The Gnostics – Pagan Infiltrators



Gnostics essentially teach a wide diaspora of various versions of the following:

YHWH (God of the bible) is actually an evil demon god and jailer, and Lucifer is our Prometheus savior figure who dared rebel to give us forbidden knowledge.

Essentially inverting scripture using pseudepigrapha (made up bible books) and occult texts as references, and twisting Biblical verses badly out of context.

Easily rebutted here: Why Does It Seem Like The Old Testament God Is An Evil Genocidal Maniac?

The Gnostic Deception - Secret Knowledge for Ascension
The Gnostic Deception – Secret Knowledge for Ascension


False Gnostic Teachers - Origin
False Gnostic Teachers – Origin


Learn about some of the current Gnostic heretics spreading these lies Here: False Teachers – Doctrines of Devils (Fake Science, Fake History, Fake Theology)

The Pagan Influences


Pagan Medici Library
Pagan Medici Library


Pagan Medici Library2
Pagan Medici Library2


The Origins of Gnosticism


SCIENTISM – The Cult of False Sciences

Heliosorcery (2022) – Exposing the Occult Origins of Heliocentrism (Full Documentary)

Heliosorcery – The Papacy Contrived Globe Earth To Debunk The Bible

Heliosorcery – Rome Weaponized Fake Science To Debunk God’s Word

Gearing Up For Apollo: Part1: Architects of a Spherical World

Gearing Up For Apollo: PART 2: Examining An Ancient Motive

Gearing Up For Apollo: PART 3: A Time of Great Change… And The Death of God

The Gnostics – Pagan Infiltrators

In case you missed it:

Primordial Truth: Mapping the Rabbit Holes – Know Everything!

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