The Natsarim Awakening

All throughout history, the true followers of Yeshua Ha’Mashiach have been misrepresented, hated, mocked and even killed. This documentary aims to show you, that the original followers of the way of Yeshua, never referred to themselves as “christians” or “gnostics” or any other modern name, in fact, they were called Natsarim (The Preserved Ones/Guardians/Watchmen.)

If you follow the beautiful instructions and commandments provided to us by Yahuah, and you keep to the testimony of Yeshua Ha’Mashiach, then you are the awakened natsarim of the end times!

We are not goyim, we are not gnostic, we are not christian, we are natsarim!

Source: NatsarimMinistries



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The Judeo Christian Lie

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