Mathematics of Mitosis

Mathematics of Mitosis

It was Mitosis’s proportioning set to a particular scale that provided the key opening the doorway into what I have since come to call “The Geometry of Form”.



My quest for the missing images at the start of the “Big Bang” scenario led me to ask how geometry handles the division of one thing into two . . . an action seemingly more reasonable for cosmology’s primal singularity’s initial transformation, rather than it going from one thing into bigillions with no intervening transformations. When I modeled the singularity as a “1 unit of surface” in the form of a sphere, and divided that surface into two new spheres, I realized there was excess volume. The unit of surface as two spheres can’t hold as much volume as that same surface unit in the form of one sphere. At that time, this was a new revelation for me and I wondered if in some way geometry itself accounts for this excess volume. Mitosis” was the answer I was seeking, and I had found it only after a long journey into the geometric structure of form. The image depicted below embodies the principal components of this one-into-two transformation. The tetrahedra are 2 equal packets which together represent that quantity of “excess volume”. The larger circle separating them is the cross-section of the initial sphere, and the smaller circles are the cross-sections of either of the two new spheres. Later I would discover the beautiful dances amongst and between the primal forms of geometry. It was Mitosis’s proportioning set to a particular scale that provided the key opening the doorway into what I have since come to call “The Geometry of Form”.


Geometric Mitosis
Geometric Mitosis

~Paul Kasprzycki

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Mapping the Rabbit Holes

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