The Jewish ritual murder of 13-year-old Andrei Yushchinsky in 1911 Ukraine, Russia.
The ✡️ish ritual murder of 13-year-old Andrei Yushchinsky in 1911 Ukraine, Russia.

On March 20th, 1911, the body of a child was found in a cave on the outskirts of Kiev, a Russian city located in Ukraine, on the banks of the Dnieper River. The body was identified as missing 13-year-old Andrei Yushchinsky.

Andrei’s body was in a semi-seated position, with his hands tied behind his back. He was dressed only in a shirt, underwear and only one sock.

Coroners found forty-seven punctures on Andrei’s body. The wounds to the head, left temple, and neck had resulted in fatal exsanguination. The blood loss had been so copious that the body was almost completely empty of blood. He had died from a wound to the heart.

No more than one-third of the total volume of blood remained in Andrei’s body, the rest had been lost through the cerebral veins, arteries in the left temple, and veins in the neck.

Valya, Zhenya and Ludmilla, stated that on March 12th, 1911, Andrei asked them to go with him to play in the clay pit. Once there, a ✡️Beilis caught Zhenya and Andrei. Zhenya broke free, but Beilis, along with two other newly arrived Jews, took Andrei inside a near factory.

March 12th, 1911, the day that Andrei was abducted, was the day before Purim began in 1911.

✡️ Menahem Mendel Beilis, worked as a foreman in the brick factory where Andrei was taken. The factory was owned by✡️ Zaitsev.

1. Lukianovka Cemetery.
2. Kiev Provincial Prison.
3. Vera Cheberyak’s (mother of the 3 children) house.
4. House of ✡️Beilis.
5. Cave where Andrei’s body was discovered.
6. ✡️Zaitsev brick factory, where Andrei disappeared.
The local Jewish newspaper “Kievskaya Mysl” began writing articles implicating Alexandra Prichodko, Andrei’s mother. Borchevsky, the editor, bribed police chief Mischtschuk, who arrested her. She was not allowed to leave prison to attend her son’s funeral.
Local police finally arrested Beilis on July 22. Police Chief Mischtschuk was charged with accepting bribes and imprisoned.
Inspector Krazovsky took over the investigation.
(photo arrest of Beilis)
Inspector Krazovsky visited the three children, who witnessed the events, and brought them some cakes as gifts. Two of them, Zhenya and Valya, died soon after, while Ludmilla needed several weeks to recover. According to the press, the children had died of “dysentery.”
The children’s mother, Mrs. Cheberyakova, was invited to a meeting at a hotel in Kharkiv, where she was received by the✡️ Margolin, later Beilis’s defender, who offered her 40,000 rubles if she agreed to plead guilty to Andrei’s death. Cheberyakova did not accept.
The propaganda in the press continued. This time it was the “Berliner Tageblatt” (The Berlin Journal) created by ✡️ Rudolf Mosse that published an article signed by “200 personalities” who took a stand against the “insane belief that Jews use human blood for ritual purposes.”
On September 14, 1911, Russian Prime Minister Stolypin attended a performance of a play at the Kiev Opera House. At halftime of the second act, the ✡️Dmitry Grigorievich Bogrov shot him twice, killing him two days later.
The trial against Beilis began on September 25th, eleven days after the fatal attack, which was bound to influence the mood of everyone involved in the trial. Not even the Russian Prime Minister was safe.
The only witness to the events who remained alive was Ludmilla. Ludmilla’s testimony:
When Judge Boldirev asked the jury whether the sole defendant had been proven guilty of Andrei’s murder, the Ukrainian ✡️ Menahem Mendel Beilis, the verdict was a tie: six to six and Beilis was freed.
Over the course of the trial, ✡️’s from around the world were in support of Beilis and spent over the equivalent of 115 million in today’s money so that his team of lawyers would win the case.
Prosecutor, Georgy G. Zamyslovsky, later stated: “The fanatical crime committed by the ✡️’s to obtain Christian blood is not a legend, even in the twentieth century. It’s not a blood libel, it’s a terrible reality. Many who doubted have been convinced by the Kiev trial.”
Zamyslovsky would go on to write a book “The Murder of Andrei Yushchinsky”, which was published in St. Petersburg (Leningrad for the Bolsheviks) in 1917.
Shortly afterwards the Bolshevik Revolution took place, and his work was cited in the list of forbidden books.
Zamyslovsky was the first to be put on trial by the Bolsheviks and was later murdered.
Father Pranaitis, a witness at the trial and author of “The Talmud Unmasked” was also murdered by the Bolsheviks.
You can find Father Pranaitis’s book “The Talmud Unmasked” free here👇
The Talmud Unmasked: The Secret Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Christians
A poster, which circulated at the time of the boy’s murder, bore the following text at the top:
“Russian Orthodox citizens. Remember in your thoughts the name of the boy who was tortured by the ✡️’s: Andrei Youshchinsky!”
The bottom part of the poster contained the following warning:
“Christians, take care of your children. On March 17, Passover begins.”
Andrei Yushchinsky’s tomb.
Credits to @Amaleks_Rising for this research – and to those who died trying to bring this boy justice – There are many others out there we didn’t hear about, and plenty we did – such as Saint Simon of Trent
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