Lord of The Rings Fantastical Mirroring of The Christian Bible

Virtually every myth, fantasy novel, or children’s fable you’ve ever heard are in essence, twisted perspectives of the Book of Genesis. Most often told from the perspective of the Bad guys. the Nephilim and their Forsaken fallen angel parents, the Watchers.

Let’s explore this one: The Lord of The Rings borrows from the Book of Genesis too!

Every story you’ve ever heard goes back to the Bible, somehow.

Tolkien wrote of Two trees, lost paradise, fallen angels, the lust of political power, and of a twisted species of tortured unclean spirits who waged a genetic war against all peoples of middle earth.



Elves (How Jews see themselves)

Elves represent their false self image of pre Flood high tech societies Numenoreans the preflood lifespans of the people of Noahs time and before. The Silmarils represent the duality of the knowledge of the tree of good and evil and the lust for the tree of immortal life. By taking of both the Fruit of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and The Tree of Immortal Life – One would be locked in evil/sin for ever.

Like Jews /Nephilim  – Elven spirits linger after death, and can eventually resurrect.

Orcs (Remnant Nephilim)

Orcs are the devolved Nephilim remnant, the Jews. Twisted impressions of elves, which are the first orcs in a sense, magical bloodline, immortality.


The Maiar (Angelic Caste)

Wizards (Istari), Sauron, Balrogs, and in most interpretations Tom Bombadil all fall into these spiritual beings.

Fallen Maiar became Balrogs or Sauron-like sorcerous entities, the Valar. Parallels of Satan (Sauron) and Shemiyazah (Morgoth) creator of Orcs. (Jews) or Morgoth as Satan and Sauron as Nimrod, builder of towers and world government.


Sauron – Nimrod, the tower builder.

Sauron & His Tower could represent Nimrod, and the one eye all seeing eye of Ra that is Nimrod’s hallmark in ANY Babeled tongue – The man of many names!

(Note: The ACTUAL “Lord of the Rings” is Saturn/Satan/Gadreel?)


The Valar (the Gods)

The leaders of the forsaken fallen angel Watchers. Shemiyazah the captain of the Fallen Watchers would be in some ways similar to the Morgoth figure, Sauron’s former boss.


Morgoth (Parallel) Shemiyazah – Captain of the Watchers (Imprisoned for Creating Orcs/Nephilim/Jews)


The Two Trees of Valinor

The Two Trees of Eden


Gollum – Talmudic Golem

Gollum is about Talmudic Golems – Brainwashed Avengers/Enforcers



Lord of The Rings Fantastical Mirroring of The Christian Bible

The Multiple Personalities of History – One Story, Many “Babbled” Versions

Game of Thrones Fantastical Mirroring of The Christian Bible (As ALL MYTHS Are!)