PROPHECY: And so it was written; interpreted by DUSTIN NEMOS & KEVIN HOYT
***TRIGGER WARNING: Buckle up – Kevin Hoyt is joined once again by Dustin Nemos as they look at world current events and Biblical Prophecy. Kevin has a few topics suggested by our mutual friend from Alaska, Christopher Ripple. Kevin is learning and researching these things for the first time where Dustin was ready and well versed. These might not be subject or answers that you WANT to hear, but we believe all side and perspectives need to be told so YOU can make a decision for yourselves. These guys do not always agree, but they stay civil and can talk it through; that’s where it starts. They do it with a smile also – disturbing but also somehow a fun show? Laugh or cry moments- we choose laughter.
Source: GrassRootsWarriorNetwork
In Case You Missed It:
Globers Travel To Ends Of Earth To Debunk Biblical Earth – Fail