Every Flat Earth Model Predicts a 24hr Sun in Antarctica (But Did they Fake it?)

This is why BIBLICAL EARTH, not FLAT EARTH. Folks.
~Dustin Nemos
This group stood against the big accounts and tide and proved the 24 hour sun The Final Experiment TFE Faked It!

Must see: Biblical Earth – Young, Stationary, Geocentric, Flat, Hollow & Domed
The Final Experiment (AKA Final Deception) RAP VERSION Official Music Video
Compatible Biblical Earth Models for 24 hour Antarctic Sun (It does NOT PROVE GLOBE EVEN IF ITS REAL)
“Flat Earth Models that Predict a 24hr Sun in Antarctica are:
Flat Earth Pro App
Firmament Trackers Flat Earth App
Walter Bislin (Shane’s) model
Can anyone show us a Flat Earth model that does NOT predict a 24hr Sun in Antarctica? I don’t believe there is any, and I been looking.
Original Here
The Anti-arc-tic 24 hour apparent Sun does work within the level earth enclosed universe model.
24 hour Antarctica Sun – Models
19th century flat earth astronomers Lady Blount and Albert Smith’s book Zetetic Astronomy, they modeled and predicted a 24hr antarctic sun.
Not a problem with virtually ALL flat earth models.
Every Flat Earth Model Predicts a 24hr Sun in Antarctica
The Biblical (Flat Stationary Geocentric Domed Young) Earth 24 Hour Sun – MODELED
Note, an obsolete flat earth model that few supported was debunked by 24 hour sun – NOT the MAJORITY of our flat earth models, Which confirm a 24 hour sun. Basically some people in FE (Who are exposed as lying controlled ops trying to hide Biblical Earth) said they didn’t believe in it because they’d never seen it (it has never been documented, both tries were clear NASA fakery, the Mr Beast attempt and this 24 hour antarctic sun trip.)
Note This Video: 5:30ish timestamp – The Sun and the apparent reflective sun. There are two suns and it has been captured.
NO 24hour Sun Antarctica Australia – Macquarie Island research station webcam – Jan. .Gov Link Here
The Controversy
I think we still agree – its FLAT!
I don’t hate Witsit. I genuinely want to believe he is innocent and will be able to explain his involvement in any wrongdoing. For those who think I am controlled op tryin to take a loss – consider that it would be my first. I’ve NEVER lost a debate and I don’t intend to lose this one or go easy on him. I genuinely believe he IS guilty as of this pre-debate writing.
I took time from my dying Dog to document all these lies around TFE because I genuinely believe they are trying to Hide GOD by debunking Biblical Earth. McToon quickly gloated of this in one of his subsequent videos proclaiming victory over Christians. As the rest of them including Will Duffy went on a victory tour for Globe Earth, based on lies.
I saw enough to believe questions should be asked – at the very least. This McNasa Production screams farce.
Before this, Austin and Jeran and I were Peers and I respected them highly.
I am neither flat nor globe earth, but Biblical Earth: Flat Young Stationary Geocentric Domed. I have no preference, opinion, or bias for a 24 hour Antarctic sun one way or another, as its compatible with Biblical Earth, yet not with Globe Earth – which still has no models.
This must be understood clearly by all. This goes far beyond vapegate
I am NOT Alleging that they did NOT go to Antarctica at all. Others have.
I am NOT Alleging that Witsit knelt behind a barrel off camera vaped then stood up and exhalted vape, whomever EDITED that clip should be exposed as a fraud.
I hope we can agree that Science requires questioning, and the Zetetic means investigating or searching for answers through questioning and inquiry. No animosity required. I hope we can agree to keep personal ad hominems and attacks out of it and focus on the arguments. After all “Truth doesn’t fear investigation”
The issues I believe we need to address are as follows
Was it Real?
General DECEPTION Breakdowns
Footprint Gate – Stands
DuffyDrone Gate – DEBUNKED
VapeGate – Stands
Fake Sun – Inconclusive (Needs more information)
McShadowGate – Stands
Where’s Union Glacier Camp? – DEBUNKED
Unusual Anomalies – Stands
Time Anomalies – Stands
Repeating CGI Assets – Stands
Camera Anomalies
Unanswered Questions
Occult Connections
Unfiltered Notes
Was it Real?
Greenscreens? Blue Chromakey Screens? Destroying false FE models and claiming victory for Globe? Not on my watch.
Antarctica – The “Outer Space” Within the Ice Wall Surrounding Our World
I’m Going to Antarctica!!! Ummmm NOPE!
Questions I have going in:
Did the Owen Benjamin video happened before or after vapegate?
Did you have internet access?
Where is the 24 hour live footage? – Emphasize that they are the ones making the positive claim, and so the burden of proof lies on them! For 8 years no one could produce a timelapse of 24 hour Antarctic sun. Only fakes. Now they claim to have done it, so the assumption going in is that it’s another hoax.
General DECEPTION Breakdowns
The Final Experiment – Absolutely Destroyed. Controlled Op FE Tried to Hide Biblical Earth (God) – Eric Dubay
The Final Experiment – “What’s Up Now”
Controlled Opposition Series: Will Duffy’s Plot To Stop Biblical Earth From Overtaking Flat Earth
Flat Earth Community – Controlled Opposition Notes
The Final Strawman Experiment – Eric Dubay
Let’s hear what Duffy, Dave & Witsit have to say about THE FINAL EXPERIMENT (Mirror)
The Failed Experiment Exposed Flat Earth – FE Dave Rebuts Rumors (I’m Unsatisfied on Shadows)
With Respect, Flat earth is THE psyop – ITS BIBLICAL!
X Accounts to follow for breaking news on this topic:
Footprint Gate – STANDS!
No Footprints or Wind in the SNOW – The Final Experiment (Final Globe Deception)
Note: No Snow Crunching when one walks. Which is the sound of the snow – compacting. This would be expected even in other Antarctic footage.
Ice (Too hard):
Then why do some boot prints show up? Even during the footage!
Antarctic Marathon
Footprint Gate – Antarctica Marathon – DITRH Debunked! especially after 3:30 footprints show up here also.
DuffyDrone Gate – DEBUNKED
DEBUNKED – see This Video (unless they deceptively edited out some of the beeping near wall..)
This video: 18:50min in – Both Drone vid and Safety Drone Tutorial for Alert comparison.
The Drone speeds up as it passes McToon, then slows down. then gets urgent as it gets further away FROM him. He proves it has a proximity alert. What happens after it passes him proves a wall.
There’s no “footage of the drone going up”. There’s no “24-hours footage”. They couldn’t even move the drone around in the studio environment. Their lies are worse than NASA. Still no “24 HOURS-Sun footage” from either ground or from the air.
Note: Drones require extensive red tape in Antarctica
VapeGate – #WitsitHitsit and here we are… – STANDS
Controlled Opposition Series: Witsit Caught Lying about Vapegate – Doubles Down
The Final Strawman Experiment at 4:45 shows full unedited scene. Dubays critique of Vapegate vape hit – 5:20ish ends example
I am NOT alleging that Witsit ducked down, vaped, then came on camera to exhale. This is a red herring distraction. The allegation is he exited the blue building and then showed the ONLY IN studio footage of visible breath, a vape it to fake it. No edited footage needed. I agree someone edited in the ducking down. The Ducking down was proof that Witsit vaped when he thought people weren’t looking.
Witsit Exposed / Whats This – Witsit? – Fake Vape Breath to Simulate Cold? I HOPE I am WRONG – Temperatures hovered at -20 degrees C the first day or two
Did Witsit Exhale Vape to Fake Cold Air? DRY ATMOSPHERES = MORE BREATH WOULD SHOW
Note: No Wind throughout the entire footage?
Temp Notes:

Too Dry

Humidity would decrease your breath visibility as there would already be moisture in the air, therefore why would it be as visible to breath moisture from your mouth? Far before you reach the point of near death and exhaustion and no breath, you would first have other signs such as chapped lips, red nose, red ears, and wearing gloves.
Also note Witsit’s notably glistening and unchapped lips.
But Witsit has breath on the Owen Benjamin video:
He’s actually outside in this, unlike where they faked the 24 hour sun. This is probably at the main camp. They left the main camp to supposedly film the 24 hour sun. It was then very obviously staged indoors – no one seems cold, no breath, no wind, etc.
Austin Witsit said Owen Shroyer Video Came “Later”
Did this video (the only one with breath) come out after they were busted for no breath?
Where was everyone else’s breath during event footage the entire trip?
Why does Austin seem colder with the Owen Shroyer video and having constant breath, over extended time. yet no breath the entire time including after a fresh cup of water only getting 3-4 noticeable breaths (even with the help of vapes)
No frost in beards or mustaches, no runny noses, no red ears or noses?
The Antarctic Marathon has some breathless scenes:
Feel free to demonstrate example, but in a running marathon one would predict a lot of wind (which is consistent with every antarctic video except TFE Studio, where you can hear Mctoon Gloat Prance at 20 paces perfectly without a mic.) which could easily negate Noticing.
- Antarctic Marathon video DOES show breathless scenes without much wind at race end.
Why Keep Trying ?
Vapes keep coming out for 2-3 breaths after a hit. I counted 7 off one vape in the video below.

Amazon Studio’s “Stage 15” or the Vegas Sphere could produce such footage. With such anomalies.
TFE – How they F@ked it !!!! (short excerpt summary here: Circular Screen Studio? )
Thoughts? Does this DEBUNK “Where’s the Camp?” and ROUND STUDIO allegations against TFE?
Note: The direction of drone is North. That mountain is south. The camera gimbal doesn’t rotate 180 degrees. So either the drone footage is fake or the directions of the mountain is wrong and it debunks all their sun data.
Was the Compass on the Drone broken? Maybe… But unlikely with all the other overlays working? Also begs the question as to why it’s not working? What could they be hiding? Why wouldn’t you ensure the compass worked to use it as proof?
No Parallax Shift – The Final Experiment – Antarctica
Expected Parallax Shift, but saw none. They explain this away with 360 degree camera mechanics warping it out… I was not satisfied with the answer from Witsit and FE Dave in the debate.
Scans Show Faked
Deepfake Detector scan tests reveal some of this footage was faked also. As does Forensically’s Error Level Analysis Tool – Witsit Faked
Chroma Blue Screen Glitch
Did They Fake The 24 Hour Sun Experiment? blue chroma screen glitch
Contrast Reveals Walls

Edges Shown in Sky
Fake Sun – STANDS
It got so bad for these liars that Flat Earth Dave has turned on them. – Faking the Sun in Antarctica – Flat Earth
Should it not be lower on the horizon line? – INCONCLUSIVE – NEEDS MORE DATA
Image below needs times/seasons.
Digital misshapen bouncy Sun going round, up and down. – Contested (They claim its 360 Degree camera.)
This video: First 1:26 shows misshapen bouncy sun
What could cause this? The Vegas Sphere.
Local Light Source?
Did They Fake The 24 Hour Sun Experiment? Like They Faked The Moon Landing, ISS, Space, etc.
Did They Fake The 24 Hour Sun Experiment? Have we found a hidden light source?
The end of the shadow will always align with the top of the object. Pointing directly at the light source. This is not the usual LOCAL SUN we are accustomed to, this is a MUCH CLOSER imitation!
This video: around 2:45 Dubay breaks down Shadows
McShadowGate – STANDS – Contested by Shadow Optical Illusions
TFE: McShadowGate – The Shadows Diverge TOO FAR!
Notice the extreme change in shadow length (300% growth in a few steps) and widely divergent rays – same as we see with sun- and moon- light beams.
This is consistent only with a local studio light, not a heliocentric sun far away – producing parallel rays, nor a biblical flat earth local sun – which does not so widely diverge.
Did They Fake The 24 Hour Sun Experiment? Weirdo McToon’s Shadows Changing.
I Call this one Mctoon’s Folly
What the hell? Camera isn’t even ON shadow among other oddities here.
Shadows on the Mountains Fake?
The Final Experiment (TFE) – Antartic Sky – Shadows and Mtns and Sun Fakery
Did They Fake The 24 Hour Sun Experiment? The Shadows Give Them Away
Did They Fake The 24 Hour Sun Experiment? A Blur and Odd Shadow? And Why The Snowballs?
Did They Fake The 24 Hour Sun Experiment? Weirdo McToon’s Shadows Changing.
How Shadows Behave – Local Vs Distant Backlighting
How Shadows SHOULD Behave: Overhead distance observation of shadows versus “hugging the shadow” or close observation of shadow creating Optical Illusion of divergence.
Another Weird shadow from Witsit debate
“Local Light Source: A light source that is much closer (like studio lighting) can cause shadows to diverge more significantly because the rays are not parallel. This divergence becomes more pronounced the closer the light source is to the objects casting shadows.”
Shadow Illusions Diverging in OTHER Images (FAR LESS DRASTICALLY): Meaning comparison of FE Dave’s rebuttal to TFE is an “Apples to Oranges” fallacy. The two are not the same.
The phenomenon you’re seeing, where shadows appear to diverge or spread out the closer they get to the observer, is known as perspective foreshortening or more specifically, shadow divergence due to perspective. This effect occurs because of the way we perceive three-dimensional space on a two-dimensional plane. As objects and their shadows recede into the distance, they appear closer together due to the rules of linear perspective, but as they get closer to the viewer, they seem to spread apart or diverge. This visual effect can sometimes be counterintuitive but is a fundamental aspect of visual perception and drawing.
Distinguishing between shadows created by localized light sources and those by sunlight, which can sometimes give the illusion of divergence, involves understanding several key principles of optics and perspective:
Source Distance and Parallelism:
Sunlight: The sun is approximately 93 million miles away from Earth, making its rays essentially parallel when they reach the Earth’s surface. Shadows cast by sunlight should ideally be parallel, but due to the Earth’s curvature and the perspective of the viewer, they might appear to diverge slightly. However, this divergence is minimal due to the sun’s distance.
Localized Light: A light source close to objects (like a lamp or flashlight) will produce shadows that genuinely diverge because the rays from the light spread out from a point source. The closer the light source is to the object, the more pronounced this divergence will be.
Perspective in Photography:
Camera Angle: In photography, the angle at which the camera is positioned relative to the shadows can create an illusion of divergence even with sunlight. If you lower the camera, shadows can appear to converge towards a vanishing point, which is a perspective effect. This is particularly noticeable when the camera is not at the same height as the objects casting the shadows.
Sun’s Position: Shadows cast by sunlight at different times of the day (morning, noon, evening) will change in direction and length due to the sun’s changing position in the sky, but they will still generally appear parallel from a bird’s eye view or from a significant distance.
Shadow Characteristics:
Sharpness: Shadows from a localized light source can be either sharp or soft depending on the size of the light source relative to the distance from the object. A small, close light source like a spotlight gives rise to sharp shadows, while a larger or more distant source can result in softer, less defined shadows. Sunlight’s shadows can be sharp when the sun is high with little atmospheric scattering, or softer during dawn or dusk due to more scattering.
Convergence: In the case of sunlight, shadows from different objects might appear to converge or diverge due to perspective, but they do not converge to a single point unless viewed through a lens with a particular angle or from a low viewpoint. In contrast, shadows from a local source will converge to the point where the light source is located.
Atmospheric Effects:
Scattering: Sunlight passing through the atmosphere can be scattered, which might slightly alter the appearance of shadows, especially early or late in the day when the light path through the atmosphere is longer. Localized light sources do not exhibit this effect unless they are also passing through a similar medium.
Testing with Movement:
Object Movement: Move an object casting a shadow. If the shadow’s behavior changes dramatically with small movements of the object (like converging sharply to a point), this suggests a local light source. With sunlight, movement will change shadow length and direction but not dramatically in terms of convergence.
Visual Observation and Experimentation:
Direct Observation: Simply observe the shadows over time or with different conditions. Shadows from the sun will change systematically with the sun’s movement across the sky, while local light sources will not follow this predictable pattern.
By considering these factors, you can better discern whether shadows are diverging because of a localized light source or if it’s an optical illusion created by the interplay of sunlight, perspective, and atmospheric conditions.
Said another way
To determine whether widely divergent shadows are due to natural sunlight or from a local studio light source closer than the sun, you can consider several factors:
Source Distance and Angle of Shadows:
Sunlight: The sun is extremely far from Earth (approximately 93 million miles), causing its rays to be nearly parallel. Therefore, shadows cast by sunlight should be relatively parallel unless there are significant changes in the terrain or object positions. The angle and length of shadows change slowly and consistently throughout the day due to the Earth’s rotation.
Local Light Source: A light source that is much closer (like studio lighting) can cause shadows to diverge more significantly because the rays are not parallel. This divergence becomes more pronounced the closer the light source is to the objects casting shadows.
Shadow Consistency and Direction:
Sunlight: Shadows from the sun should generally point in the same direction across a large area at any given time, with variations only due to the landscape or object height. If you observe shadows that are significantly divergent, this could suggest a closer light source.
Studio Lighting: Shadows might not align in direction across a scene, especially if multiple light sources or a single, very close light source is used. This can be checked by observing if shadows from different objects converge or diverge in unexpected ways for the time of day and location.
Shadow Length and Time of Day:
Sunlight: The length of shadows changes predictably over the day; they are longest at sunrise and sunset and shortest at noon. If you see shadows of very different lengths that do not correspond to the expected time of day, this might indicate artificial lighting.
Studio Lighting: Shadows can vary in length dramatically with small changes in position relative to the light source, which is less likely with sunlight unless there’s a significant change in elevation.
Visual Analysis of Shadow Edges:
Sunlight: Shadows from the sun, due to its vast distance, can have relatively sharp edges, especially when the sun is high. However, atmospheric conditions like clouds can blur these edges.
Studio Lighting: Shadows might have softer, more diffused edges if the light source is close or if diffusers are used, or they can be sharper if spotlights are involved. The nature of the shadow’s edge (sharp vs. soft) can give clues about the light source’s characteristics.
Environmental Context:
Check for the presence of other light sources or reflectors that could alter shadow patterns. In a natural setting, the environment would typically not have such controlled lighting unless it’s manipulated for photography or film.
Photographic Evidence Analysis:
Use multiple photographs taken at different times or from different angles to see how shadows change. Natural shadows will change in length and direction uniformly across the scene over time, while studio setups might not show this consistency.
In summary, to verify if widely divergent shadows are natural or from a local studio light source, one should analyze the consistency, direction, length, and edge quality of shadows, considering the expected behavior of natural sunlight versus the potential for manipulation with artificial lights. Remember, the context of the scene (like the time of day, local geography, and weather conditions) plays a crucial role in this analysis.
Where’s Union Glacier Camp? – DEBUNKED
Did They Fake The 24 Hour Sun Experiment? WHERE IS THE CAMP!? (CGI CAMP DISAPPEARED!?)
Thoughts? Does this DEBUNK “Where’s the Camp?” and ROUND STUDIO allegations against TFE?
Note: The direction of drone is North. That mountain is south. The camera gimbal doesn’t rotate 180 degrees. So either the drone footage is fake or the directions of the mountain is wrong and it debunks all their sun data.
Was the Compass on the Drone broken? Maybe… But unlikely with all the other overlays working? Also begs the question as to why it’s not working? What could they be hiding? Why wouldn’t you ensure the compass worked to use it as proof?
Unusual Anomalies
Time Anomalies – STANDS
Apparently the local time was 9-10pm local time.
“Guess what, when they went “live at midnight in Antarctica”, it was really 9pm at their local time. They forgot Brazilians can tell what time it is at Union Glacier so fakeflip went live at the real Midnight at Union Glacier, 3 hours after Duffy’s “midnight live stream”..” ~FlatEarthBanjo TFE Busted! Austin, Jeran, McToon, Duffy Exposed BIG TIME
Note: Allegedly the shadows and time are off for the allegedly claimed times of TFE
Actual start time for the ”midnight sun live” was 3am GMT. – Which is 9pm in Union Glacier -6TMZ
Union Glacier operates on NZ time zone. So if they try to use that excuse it would be 4pm which is even worse.
These circulating infographics appear to be partly debunked at least – the timezone for Union Glacier Camp is GMT-3. per their own website. Not sure where the snippet quoted in infographic is from, claiming NZDT UTC+13
Any sun position calculator will have it in -6 UTC. So if you want to claim you’ve seen a midnight sun you have to use that timezone for what is midnight.
ALE chooses Punta arenas time. Camp time is just made up. They choose whatever time they want to follow
Part of their camp thinks it’s supposed to be -3 UTC and was solar midnight
Part of their camp thinks Duffy was just randomly showing it at non solar midnight
Part of their camp knows it’s UTC -6 but it doesn’t matter because midnight sun refers to a 24 sun so no time actually matters
Internet Lies – Was There Internet?
Repeating CGI Assets – STANDS
Repeating CGI Clouds – Exposed (Mirror)
Reused Clouds
Another from a Jeranism basecamp video.
TFE – Jeranism Video – Clouds perfectly unmoving – start to finish?
Reused Mountains.
TFE – Debate – Repeating Mountain CGI
What are the odds the snow placement is exactly the same 8 years later. Not even micro differences but exactly.
Take that picture and map it on a cylinder That is how it will warp it is warped because it it curbed unnaturally also it’s a different level of quality because there is a different ratio between the LED cylinder and the small original photo
Snow doesn’t change – Arctic Desert
The average snowfall across Antarctica is about 150 millimeters of water per year, or 6.5 inches. However, the amount of snow that falls varies widely across the continent:
Near the coast: Several meters of snow fall each year.
Interior: Only a few centimeters of snow fall each year.
Peninsula: 15 to 25 inches of snow fall each year.
Note: A few weeks before dramatic difference.
Camera Anomalies
TFE – Camera Pan Jump Cut – Other Camera Changes
TFE – Camera Anomalies – CanaryNCoal’s TFE Glitch Finds
Unanswered Questions:
Where is the 24 hour live footage? – Emphasize that they are the ones making the positive claim, and so the burden of proof lies on them! For 8 years no one could produce a timelapse of 24 hour Antarctic sun. Only fakes. Now they claim to have done it, so the assumption going in is that it’s another hoax.
Where is the footage, they’ve been very quiet – although Austin is quite active in defense he’s not actually adequately addressed the accusations with logical rebuttals in my position. And was exposed on camera (busted) lying with the vape scene. “What’s up now” footage.
How does the sun change shapes to an egg? They claimed in debate it was 360 camera (I think it was curved cylinder studio screen)
Why there is a jump cut in the timelapse? & Why the camera tracking the sun stops and goes to the right
Environmental Impact reports? required by https://www.ats.aq/e/eia.html
Does Austin really have 10grand to bet with Flatzoid? as challenged
“There was some deception involved” – Austin Witsitt? 1min ish into audio 2 – What, Specifically? Austin referred to Duffy and Globe group getting more time and equipment allowances.
TFE Null And Void, Green Screen Busted, Share This Video Far And Wide
“24 hour sun in Norway does not look like the ONE video on YT that portrays the same in ‘Antarctica’. The ONE video shows a sun low on horizon, never climbs or descends, and the entire sky is bright/filled with sunlight”
There may also be anomolies such as:
Blue skies for recording, months of cloudy weather before?
They had to leave early, but other flights/trips may have been coming in?
Globers arrived 1 day earlier?
North facing shadows? Shouldn’t be possible there in Dec.
Initial response to their guarded rebuttals:
I am not satisfied for a number of reasons on some of these explanations including 4 divergent shadows in one still frame image (McToon’s Folly: see below) and also the breathe not showing up. This is just a few of the issues that I do not believe are addressed adequately. I have challenged Austin Witsit, Flat Earth Dave Weiss, and Jeranism to a debate on the 24 hour sun “The Final Experiment” Trip.
These answers are not sufficient! Sorry FE Dave!
Summary pre-debate 1.3.25
I am more convinced than ever based on the merit of the arguments in this post that it was FAKE, and everyone involved complicit in a huge lie to hide God/Fake cosmology.
Post Debate Commentary:
I am still digesting the information from the debate, and will be updating this post to reflect such.
Each argument they rebutted to my satisfaction (changed my mind on) I will be marking as DEBUNKED.
But that leaves some, that despite their confident declarations of being debunked, are not – in my mind – adequately addressed, and I have outstanding questions with. Some of these things, we simply find inconclusive without the additional time 24 hour footage in HD. Which will reveal the truth of things like footprintgate conclusively – but I would now mark debunked.
Austin maintains innocence, but answers don’t always add up.
Even FE Dave now says the experiment faked the sun.
Was TFE Real or Fake? – Witsit vs. Dustin Nemo
This debate only made me more skeptical of the claimed Antarctic trip. Great work Dustin – I find Witsit’s whole approach in this appalling. In support of getting to the bottom of things I hope this brief analysis helps –
1. Shaming Critics
Witsit labels skeptics as “idiots,” “liars,” or “toxic,” creating a social penalty for questioning him. Statements like “You sound insane” discourage people from revisiting unresolved issues, fostering an atmosphere where only supportive voices are tolerated.
2. Preemptive Closure of Debate
By insisting that contentious points (like the vape issue) are “resolved” in his debate with Dustin Nemos, and declaring further discussion irrelevant, Witsit seeks to finalize his narrative prematurely. This tactic limits accountability and prevents skeptics from revisiting evidence or exploring new perspectives.
3. Framing Skepticism as Harmful
Witsit frames dissent as damaging to the flat-earth community, suggesting critics are tools of external opposition. This appeals to group loyalty, stifling internal critique.
4. Creating False Binary Choices
Witsit implies that believing his narrative is essential for the movement, framing critics as either with him or against truth/flat earth. This oversimplification pressures supporters to ignore inconsistencies.
5. Delaying Evidence with Convenience
Tactic: Repeated promises of forthcoming HD footage—after a suspicious three-week silence—align with behaviors often seen in damage control. This delay suggests an opportunity to fabricate or edit explanations for mounting inconsistencies.
The Piltdown Man hoax. In the early 20th century, Charles Dawson claimed to discover fossil evidence of a human ancestor in England. Critics who raised doubts were ridiculed, and dissenters were labeled as unscientific or obstructive. The gatekeeping behavior of proponents created a culture where skepticism was suppressed. It took over 40 years for the hoax to be conclusively debunked. Like Witsit’s tactics, the Piltdown case involved controlling the narrative, shaming critics, and exploiting group loyalty to delay exposure of the truth.
By employing tactics such as shaming critics, suppressing dissent, and dismissing unresolved issues, Witsit creates a narrative shield that discourages transparency. When linked to the specific inconsistencies in his footage and claims, this behavior raises serious doubts about the authenticity of the trip. Historical parallels, such as the Piltdown Man hoax, demonstrate how these strategies can be used to obscure truth, FURTHER EMPHASIZING THE NEED FOR RIGOROUS SCRUTINY.
“What I witnessed last night was something else. Watching people throw money at an addict (not drugs per se, pride maybe) while they self destruct
Last night could have been a case study in Pressured speech Emotional manipulation Deflection Gaslighting Cherry Picking Straw manning It felt like an intervention. I’ve lied to cover up lies before and that shit kills your soul”
Occult Connections
The Masonic Boot Ritual
Dave McKeegan Freemasonic Left Boot Ritual (TFE) Antarctica
Jeran Hates Jesus – Other occult Connections –Flat earth Shills EXPOSED! @7:17
David Weiss involvement? I hope not!
Unfiltered Notes:
Austin’s Behavioral Shift…
Anthony Fauci: “When you attack me… you are attacking science.”
Austin Witsit: “I am following the will of the Creator. That means you are going against the will of the Father…”
…to angry, defensive.
Mr “Truth fears no investigation” is mad.
Jeranism also
McToon and others saying ‘anyone can go there anytime’ to the most restricted place on Earth.
Lies about Directions
The Final Experiment (TFE Final Deception) – They Lied About Directions & Time
Jeran attempted to paint Mt Ross as South of the Camp, but was in fact, north. The drone high up footage had no direction – it was Stuck at N the entire time. Even though facing the southern mountain…
What’s going on with direction ? This would impact the entire experiment, angles, claims, the sun dial experiment, etc.
Witsit and FE Dave claimed in our debate and elsewhere that this is a different mountain and/or the camp was on the other side of it. (which is quite confusing.) Jeran states it’s the same mountain, Ross, and they are on the same side of it.
The HD Footage Dropped, More Confusion.
Jaren Live on Arrival 1 – ALE Welcome Guide gives them their bearings; points approx 70 degrees Right of Sun to indicate North in video frame & turns 180 degrees to point approx 70 degrees right of Mt Rossman to indicate South in video frame Jaren Live on Arrival – asks Mark for a compass reading of Sun; Mark replies “it’s West” (Mt Rossman is approx 180 degrees from Sun (East) and Mark says “remember he (welcome ALE Guide) said that is South” Mark points approx 70 degrees right side of Mt Rossman *** his shadow during this conversation aligns closely to the high peak of Mt Rossman (East) *** McKeegan confirms in his video – Flatties getting desperate now, that the TFE test location was on the same side of Mt Rossman but further away from it (the test filming would have camera facing Mt Rossman in frame from Test Site and show Planes landing in the valley between ALE camp and test site (from prior ALE Guide & Mark’s Bearings previous, cameras from Test Site are facing East when aimed at Mt Rossman and the Sun over Blue Test Hut is approx West McToon confirms it is in fact Mt Rossman viewable from the TFE test site during a “drone proof” split screen video McToon sets up his Sundial with South facing Mt Rossman Jaren scratches an “S” in the Snow by a tripod stating cameras are facing South looking at Mt Rossman Jaren’s use of Duffy’s “Drone” footage has a directional overlay on the footage that has a compass reading with “N” pointing at Mt Rossman from TFE test site (Blue Hut) Duffy’s 1500 drone footage is CGI. There is no light movement or cloud shadows or hotspot changes on landscape…when same is used to show drone landing at TFE test camp there is what appears to be an edit or jump cut insertion (ie Mt Rossman positioning in frame while descending and on landing) 24 hour real time footage does not appear to show any individual moving cloud shadow or sun hot spotting on landscape snow but does look at time like fade ins and fade outs of light on landscape as a whole. The video prepared by another dude of 24 hr real time footage showing clear vertical and horizontal straight lines in the sky suggesting straight edge walls or screens were not brushed out properly *** and the determined compass reference location where these were discovered from the TFE test site *** *** McToon’s Sundial Timelapse also has this full landscape shadow/sun fade in/fade out anomaly *** *** Sun glare anomalies during McToon Yard stick measurements for his Sundial experiment *** 2021 Total Eclipse Footage – Totality also confirmed by AI query that cameras were pointed East to capture the Eclipse Time and Date One Page Mercator Map for 2021 Union Glacier Total Eclipse clearly shows Union Glacier location in Antarctica, Sun Location for Totality (Indian Ocean near Madagascar), UTC Time of Totality Comparison of Compass readings of Sun location (Union Glacier Runway Webcam longitude with same time and Sun location at similar longitude Ontario, Canada
In case you missed it:
Primordial Truth: Mapping the Rabbit Holes – Know Everything!
The Hidden His-Story of Man, Myth & The Mystery Babylon Religion of The Deep State
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