The Tomb of Gilgamesh – Nimrod – Osiris – Apollo
The Tomb of Gilgamesh – Nimrod – Osiris – Apollo
The Tomb of Baal/Gilgamesh/Osiris/Moloch – Nimrod. Summary
9/11, the Birth of Yeshua and the Omega Plan to raise the Antichrist
Gilgamesh Tomb Believed Found
![Tomb of Osiris Nimrod](
Archaeologists in Iraq believe they may have found the lost tomb of King Gilgamesh – the subject of the oldest “book” in history.
![Gilgamesh Tomb Believed Found](
The Epic Of Gilgamesh – written by a Middle Eastern scholar 2,500 years before the birth of Christ – commemorated the life of the ruler of the city of Uruk, from which Iraq gets its name.
Now, a German-led expedition has discovered what is thought to be the entire city of Uruk – including, where the Euphrates once flowed, the last resting place of its famous King.
“I don’t want to say definitely it was the grave of King Gilgamesh, but it looks very similar to that described in the epic,” Jorg Fassbinder, of the Bavarian department of Historical Monuments in Munich, told the BBC World Service’s Science in Action programme.
In the book – actually a set of inscribed clay tablets – Gilgamesh was described as having been buried under the Euphrates, in a tomb apparently constructed when the waters of the ancient river parted following his death.
“We found just outside the city an area in the middle of the former Euphrates river¿ the remains of such a building which could be interpreted as a burial,” Mr. Fassbinder said.
He said the amazing discovery of the ancient city under the Iraqi desert had been made possible by modern technology.
“By differences in magnetisation in the soil, you can look into the ground,” Mr. Fassbinder added.
“The difference between mudbricks and sediments in the Euphrates river gives a very detailed structure.”
This creates a magnetogram, which is then digitally mapped, effectively giving a town plan of Uruk.
‘Venice in the desert’
“The most surprising thing was that we found structures already described by Gilgamesh,” Mr. Fassbinder stated.
![Gilgamesh Tomb Believed Found2](
“We covered more than 100 hectares. We have found garden structures and field structures as described in the epic, and we found Babylonian houses.”
But he said the most astonishing find was an incredibly sophisticated system of canals.
“Very clearly, we can see in the canals some structures showing that flooding destroyed some houses, which means it was a highly developed system.
“[It was] like Venice in the desert.”
Original HERE
The Rulers of Darkness plan to use this body to resurrect their unholy King, Nimrod. Who is essentially the antichrist, the Son of Perdition, the destroyer. The Man of Many Names.
![Rulers of Darkness - Resurrection of Nimrod Goal](
Excerpt from Game Over – The End Times Mapping Project – God Wins In The End (And We Prove It)
So, here we have all seven (most likely) candidates from history. These are the seven heads of the Beast. But notice the next verse, that very few Bible scholars ever seem to pay much attention to:
And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven…
It says that the Beast that was, and is not (and yet shall be) is the EIGHTH who is OF the SEVEN. Actually, the terminology of “was and is NOT and yet shall be” is mentioned a few times in Revelation 17. I believe this is there for those who “have wisdom” to take notice. First of all, it is the antithesis of the description for Jesus in the first few chapters as the One who “was and IS and is to come.” Second, it fits the numerous beliefs of the ancient world concerning their dying and resurrecting sun god. (Nimrod is the basis for the dying and resurrecting solar deity myths – Such as Horus, Isis, Osiris, or Semramsis, Nimrod, Tammuz in truth, (many names post Babel.) But the fact that Revelation 17:11 says that he is “of the seven” means the last and most (in)famous Anti-Christ has to be one of the seven listed above… and will probably embody the traits of all of them combined!
Now, if we look at the description of Revelation 13 again, we find that this individual had a mortal head wound that was miraculously healed. So, looking at the list above, we need to ask which of these had a mortal head wound?
1. Nimrod – Yes!
2. Pharaoh of Egypt – No!
3. Sennacherib (king of Assyria) – No!
4. King of Tyre – No!
5. Antiochus Epiphanes – No!
6. Nero – Yes! (sort of) It is said that he stabbed himself in the throat.
7. Trump? No
But for the sake of argument, let’s say we have 2 out of 7 who fit that description:
1. Nimrod
2. Nero
Now, which of those three is an Assyrian who has any connection to Babylon? Only Two. Nimrod & Sennacherib (sorta.)
Note: While Sennacherib was indeed an Assyrian, he never had a mortal wound to the head.
See: Tomb of Nephilim Giant Gilgamesh Found & Hillary Asks for Access to His Resurrection/Rejuvenation Technology in Leaked Emails & The Tomb of Gilgamesh – Nimrod – Osiris – Apollo
No person in the recorded history of this planet fits ALL descriptions for the Anti-Christ better than Nimrod. And if we were to apply Occam’s razor, “the simplest explanation is more likely the correct one” to this analysis, I believe the results would speak for themselves. So, we can forget any and all notions, theories and/or ideas regarding any current political figure walking this earth. Obama is not the Anti-Christ. Neither is Ahmadinejad, Osama bin Laden, Putin, Prince William or anyone else. No other actor on the world stage fits the part better then Nimrod.
Perhaps the biggest and most recent revelation concerning Nimrod as the Anti-Christ is the “coincidence?” concerning his “percentages” as a god-man.
“This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.” – Revelation 13:18 (NIV) [emphasis mine]
Notice how the Epic of Gilgamesh states that he was 2/3 god and 1/3 man. Right there you have two extremely important number percentages. One third is (approximately) 33.3%. In the Illuminati and in Secret Societies in general, 33 is a signifacant number. Now, as to Nimrod/Gilgamesh’s other percentage, you probably already know where I’m going with it. Yes. Two-thirds. If we “calculate the number of the beast” with that “insight” in mind we end up with approximately 66.6% or 666!
See Post: Baal – Deified Deep State Transhumanist Satanist NWO God-King Nimrod – Man of Many Names
All right, let’s bring it all together now. We’ve already built a case for worldwide worship of this man by many other names. He was considered a “god-man” by many cultures. Part god – part man? Hmmmm. Where have we heard that before? Jesus Christ is both God and man. Both were called “the King of kings and Lord of lords.” Both have a cross as a symbol. Both are known as a dying and resurrecting figure (though Nimrod has yet to do so). One is the Christ. One is the Anti-Christ… whose “god-number” just so happens to calculate out to 666.
Earlier, I promised to show you something directly from the lips of Jesus that I believe proves all of what I am saying here is true. Consider Matthew 24:24-28 where Jesus says,
“For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before. (In other words, PAY ATTENTION!) Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not. For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.” (KJV)
Notice Jesus says, “Behold, I have told you before.” Backing up to verse 23 it says:
“Then if anyone tells you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah,’ or ‘There he is,’ don’t believe it. For false messiahs and false prophets will rise up and perform great signs and wonders so as to deceive, if possible, even God’s chosen ones. See, I have warned you about this ahead of time.”
In other words, I believe Jesus is saying, “PAY ATTENTION! This is serious guys! Even YOU could be deceived by what is going to happen!”
He then mentions the desert. Gilgamesh was found in the desert.
Is it a coincidence that the 2003 Gulf War started 1 month after Gilgamesh’s Tomb was found? Something sinister may have happened. If governments were transparent enough, they should have informed the public about everything found in the tomb. The notion that the operation was undertaken to overthrow Saddam Hussein’s government and liberate the Iraqi people is a fallacy.
He mentions “the secret chambers.” The Tomb of Osiris was found and it most certainly was/is a secret chamber. Click Here for some more interesting information and videos about this find.
But the last statement Jesus says makes no sense at all in any other context. He says,
“For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.”
The correct translation is “eagles.” But some translators of modern versions of the Bible changed the word to “vultures” due to the apparent assumption that eagles don’t go after dead things (i.e. a carcase). As a bird of prey, they are known for hunting living things – though I have been informed by a number of bird watchers, that eagles are also scavengers and they do indeed go after dead things as well. Regardless, at least on the surface, it would appear that modern translators changed the Scripture to match their flawed understanding concerning the “bird” and the carcase. The truth is, Jesus knew exactly what He was saying (imagine that)! And I believe He prophetically looked forward in time and saw “eagles” gathered around a very specific corpse.
The eagle has been the emblem of choice for nearly every major world empire on this planet, past and present. The eagle is of course the national symbol for America.
Some of our elite military units proudly display the eagle in various places on their combat uniforms. Colonels wear the eagle on their shoulders and the eagle is also prominently displayed on the hat, collar, chest, shoulders and buttons of our military’s dress uniforms.
Americans proudly display their blessed eagle all over the place! From our currency to our national seal, government buildings, monuments, the uniforms our soldiers wear, motorcycles, flags, flag poles… you simply can not escape the American Eagle imagery.
Therefore, is it any wonder that Jesus described “eagles” when He looked forward in time and described what He saw concerning the (revival of the) one who would claim to be the savior of the world in the Last Days?
Why were America’s (eagle wearing) soldiers in Iraq (Babylon!?) And we went there one month after supposedly finding the tomb of Gilgamesh!
At prophecy meetings, people always like to ask, “Where is America in prophecy?” After all we are (at least at the time of this writing) the world’s “super power” nation. Should we not imagine that America would therefore be mentioned in prophecies concerning the Last Days? Especially if we are to believe we are now in those Last Days (or rapidly approaching them)? The usual assumption is that something knocks America out of that “super power” status and thus we are not a relevant player in the End Times scenario. While I will grant that could be a possibility, I believe a stronger case can be made for America’s role in the Last Days being depicted in that passage of Matthew 24:24-28. Unfortunately, if this is true, that means we are not playing on the right team. Because the implication then is that America is busy resurrecting the Anti-Christ and setting up his future empire! I will elaborate on that later in the section called, “The Omega Plan.”
This conclusion sounds harsh I know. But considering the Masonic (occult) roots of our nation’s founding, the layout of our government’s capital city, the NUMEROUS monuments and statues that glorify Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek and Roman deities and all that has happened since 9/11 to set up a New World Order, it’s hard not to come to that conclusion.
Let me pause for a moment here and encourage you not to question my Patriotism. Just because I am pointing out facts that are hard to accept concerning our nation, that does not mean I am anti-America. I love my countrymen, but not our corrupt and unholy pedophile government.
I’ve served my country for the past 6 years on the front lines of the information war as a digital supersoldier and citizen journalist. Numerous of my ancestors fought during our revolutionary war to free us from tyranny. I’ve lost much after making this stand. Though I never had to see combat (thank God), I was willing to lay my life down to protect this country (and still am) if need be. . So, again I say, I love this country and please do not question my Patriotism. But just because I love this country, that does not mean I agree with everything our government does or has done in the past.
For a better understanding of where I am coming from, and before you are tempted to crucify me for making such statements as those made regarding our country’s founding and her on-going involvement with all things concerning Osiris/Nimrod, I highly recommend that you watch the following two movies by film maker Chris Pinto:
The New Atlantis
Riddles in Stone
Through these two videos, I believe Chris Pinto has done a magnificent job of exposing America’s role in the “End Game.”
I believe I’ve made a solid case for Nimrod being the first and most certainly the last Anti-Christ. I will therefore conclude this section with a quote from Peter Goodgame’s “Assyrian” article:
Following the successful American invasion of Iraq, and subsequent occupation, there are many Bible scholars who are looking at the end-times prophecies of this region with renewed interest. Many of them believe that the Bible predicts the literal re-building of Babylon—the “great harlot” of Revelation 17:1—along the banks of the Euphrates River. They follow along with the views of Arthur W. Pink who, in 1923 in his comprehensive study of the Antichrist, pointed to Zechariah 5:5-11 which speaks of the habitation of a wicked woman being established “in the land of Shinar.” Will ancient Babylon be rebuilt in the last days and somehow emerge in control of the political and economic structures of the world in fulfillment of Revelation 17-18?
Of course now that the US Military controls Iraq we can be sure that if a rebuilt Babylon does emerge it will happen only through the support of the US Government!
Genesis 3:15 – The Seed War – Nephilim v Man
Jasher 27:1-12 – Note also the awesome connection here to Genesis 25:29-34:
1 And Esau at that time, after the death of Abraham, frequently went in the field to hunt.
2 And Nimrod king of Babel, the same was Amraphel, also frequently went with his mighty men to hunt in the field, and to walk about with his men in the cool of the day.
3 And Nimrod was observing Esau all the days, for a jealousy was formed in the heart of Nimrod against Esau all the days.
4 And on a certain day Esau went in the field to hunt, and he found Nimrod walking in the wilderness with his two men.
5 And all his mighty men and his people were with him in the wilderness, but they removed at a distance from him, and they went from him in different directions to hunt, and Esau concealed himself for Nimrod, and he lurked for him in the wilderness.
6 And Nimrod and his men that were with him did not know him, and Nimrod and his men frequently walked about in the field at the cool of the day, and to know where his men were hunting in the field.
7 And Nimrod and two of his men that were with him came to the place where they were, when Esau started suddenly from his lurking place, and drew his sword, and hastened and ran to Nimrod and cut off his head.
8 And Esau fought a desperate fight with the two men that were with Nimrod, and when they called out to him, Esau turned to them and smote them to death with his sword.
9 And all the mighty men of Nimrod, who had left him to go to the wilderness, heard the cry at a distance, and they knew the voices of those two men, and they ran to know the cause of it, when they found their king and the two men that were with him lying dead in the wilderness.
10 And when Esau saw the mighty men of Nimrod coming at a distance, he fled, and thereby escaped; and Esau took the valuable garments of Nimrod, which Nimrod’s father had bequeathed to Nimrod, and with which Nimrod prevailed over the whole land, and he ran and concealed them in his house.
11 And Esau took those garments and ran into the city on account of Nimrod’s men, and he came unto his father’s house wearied and exhausted from fight, and he was ready to die through grief when he approached his brother Jacob and sat before him.
12 And he said unto his brother Jacob, Behold I shall die this day, and wherefore then do I want the birthright? And Jacob acted wisely with Esau in this matter, and Esau sold his birthright to Jacob, for it was so brought about by the Lord.
Babylon, Babel & the Assembly of Gods
The Rulers of Darkness – The Illuminati’s Greatest Secrets Revealed
Seed War – Dead Sea Scrolls Reveal The Secrets of the End Times & The Mystery Religion of The Deep State
Clinton Emails – FOIA – Nimrod/Gilgamesh/Nephilim and a Resurrection Chamber?
The “Nimrod” Tree – “NIMROD” – The LORD of Christmas
Christmas – A Pagan Infiltration of Christianity – Has Nothing To Do with Christ
Baal – Deified Deep State Transhumanist Satanist NWO God-King Nimrod – Man of Many Names
The Alien Deception – Alchemically Resurrecting the Ancient Gods
The First Shall Be Last – Nimrod the Antichrist
Tomb of Nephilim Giant Gilgamesh Found & Hillary Asks for Access to His Resurrection/Rejuvenation Technology in Leaked Emails
The Tomb of Gilgamesh – Nimrod – Osiris – Apollo
The Man of Sin – Of the Coming of the Antichrist, the Son of Perdition
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