God’s Holy Name is YHWH, Not “The Lord” – A Slave’s Title for Baal (Jesus is Yashuah)

Demon Jews are telling people YHWH was not The Creator, they fear to speak His Name and instead pray to Hashem (or Asmodeus.)

The Unholy Church of Rome has forbidden it’s use. They sing prayers to Lucifer in Latin.
Yet they banned His name from the scripture. Which means “Behold Nail, Behold Hand” in ORIGINAL (Not Yiddish) Paleo Hebrew.
Yahweh sent us Yahshuah His only begotten son.
They won’t tell you YHWH is writ on every cell of every Human body on Earth unless edited via vax

The very sound of breathing sounds very much like Yahweh over and over.
~Dustin Nemos

15 And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, YHWH God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.
~Exodus 3:15

“For everyone who calls on the name of YHWH will be saved”
~Romans 10:13

And it shall be at that day, saith the LORD, that thou shalt call me Ishi; (Husband) and shalt call me no more Baali. (The Lord)
~Hosea 2:16

8 Yea, in the way of thy judgments, O Lord, have we waited for thee; the desire of our soul is to thy name, and to the remembrance of thee.
~Isaiah 26:8

4 In Trust ye in the Lord for ever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength:
~Isaiah 26:4

The KJV Chooses the fake Jehovah as God’s name, because it was too obvious that “the lord the lord” would have looked ridiculous and shown the lie


As Christianity began to expand alongside the Hebrew religion to many places around the world, the pronunciation of the word Adonai = Lord in place of YHWH by Hebrew Biblical Scribes and the substitute vowel markings they used became well known. Early Christian scribes translating Hebrew texts did not understand this recent Masoretic innovation of taking the consonants YHWH and inserting the vowels marks of “A-d-o-n-ai” under the Hebrew Tetragrammaton and they began to insert in the Biblical Text the name of “Jehovah” in German and Latin translations.

Satan had already caused the pagans of all western Asia to worship him, under the name of Lord. Usually this was the Hebrew word Baal, meaning master or lord. You know how many times in the Bible you find references to the pagan worship of Baal. If the hook nosed priests had told the people to say Baal wherever they read Yahweh, the fraud would have been too transparent. The people would have realized they were being led into idolatry and devil worship, they would not have accepted it. But the Hebrew language has another word for master or lord, aw-done and derived from it is ad-o-nay, meaning my lord.

The corrupt priests could not have misled the people into saying Baal where they read Yahweh, but they reached the same result when they told the people that the name of God was so sacred that it must never be uttered and instead the people should say my lord, Adonay. The people did not notice that this was really just another way of saying Baal, so this custom was adopted.



Be patient with yourself, as our heavenly Father is patient with us.

We’re all like infants trying to say daddy for first time in a new language!



My song has YAHWEH in it! Get over it, Catholics & Jews.

 Third:We’ve had this debate, Dual Seedline Always wins with Scripture.DebateWho is YHWH, Dual Seedline Debate, TrinityIsrael Anderson and “Indirect Donnie” Donnie Discerned Debated.














Hebrew Grammar Rule 101

1. Emphasis on LAST Syllable.

Mo-SHEH vs Mosheh

DaVID versus David

EloHIM vs Elohim

2. Words ending in Ah – Feminine

Man – Ish
Woman – Ishah

Stallion – Sus
Mare – Susah

Goat- Se’ir (Seh-Ear)

She-goat Se-irah (Seh-Earah)

3. Defective Writing

Hebrew – Defective Writing Defined







1.) Yahweh would not leave us without any witness for over 2000 years: “By the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be established.” (Deu 19:15; Mat 18:16; 2Co 13:1)

2.) Every grammatical rule of Biblical Hebrew points toward Yahweh as the correct pronunciation.

3.) Every historical written and oral witness points toward Yahweh as the correct pronunciation.

4. ) THEY REMOVED GOD’S NAME FROM THE BIBLE OVER 6000 times, replacing it with Baal.


“The Lord” = Baal Nimrod

Corruptions - Lord
Corruptions – Lord

“Satan had already caused the pagans of all western Asia to worship him, under the name of Lord. Usually this was the Hebrew word Baal, meaning master or lord. You know how many times in the Bible you find references to the pagan worship of Baal. If the hook nosed priests had told the people to say Baal wherever they read Yahweh, the fraud would have been too transparent. The people would have realized they were being led into idolatry and devil worship, they would not have accepted it. But the Hebrew language has another word for master or lord, aw-done and derived from it is ad-o-nay, meaning my lord.

The corrupt priests could not have misled the people into saying Baal where they read Yahweh, but they reached the same result when they told the people that the name of God was so sacred that it must never be uttered and instead the people should say my lord, Adonay. The people did not notice that this was really just another way of saying Baal, so this custom was adopted.

Actually, the ancient Hebrew language was written in a different alphabet than that which we know today, the old Hebrew alphabet is often called Phoenician. Upon the return from Babylon, they brought with them a new form of writing, using the same letters, which are used today to write the Hebrew language. This second form of Hebrew was written, like some of the present day shorthand systems, using only the consonant letters. Thus, for Los Angeles, you would only write L-S-N-G-L- S, and these consonant letters were written on the line and from right to left. Eventually, they had to develop vowel letters also, because consonants alone sometimes caused difficulty.

For example, if you write only b-t, do you mean bat, bet, beat, bit, boat, or but? There was no room to insert the vowel letters on the line so, when the use of vowels began, they were written beneath the line. This was a handy devise for the new tradition that you should never say Yahweh, but always substitute for it Adonay. The name Yahweh was written using the Hebrew letters, which correspond to our English letters Y-H-V-H. The corrupt Canaanite Jew priests caused the vowel letters of the word Adonay to be written under the line wherever Yahweh was written on the line, not to produce an altered form of Yahweh, but a reminder to whoever read the manuscript aloud to say Adonay instead of Yahweh.”

~Complete Works of Bertrand Comparet


Yashuah Knew YHWHs Name, 150 AD Septuaguint Change


When Lord Came to Replace YHWH



Corruptions – God



Iove (yowe) – possibly Latin attempt at transliterating the name of Yahweh. Rome collected Gods like Kids collect pokemon.


Roman Corruptions

Vatican & Jews Ban Gods Name – YHWH

Catholics & Jews BAN Gods name in MUSIC now.


Canaanites Hated YHWH

While YHWH may appear in Canaanite writings, however, no details are known concerning His actual worship prior to his becoming the God of Israel.


Pre-Israel the Canaanites worshipped El, Ba’al, Asherah, Ashima and others. But then the proto-Israelites brought the religion of Yahweh into the land, probably from Midian. As time passed, worship of Yahweh became dominant, and Yahweh became conflated with El – the Creator and Chief of the Gods.

The idea that Yahweh started out as an EdomiteMidianite, or Canaanite deity is a modern myth promoted by secular scholars. The starting point for these theorists is an anti-scholarly bias against the possibility that God is who the Bible says He is, namely, the one-and-only Creator, Author of life, Judge, and Savior of the world (Genesis 1:118:25Acts 3:15John 3:16). Rather than acknowledge that God made man in God’s image (Genesis 1:26–27), they assume that man made God in man’s image. And when you begin with a premise that is an error, you’re guaranteed an invalid conclusion.

The false theory that Yahweh, the God of the Bible, was created out of the chief god of Edom with influence from Midian relies on the following points:

• During the Exodus out of Egypt, Israel had to pass by the nations of Edom and Midian on their way to the Promised Land (Canaan). During their forty years in the wilderness, as they fashioned a new religion, Israel was supposedly influenced by Edom’s and Midian’s religious beliefs.

• The Midianites—descendants of Midian, a son of Abraham (Genesis 25:1)—had a priest named Reuel (Exodus 2:18) or Jethro (Exodus 3:1 and later). Moses, the author of the first five books of the Bible, married Jethro’s daughter. Moses then presumably brought much of his father-in-law’s theology into his own new religion and our Scripture, including Jethro’s god(s).

• God’s name in Scripture is transliterated from the Hebrew as YHWH, probably meaning “I Am” (Exodus 3:13–14). There is an obscure reference in a 13th-century BC Egyptian document to a region in Edom associated with JWH, possibly indicating that JWH was a national god of Edom. Of course, the spelling JWH is similar to YHWH.

• Edom, populated by descendants of Esau (Abraham’s grandson and Israel’s/Jacob’s brother), worshiped a local god named Qos; certain Bible verses show that Israel’s God acted locally and in some of the same places as Qos; therefore, the Hebrew concept of God may be based on Edom’s Qos. Some Bible verses referring to areas within Edom include the following:

Deuteronomy 33:2 – “The LORD [Yahweh] came from Sinai and dawned over them from Seir; he shone forth from Mount Paran.”

Judges 5:4–5 – “When you, Lord, went out from Seir, / when you marched from the land of Edom, / the earth shook, the heavens poured, / the clouds poured down water. / The mountains quaked before the Lord, the One of Sinai, / before the Lord, the God of Israel.”

Habakkuk 3:3a – “God came from Teman, the Holy One from Mount Paran.”

This last error—that Yahweh is linked to the god of Edom because of His localized actions—is especially inexcusable for any serious scholar. Verses throughout the Bible speak of God’s appearing and acting in many specific locations. There is no logically sound reason for concluding that Moses and all the Bible writers after him were confused about whether God was some petty, magical deity haunting the neighborhood or the Being greater than the universe He created. In fact, the remainder of Habakkuk 3:3 lays the question to rest: “His glory covered the heavens and his praise filled the earth.” This is not a description of a local god. See also Deuteronomy 10:142 Chronicles 2:6Psalm 19:1–4; and Hebrews 1:10–12.

So, the whole theory that Yahweh was borrowed from local mythologies in Edom and Midian rests on 1) Israel’s route through the desert, 2) Moses’ choice of a wife, 3) a similarly spelled word, and 4) mentions of Edom in the Bible. It’s not much to go on, but it’s all the theorists have. When you reject the truth of God’s revealing Himself in Scripture, you’re left to grasp at straws.

Sadly, the confusion about Yahweh’s being an Edomite or Midianite god is common among modern scholars. They “discover” tiny clues from which they fabricate entire myths—all of which just happen to “disprove” the Bible. They even claim to know more about ancient cultures and beliefs than the very people who lived at that time, spoke that language, read those Scriptures, and worshiped that God. The Bible refers to such scholars as “claiming to be wise, they became fools” (Romans 1:22).

Yahweh a Canaanite or Edomite Metallurgy God?

According to scholar Nissim Amzallag, Yahweh originated during the Bronze Age, in Canaanite religion, as the patron god of metallurgy, considering metals were an important hallmark of that time period.

This theory did not come about until recently when secular scholars have said that because the Israelites spent 40 years in the desert (Numbers 13:1-33), they would have been influenced by nations in the surrounding areas such as the Edomites, descendants of Esau, and the Canaanites.
Therefore, the theory suggests they adopted aspects from Edomite and Canaanite deities and attributed them to the God they claimed to follow.

One such deity includes the Edomite god, Qos. Qos, the chief god of the Edomites, stood out amongst the pantheon of fertility gods. Because of Qos’ connection with Mount Seir and Scripture’s seemingly connection with that Mount in Deuteronomy 33:2, scholars assumed the connection between the two.

Furthermore, scholars will argue that Moses married a foreign wife whose father worshipped other gods and might have let the pantheon into his own religious beliefs like Solomon did (1 Kings 11).


Why the Yahweh as a Canaanite God Theory Doesn’t Hold Up

The theory doesn’t hold up for a number of reasons. First of all, scholars are essentially grasping at straws. Most of the theory operates on conjecture. The Israelites lived near foreign peoples and some married foreign peoples, so, therefore, they changed their entire religion based on the influence of those peoples, according to the theory.

Also, similarly spelled names do not indicate it’s the same God. Although the Canaanites had El, and the Jews had Elohim, and the Edomites had JWH and the Jews had YHWH, it does not conclude that the gods are one and the same.

After all, Belteshazzar and Belshazzar are not the same people, not even close (Daniel 5). One was an Israelite captive in Babylon, the other, a king who loved a good party before the end of his kingdom.

Third, in Exodus, God makes it abundantly clear that he does not want his people to worship other gods (Exodus 23:13, Exodus 34:14). In no way shape or form would God have let them simply adopt other gods into their pantheon, let alone combine Him with them. We see consequences during their time in the desert when they do turn to other gods (Exodus 20-21).

Even though Israel strays away from God, God places godly leaders such as Moses, Joshua, etc. to prevent them from going astray. During their time in the desert, Moses would not have allowed them to adopt Canaanite or Edomite gods.

~Source Here




Jahovah is a Corruption (With added letters and feminine emphasis)

YHWH – the holy name, consists of only vowels!

How YHWH Became Jahovah via Vowel Additions (Sacred Name Too Sacred Belief)


Jehovah was a corruption of YHWH based on Jewish lies and the belief that YHWH’s name was too holy to speak. (Demon Logic)

1530, Tyndale’s transliteration of Hebrew Tetragrammaton YHWH using vowel points of Adhonai “my lord” (see Yahweh). Used for YHWH (the full name believed too sacred for utterance) in four places in the Old Testament in the KJV where the usual translation the lord would have been inconvenient; taken as the principal and personal name of God.

The vowel substitution was originally made by the Masoretes as a direction to substitute Adhonai for “the ineffable name.” European students of Hebrew took this literally, which yielded Latin JeHoVa (first attested in writings of Galatinus, confessor to Leo X, 1516). Jehovah’s Witnesses “member of Watchtower Bible and Tract Society” first attested 1933; the organization founded c. 1879 by Charles Taze Russell (1852-1916); the name from Isaiah xliii.10.


The Debate on the Hebrew Grammar of the Tetragrammaton

As Christianity began to expand alongside the Hebrew religion to many places around the world, the pronunciation of the word Adonai = Lord in place of YHWH by Hebrew Biblical Scribes and the substitute vowel markings they used became well known. Early Christian scribes translating Hebrew texts did not understand this recent Masoretic innovation of taking the consonants YHWH and inserting the vowels marks of “A-d-o-n-ai” under the Hebrew Tetragrammaton and they began to insert in the Biblical Text the name of “Jehovah” in German and Latin translations.

The first recorded use of this spelling of Jehovah was made by a Spanish Dominican monk and student of oriental languages named Raymundo Martini who published the Divine Name as “Jehova” in his book Pugeo Fidei, published in 1270. With the vowels of Adonai (a+o+a) inserted, the personal name of God as Yahowah and Yehowah began to be used. The Greek Septuagint translation of the Hebrew Scriptures had previously replaced the Sacred Tetragrammaton with the words “Ky′ri·os” and “The·os′” representing the Greek words Lord and God.

Nonetheless many biblical scholars believe that there is abundant evidence to show that from the very beginning, whether ‘as is’ or ‘with vowels’ inserted, YHVH was not considered to be a word but rather a place holder for the Hebrew sentence, “ehyeh asher ehyeh”, meaning something in the order of “I am that I am” or “I will be what I will be.” These are the actual Hebrew words said to have been dictated by God to Moses according to Exodus 3:14

~Source Here



Because pronouncing the Sacred Name YHWH by Jews signified disrespect to the Most-High God, the Masoretes, who vocalized the text of the Hebrew Bible, intentionally placed underneath the consonants YHWH vowels points from the word Adonai (my Lord). This word Adonai was a traditional Jewish reading of the Divine Name that may have begun during the period of Greek rule of Judea upon the death of Alexander the Great ca. 323BC. When the reader saw the consonants “YHWH” with the adonai vowel points, the reader was reminded that they should say “adonai” (or ‘adonây) and not vocalize the Tetragrammaton when they came to it when reading the Biblical texts. This was a standard practice throughout the Masoretic text, a later practice called “Qere Perpetuum”

J.H. Levy: “The Tetra(?)grammaton”; in ‘The Jewish Quarterly Review’; Vol. 15, No. 1 (Oct 1902), pgs. 97-99, University of Pennsylvania press.

~Source Here

Medieval Christian scholars not aware of this Jewish way of writing began to read the word YHWH together with its mnemonic vowel points in their translations. Substituting the vowel points of Adonai led to the spelling of “Yehowah” and “Jehovah”. However, Hebrew grammar rules later had to edit the vowel points over the first “Yod” and this is how the name “Yahweh” replaced “Yehowah”, “Yahovah”, “Iahouah” and other derivatives.

There is no “J” sound or letter in Hebrew. In other languages the letter J had been pronounced like a Y, especially with German speakers who began printing out in the Latin language the first set of Gutenberg bibles with that letter in 1450. It must be understood that the letter “J” is a recent invention of the English language, having replaced the “I” formerly pronounced as “Y”.

This upper-case letter “I” was given a lower curved tail about 500 years ago to become the cursive “J”. Because the pronunciation of “U”, “W” and “V” have alternated in different languages, this is why we first had “Jehovah” then “Yahweh” as a later alternativ e. Jehovah, for example, was spelled Iehouah where “The LORD” would have been in William Tyndale’s translation of the first Five Books (Torah)

J.H. Levy: “The Tetra(?)grammaton”; in ‘The Jewish Quarterly Review’; Vol. 15, No. 1 (Oct 1902), pgs. 97-99, University of Pennsylvania press.

of the Bible in 1530. This pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton as Jehovah has remained traditional for many Christian churches, but the pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton as Yahweh is now a more accepted pronunciation agreed by modern scholars today.

This pronunciation had its origins with the Hebrew scholar Wilhelm Gesenius (1786 – 1842) who suggested that the Hebrew vowel punctuation given by the Masoretic scholars substituting Adonai for the Tetragrammaton is more accurately represented by Hebrew punctuations transliterated into English
as Yahweh.

~Source Here


Yahweh – YHWH

Ancient Witnesses to Yahweh:
Beginning above beginning at 5:30 timestamp

The Holy Name of God – YHWH


YHWH Name in Paleo Hebrew


Historical Account of YHWH – Diodorus Siculus 90 BC-30BC


Gods Sacred Name – YHWH – Found nearly 70 times in Temple Scroll



Gods name YHWH in America before Colombus. Los Lunas Stone (10 Commandments)


Providential Importance in History

The Los Lunas Decalogue Stone is a large boulder on the side of Hidden Mountain, near Los Lunas, New Mexico, about 35 miles south of Albuquerque, that bears a very regular inscription carved into a flat panel. The stone is also known as the Los Lunas Mystery Stone or Commandment Rock. The inscription is interpreted to be an abridged version of the Decalogue or Ten Commandments in a form of Paleo-Hebrew. A letter group resembling the tetragrammaton YHWH, or “Yahweh,” makes four appearances. The stone is controversial in that some claim the inscription is Pre-Columbian, and therefore proof of early Semitic contact with the Americas.

The Los Lunas Inscription is an abridged version of the Decalogue or Ten Commandments, carved into the flat face of a large boulder resting on the side of Hidden Mountain, near Los Lunas, New Mexico, about 35 miles south of Albuquerque. The language is Hebrew, and the script is the Old Hebrew alphabet, with a few Greek letters mixed in. See Cline (1982), Deal (1992), Stonebreaker (1982), and/or Underwood (1982) for transcriptions and translation, and Deal (1992) for discussion and photographs of the setting.

George Moorehouse (1985), a professional geologist, indicates that the boulder is of the same basalt as the cap of the mesa. He estimates its weight at 80 to 100 tons, and says it has moved about 2/3 of the distance from the mesa top to the valley floor since it broke off. The inscription is tilted about 40 degrees clockwise from horizontal, indicating that the stone has settled or even moved from its position at the time it was inscribed. (The above photograph was taken with a tilted camera.)

At present the inscription is badly scrubbed and chalked up. However, Professor Frank Hibben of Albuquerque reportedly saw the inscription in 1933, when it was covered with lichens and patination. By one report, it was seen as early as 1871 (Fell 1985, p. 34). Moorehouse compares the surviving weathering on the inscription to that on a modern graffito on the top of the mountain dating itself to 1930. He concludes that the Decalogue inscription is clearly many times older than this graffito, and that 500 to 2000 years would not be an unreasonable estimate of its age.

The inscription uses Greek tau, zeta, delta, and kappa (reversed) in place of their Hebrew counterparts taw, zayin, daleth, and caph, indicating a post-Alexandrian date, despite the archaic form of aleph used. The letters yodh, qoph, and the flat-bottomed shin have a distinctively Samaritan form, suggesting that the inscription may be Samaritan in origin. See Lidzbarski (1902).

Cyrus Gordon (1995) proposes that the Los Lunas Decalogue is in fact a Samaritan mezuzah. The Jewish mezuzah is a tiny scroll placed in a small container mounted by the entrance to a house. The ancient Samaritan mezuzah, on the other hand, was commonly a large stone slab placed by the gateway to a property or synagogue, and bearing an abridged version of the Decalogue. Gordon proposes that the most likely age of the Los Lunas inscription is the Byzantine period. Prosperous Samaritan shipowners were known to live in Greek communities at the time of Theodosius I circa 390 A.D.

Skupin (1989) analyzes the orthographic errors of the Los Lunas text itself, and concludes that it appears to have been written by a person whose primary language was Greek, who had a secondary, but verbal, comprehension of Hebrew. He writes of the inscriber, “He used the consonant [aleph] as if it were a vowel, like the Greek alpha, even though this clashes with the Hebrew orthographic system …. He confounded [qoph] and [caph] as a Philhellene who only knew kappa might do, and was sufficiently removed from Hebrew to be unaware that he had made an irreverent slip thereby. Most amazingly, he ‘heard’ macrons, the drawling long vowels that are structurally and semantically important in Greek … and felt compelled to indicate them even if he was not exactly sure of how it’s done (and rightly so, since in Hebrew they’re insignificant)…. His word order suggests a scriptural tradition related to a Greek version produced in Alexandria, Egypt, as does his spelling; and finally, he gives inordinate prominence to the words ‘brought you out of Egypt.’

“None of this proves anything. Until confirmation comes from another quarter, all we can really do is provide a clearer idea of the stone’s contents for those who are intrigued by it, and give those who reject the inscription’s authenticity … a deeper appreciation of what they have rejected.”


Other links on Los Lunas Stone Here




elohim = heavenly family, YHWH = Heavenly father.


Is it Jesus or Yeshuah?

Yashuah Name of Jesus


Yashuah Comparable Hebrew Names

Is it Jesus or Yeshuah?

Incredible breakdown on Yashuah vs Jesus – Although this expert says God is Yahovah.

“Hi Dustin! Been following you for a long, long time. Finally added Telegram to get more of your info. Still trying to figure out how to navigate, though.

As to Dolly Webber’s video, (1) her claim that “by the time Jesus was born, the Hebrew language was completely dead.” False. Most scholars now date the demise of the spoken Hebrew language to the end of the Roman era around 200 AD. Not BC!

(2) The claim that ALL the Septuagint was written in “Greek, not Hebrew.” False. The Old Testament was written in three languages: Ancient Hebrew, Ancient Aramaic and Ancient Greek. (2 Kings 18:26; Isaiah 36:11, 13; 2 Chronicles 32:18; Nehemiah 13:24). The Septuagint (OT) was translated to Greek around 300 BC. Even Wikipedia refers to it as the Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible!
(3) She claims that the J was changed to Y in the 1500s. False. How, when it was in 1500 AD that the letter J came into existence? I agree the Ashkenazi Jews, whose so-called German-based vernacular (actually Turkic origin) mixed with Hebrew, Aramaic, Slavic & Romance languages, created Yiddish. So, the J was really accommodating the infusion of Yiddish, which has a Y that also has the J sound while none of the other ancient languages do. I agree these Pharisees butchered our Savior’s (YAH) true name, which is Yahushua or Yahusha, whose origin is Hebrew, not Yiddish!

(4) Fragments? What fragments? Anyway, in 1946, The Dead Sea Scrolls that were uncovered near Qumran found archaeological evidence — through linguistic analyses — ancient texts that were overwhelmingly in Hebrew.
So, like the Pharisees who need to obliterate Yahushua’s true name (not Yeshua), Dolly Webber’s premise for her many false assertions is contingent on obliterating the Tongue of Creation, Hebrew, for Greek. And since this concocted premise is unsubstantiated, everything else she claims falls apart. Further, is she suggesting we acquiesce to corrupted translations and definitions from servants of the father of lies in lieu of the Holy Tongue? She does admit they are liars and do not keep the scriptures. Well, I can’t judge her true intention, but I just find it rather cagey how she warns against being Judaized while Judaizing.
Well, Dustin, you did ask me to elaborate!”

1) The demise of the spoken Hebrew language around 200 AD. Not BC.

2) Webber said Septuagint was written in Greek. It was translated to Greek around 300 BC.

3) The Old Testament was written in three languages… The Septuagint (OT) was translated to Greek around 300 BC.

4) Letter J was really accommodating the infusion of Yiddish (1500s), which has a Y that also has the J sound while none of the other ancient languages do.
VIDEOS: The Name of God series podcasts on God Culture by Timothy Jay Schwab
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hebrew_language (See Modern Hebrew)





What Was the Original Language of the Bible?


Qumran Caves (BiblePlaces.com)

The Dead Sea Scrolls and the New Testament





Unvetted for future study:

What is the Name of The Almighty Creator?

In Search of the Sacred Tetragrammaton Name of God



In case you missed it:

Primordial Truth: Mapping the Rabbit Holes – Know Everything!

The Hidden His-Story of Man, Myth & The Mystery Babylon Religion of The Deep State

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