Scientism – Modern Anthropology, Politically Correct Coverup of Tribal Histories
Scientism – Modern Anthropology, Politically Correct Coverup of Tribal Histories
“The road to American “multiculturalism” was paved by many 19th century Jews, and especially Franz Boas, who posed as a scholar and scientist but was really just another in a long line of Jewish charlatans.”
Modern Anthropology” as an academic discipline can be traced back to the mid-17th century at the University of Copenhagen, but is credited to a Spanish friar of the 15th century named Bernardino de Sahagún. The road to American “multiculturalism” was paved by many 19th century Jews, and especially Franz Boas, who posed as a scholar and scientist but was really just another in a long line of Jewish charlatans. This article (, Jews, Multiculturalism, and Boasian Anthropology, written by Gelya Frank, is remarkably candid about the dominant Jewish role in American anthropology. It brings together strands of these various discourses on Jews in anthropology for a new generation of American anthropologists, especially ones concerned with turning multiculturalist theories into agendas for activism. The public silence or omission concerning anthropology’s Jews is due to the tone of liberal humanism and cosmopolitianism set by founder Franz Boas (1858-1942). There has also been a whitewashing of Jewish ethnicity, reflecting fears of anti-Semitic reactions. Despite a significant cohort of Jews in the discipline, it was not until Barbara Myerhoff’s reflexive ethnography Number Our Days (1978), an intellectually acute and emotionally affecting document about aging eastern European Jews in a southern California beach community, that we began to hear professionally about Jews in America and Jews in anthropology. Cuddihy’s “ordeal of civility” is an overly psychological and reductionist explanation for the rise of the modern social sciences, although it also contains much truth. Feminist epistemologist Sandra Harding (1994) has gone farther by proposing that the Western sciences are not only sexed but multicultural. Virginia Dominguez has noted that mainstream anthropology has had little tolerance for books that “assert Jewishness,” even if they do so in addition to socialist, internationalist, or progressive politics. George Stocking argues that Franz Boas, the founder of American anthropology, articulated the challenge of understanding cultural diversity with his radical, new definition of culture which sought to demonstrate that no national or racial group was superior to any other. Boas was born in 1858, a decade after the liberal revolution and thirteen years before the emancipation of Gertnan Jewry was finally formalized in the constitution of the German Empire in 1871. His career linked science and politics in support of liberal-democratic ideals rooted in his identity and experiences as a German of Jewish descent. Franz Boas was a German of Jewish descent who was a cultural hybrid. His father was a prosperous merchant and his daughter received a religious education. His mother, Sophie Meyer Boas, was a radical freethinker and an active supporter of the Revolution of 1848. Jacobi, who escaped from Germany, sponsored his nephew Franz Boas’s move to the United States and helped found the study of pediatric growth and development. Boas married Marie Krackowizer, Ernst’s daughter, in 1887, the year he emigrated to America.
Anthropologists have been used in academia as one of the primary vehicles through which our entire society has been indoctrinated with all of the poisons of Jewish communism.
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