Forbidden Mathematics: Euclidean Geometry & “The Geometry of Form”

Forbidden Mathematics: Euclidean Geometry & “The Geometry of Form”

 It’s important for the reader to understand that if I had found the stacks of tetrahedrons to have been higher or lower than their respective cubes there would have been no point in looking any further. I would have moved along in my research since there was nothing there. But the fact that they are identical in both cases makes one question unavoidable: is this just a “coincidence” with no significance or application to geometry? Or does geometry actually care and use this in its constructs?

Euclidean geometry starts with a line 1.0 unit long. No width, no thickness, just “length”. Move this line through space the length of the line and geometry’s 1.02 unit of “area” is delineated. Move this square plane of area (which lacks thickness) perpendicularly, again the length of the line, and geometry’s 1.03 cubic volume unit is created. That’s Euclid over 2000 years ago. I think they still teach this in school.

Someday along with Euclidean geometry they will also teach “The Geometry of Form”. For many applications this is what geometry prefers for 3-d space frames. In this system, the line is redefined as being configured in the form of a tetrahedron’s 6 edges. Euclid’s square plane of area is reconfigured into a cube’s 6 face planes. In the image the three small two-tone blue triangles each represent tetrahedra made from unit-length lines; and the red square is one face of a cube with a total surface area = 12.

The height of the three tetrahedrons together is exactly equal to the edge-length of the red cube. They are commensurate. Repeat this “fractal” by making 3 more tetrahedra scaled with their edge-length equal to the cubes. The yellow square, with its edge-length equal to the height of the 3 larger tetrahedra, represents one of 6 faces of a cube, this time having a volume exactly equal to 1.0 cubic unit. If you read my book “The Geometry of Money” (available for purchase at not only will you see this image there but will learn what an essential role it plays throughout standard Euclidean geometry. And there too you will see how the ILLUMINATI, or whatever name you want to call them, secretly used this geometry in the past to construct what has become all of humanity’s weights and measures.

It’s important for the reader to understand that if I had found the stacks of tetrahedrons to have been higher or lower than their respective cubes there would have been no point in looking any further. I would have moved along in my research since there was nothing there. But the fact that they are identical in both cases makes one question unavoidable: is this just a “coincidence” with no significance or application to geometry? Or does geometry actually care and use this in its constructs?
Of course geometry cares. I’ve written two books exposing this geometry which has been purposely concealed from the rest of us. The only question is whether there are any human beings still around who have read this far and care to take the time to look into this mystery any further?

This is just one of my many hundreds of original discoveries that together comprise THE GEOMETRY OF FORM.

~Paul Kasprzycki

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Forbidden Geometry
Forbidden Geometry – Click to Expand

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