Aliens: The Bene Ha Elohim – The Sons of God (The Fallen Angel “Watchers”)

Bene Ha Elohim – The Sons of God (Aka, The Watchers – Fallen Angels)

The Watchers


His-Story #4 – The Invasion of The Watchers, Secrets & The Seed Of The Serpent. (Genesis 6)


The Return of The Forsaken Watchers of Genesis 6 – Angels Posing as Aliens

Demons are Dead Jews & Nephilim – “Unclean Spirits” Come from “Corrupted Flesh”

The Mount Hermon Mystery – Did Sir Charles Warren Find Proof Of The Fallen Angels?

Alien Deception – Scientism Is the Base


Aliens are Fallen Angels
Aliens are Fallen Angels


For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

~Ephesians 6:12

For we wreftle not againft flefh and blood, but againft *principalities, againft powers, and againft the WORLDLIE GOUERNOUR, the princes of the darkenes of this worlde, agaift fpiritual wickedneffes, whech are in the hie places.

~Ephesians 6:12, Geneva Bible 1560 


And it shall come to pass in that day, that the LORD shall punish[a] the host of the high ones that are on high, and the kings of the earth upon the earth. 22 And they shall be gathered together, as prisoners are gathered in the pit, and shall be shut up in the prison, and after many days shall they be visited.

~Isaiah 24:21-22


Concerning the elect I said, and took up my parable concerning them:

The Holy Great One will come forth from His dwelling,

4 And the eternal God will tread upon the earth, (even) on Mount Sinai,

[And appear from His camp]

And appear in the strength of His might from the heaven of heavens.

5 And all shall be smitten with fear

And the Watchers shall quake,

And great fear and trembling shall seize them unto the ends of the earth.

~1 Enoch 1:3-5

They came from above, and taught mankind sciences, civilization, technology – and also Sin. Lots of Sin – so much Sin, that God chose to start anew with Noah using the Great Flood. They founded great world spanning empires through their giant, evil man-eating Nephilim offspring, such as Atlantis founded by Atlas the Titan. They taught mankind other things, too – forbidden things, like sorcery, witchcraft, and human blood sacrifice – especially that of babies.

These fallen angels created the false pagan religions of the pre-flood world, which worshipped them as the “Civilization Heroes” for bringing these poisoned gifts to mankind, and considered their Nephilim giant offspring as Gods. (One famous post flood example from Sumerian historical accounts is that of Gilgamesh, who claimed to have been 2/3 god, and 1/3 man and ruled over ancient Babylon with an iron fist of evil and tyranny. The same guy who tried to build the tower of Babel and take over heaven from God in the scriptures, under the name Nimrod (70 split names after the Babel event for every individual entity and place.)

They taught also the “smitings of the womb” (Abortion), war, vanity, and much else.

~Dead Sea Scrolls – Prophecies of Aliens Censored From Modern Bibles



The Fallen Angels descended on Mt Hermon and took unholy oaths to ‘where we go one we go all’ titled the Biqa and Akae, and inscribed it on stone. Stone which was transported in recent history in two halves to the British Museum and then disappeared. The Temple they built to protect their rock-inscribed oath of evil is called Khizar Antar – First Temple of the Fallen Angels

They created the monsters. The false religions. The secret societies weren’t secret under their rule, but open! Blood Sacrifice on the tops of pyramid temples for all to see the blood run down the white stone to the forsaken watcher gods.

In response to the incursion of the Watchers and creation of the Monstrous Nephilim Spawn of the serpent (Monsters, todays diluted ‘Jews’ a word not found in original Bibles.), we see Heaven Notice what is going on, and judgement against the forsaken watchers is pronounced.

“And as men perished, they cried, and their cry went up to heaven . . .” ~Enoch

YHWH’s judgement set the fallen angels to imprisonment until the 19th century when Aliens show up.

And began the Clash of the Titans. The Big Ones were starving. They watched their eldest children eat one another in a game of whose the bigger cannibal. It was the last thing they saw before being imprisoned in the darkness beneath the Earth.

 They want to drag us all to hell with them. And they are doing a damned efficient job. And now, at the end as Great Tribulation begins.. much of mankind is marching blindly in step towards the Abyss/Abzu while bleeting out repetitiously the words “Where we go one, we go all”


The book of the words of righteousness, and of the reprimand of the eternal Watchers in accordance 2 with the command of the Holy Great One in that vision. I saw in my sleep what I will now say with a tongue of flesh and with the breath of my mouth: which the Great One has given to men to 3 converse therewith and understand with the heart. As He has created and given to man the power of understanding the word of wisdom, so hath He created me also and given me the power of reprimanding 4 the Watchers, the children of heaven. I wrote out your petition, and in my vision it appeared thus, that your petition will not be granted unto you throughout all the days of eternity, and that judgement 5 has been finally passed upon you: yea (your petition) will not be granted unto you. And from henceforth you shall not ascend into heaven unto all eternity, and in bonds of the earth the decree 6 has gone forth to bind you for all the days of the world. And (that) previously you shall have seen the destruction of your beloved sons and ye shall have no pleasure in them, but they shall fall before 7 you by the sword. And your petition on their behalf shall not be granted, nor yet on your own: even though you weep and pray and speak all the words contained in the writing which I have 8 written.

~Enoch 14:1-8


“That the sons of God (בְּנֵ֤י הָֽאֱלֹהִים֙: benê’ʾělō·hîm) saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. […] There were giants in the earth in those days; and also afterward, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.”

~Genesis 6:2–4


82 God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods.

2 How long will ye judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked? Selah.

3 Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy.

4 Deliver the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked.

5 They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course.

6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.

7 But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes.

8 Arise, O God, judge the earth: for thou shalt inherit all nations.

~Psalm 82


“Around the beginning of the fifth century AD, the brilliant theologian Augustine of Hippo popularized a view first put forward about a hundred years earlier by Julius Africanus, the notion that the Hebrew phase Bene ha’elohim in Genesis 6:1-4 should be translated as “godly male descendants of Seth; not divine beings.” By shifting Christian thought away from taking the text at face value, Augustine put Christians on a new path, one that, to this day, leads us away from preaching and teaching that the pagan gods of the ancient world were real. It de-supernaturalizes the Bible…Ironically, this de-supernaturalization shift commenced with Jewish scholars roughly a hundred years before Julius Africanus.

The Fall of the Watchers was the dominant Jewish interpretation of Gen 6:1-4 from the second century BCE until the middle of the second century CE. It should be noted that, despite the prevalence of this interpretation for hundreds of years, in the second century CE there was a “widespread reaction in Judaism against the interpretation of bene Elohim as angels.” ..R. Simeon b. Yohai cursed anyone who thought the bene Elohim were actually “sons of God”: in his view, the expression meant “sons of judge.”

Rabbi Simeon ben Yohai was a student of the famed Rabbi Akiva, considered one of the most learned Jewish scholars and sages in history. Akiva was executed by the Romans in 135AD, following the Bar Kokhba Revolt, which might have something to do with Rabbi Simeon’s new direction. Akiva’s declaration that Simon bar Kokhba was the Messiah caused a split between Jews and Christians. Prior to this, the Nazarenes were considered a sect of Judaism and lived as part of the Jewish community. Because of the doctrinal split, Christians withdraw their support of Akiva. Rome crushed the rebellion, killing more than half a million Jews and destroying all hope for an independent Jewish state.

Thereafter, the split between Jews and Christians became irrevocable. To that end, teachings that had previously been accepted among rabbis were reversed. Most significantly, they denied the existence of a second power in heaven, usually named in the Old Testament as the Angel of YHWH. Christians understand these appearances as Christophanies – a reference to the preincarnate Jesus in the Old Testament. After the failure of Bar Kokhba’s rebellion and the perceived treason of Jewish Christians, their claim that Jesus of Nazareth was the second power in heaven could not be tolerated”

~S&D Gilbert: Giants, Gods & Dragons


Mt Hermon Hollywood
Mt Hermon Hollywood Mountain and Star Symbolism


They Landed on Unholy Mt Hermon: 33.33


The Watchers Birthed The Nephilim Giants


The Nephilim First Generation: Titans

All Flesh Had Corrupted it's Way Upon The Earth
All Flesh Had Corrupted it’s Way Upon The Earth – Click to Enlarge


Finally, God Imprisoned the Fallen Watcher Angels, as recorded in the Books of Enoch.

Unfortunately, they are now back.

They are back. The Tower of Babel has been Rebuilt atop the ruins of the Ancient Roman Abyssal Gateway to the Underworld: Apollyacum. The prophecy of the Return of the Fallen Angels, the Watchers, sometime around the 1900s, has come to pass. After centuries of brainwashing by scientism, the way has been paved for the return of the old gods as aliens, as was foretold.

These things matter to you. Fauci the Freemason is poisoning the world over these beliefs the Freemasonic Deep State writes about, has ceremonies for, commissions expensive art and statues all over capitols for, and builds temples all over the world in even remote locations (including altars) and ridicule anyone who looks into keenly as a conspiracy theorist. These victims likely include someone beloved by the vast majority who read this – I know my own dear grandmother won’t last much longer from it, and my young cousin had a heart episode after taking it for college.”

~Seed War – Dead Sea Scrolls Reveal The Secrets of the End Times & The Mystery Religion of The Deep State


“but whoever this ruler is, he opens gates in Iraq/Babylon. Through which end-times giants, Gibborim, return to the surface of the Earth as agents of God’s wrath in the end time. Noting that Isaiah ties the destruction of Iraq/Babylon with the reappearance of Gibborim in this way. And we recall how thousands of U.S. Troops on invading Iraq during the Bush administration admittedly filled U.S. containers with archaeological materials including what some have speculated to be cuneiform tablets pointing to the location of pure blooded Nephilim buried in underground caves. This is exactly where Enoch said the antideluvian Nephilim are. And it raises fascinating questions, would agencies like DARPA have interest in studying or cloning the extinct beings if they had were or had been found … could man in his arrogance revive ancient DNA revitalizing it or blending it with other living organisms in a way similar to what the watchers did in making the first Nephilim? Is this how the Raphaim, the dead Nephilim, who are viewed as squirming beneath the surface of the earth, arise – to challenge the armies of God during Armageddon? Is the factual reappearance on Earth of legendary beings verified by Isaiah who foresaw creatures such as satyrs, transgenic half men-half goats, accompanying the return of giants in the end times. Or why other apocryphal books like II Esdras 5:8 prophecy the birth of monsters for the same period of time. Some may be shocked to learn that in addition to the citations I have made, the Bible actually describes an end time confrontation between the mythological gods and Christ. “The lord will be terrible unto them, for he will famish all the gods of the earth.” says Zeph 2:11
“the lord of hosts, the god of Israel sayeth behold, I will punish the gods.” Jeremiah 46:25. Human followers of the pagan deities are also going to join in this conflict, calling upon their idols of gold and silver and brass and stone and of wood, Revelation 19:20 says. To convene their powers against the Christian God. Uniting with “unclean spirits like frogs, the spirits of devils working miracles which go forth unto the kings of the Earth to gather them to the battle of that great, to a place called in the Hebrew tongue – Armageddon. Revelation 16:13-14, 16”
~Dr Thomas Horn


Aliens Might Be Living Among Us Disguised As Humans, Harvard Study Says

“Ancient Aliens” (They Ignore Nephilim and insert Aliens/Anunnaki lol)


NASA Symbolism & UFOs as Demons not Aliens.

Biblical Witnesses (Partial)

Peter’s Take on the Watchers
Peter compares these Watchers with certain heretical teachers. Note the adjectives he uses to describe these Watchers, how the context reveals a period of time before the flood, which helped trigger the flood. What you may not realize is, he’s using imagery found in the Book of Enoch regarding these beings. Here’s Peter’s take, in 2 Peter 2:1-10Open in Logos Bible Software (if available) (emphasis added).

But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.

For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment; if he did not spare the ancient world, but preserved Noah, a herald of righteousness, with seven others, when he brought a flood upon the world of the ungodly; if by turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes he condemned them to extinction, making them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly; and if he rescued righteous Lot, greatly distressed by the sensual conduct of the wicked (for as that righteous man lived among them day after day, he was tormenting his righteous soul over their lawless deeds that he saw and heard); then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgment, and especially those who indulge in the lust of defiling passion and despise authority.

Peter not only links the sensual conduct of angels with humans to the Flood, but also to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. When you read about the people of Sodom, you’ll notice their interest in angel-human sex, and in being allied with the offspring of angel-human unions, the Rephaim.

Jude’s Take on the Watchers
Jude, the brother of Jesus, also relied on Enoch to describe the sexually immoral angels (5-7, emphasis added):

Now I want to remind you, although you once fully knew it, that Jesus, who saved a people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed those who did not believe. And the angels who did not stay within their own position of authority, but left their proper dwelling, he has kept in eternal chains under gloomy darkness until the judgment of the great day— just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire.

Jude likewise references Enoch when he writes that the offending sons of God, the “angels” are being held in chains for a future judgement, and he also links the the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah to the sexual sins of the angels.

Paul’s take
Paul even thinks about the world from this understanding. The city of Corinth had temples where temple prostitution was practiced, including supposed sexual contact between angels and humans. In 1 Corinthians 11, Paul writes that women should cover their sexual organs during worship, i.e., that they should be sexually modest.

He adds, “because of the angels” in verse 10, because Paul was concerned that women would accidentally seduce an angel and get pregnant, like what happened in Genesis 6. This would be bad, in Paul’s- and everyone else’s- eyes.



Tom Horn on Abaddon Ascending

Ancient Aliens: Biblical Proof of Alien Contact (Season 17)

Ancient Aliens: Gateways to Hell Uncovered in Volcano

Ancient Aliens: Secret Stargate in Sacred Egyptian Temple (Season 18)

Ancient Aliens: Secret Vatican Archives Contain Explosive Revelations (Season 5) Hidden History

Ancient Aliens: Terrifying Humanoids Emerge from Subterranean Realm (Season 18)


The Nature of The Adversary (The Satan)

Dead Sea Scrolls – Prophecies of Aliens Censored From Modern Bibles

Seed War – Dead Sea Scrolls Reveal The Secrets of the End Times & The Mystery Religion of The Deep State

Aliens: The Bene Ha Elohim – The Sons of God (The Fallen Angel “Watchers”)

The Alien Deception – Alchemically Resurrecting the Ancient Gods

Demons – Disembodied Nephilim Darksouls

Nephilim: TRUE STORY of Satan, Fallen Angels, Giants, Aliens, Hybrids, Elongated Skulls & Nephilim

Why Is Genesis 6:1-4 NOT Referring To The Sons of Seth?

Was Cain The Father of the Phoenicians/Canaanites?

The Cain Seedline Theory: Problems & Solutions

The Ancient Near Eastern Context for Genesis 6:1-4 – On the Origin of Watchers

The Mount Hermon-Roswell Connection (Rob Skiba) Full Movie

The Root of All Evil

Underground Aliens DUMBS Phil SCHNIEDER


Do fallen angels write music?

Didn’t we break the silenceDidn’t we fear the stormDidn’t we move the earthDidn’t we shoot for the sky
And didn’t we catch the fireAnd didn’t we call upon the spiritsAnd didn’t we fall togetherAnd didn’t we die for love
Days on the runNights in hidingHoping that you were theHealing inside me
Breathe in the sweet fire of loveI’m not afraid anymoreSweet, sweet fireI’m not aloneBreathe in the sweet fire of loveI’m not the same anymoreSweet, sweet fireSweet fire of loveSweet fire of love
Didn’t we cross new watersDidn’t we mix new bloodDidn’t we build brand new bridgesDidn’t we hold back the flood
Broken idols by the side of the roadFate didn’t fall on the side of the lawHere she comes a-shining like a lightHere she comes salvation in the night
Days on the runNights in hidingHoping that you were theHealing inside me
Breathe in the sweet fire of loveI’m not afraid anymoreSweet, sweet fireI’m not aloneBreathe in the sweet fire of loveI’m not the same anymoreSweet, sweet fireSweet fire of loveSweet fire of love
Didn’t we shine like silverDidn’t we bear the crossDidn’t we bring down the hammerDidn’t we beat on the drumDidn’t we
Days on the runHere she comes a-shining like a lightNights in hidingHere she comes salvation in the nightHoping that you were theI’m givin’ up the ghostHealing inside meI’m givin’ up the ghost
Breathe in the sweet fire of loveI’m not afraid anymoreSweet, sweet fireI’m not aloneBreathe in the sweet fire of loveI’m not the same anymoreSweet, sweet fireSweet fire of loveSweet fire of love

Genesis 6: Fallen Angels?

UNDENIABLY! – Under Construction

The LXX has very interesting things to say about the Nephilim in Genesis. The Septuagint leaves no room for debate, as the phrase bene elohim is translated as “angels of God”. These are the words Christ and His disciples would have read. It logically follows they would have believed the Nephilim to be half divine beings.

William F. Albright expressed this exact notion in his book, From the Stone Age to Christianity.

“The Israelites who heard this section (Genesis 6.2) recited unquestionably thought of intercourse between angels and women.”

The intensely spiritual Philo of Alexandria wrote a piece on the subject entitled, Concerning the Giants. He based this treatise on the Septuagint.

In his discourse, he translates the phrase exactly like the Septuagint, “angels of God”. Philo believed the word “angel” could refer to both good and bad angels, just as the word “soul” applies both to good and evil beings.

Philo argued that the story in Genesis 6 was historical, and it is not a myth. Philo insisted that the incident is to teach us that some men are “earthborn”, while others are “heaven born”, yet the highest are “God-born”.

Also worth noting is the Septuagint’s translation of the word, “Nephilim”. In the Greek Septuagint “Nephilim” is rendered as Gegenes.


Such attempts to explain this phrase without Angels, however, are not ultimately convincing for the following reasons.

I. The Hebrew term bene ha Elohim literally means, “the sons of the god,” nothing more, nothing less. Biblical Hebrew has a word for “angel,” “messenger,” (Malak), and although it is quite common in the Hebrew Bible and even in Genesis (e.g., Gen 16:7,9,10; 21:17; 22:11; 48:16), it is not used in Gen 6:1-4.13 – Malak are servants – messengers. But the Bene Ha Elohim of Genesis 6 were rebels, forsaken.

2. Seth is not referred to in Genesis 6: 1-4, and although the text indicates that after the birth of Seth people “began to call upon the name of Yahweh” (Gen 4:26), the descendants of Seth are never referred to as “the sons of the god.” In addition, “the sons of the god” are said to be present at the time of creation (Job 38:7), something that severely undermines the Sethite interpretation of the term “the sons of the god.”

3. Furthermore, neither the Masoretic Text of Gen 6: 1-4 nor the evidence from the field of comparative Semitics, suggests that bene ha Elohim are ancient Near Eastern elites with majestic wives or large herems. In the final analysis it can be affirmed that some of these interpretations are quite clever, but none can command much confidence.

Significantly, the reading of the Septuagint does not reflect a Hebrew Vorlage with “sons of Israel.” Rather, it reads “angels of God.” Obviously, the Septuagint translation reflects the tradition that the “sons of the god” were “angels,” however the main point is that its Hebrew Vorlage certainly did not have “sons of Israel,” but rather it had the same reading as 4QDeutQ• That is, based on the textual evidence from Qumran and the Septuagint, bene ha Elohim is the original reading of Deut 32:8-9. The Masoretic Text’s “sons of Israel” is a secondary revision resulting from post-biblical scribal objections to the original reading (that is, “sons of Israel” is a “pseudo-correction”).

The Sons of God(s) and the Daughters of Men (Genesis 6.1-4): A Model Text for Interpretive MethodModel Text for Interpretive Method

For more on Sons of Seth theory see:

The Book of Enoch – Scripture, History, or Both? (Censored History of Man)


What Angels Look Like


In case you missed it:

Primordial Truth: Mapping the Rabbit Holes – Know Everything!

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