claus in modern mythologies) who would bring gifts to his believers who performed the Yule log ritual.


The Freemasons founded America, to be their New Atlantis. A Freemason Stronghold (We have these demons all over DC statuary, symbolically HAILING SATAN in our faces – such as the new UN statue in NYC, a artistic rendition from a smartass NWO type of the Beast of Revelations)


Christmas itself, has nothing to do with Christ – far from it. It’s a symbolic representation of Nimrod’s resurrection. (And the rebirth of the One World Government that was destroyed when God “Babbled” the languages at the Tower of Babel (Built by Nimrod..)


The “Magnum Opus” or “Great Work” of the Freemasons is to rebuild this One World Government (NWO is the Old World Order)


And now, through lies of False sciences like Evolution, Carbon Dating, Copernican Theories, We’ve now been pried for the return of the Fallen Angels as “Aliens” which the governments are suddenly telling us about like they are everywhere.


These things matter. Fauci the Freemason is poisoning the world over these beliefs the deep state write about, have ceremonies about, put art and statues all over capitols for, and ridicule anyone who looks into keenly.


I know it sounds nutty, but I can walk you through the historical documentation, the occult references of the freemasons own writings, their hand on the censored past we call history, (His Story) and much more. It takes dozens of hours of your time. And a keen desire to know. – I’ve compiled everything you need (along with your favorite bible) at www.nemosnewsnetwork.com/history


Jesus referenced Enoch as Scripture in Matthews. His given name, Yeshuah – means “he who will destroy the organization of the eye” in Hebrew.




“From the 2nd vatican council to : this deep church has managed to make the faithful swallow a new religion, while at the same time making them believe they are still Catholics.”

Archbishop Carlo Vigano




Study Tool – https://bibleengagementproject.com/Pricing Logos cheap software?


Ancient texts – https://sacred-texts.com/bib/lbob/lbob31.htm


RitmanLibrary.com/org ?



https://www.goyi mtv.tv/videos/censorship


The ages described biblically, clay through gold




The Legends of History YT Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy-VnRxdzpcQSnR8nPo4wWw






Young Earth – https://answersingenesis.org/evidence-for-creation/the-10-best-evidences-from-science-that-confirm-a-young-earth/




Henry Ford on Jews

#2 https://issuu.com/yasinal-jibouri/docs/part_two_of_the_international_jew_b


Ecclesia Occulto Christo – Church of the Hidden Christ. A codename for this new project I am trying to bring interested minds and multidisciplinary backgrounds to the age of problem of mans origins, what really happened. Most especially archeology, geology, history, occult (hidden ie censored), theology, and anti-deluvian (pre flood) era experts.


A theory.


  1. Theory Premise: The bible is fundamentally correct, and is the most accurate history book available by which all other history books may be judged against. This includes the roughly 6000 year old timeframe of the planet – based on the reverse engineered ages of the bible story. (The counter proofs, being carbon dating and evolution – are both debunked theories but that is censored)


  1. There is a war on Christ and Christians from an enemy tribe that is genetically opposed to God, this tribe and its descendants make up the ancient Babylon mystery school belief system of the elite (Masons, Skull and Bones, everything ends up at Babylon and Osiris – which is Nimrod/Gilgamesh, an Antichrist figure who sought to Build the Tower of Babel and violently seize Gods Throne.) 


Piercing the secrets of the mystery schools and secret society teachings essentially seems to bring us back to Ancient Osiris, Babylon – and a lot of serpent and resurrection symbolism. Also portrayed are a species of Giant superhumans, Titans, Nephilim, etc. (The bible says they were in the earth in those days and also after the flood – Genesis 6 conspiracy!)


These are the ancient Pharaohs and the like – Giants who had elongated skulls (both giants and their smaller elongated skull relatives/descendants are found by the thousands and only in recent history began to receive Trump level censorship.)


History has been rigged and rewritten by the bad guys – who (real or not) believe they trace their ancestry to demonic entities. These giants. (The fallen angels were not considered Demons. the Spirits of their half spirit half flesh children, the giants – are the source of Demons. Which is why you don’t see much Demon talk in the OLD testament…)


I want to build a body of work to reunite science and Christianity – a formal theory on the history of the world that offers an ALTERNATE possible view, while deconstructing the obvious lies that change our entire basis of understanding.


I invite you to participate in this research project. I ultimately hope to turn it into a book or documentary series. And share the truth that has been suppressed about our world history and that the Bible sits squarely at the center of it.


*Confidential Group* Everything here is theory and speculation unless otherwise stated.


Useful Depictions:


Nimrod & The Goat.


– Bible as History

 – She’ol taken completely out of NIV version? Goodbye Hebrew Afterlife.


Timeline thesis –




Here’s a paradox, a paradox, a most ingenious paradox: an anthropological fact, many Christians may have much more Hebrew-Israelite blood in their veins than most of their Jewish neighbors.

Alfred M. Lilienthal, Jr., What Price Israel (Chicago: Henry Regnery Company, 1953) p. 223


Arphaxad – Shems Son

Cover this story as ancient post flood history.


Interesting resources:






– Censored History, Heritage of Man


“Our journey begins with a man named Richard E. Byrd or more commonly known as Admiral Byrd. He was a highly decorated service member achieving the Medal of Honor and had an unquenchable thirst for exploring the unknown. This drive sent him to Antarctica numerous times, but the one expedition of interest is “Operation HighJump” (1946–1947). For this mission he was supported by the US Navy, giving him plenty of ships, boats, aircraft, and personnel to accomplish his goal. Well, he found something in Antarctica and in an interview gave an account of what he saw. At the bottom of the page, I’ll post links for videos that deal with Admiral Byrd and his time spent in Antarctica.


Here are a few quotes pulled from that interview, “Strangely enough, there is an area left in the world today an area as big as the United States that’s never been seen by a human being.” Byrd said he found this area as he moved further into Antarctica and even went on to say, “It’s an untouched reservoir of natural resources”. This isn’t the desolate wasteland of ice and snow that we typically think about when we imagine Antarctica, but according to the admiral if you travel far enough inland that is what you’ll see. Now unfortunately we cannot trust everything Byrd said as he was a Freemason, but it has been reported that he lost plane after plane due to some invisible barrier. Not too long after this started taking place did the expedition end, six months ahead of schedule mind you.“

from https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=miun.acl3820.0001.001&view=1up&seq=15
An ancient geography, classical and sacred /

By S. Augustus Mitchell.


– Second Temple Period Writings?





“Ed Jeremiah-Paul, [12.10.21 14:04]

  1. And when Ham begat his first born Cush, he gave him the garments in secret, and they were with Cush many days.
  2. And Cush also concealed them from his sons and brothers, and when Cush 


had begotten Nimrod, he gave him those garments through his love for him, and Nimrod grew up, and when he was twenty years old he put on those garments.

  1. And Nimrod became strong when he put on the garments, and God gave him might and strength, and he was a mighty hunter in the earth, yea, he was a mighty hunter in the field, and he hunted the animals and he built altars, and he offered upon them the animals before the Lord.

Jasher 7:28-30





The adept magus Nigel Jackson on p.33 in The Pillars of Tubal Cain correctly identifies the Melek Taus worshipped by the Yezidi as being the Genesis Serpent of The Bible:

“In the angelic mythos of Yezidistan…the Great Angel Melek Taus (the Peacock King) is identified with Azazel…He is depicted as the Black Snake, the original serpent of wisdom in the Garden of Eden.” 



Useful quotes


“From the Second Vatican Council to today this deep church has managed to make the faithful swallow a new religion, while at the same time making them believe that they are still Catholics.”


– Archbishop Carlo Vigano

