European Royals are ALL Jews

European Royals are ALL from Edom/Esau/Canaan (aka ‘Jews’)

American Presidential Genes
American Presidential Genes
Hillary And Trump are Cousins
Hillary And Trump are Cousins


QE2: 70 years as a Queen and as a Protector (coronation oath) for Jesus Christs PROTETSTANTISM (of the Celts). What is the status in UK / Norway today of this Monarchs (in UK and Norway today, same family) ‘serving’ the King of kings (Isaiah 9:6) ? The Sceptre was Judah’s until Jesus Christ CAME…. Genesis 49:10 «The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh(Jesus Christ) come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.»

After that, the Christ is the Sceptre Holder, Isaiah 9:6 ? “Behold your King!” (John 19:14). Jesus came as an example of Servant for the People, edomite Jews acts as Rulers, the Herodian bloodline way.

Some claim the Stone of Scorne used in QE2 coronation was fake, they say the coronation was fake: Are they serving mostly themselves and their own families and networks of bandits today (WEF, EU, UN, Club of Rome)…?
© Simon Dawson/Bloomberg/This is Money/WEF/Young Global Leaders/Michael Campanella/Getty Images/KJN George Soros • Prince Charles • Klaus Schwab • Greta Thunberg • World Economic Forum

«The British people, who are Israelites, under The Covenant, have been betrayed; impoverished and oppressed by the monarchy through-out its long and evil existence, because the people themselves have not kept The Covenant, that they swore at Sinai to keep for ever.»

«Under that Covenant the monarch is prohibited from using their position for personal material gain of any kind and from making up their own laws and taxes and economic policies; either themselves or their politicians. To prove this FACT, I will quote you the relevant clauses of The Covenant (contract):-«

Deuteronomy 17:14 When thou art come unto the land which the «I AM» thy God giveth thee, and shalt possess it, and shalt dwell therein, and shalt say, I will set a king over me, like as all the nations that [are] about me;

«How then is it possible that Elizabeth Mountbatten, who is also known by the aliases «Windsor» and «QE 2″, is the richest woman on Earth, whilst hundreds of thousands of British people are homeless, with millions living in relative poverty and she has political parties of both left and right, in her illegal democracy? It is because the TRUTH about the British people’s true identity has been purposely hidden from them, by the monarchy, so that the people would not read The Covenant; relate it to themselves and demand that the monarchy gives back the wealth it has defrauded the people out of, by using its own illegal laws and taxes.»


Jewish Monarchs


Not one of the Royal Houses in Europe is from the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, probably nor from the tribe of Judah. There was a coup d’état, and Edomites and khazars took the power, by killings, lies and deceptions. «You shall know them by their fruits«, like Herod was an Edomite.
The norwegian Mountbatten family WEF monarchs

They have roots to the Jews in the time of Jesus. Caiphas, Barrabas, Herod. Jude. The Edomites. Sons of Esau. Those who God hates (Malachi 1:3, Romans 9:13). Because they are barbarians. Egosentric. Will never be better.

The COMMANDMENT for the realIsraelites was not to be Masters and Rulers of the World. They should be example Nations of the World (Isaiah 49:6), AND bring the Gospel to the World (Matt. 10:6, 7, 24:14, 28:19)…. Jesus’ people are Servants, suffering Servants, not evil rulers like Herod, Caeser or the royals of Edom today.. (Herod was an Edomite). Who did this , who was given the commmisssion? The Israelites .. (Matt. 10:6, when the Jews rejected Him).
Edomittene after Esau became Jews, says H.G. Wells (on the times of Jesus), and most of todays Jews are converted Khazars

Edomittene after Esau became Jews, says H.G. Wells (on the times of Jesus), and most of todays Jews are converted Khazars
Edomittene after Esau became Jews, says H.G. Wells (on the times of Jesus), and most of todays Jews are converted Khazars

In the beginning was:

Israelites = White Christians
Jews = Edomites, Kenites, Khazars (Rev. 2.9 & 3.9)

Christianity became Judaized. Jews impersonates Israelites.

Real Lost Tribes of Israel (white european people), hijacked by Khazars, Edomites and askenazis, by The Crown who pretend they are British Israelites, Rothschilds et al. May Cromwell still burn in Hell for beeing paid to allow them back into England, and able to do this infltration and identity theft. ‘Jews’ are Khazars, Edomites and askenazis, not Israelites, nor from tribe of Judah. Imposters.

Is The British Royal Family Secretly Jewish?

Timeline Of The Jewish Genocide Of The British People

Historian H.G. Wells states, «. . . the Idumeans (Edomites) were . . . made Jews, . . . and a Turkish people (Khazars) were mainly Jews in South Russia . . . The main part of Jewry never was in Judea and had never come out of Judea» (The Outline of History, 3rd Edition., p 494). According to The Jewish Encyclopedia (Vol. IV, (1905), p 3), the original stock of the Khazars came from the land of Edom. (.)

«The British Royal family are a subset of the Rothschild family and the Rothschilds control all the wars and finances of the British monarchy. The British Royal family declare war as soon as the Rothschilds have completed their preparations. This makes for huge profits.»

1925: This year’s Jewish Encyclopaedia, states of the existence of Ashkenazi Jews (who represent approximately 90% of so-called world Jewry), with the startling admission that the so-called enemy of the Jews, Esau (also known as Edom, see Genesis 36:1), now actually represents the Jewish race, when on page 42 of Volume V it is stated, “Edom is in modern Jewry.” So what they’re basically saying is that these Ashkenazi Jews, who represent 90% of the so-called Jewish population, are actually of the tribe God hates (Malachi 1:3; Romans 9:13).

«The King of the Jews will rule the world from London where the ‘square mile’ of London City no longer belongs to the English people but was long ago sold to the Jews. However, the Talmud states that the leader of the world Jewish takeover would be a King, meaning that should a male Jew ascend to the throne such a King would then himself not only be the senior Elder of Zion but also the long awaited Messiah; The King of the Jews. As there are no remnants of the ancient Jewish royalty, and in order to fulfil the prophesy, Jewish royalty must be re-established, and it appears from this evidence that the current British Royal family has become the vehicle of choice.»

Jonathan Williams recorded in his «LEGIONS OF SATAN,» 1781, that General Cornwallis revealed to Washington that «a holy war will now begin on America, and when it is ended America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown.» Cornwallis went on to explain what would seem to be a self contradiction:

«Your churches will be used to teach the Jew’s religion and in less than two hundred years the whole nation will be working for divine world government. That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry.»

«At the turn of the twentieth century there appeared the Scofield Bible with a Jewish interpretation of the prophecies. With wide use of this «helpful» aid all the American churches have silently become synagogues. We now have Baptist Jews, Methodist Jews, Church of God Jews, apostate Catholic Jews, and many Protestant Jews throughout America. We are aliens in our own country because of false religion. All are praying for divine deliverance into that «Divine Government» which Cornwallis knew to be the British Empire. – Speach given by Senator Joseph McCarthy, six months before his mouth was closed forever.

He should have told the public they have hijacked the Lost Tribes of Israels British monarchy also, as all else monarchy’s is related to.

Esau was carnal, putting the materialistic and carnal (food) before the spiritual… even before God, and Gods demand for righteousness.

«We are warned not to be a profane person like Esau, who for one morsel of food sold his birthright” (verse 16).»

Some of Judah and also from tribes of Israel must be involved, because they are what God says in the Bible “kills their Prophets” sent them to correct their ways. For sure the tribe of Dan is involved in the occult. The Prophets was not for the Khazars, or the edomites and kenites (goyim/Serpent-seed). This is the last thing they do before their final fall. Always in Bible history it was like this.

«Esau joined with the evil race of Cain.» – » the race of Edom which Rome expelled from Palestine in 70 A.D.; who migrated to Spain (becoming Sephardim) and to eastern Russia (Khazaria & later becoming Ashkenaz).»


Many might mistakenly think and believe the British and other European monarchy is of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel (British Israelism), They are not, they are impostors, identity thieves, cheaters and liars. When the Commonwealth of the Israelites was doing good in all the nations the so-called colonies under their leadership it prospered, and they did what they SHOULD do, be a Light for The Nations, when the Edomites and Khazars (askeNazis) took over after the coup d’état and ruled for looting via the East India Company, Central Bank usury and alike, it all went down.

The current English royal Oldenburg family and Scandinavian Bernadotte, which are root to many other nations royals, are Edomites (fake jews, spirit of Edom is called Red Plague, ref. the same peoples communism by Satanist Rabbi Karl Mordechai Marx Levy, and the monarchies cousin Baron Rothschild, Red Shield his name means), came from Black Nobility / Merchants of Venice. The original family name, Guelph, and they were brought to power in England by the Prince of Hannover. This is of course not accidental. Look at the Holy Roman Empire. 200 years later did the same dynasty put another family to power, it was Bauer family who were to become Rothschild. All the time since they select their puppet politicians (they are selected, not elected), in all nations under their dominion.

The Canaanite political parties were the Pharisees, Sadducees, Zealots, Essains, Assissins, Herodians, and Scribes. A later group, the Edomites, descended from Esau and later intermarried with the Turks, producing a Turco- Edomite mixture which later became known as the Chazars, the present occupants of Israel, according to the great Jewish scholar, Arthur Koestler.
– Eustace Mullins, Curse of Canaan, page 19

If we are doing like Jesus Christ told as to do; Know them by their fruits, than this people is NOT Israelites..nor from Judah.

In 1714 the Hanoverian Royal Family were invited by the City of London to be the British Royal Family , the Hanoverian Royal Family later changed their family name to Windsor.
The Hanoverian Royal Family were originally a jewish family that claimed to have converted to Christianity in the 15th Century.
The Sovereign Bible that all British Kings and Queens use at their Coronation has been in Hebrew since 1714.
All British Monarchs have to attend secret ceremonies at the Bevis Marks Synagogue (established 1701) in the City of London the night before their Coronation , these ceremonies are always attended by Britains’ senior jews and bankers.

Crypto-Jews pretending to be Christians
«Circumcision by the Mohel of London is an oddity of the Royal Family. Quite bizarre that the male patron of the world’s largest protestant church is circumcised by a rabbi in a Jewish ceremony. Diana didn’t allow William or Harry to be circumcised. They were circumcised though as adults after her death.»

‘Circumcision is one of the oddities of the Royal Family’

«All through history there would be conflict between the sons of Jacob, or «Israel,» and the sons of Esau, his wicked older brother. The Bible tells us that Esau was a violent man, a famous hunter, who «despised his birthright» (Gen.25:34). Esau was a very capable man, and had great abilities, but Isaac gave the birthright promises of national greatness and power to Jacob instead (Gen.27:20-30). Ever since that time, the descendants of Esau have hated and despised the descendants of Jacob, or «Israel.»

Who is modern day «Esau» or «Edom» in terms of Biblical prophecy?
Where are the descendants of the brother of Jacob located today? Is there a connection between Esau and the peoples of Spain, Italy, Rome, and the Germans of Central Europe? What happened to the descendants of the brother of Jacob? Here is the astonishing story of the titanic struggle and rivalry between Esau and Jacob down through the ages, and what is prophesied for them in the “End of Days”!
William F. Dankenbring

The hate and despise is alive and well. Remember when they implement police state and tyrannical measures in our societies they do it to protect themselves, their fortunes, money and power base, not us.


So headlines like this in the Truth movement is not completely true, although well intended and with lots of good information about the Serpent-seed’s whereabouts. They are NOT Jewish, they are Edomites, No connection to Jacobs/Israels seedline at all. Probably also none to tribe of Judah. You will know them from their fruits. None of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel’s religion is Judaism. They have NO use of a Synagogue (of Satan, as per Revelation 2.9 & 3.9). They are Christian. The Serpent-seed hates Christianity, and want to see it eradicated from our nations, by different means, be under the banner of multiculturalism, political ‘neutrality’, or others. There is no neutrality. A society is ruled by God or Satan (if it is void of God).

The Truth About The So Called British «Royal Family»: They are ALL Jews!

Is The British Royal Family Secretly Jewish?

This one is more accurate

Edomites, Zionism and the Counterfeit Jews of the British Monarchy
«In every nation, in every major event, the Edomite Jews have been behind it. Edomite Jews control the White House. To do this successfully, they have helped to promote the idea that the synagogue of Satan (Revelation 2:9 & 3:9) – those who say they are Jews and are not, are the real «Israel», in order to draw attention away from themselves. When for the most part, these so-called Jews are actually Idumeans (from Esau/Edom), Ashkenazi (Genesis 10:2, 3) & Khazars.»

«Genesis 25 records that Rebekah bore Isaac paternal twin sons, Esau, whose name was changed to Edom, and Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel. While still in the womb the two sons of Isaac «struggled together within her.» Yahweh explained this rivalry to Rebekah:
…Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder [Esau] shall serve the younger [Jacob]. (Genesis 25:23)»

Instead the elder (Esau) took the power, and let’s the younger (Jacob) serve them. This is in the Bible terms as the time of ‘Jacob’s Trouble’. They are really heading for a gigantic fall. They are Satanists of an extreme grade, contrary to all requirements and commands of God Himself. My oh my, I am glad I am not in their shoes.
They are not human

«Esau and Jacob, the grandsons of Abraham were twin brothers, presumably born with the same bloodline. However, Esau married two Canaanite women in violation of Yahweh’s law. In doing this, Esau’s line became contaminated, because among the Canaanites, who were the progeny of Satan and the Fallen Angels, the evil bloodline thrived and coalesced. Subsequently, Esau’s descendants would carry the demon seed of Lucifer and transmit it widely.»

The Royal families of Edom/Esau and askeNazis (from Japheth/Gomer bloodline) will never feel at ease co-habitate with the Tribes of Israel, and always more secure with immigrants and outsiders, like their best days in Babylon, and also not to forget the aspect of divide and conquer the societies they are monarchs for. When the ‘Jews’ is mentioned in the following, it is as per the mainstream definition, and means the fake Jews; Edomites/sons of Esau.

AskeNazis = Nazis

«Some thirty years after the Exodus, Ramses III «smote the people of Seir.» The Israelites could not have been far off. We first hear of war between Israel and Edom under Saul (1 Samuel 14:47). David prosecuted the war with terrific energy, slaying 18,000 Edomites (so read instead of «Syrians») in the Valley of Salt (2 Samuel 8:13) ; Joab remaining for six months in the country, which was garrisoned by Israelites, «until he had cut off every male in Edom» (1 Kings 11:15). Hadad of the blood royal of Edom escaped to Egypt, and later became a source of trouble to Solomon (1 Kings 11:14,25)
Idumaea and the Idumeans:
West of the `Arabah the country they occupied came to be known by the Greek name Idumaea, and the people as Idumeans. Hebron, their chief city, was taken by Judas Maccabeus in 165 BC (1 Macc 4:29,61; 5:65). In 126 BC the country was subdued by John Hyrcanus, who compelled the people to become Jews and to submit to circumcision. Antipater, governor of Idumaea, was made procurator of Judea, Samaria and Galilee by Julius Caesar. He paved the way to the throne for his son Herod the Great. With the fall of Judah under the Romans, Idumaea disappears from history».

They became the ‘Jews’, the wanderers, the vagabonds (Obadiah 1:10, Genesis 4:12, Genesis 4:14, Hosea 9:17)

«10 Because of the violence against your brother Jacob, you will be covered with shame; you will be destroyed forever». – Obadiah 1:10

NEVER thrust Esaus Sons, of the Serpent-seed;

Edomite Treaty Betrayal in the Sixth Century BCE

It is Stuart and the Habsburgs as those coming from the «meeting» in Ireland … Cromwell, War of the Roses which was followed relatively shortly after the establishment of the Bank of England.

Cromwell (25. april 1599 – 3. september 1658) as we know, was the one letting the fake Jews back into Great Britain, after they was forbidden to enter. As they was in my homecountry Norway.

Resettlement of the Jews in England

Oliver Cromwell

The Old SATANIC Conspiracy British & Israel World Federation ties

Satanists hijacking The Ten Lost Tribes of Israels birthright, by killing off the real English monarchy.

«In 1290, King Edward I of England issued an edict expelling all Jews from England. Three hundred and fifty years later, the situation was reconsidered.» – Wiki


The freemasonry of B’nai Brith seal and the Star of Rephan (they call it Star of David, what it is NOT! – occultists lies) on the belt of the nurse. If it was this nurse or another but one of them was later found dead in her quarters. Just what did nurse Jacintha Saldanha see that led to her possible murder? The ‘Royals’ according to Lady Diana’s last words «They are not human!’. The best ones of their own breed they kill; Diana… She protested her own breed, by opposing their agenda. What a shock it must have been for them.

Following the Rothschild protocol of interbreeding to keep the power and wealth all-in-the-family, Diana’s alleged half brother Ben Goldsmith wed Kate Rothschild in 2003.

I have not always understood it, but Diana maybe was a light to the World, IF she really opposed her own, and actually laid down her life for good, if she didn’t want to participate in her family’s murders, usury and additional sins. Prince Charles have stated many years ago that if he would never take the oath to the crown that demands he uphold the Christian faith. ELIZABETH II D.G.REG.F.D.’ The Stuarts she allegedly belongs to was of another lineage (some says Merovingian Branch of the Scottish Stuart lineage and Cainitic, with her symbol being a Red Seashell [denoting the Quinotaur; Satan] that is colored red to symbolize the Mark of Cain itself). It stands for: ‘Elizabeth II Dei Gratia Regina Fidei Defensor.’ These words are in Latin and they mean: ‘Elizabeth II, by the Grace of God, Queen, Defender of the Faith’. On the coronation the Regent also QE2 pledge: «.. to maintain the «Protestant reformed religion by law established«. On a false Coronation Stone. Prince Charles refuse this all along. It is now time for he edomite satanists to enter into the open with their agenda.

At her Coronation QE2 swore the Oath:

Archbishop. Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the Laws of God and the true profession of the Gospel? Will you to the utmost of your power maintain in the United Kingdom the Protestant Reformed Religion established by law? Will you maintain and preserve inviolably the settlement of the Church of England, and the doctrine, worship, discipline, and government thereof, as by law established in England? And will you preserve unto the Bishops and Clergy of England, and to the Churches there committed to their charge, all such rights and privileges, as by law do or shall appertain to them or any of them?

Queen. All this I promise to do.

Diana, Queen of Hearts
Diana, Queen of Hearts

This edomites of Edom, the Red Plague, is EXPOSED!

«Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.» – Ephesians 5:11
The Ten Lost Tribes of Israel Found (1930)

How fooled the World are… even in my imagination I could not percieve how wild and to what extent the lies and deceptions are… in my wildest dreams I could not imagine all this. This deception are so subtle it can not have been made by humans, only by Satan himself.

‘After 40 years of patient study of the crises faces humanity, I arrived at a very simple conclusion – all conspiracies are Satanic!

The politician offers to defend you against your enemies, so that he can deliver you to your ultimate enemy-Satan’

Eustace Mullins, Curse of Canaan, Preface

In 1948 with stealing Israel from Gods People, The Lost Tribes of Israel, Jacob’s breed, the scam was complete… The Edomites, Esau’s sons, took our land in Middle East.

This simple sentence below shows how smart the deceits have been made, about the so called ‘Chosen Ones’ of the so-called jews in Israel, which in reality is khazars, edomites and kenites.

Khazars Kenites Claim to be Jews and are not but are of the Synagogue of Satan

«Kenites, …The Kenites’ name was derived from Cain whose descendants they were believed to be…Settling among the Israelites, Amalekites, and Canaanites, the Kenites apparently became absorbed into the tribe of Judah.»

It is ISRAEL that is Chosen Ones, Jacob’s seed, always have been, always will be… and this shows the brilliance of Gods promises to REAL ISRAEL… 🙂

Translation (written 1930); «All the land from Nile to Eufrat, that God promised Abrahams seed by the flesh, is now UNDER BRITISH MANDATE.» (Genesis 15:18)

«Hele Landomraadet fra Nilen til Eufrat, som af Gud var lovet Abrahams Sæd efter Kødet, er nu under BRITISK MANDAT. (1. Mos. 15:18).»

Israels Ten Lost Tribes Found

Gods Word NEVER fails to be TRUE.

For the LOVE of our lesser brethren we gave it away to them in 1948, but unfortunately most of them was NOT from Abraham seed of righteousness, they lied and decieved the whole world, corrupting and decieved our politicians, they was Khazars, edomites, kenites, they was mostly Satanists, as Jesus said; «The Devil is you Father«.

I think we Israelites made a BIG mistake to give away our property and land as we did… to imposters and Satanists, killers and liars.

Read more about this here:

In memory of Pastor Richard Wurmbrand
Barbarians inside the Gates

A few corrupt politicians, is all it takes….. Trojan horses in our midst.
They needed the Country of Israel by UN to act as smokescreen and as rough state for terrorizing the World to follow their commands by the Threat of the nuclear Samson Option, with warheads with the potential to reach Europe. While all eyes are on fake ‘Israel’, they take the whole World, by finance from The City in London, military from Washington D.C. and spiritual religious deceptions from Vatican/Rome; Anti-Christs New World Order.
They needed the Country of Israel by UN to act as smokescreen and as rough state for terrorizing the World to follow their commands by the Threat of the nuclear Samson Option, with warheads with the potential to reach Europe. While all eyes are on fake ‘Israel’, they take the whole World, by finance from The City in London, military from Washington D.C. and spiritual religious deceptions from Vatican/Rome; Anti-Christs New World Order.

Suddenly the story of Robin Hood gave a little more meaning… but I assure, the TRUE story is NOT in any Hollywood movie… They control Hollywood, they control media, they control most churches and congregations under the banner of Zionism.


ALL countries of the World is now ruled by fake Jews and fake Israel…. that is the New World Order, the anti-Christ kingdom … Now we wait for the Jewish Masciach….. the dynamic political and military leader of the Edomites/Esau’s sons, that shall kill all their enemies.. US, the Israelites, Jacob-Israels decendants, Jacobs Trouble. The ten Lost Tribes of Israel and Judah & Benjamin included.

Is that Donald Trump OR Prince William ? Maybe both?

The Donald: the Serpent Seed from the Royal Bloodline/Tribe of Dan

The Donald: the Serpent Seed from the Royal Bloodline/Tribe of Dan

Barbarians is INSIDE the Gates

The Mashiach
The mashiach will be a great political leader descended from King David (Jeremiah 23:5). The mashiach is often referred to as «mashiach ben David» (mashiach, son of David). He will be well-versed in Jewish law, and observant of its commandments (Isaiah 11:2-5). He will be a charismatic leader, inspiring others to follow his example. He will be a great military leader, who will win battles for Israel. He will be a great judge, who makes righteous decisions (Jeremiah 33:15). But above all, he will be a human being, not a god, demi-god or other supernatural being.

Actually we have been ruled by barbarians, imposters and occultists through the ages. It is when they try to take the whole world in their New World Order, establish the anti-Christ kingdom, they experience resistance, that eventually will lead to their fall. Their own greed and ambitions will be their demise.

Their greed become too obvious, than they are exposing themselves of who they really are, the color is red, Edom means ‘red’ in Hebrew; killers and liars. That’s why they invented all kind of socialisms, communism, nazism, different names for the same red politics to tyrannically rule the nations, and eventually the World. Two social classes; Them and their slaves, the peasants.

«In the time of Nebuchadnezzar II the Edomites helped plunder Jerusalem and slaughter the Judaeans.[30] For this reason the Prophets denounced Edom violently.[31] ( ) The nature of Edomite religion before their conversion to Judaism is largely unknown. As close relatives of other Levantine Semites, they may have worshiped such gods as El, Baal, Kaus and Asherah. The oldest biblical traditions place Yahweh as the deity of southern Edom, and may have originated in «Edom/Seir/Teman/Sinai» before being adopted in Israel and Judah.[44]»

«After the demise of Khazaria they established themselves in Venice and Genoa. They married from the Venetian and Genoese oligarchies into the Royal houses of Europe in the early part of the twelfth century. Then they set up in Amsterdam and captured the British Throne through the Khazar Jew, William of Orange. They infiltrated the Protestant Churches, set up the Jesuit Order against Rome and the Protestants, organized Free Masonry, and by introducing the Babylonian fractional reserve banking system (or usury), became so powerful they are now a parallel government in most countries.»

In Rabbinic Literature
In Rabbinic Literature, with time Edom became associated with Rome. The reasons for this and whether it is an adequate comparison are disputed, or literal which is also disputed.[39] Edom was a slang word for Rome, specifically its empire,
Talmudic liars, re-adress Edom.. God is not mocked.

Rabbi’s lie for a living. That is what they do. Jesus said about them; «Your father is the devil, hef have been a liar from the beginning» (John 8:44).

But God is not mocked (Galatians 6:7). The Bible gives the correct interpretation who is Edom, not the Talmud.

That’s why they are on the bandwagon with the Roman Catholic Church, The Vatican, and the Pope, also a mystery religion from Babylonian system, occultism, in order to lay the whole world under their dominion and rulership.


Their first and foremost gods is those from Egypt and Babylon, that is conserved in secret societies throught the ages, and in the Roman Catholic Church and Babylonian Talmudism, called mystery religions; The Harlot.
Former Nazist as Leader

Prince Bernhard is a former nazist, and one of the founders of the Bilderberg network. Thesis of Nazism (National Socialism), anti-Thesis of Communism (international Socialism) and the synthesis and modern variant (Social Democracy) is all the same coin, just different side.

«Prince Bernhard is leader of the Black Families and he also claims descent from the House of David through the Merovingian dynasty, a claim that was acknowledged to be valid by the Carolingian dynasty that supplanted them, by other monarchs and by the Roman Church of that time. Thus he can truly say that he is «related to Jesus».

Prince Bernhard’s House of Orange had its origins in France. The Habsburgs are related through marriage with the Merovingians, who are said to have descended from the Tribe of Benjamin who went into exile following war with the other eleven Tribes.

Otto von Habsburg is today the titular Duke of Lorraine and King of Jerusalem.

The Prieure de Sion claim to hold the lost treasure of the Temple of Jerusalem plundered by Titus in AD 70 which would be returned to Israel «when the time was right». This might explain why Rome must defer to the «kings of the earth» and how she will seal a covenant with the Jews who have long hidden behind the shield of baptism.

Prince Bernhard is in fact related to the Khazars, and therefore a Gentile.

Assisted by the CIA, Prince Bernhard has brought the hidden ruling body of the Illuminati into public knowledge as De Bilderberg Group. (Established in 1954, its headquarters is 1 Smidswater, Den Haag, Nederlands.)»
The Unholy Trinity of their Power
The Unholy Trinity of their Power

Every monarch and/or government that allows Rome’s Vatican and the Jesuits into their countries and Baron Rothschild’s and The City’s usury and corrupt criminal business based on conspiracies in high places in their nations have showed their true colors and who they really serve. There is an Bilderberger in EVERY nations government and national institutions throughout the Western World.

What the Royal Family Doesn’t Want YOU To See! Zion King

Edoms End

Several sources saying the so-called Jews are mostly Edomites…. Baron Rothshild is askeNazi (Khazar), that we know…..

«…in the days of John Hyrcanus (end of the second century B.C.E.) … the [non-Israelite] Edomites became a section of the Jewish people. «EDOM,» Encyclopaedia Judaica (Jerusalem, Israel: Encyclopaedia Judaica Company, 1971) Vol. 6, p. 378

«They [the non-Israelite Edomites] were then incorporated with the Jewish nation…. «EDOM, IDUMEA,» The Jewish Encyclopedia (New York & London: Funk and Wagnalls Company, 1904) Vol. V, p. 41

«…from then on they [the non-Israelite Edomites] constituted a part of the Jewish people, Herod [King of Judea] being one of their descendants. «EDOM (Idumea),» The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia (Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1977) p. 589

«…they [the Edomites] were hereafter no other than [non-Israelite] Jews«. Flavius Josephus, The Antiquities of the Jews(Grand Rapids, MI: Dregel Publications, 1960) Book XIII, Chapter IX, Verse 1, p. 279

«The Judeans of prominence were not of the Tribe of Judah, but of Edomites. () Esau, the brother of the patriarch Jacob, became the ancestor of the people called Edom, or Idumea«. The Antiquities of the Jews by Flavius Josephus, XIII ix 1; XV vii 9 instructs us: John

Hyrcanus forcibly assimilated the Edomites as a national group and they became «Jews» in about 120BC. The Jewish historian Josephus, who lived just after the time of Christ, wrote, «They [Edom] were hereafter no other than Jews’. The Jewish scholar Cecil Roth in his Concise Jewish Encyclopedia (1980) says on page 154, «John Hyrcanus forcibly converted [Edom] to Judaism. From then on they were part of the Jewish people. In the Talmud the name of Edom was applied to Christian Rome, and was then used for Christianity in general».

Terrible judgements against Edom are made in most of the prophecies of the Old Testament. For instance, Isaiah 34, 63, Jeremiah 49, and the entire book of Obadiah.

Isaiah 63:1-6, «Who is this coming from Edom . . . in garments stained with crimson? It is I [the Lord] who speak in righteousness and am mighty to save.»

«Why are your garments red, as if you had trodden the winepress?»

Since there are communism and nazism, all kind of socialism be it under banner of liberalism or progressivism, the political dogmas are of the Red Plague, which is of the spirit of Edom…

An incredibly great fraud has influenced many Christians to believe that today’s «Jews» are the actual descendants from Jacob/Israel. They are NOT! Today’s «Jews» are direct descendants of Esau/Edom. It is this very fraud to which Jesus speaks in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9, saying, «I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.» The word «Jew» came first from «Judah,» a son of Jacob/Israel, Esau’s brother. Esau can’t be a true Judahite «Jew.» But, the Edomites became «Judeans» because they lived in Judea, so they became known as «Jews,» which they still are today.

The Edomites had taken over the Talmudic religion (called Judaism), along with Jerusalem and all Judea. Edomites became the official «Jews.»

If one follows the courses of races in the Bible, one sees that Esau joined with the evil race of Cain. The enmity and hatred of Cain toward Abel was renewed with that war of Esau against Jacob, and continues today as the war of the Edomite «Jews» against white-race Christians, who are Jacob.

When Jesus says that the «Jews» are the «synagogue of Satan,» He is continuing His indictment of them which he clearly stated in John 8 when He told them that God is not their father, but that they were murderers and liars, out of their father, the Devil, whose very nature is to lie. It was Jesus’ attempt to expose the Jews for their fraud that got Jesus killed.

When the Jews wanted financial control of Russia and Germany, they began the Bolshevik revolution. Marx, Trotsky, and Lenin were Jews. They got Russia, but failed to get Germany, so continued their efforts through an underground Communist movement in Germany. Hitler campaigned against the Communist underground, and was successful at reminding the German people of their racial value and pride. Eventually, with the help of F.D.R. and Churchill, the Jews defeated Germany by attacking from all sides and by cutting off all its supply lines until the whole country was starving, including the prison-camps of captured Communists (mostly Germans, since most Jews had fled the country in 1939). The lying Jews now show pictures of starving prisoners and claim those were Jews, and we all tend to believe it since Jews control the media, and write the history books. We naive Christians tend to forget that Jesus said that when the Devil lies, «he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.» Just as the lost-sheep of Israel (W.A.S.P.s) are the «body of Christ,» so also the «Jews» are the body of Satan.

To gain complete control of the U.S., Edward House, a Jew, got his puppet, Woodrow Wilson, elected President, and then got the Federal Reserve Act passed in 1913. By that one act, eight Jewish banks (the Federal Reserve Bank is privately owned by them; it is not Federal) have complete control of our economy. Inflation rate adjustments have no relationship to inflation but are adjustments in the rate of their skim of the cream off our production. The Federal Reserve Act permits the Jewish banks to create fiat money (money with no backing or source & it never existed before), which the U.S. can borrow, thus deflating our currency with each loan, plus indebting us to pay those banks with actual money from our labor, plus interest which they can adjust at their will. Alan Greenspan is currently the mouthpiece for the Jewish bank cartel. In order to collect all the money for the Jews, the Federal Income Tax Act was passed in 1914, enabling them to tap the workers directly. Then, by fomenting wars, they forced us to borrow money that didn’t exist, from them, in order to fight wars FOR them, so they can could gain economic control of our South, of Russia, and of Germany. After we win the wars FOR them, we must then pay THEM all the money they allegedly loaned to us to fight the war. All that!!! and they never had to invest anything! Demonically clever! When Jesus referred to the «lord of this world,» he meant the Jews’ lord, the Devil, who rules until the end of this age (now), when he will be cast down and Christ will begin to reign for the Kingdom of God (called «heaven» by Matthew).

Esau/Edom, and the Trail of the Serpent

«So the conceptions for births that Queen Victoria did were done by Lionel Nathan Rothschild who was Nathan Mayer Rothschild’s son. So that meant that King Edward VII was the firstborn son officially, and he was born in a bigamous marriage and he was illegitimate as were the 9 official children of Queen Victoria.

So we’ve got illegitimate monarchs, and we’ve got fraudulent monarchs, and we’ve got them accepting that they are a fraud and running with it. So King George V was Danish and Russian, so he wasn’t legally a British Royal, and he married Mary of Teck and produced the person who became King Edward VIII and the person who became King George VI, and Mary of Teck was the only one out of that parentage who was supplying the royal blood. So the royal blood from Queen Victoria’s second child, who is King Edward VII, who was known as ‘The Father of Europe’, his royal blood is vastly diminished. He was a quarter royal at most, and then by the time it came to King George V he was no royal at all, when it came to King George VI, he was only getting his royal blood from Mary of Teck who was the Queen consort, and when it came to Queen Elizabeth II, she was getting her royal blood a little bit from Mary of Teck, but just a tiny amount, and then via Winston Churchill, who had half the royal blood of King Edward VII who was illegitimate, bigamously born and was half-Rothschild and half Queen Victoria, who was also half-Rothschild. So from King Edward VII on we have three quarter Rothschild blood and one quarter royal blood, and it wasn’t the strong side of the royal bloodline.

Since William the Conqueror in 1066 all of the property of England, Britain and the United Kingdom belongs to the Crown, and when we think we own our property outright, when we have no debts due on, let’s say, a house – we just own license to the title, and it’s the monarchy that actually owns all the property. And with the monarchy being at least three quarters Rothschild from King Edward VII on, the Rothschilds own the British monarchy, and they own the European monarchies.»


«Judaism was very different from the religion of Israel. The late Rabbi Stephen Wise, who was the Chief Rabbi of the United States, expressed this conclusively, saying: «The return from Babylon, and the adoption of the Babylonian Talmud, marks the end of Hebrewism, and the beginning of Judaism.» The Jewish Encyclopedia tells us that the Talmud is «the product of the Palestinian and Babylonian schools» and is generally referred to as «the Babylonian Talmud».

Jewish and Christian scholars agree it was Jesus Christ’s flagrant rejection of this «Tradition of the Elders» and His open confrontation with the powerful Pharisees that created the climate that led to His death. Jesus declared that these «traditions» had blinded the eyes of the people to a true understanding of the Law, and the prophecies which related to His Coming as Messiah.

The religion of both Judaism and Roman Catholicism is actually the Babylonian mysteries posing as the Word of God. As we have already seen in our previous studies and as the Jews themselves admit, the vast majority of their people are naturally Esau/Edom. Catholicism is spiritually Esau/Edom, having rejected the birthright of Christ and although God gave Rome «space (of almost a thousand years) to repent of her (spiritual) fornication; (even sending Martin Luther to reform her ways, but ) she repented not» (Revelation 2:21).


We have traced that pagan spirit from Babylon through to Imperial Rome into Papal Rome. We’ve seen how both Judaism and Catholicism are related, or if you like, brothers. They are each impersonating the Word of God, are enmity with one another, and vying for world dominion. They are also at enmity with the real Jacob/Israel.

Rome hates natural Israel and wants to establish her headquarters in Jerusalem. She also hates Spiritual Israel, the true Church of God, who stand upon His unchanging Word. The Jews who are Esau/Edom hate the natural descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and seek their blood and the birthright. They established the present State of Israel on the blood of Semitic Israelites and Semitic Palestinians shot by the Stern and Irgun gangs (Blood in Zion, Saul Zadaka). They also hate Spiritual Israel, the true Church. Together with Rome they will martyr the 144,000 elect Israelites, and seek the blood of Christ’s Church, but She’ll have been translated before one hair of her head could suffer harm, and they will martyr the foolish virgin.

You thought this was the work of Englishmen, didn’t you? You were Wrong! It was the work of Esau/Edom hiding behind the British Flag, in the form of the old East India Company and similar patents. Englishmen paid the bills and lay down their lives, but Esau/Edom organized the wicked rape and pillage, and they made the profits. They still make the profits. Whom do you think benefits when the US bullies Iraq or some other country? Certainly not US electors. America was silent when it was reported to the UN and on NBC in 1948, that the Zionists had bacteriological laboratories in Palestine, and that Jews had confessed to poisoning the Gaza water supply with typhoid and dysentery germs. Yet the world is «outraged» when Iraq is found to have similar weaponry purchased from the United States. What about China, Britain, Israel, Russia, France, or the US itself? The beneficiaries are Esau/Edom from the City of London whose minions staff the US Administration, whose masters manufactured and sold the biological agents and other «weapons of mass destruction» to Saddam’s Iraq.

Behind the scenes of the warfare and national rivalries witnessed in the pages of history is the hatred between the Edomite Jews and Rome who have fought for dominion, like Esau and Jacob, since the days of the Caesars. Modern European history has little to do with the British, Italians, French, Germans, or Russians, etc., Rather is it the out-working of the Learned Elders of Zion, seeking world dominion for which they will pay any price.

Bible believers know that «time» will not continue. One day very soon these people whose economies are presently being raped by the IMF and World Bank in order to recoup the losses of the International Bankers and to transfer their assets from paper to real wealth, will turn the tables and manifest that they are the «Kings of the East» (Revelation 16:12).

Now listen to this: In 1934 Prince Lowenstein wrote, «For the New Germany for which we are fighting is founded on its mission of universal service . . . the beginning of the Reich . . . dates from the time when the Roman Empire united all the barbarous tribes . . . Hence the foundations are Roman and will remain so until the end of time . . . a unified worldwide Reich . . . those who fail to understand the real history of the Roman symbol are constantly misunderstanding its significance . . the effects of which will appear anew in the future — «The Holy Germano-Roman Empire» . . . there is thus a fraternal relationship between the Roman and German state-ideas . . . young Germans enlisted in enormous numbers in the Roman legions . . . Even the Caesarean world empire was strongly influenced by German forces; in Gaul, as well as in the East against Pompey, Germans won the victories for the Roman eagles. . . . If only our voice could be joined with that of the Vatican, which today forms the one point of stability in the general madness . . . ‘Catholics of all lands — unite!’ is the challenge that must precede the approaching revolution in the West. This Protestantism was the real forerunner of atheism and is guilty of having forced millions out of the Christian community» (Lowenstein, After Hitler’s Fall, 1-4; 12:3; 53; 194:5).

Lion is Judah, the Lamb is Israel, united in Jerusalem

Lion is Judah, the Lamb is Israel, united in Jerusalem

We just need to throw out the impostors, killers and barbarians first.

Rune Larsen – Jerusalem

Relevant reading

How fake Jews, the Edomites and Khazars, hijacked ‘Israel’

How fake Jews, the Edomites and Khazars, hijacked ‘Israel’

Evidence of real Israel in Bible Prophesy, and end times Holocaust

Evidence of real Israel in Bible Prophesy, and end times Holocaust

Lion is Judah, the Lamb is Israel, united in Jerusalem

Lion is Judah, the Lamb is Israel, united in Jerusalem

Only Love can Light the Mirror of the Soul

Only Love can Light the Mirror of the Soul

In memory of Pastor Richard Wurmbrand

In memory of Pastor Richard Wurmbrand

Christlike Spiritual War against Anti-Christ

Christlike Spiritual War against Anti-Christ

Moses Mordecai Marx Levy; The Jewish Maschiach?

Moses Mordecai Marx Levy; Jødenes messias?

Trotsky torture squad

European Rabbis Demand Laws Banning All Criticism of Fake Jews (Satanists protects their lies and deceptions by Law)

Britain’s Jewish Royal Family

«Britain’s Royal Family; Christian or Jewish?» (Mehr News-Iran)

Queen Elizabeth II — A Daughter of Destiny!

Original Here

Is The British Royal Family Secretly Jewish?

Timeline Of The Jewish Genocide Of The British People

Historian H.G. Wells states, «. . . the Idumeans (Edomites) were . . . made Jews, . . . and a Turkish people (Khazars) were mainly Jews in South Russia . . . The main part of Jewry never was in Judea and had never come out of Judea» (The Outline of History, 3rd Edition., p 494). According to The Jewish Encyclopedia (Vol. IV, (1905), p 3), the original stock of the Khazars came from the land of Edom. (.)

«The British Royal family are a subset of the Rothschild family and the Rothschilds control all the wars and finances of the British monarchy. The British Royal family declare war as soon as the Rothschilds have completed their preparations. This makes for huge profits.»

1925: This year’s Jewish Encyclopaedia, states of the existence of Ashkenazi Jews (who represent approximately 90% of so-called world Jewry), with the startling admission that the so-called enemy of the Jews, Esau (also known as Edom, see Genesis 36:1), now actually represents the Jewish race, when on page 42 of Volume V it is stated, “Edom is in modern Jewry.” So what they’re basically saying is that these Ashkenazi Jews, who represent 90% of the so-called Jewish population, are actually of the tribe God hates (Malachi 1:3; Romans 9:13).

«The King of the Jews will rule the world from London where the ‘square mile’ of London City no longer belongs to the English people but was long ago sold to the Jews. However, the Talmud states that the leader of the world Jewish takeover would be a King, meaning that should a male Jew ascend to the throne such a King would then himself not only be the senior Elder of Zion but also the long awaited Messiah; The King of the Jews. As there are no remnants of the ancient Jewish royalty, and in order to fulfil the prophesy, Jewish royalty must be re-established, and it appears from this evidence that the current British Royal family has become the vehicle of choice.»

Jonathan Williams recorded in his «LEGIONS OF SATAN,» 1781, that General Cornwallis revealed to Washington that «a holy war will now begin on America, and when it is ended America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown.» Cornwallis went on to explain what would seem to be a self contradiction:

«Your churches will be used to teach the Jew’s religion and in less than two hundred years the whole nation will be working for divine world government. That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry.»

«At the turn of the twentieth century there appeared the Scofield Bible with a Jewish interpretation of the prophecies. With wide use of this «helpful» aid all the American churches have silently become synagogues. We now have Baptist Jews, Methodist Jews, Church of God Jews, apostate Catholic Jews, and many Protestant Jews throughout America. We are aliens in our own country because of false religion. All are praying for divine deliverance into that «Divine Government» which Cornwallis knew to be the British Empire. – Speach given by Senator Joseph McCarthy, six months before his mouth was closed forever.

He should have told the public they have hijacked the Lost Tribes of Israels British monarchy also, as all else monarchy’s is related to.

Esau was carnal, putting the materialistic and carnal (food) before the spiritual… even before God, and Gods demand for righteousness.

«We are warned not to be a profane person like Esau, who for one morsel of food sold his birthright” (verse 16).»

Some of Judah and also from tribes of Israel must be involved, because they are what God says in the Bible “kills their Prophets” sent them to correct their ways. For sure the tribe of Dan is involved in the occult. The Prophets was not for the Khazars, or the edomites and kenites (goyim/Serpent-seed). This is the last thing they do before their final fall. Always in Bible history it was like this.

«Esau joined with the evil race of Cain.» – » the race of Edom which Rome expelled from Palestine in 70 A.D.; who migrated to Spain (becoming Sephardim) and to eastern Russia (Khazaria & later becoming Ashkenaz).»


Many might mistakenly think and believe the British and other European monarchy is of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel (British Israelism), They are not, they are impostors, identity thieves, cheaters and liars. When the Commonwealth of the Israelites was doing good in all the nations the so-called colonies under their leadership it prospered, and they did what they SHOULD do, be a Light for The Nations, when the Edomites and Khazars (askeNazis) took over after the coup d’état and ruled for looting via the East India Company, Central Bank usury and alike, it all went down.

The current English royal Oldenburg family and Scandinavian Bernadotte, which are root to many other nations royals, are Edomites (fake jews, spirit of Edom is called Red Plague, ref. the same peoples communism by Satanist Rabbi Karl Mordechai Marx Levy, and the monarchies cousin Baron Rothschild, Red Shield his name means), came from Black Nobility / Merchants of Venice. The original family name, Guelph, and they were brought to power in England by the Prince of Hannover. This is of course not accidental. Look at the Holy Roman Empire. 200 years later did the same dynasty put another family to power, it was Bauer family who were to become Rothschild. All the time since they select their puppet politicians (they are selected, not elected), in all nations under their dominion.

The Canaanite political parties were the Pharisees, Sadducees, Zealots, Essains, Assissins, Herodians, and Scribes. A later group, the Edomites, descended from Esau and later intermarried with the Turks, producing a Turco- Edomite mixture which later became known as the Chazars, the present occupants of Israel, according to the great Jewish scholar, Arthur Koestler.
– Eustace Mullins, Curse of Canaan, page 19

If we are doing like Jesus Christ told as to do; Know them by their fruits, than this people is NOT Israelites..nor from Judah.

In 1714 the Hanoverian Royal Family were invited by the City of London to be the British Royal Family , the Hanoverian Royal Family later changed their family name to Windsor.
The Hanoverian Royal Family were originally a jewish family that claimed to have converted to Christianity in the 15th Century.
The Sovereign Bible that all British Kings and Queens use at their Coronation has been in Hebrew since 1714.
All British Monarchs have to attend secret ceremonies at the Bevis Marks Synagogue (established 1701) in the City of London the night before their Coronation , these ceremonies are always attended by Britains’ senior jews and bankers.

Crypto-Jews pretending to be Christians
«Circumcision by the Mohel of London is an oddity of the Royal Family. Quite bizarre that the male patron of the world’s largest protestant church is circumcised by a rabbi in a Jewish ceremony. Diana didn’t allow William or Harry to be circumcised. They were circumcised though as adults after her death.»

‘Circumcision is one of the oddities of the Royal Family’

«All through history there would be conflict between the sons of Jacob, or «Israel,» and the sons of Esau, his wicked older brother. The Bible tells us that Esau was a violent man, a famous hunter, who «despised his birthright» (Gen.25:34). Esau was a very capable man, and had great abilities, but Isaac gave the birthright promises of national greatness and power to Jacob instead (Gen.27:20-30). Ever since that time, the descendants of Esau have hated and despised the descendants of Jacob, or «Israel.»

Who is modern day «Esau» or «Edom» in terms of Biblical prophecy?
Where are the descendants of the brother of Jacob located today? Is there a connection between Esau and the peoples of Spain, Italy, Rome, and the Germans of Central Europe? What happened to the descendants of the brother of Jacob? Here is the astonishing story of the titanic struggle and rivalry between Esau and Jacob down through the ages, and what is prophesied for them in the “End of Days”!
William F. Dankenbring

The hate and despise is alive and well. Remember when they implement police state and tyrannical measures in our societies they do it to protect themselves, their fortunes, money and power base, not us.


So headlines like this in the Truth movement is not completely true, although well intended and with lots of good information about the Serpent-seed’s whereabouts. They are NOT Jewish, they are Edomites, No connection to Jacobs/Israels seedline at all. Probably also none to tribe of Judah. You will know them from their fruits. None of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel’s religion is Judaism. They have NO use of a Synagogue (of Satan, as per Revelation 2.9 & 3.9). They are Christian. The Serpent-seed hates Christianity, and want to see it eradicated from our nations, by different means, be under the banner of multiculturalism, political ‘neutrality’, or others. There is no neutrality. A society is ruled by God or Satan (if it is void of God).

The Truth About The So Called British «Royal Family»: They are ALL Jews!

Is The British Royal Family Secretly Jewish?

This one is more accurate

Edomites, Zionism and the Counterfeit Jews of the British Monarchy
«In every nation, in every major event, the Edomite Jews have been behind it. Edomite Jews control the White House. To do this successfully, they have helped to promote the idea that the synagogue of Satan (Revelation 2:9 & 3:9) – those who say they are Jews and are not, are the real «Israel», in order to draw attention away from themselves. When for the most part, these so-called Jews are actually Idumeans (from Esau/Edom), Ashkenazi (Genesis 10:2, 3) & Khazars.»

«Genesis 25 records that Rebekah bore Isaac paternal twin sons, Esau, whose name was changed to Edom, and Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel. While still in the womb the two sons of Isaac «struggled together within her.» Yahweh explained this rivalry to Rebekah:
…Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder [Esau] shall serve the younger [Jacob]. (Genesis 25:23)»

Instead the elder (Esau) took the power, and let’s the younger (Jacob) serve them. This is in the Bible terms as the time of ‘Jacob’s Trouble’. They are really heading for a gigantic fall. They are Satanists of an extreme grade, contrary to all requirements and commands of God Himself. My oh my, I am glad I am not in their shoes.
They are not human

«Esau and Jacob, the grandsons of Abraham were twin brothers, presumably born with the same bloodline. However, Esau married two Canaanite women in violation of Yahweh’s law. In doing this, Esau’s line became contaminated, because among the Canaanites, who were the progeny of Satan and the Fallen Angels, the evil bloodline thrived and coalesced. Subsequently, Esau’s descendants would carry the demon seed of Lucifer and transmit it widely.»

The Royal families of Edom/Esau and askeNazis (from Japheth/Gomer bloodline) will never feel at ease co-habitate with the Tribes of Israel, and always more secure with immigrants and outsiders, like their best days in Babylon, and also not to forget the aspect of divide and conquer the societies they are monarchs for. When the ‘Jews’ is mentioned in the following, it is as per the mainstream definition, and means the fake Jews; Edomites/sons of Esau.

AskeNazis = Nazis

«Some thirty years after the Exodus, Ramses III «smote the people of Seir.» The Israelites could not have been far off. We first hear of war between Israel and Edom under Saul (1 Samuel 14:47). David prosecuted the war with terrific energy, slaying 18,000 Edomites (so read instead of «Syrians») in the Valley of Salt (2 Samuel 8:13) ; Joab remaining for six months in the country, which was garrisoned by Israelites, «until he had cut off every male in Edom» (1 Kings 11:15). Hadad of the blood royal of Edom escaped to Egypt, and later became a source of trouble to Solomon (1 Kings 11:14,25)
Idumaea and the Idumeans:
West of the `Arabah the country they occupied came to be known by the Greek name Idumaea, and the people as Idumeans. Hebron, their chief city, was taken by Judas Maccabeus in 165 BC (1 Macc 4:29,61; 5:65). In 126 BC the country was subdued by John Hyrcanus, who compelled the people to become Jews and to submit to circumcision. Antipater, governor of Idumaea, was made procurator of Judea, Samaria and Galilee by Julius Caesar. He paved the way to the throne for his son Herod the Great. With the fall of Judah under the Romans, Idumaea disappears from history».

They became the ‘Jews’, the wanderers, the vagabonds (Obadiah 1:10, Genesis 4:12, Genesis 4:14, Hosea 9:17)

«10 Because of the violence against your brother Jacob, you will be covered with shame; you will be destroyed forever». – Obadiah 1:10

NEVER thrust Esaus Sons, of the Serpent-seed;

Edomite Treaty Betrayal in the Sixth Century BCE

It is Stuart and the Habsburgs as those coming from the «meeting» in Ireland … Cromwell, War of the Roses which was followed relatively shortly after the establishment of the Bank of England.

Cromwell (25. april 1599 – 3. september 1658) as we know, was the one letting the fake Jews back into Great Britain, after they was forbidden to enter. As they was in my homecountry Norway.

Resettlement of the Jews in England

Oliver Cromwell

The Old SATANIC Conspiracy British & Israel World Federation ties

Satanists hijacking The Ten Lost Tribes of Israels birthright, by killing off the real English monarchy.

«In 1290, King Edward I of England issued an edict expelling all Jews from England. Three hundred and fifty years later, the situation was reconsidered.» – Wiki


The freemasonry of B’nai Brith seal and the Star of Rephan (they call it Star of David, what it is NOT! – occultists lies) on the belt of the nurse. If it was this nurse or another but one of them was later found dead in her quarters. Just what did nurse Jacintha Saldanha see that led to her possible murder? The ‘Royals’ according to Lady Diana’s last words «They are not human!’. The best ones of their own breed they kill; Diana… She protested her own breed, by opposing their agenda. What a shock it must have been for them.

Following the Rothschild protocol of interbreeding to keep the power and wealth all-in-the-family, Diana’s alleged half brother Ben Goldsmith wed Kate Rothschild in 2003.

I have not always understood it, but Diana maybe was a light to the World, IF she really opposed her own, and actually laid down her life for good, if she didn’t want to participate in her family’s murders, usury and additional sins. Prince Charles have stated many years ago that if he would never take the oath to the crown that demands he uphold the Christian faith. ELIZABETH II D.G.REG.F.D.’ The Stuarts she allegedly belongs to was of another lineage (some says Merovingian Branch of the Scottish Stuart lineage and Cainitic, with her symbol being a Red Seashell [denoting the Quinotaur; Satan] that is colored red to symbolize the Mark of Cain itself). It stands for: ‘Elizabeth II Dei Gratia Regina Fidei Defensor.’ These words are in Latin and they mean: ‘Elizabeth II, by the Grace of God, Queen, Defender of the Faith’. On the coronation the Regent also QE2 pledge: «.. to maintain the «Protestant reformed religion by law established«. On a false Coronation Stone. Prince Charles refuse this all along. It is now time for he edomite satanists to enter into the open with their agenda.


Is The British Royal Family Secretly Jewish?

Timeline Of The Jewish Genocide Of The British People




Always Name The Jew – Exposing Jewish Crypsis Infiltration Tactics

Jewish Crypsis 101: The Name Game

European Royals are ALL Jews

Name the Jew If You’re True

Trump is a Crypto (Closet) Jew

Vladimir Putin Is a Jew

The Jewish Paradox – Imposter Hebrews


Forbidden Biblical Anthropology:

The Table of Nations: Biblical & Historical Fact


Lineages of Adam

The Lineages of Man and Nephilim
Beyond The Pale Origins: Caucasians – The First Men

Lineages of Noah

The Sons of Shem – The Caucasian Peoples of Europe
The Descendants of Japheth

Lineages of Ham & The Fallen Angels

The Descendants of Ham – Cushites, Canaanites. Blacks & Jews.
Sons of Cush – The Black Tribes of Man
The Nephilim Tribes of Canaanites, Edomites, Amalekites (Jews)
The Will of Canaan
The Jewish Paradox – Imposter Hebrews
JEW OR JUDAH? The Original Manuscripts Never Used The Word ‘Jew’
The Satanic Star of Judaism (Remphan) – David Had NO Star
–European Royals are ALL from Edom/Esau/Canaan (aka ‘Jews’)


Lineages of Abraham

Sons of Ishmael – Modern Arabs
The True Hebrew Israelites – The Caucasian Race (The Lost Tribes of Israel)
About Christian Identity


In case you missed it:

Primordial Truth: Mapping the Rabbit Holes – Know Everything!

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