Debunking # 10 of the “Top Ten Reasons Why We (allegedly) Know the Earth is Round (as in a globe)
I’m going to debunk each of the so-called “Top Ten Reasons Why We Know The Earth is Round.” It’s actually quite easy. Here’s to debunking number 10: Everything else “up there” appears to be spherical. The Bible describes the Earth as the center stage, main attraction. It showed up first. Everything else was put up there to serve a function FOR THE EAR
SCIENTISM – The Cult of False Sciences
Debunking # 1 of the “Top Ten Reasons Why We (allegedly) Know the Earth is Round (SHORT VERSION)
Debunking # 2 of the “Top Ten Reasons Why We (allegedly) Know the Earth is Round (as in a globe)
Debunking # 3 of the “Top Ten Reasons Why We (allegedly) Know the Earth is Round (as in a globe)
Debunking # 4 of the “Top Ten Reasons Why We (allegedly) Know the Earth is a Globe + A CHALLENGE
Debunking # 5 of the “Top Ten Reasons Why We (allegedly) Know the Earth is Round (as in a globe)
Debunking # 6 of the “Top Ten Reasons Why We (allegedly) Know the Earth is Round (as in a globe)
Debunking # 7 of the “Top Ten Reasons Why We (allegedly) Know the Earth is Round (as in a globe)
Debunking # 8 of the “Top Ten Reasons Why We (allegedly) Know the Earth is Round (as in a globe)
Debunking # 9 of the “Top Ten Reasons Why We (allegedly) Know the Earth is Round (as in a globe)
Debunking # 10 of the “Top Ten Reasons Why We (allegedly) Know the Earth is Round (as in a globe)
In case you missed it:

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