God’s Not Dead: Primordial Truth: YHWH (God) & Jesus ARE Real: Insurmountable Evidence Marathon (Debate Series)

God’s Not Dead: Debate Series – How To Prove God

God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?

— Nietzsche, The Gay Science, Section 125, tr. Walter Kaufmann

Which came first? The Chicken, or the Egg? Today we prove definitively – it was the chicken.

See also: The importance of Apologetics – Defending The Faith With Your Greatest Weapon


DOCUMENTARYPrimordial Truth: YHWH (God) & Jesus ARE Real: Insurmountable Evidence Marathon



God’s Not Dead And His Name Is YHWH (Dustin Nemos Unofficial Music Video) – (Don’t tell me it’s too fast, who could keep up without pausing for study?)

The Great Worldwide Flood Of Noah (Dustin Nemos)



DEBATISM Ep3 | Adam Green vs Dustin Nemos | Christianity… Truth or Jewish Mysticism? LIVE 10/3/23


Backup Link1: DEBATISM Ep3 | Adam Green vs Dustin Nemos | Christianity… Truth or Jewish Mysticism?
Backup Link2: DEBATISM Ep3 | Adam Green vs Dustin Nemos | Christianity… Truth or Jewish Mysticism?

DEBATISM Ep 17: Brenda Debates vs. Dustin Nemos | Does GOD Exist? 1/30/24


The phrase “God is dead” does not mean that Nietzsche believed in an actual God who first existed and then died in a literal senseRather, it conveys his view that the Christian God is no longer a credible source of absolute moral principles. Nietzsche recognizes the crisis that the death of God represents for existing moral assumptions: “When one gives up the Christian faith, one pulls the right to Christian morality out from under one’s feet. This morality is by no means self-evident… By breaking one main concept out of Christianity, the faith in God, one breaks the whole: nothing necessary remains in one’s hands.”[3] This is why in “The Madman”, a passage which primarily addresses nontheists (especially atheists), the problem is to retain any system of values in the absence of a divine order.

The death of God is a way of saying that humans are no longer able to believe in any such cosmic order since they themselves no longer recognize it. The death of God will lead, Nietzsche says, not only to the rejection of a belief of cosmic or physical order but also to a rejection of absolute values themselves — to the rejection of belief in an objective and universal moral law, binding upon all individuals. In this manner, the loss of an absolute basis for morality leads to nihilism. This nihilism is that for which Nietzsche worked to find a solution by re-evaluating the foundations of human values.

~Excerpt, Gearing Up For Apollo: Part 3 – A Time of Great Change… And The Death of God

God: The Creator

The Logic & Philosophy

1. Logical Argument 1 – Transcendent First Cause (Primordial Creator)
2. The universe is exquisitely finely tuned, and this cannot be explained by sheer chance
3. Without God, “Science” Fails To Comport to Reason, Logic, Evidence, & The Scientific Method & Historical Investigative Method
4. 9 Logical Arguments
5. Aquinas’ Five Ways –
6. Without God, moral values have no objective basis or foundation in reality. Yet, morality clearly exist.

The Science

1. Spontaneous Generation Arising to Evolution
2. Biblical Young Earth
3. Other
4. Evidentiary Based Apologetics
5. Mathematics
6. Archaeology
7. Thermodynamics
8. Anthropology (People Movements)
9. Etymology (Language Evolution)

The History

The Flood
The Nephilim

Which God Is The Real One?

Did Jews Invent Christianity

Jesus: The Historical Figure

Mainstream Historians Agree

Witnesses: Multiple Testimony, Early Testimony, Eyewitnesses Testimony

Witnesses: Hostile Testimony

The Resurrection

Satan’s Hatred – The Deep State’s Antichrist Agenda

Objections & FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Enemy Arguments & Queries (EAQ)

Debate Introduction Template:

God: The Creator

The sad concept of an atheistic universe is well captured by a simple Indian folk tale.

“There is an old Indian folk tale about a young man who set off to explore a nearby river on a raft. All was going well as he paddled along until he suddenly heard the distant roar of water. Squinting into the distance, he noticed that the river had a rather disturbing, absence-of-horizon look to it: there was a huge waterfall ahead!

Frantically he began trying to paddle to one bank of the river, then the other, but each time the current was too strong. He cried for help, but there was nobody to hear him. Finally, he tried paddling upstream and discovered that he could just about hold the raft still, but couldn’t make any progress away from the waterfall.

So what should he do? How long until his strength gave out and drifted to his doom? After contemplating this for a few minutes, he came to a decision. He threw his paddle into the river and lay back on the raft, his hands behind his head and a peaceful smile on his face; after all, he had decided, I might as well enjoy my final ride.


The Logic & Philosophy

“It is absurd for the Evolutionist to complain that it is unthinkable for an admittedly unthinkable God to make everything out of nothing, and then pretend that it is more thinkable that nothing should turn itself into everything.”

~ G.K. Chesterton

A long format written debate is presented here Debate: IS THE BIBLE THE UNERRING WORD OF THE CREATOR?


1. Logical Argument 1 – Transcendent First Cause (Primordial Creator)

A. First Cause – The Law of Cause and Effect

If I say X created Y I’m assuming the existence of X to explain the existence of Y
If I say X created X I’m assuming the existence of X to explain the Existence of X.

Meaning, Nothing + Nothing = Nothing.
Nothing + God = Everything.

Said another way…

If A. There are things which come into existence – such as the universe (alongside time, matter, and space.)
And B. Everything which comes into existence is caused to exist by something else.
Then C. There cannot be an infinite series of past causes.
Therefore D. there exists a first transcendent cause which did not come into existence. In other words, the first cause always existed.
Hence E. “Nothingness” did not produce high precision everything, yet according to the Second Law of Thermodynamics – Everything is winding down. It must have been wound up. We’d have no energy left the universe was eternal, so the universe had to come into existence unlike the first cause.
So F. Without God, we would have to believe that pure nothingness (Void) produced chaos which then against all the scientific laws we have produced complexity and precision order everything, which is illogical.

B. About the Universe, there are only three alternatives:

1. The universe has always existed. It has an infinite past. (Violates Second Law of Thermodynamics)
2. The universe was popped into existence from nothing with absolutely no cause. (Violates First Cause Principle: All Created Things)
3. The universe was caused to exist by something outside it. (The One Uncreated Thing: God)

C. Big Bang Objection:

The “Big Bang”, while typically thought to be an objection to Theism, is actually the best argument we have for the existence of God. If the universe (space itself, time itself, matter, and energy) had an absolute beginning, what caused the universe itself to come into being? What made the Big Bang go “BANG” in the first place?


2. The universe is exquisitely finely tuned, and this cannot be explained by sheer chance.

The argument:
1. The fine-tuning of the universe is either due to physical necessity, chance, or design.
2. The fine-tuning of the universe is not due to physical necessity or chance.

Conclusion: Therefore, the fine-tuning of the universe is due to design, sheer nothingness did not turn into high precision everything. Irreducible Complexity Further Confirms this. Therefore the universe has a transcendent cause.

Michael Behe, a biochemist currently teaching at Lehigh University, coined a term for describing the design phenomenon inherent in molecular machines such as the bacterial flagellar motor — “Irreducible Complexity” — “a single system composed of several well-matched, interacting parts that contribute to the basic function, wherein the removal of any one of the parts causes the system to effectively cease functioning.”

3. Without God, “Science” Fails To Comport to Reason, Logic, Evidence, & The Scientific Method & Historical Investigative Method

Click to Enlarge


4. 9 Logical Arguments

Proof 1: The origin of the universe—the First Cause

Until the beginning of the 20th century, it was generally thought that either the universe had always existed in a basically unchanged state or the universe was created at some time in the past and had remained much as we see it today. An explosion of scientific discoveries over the past 100 years has led to the conclusion that the universe did indeed have a beginning.

Scientific evidence indicates that the universe is expanding and will continue to expand indefinitely. Extrapolating backward, scientists came to the conclusion that at some point the universe must have been concentrated at a single point. The resulting big bang theory postulates that the universe began about 14 billion years ago with an unimaginable explosion in which space, time and all matter and energy were created.

This theory creates a dilemma for the atheist. How can something come from nothing? Logically, if the universe had a beginning, there must have been a first cause. Scientific evidence is uniformly consistent in demonstrating that everything that had a beginning had a cause. This is what scientists do—they search for causes.

So the question is this: What caused the creation of the universe? The characteristics of this first cause must include: unimaginable power, supreme intelligence, timelessness and nonmaterial composition.

Is there a better descriptive word for this first cause than “God”? The fact that creation requires a Creator is only one proof that God exists.


Proof 2: Design

A second proof of God also relates to creation, but it specifically addresses intelligence. Engineers and scientists who study and apply the laws of nature can be constantly amazed at the intricacies of the design of the universe. At all levels, from subatomic to astronomical, the design of the universe is obvious.

Who designed this marvelous universe? Who thought up photosynthesis—the process by which plants convert water and carbon dioxide into carbohydrates using sunlight as the source of energy and with the aid of chlorophyll? A byproduct of this process is oxygen. Without this process, there would be no food and no air to breathe.
Numerous such interrelationships in nature prove that the Creator is an intelligent Designer. Design requires a Designer—a supremely intelligent one: God.

Proof 3: Laws

A third proof of God relates to natural laws. All physical sciences are based on natural law. Scientists, in their investigations of the physical environment, seek to uncover the repeatable, unvarying principles that describe the existence and interactions of all matter, from the smallest particles within the atom to the relationships described in cosmology.

These natural laws are almost innumerable. They cover, for example, all the laws that govern the interaction of subatomic particles of all matter. They describe the laws and principles that determine all chemical reactions. Natural laws describe the functioning of all biological systems in all living things. These are just a few areas where natural laws exist.

Science begins by assuming that natural laws exist. The evidence of the big bang theory rests on the assumption that natural laws, such as the laws of thermodynamics and the law of gravity, have existed since the creation of the universe.

Where did these natural laws come from? Could they just have “happened” during the big bang? Laws require a Lawgiver.

Proof 4. Free Will & Human Reasoning

Alongside morality, the existence of Free Will (especially examples such as selfless “Agape” love, self sacrifice, watching theological debates, etc are not biologically imperative nor beneficial to survival. )

Why would such a thing naturally evolve if evolution is for survival?

Why are we different than the animals – why does man, alone, reason?

5. Proofs 5-9. Aquinas’ Five Ways –

  1. The unmoved mover argument: things in the world are in motion, something can only be caused to move by a mover, therefore everything in the world must be moved by an unmoved mover.
  2. The first cause argument: things in the world have a cause, and nothing is the cause of itself, so everything in the world must have a first cause or an uncaused cause.
  3. The necessary being argument: things in the world are contingent, and contingent beings cannot exist without a cause, so everything in the world must be caused by a necessary being.
  4. The degree argument: there are degrees of goodness and perfection among things, and something of a maximum degree must be the cause of things of a lower degree, so there must be a supremely good and perfect cause for all good things.
  5. The final cause argument: things in the world act for an end or purpose, but only an intelligent being can direct itself towards a purpose, so there must be an intelligent being that directs things towards their purpose.


6. Without God, moral values have no objective basis or foundation in reality. Yet, morality clearly exist.

A. The argument:

1C. If God does not exist, objective moral values and duties do not exist.

2C. Objective moral values and duties do exist.

Conclusion: Therefore, God exists.


The existence of evil, while thought to be an argument against God, is actually one of the most compelling arguments we have for God’s existence because it requires there to be something beyond human opinion and beyond nature in which these values of “good” and “evil” have their foundation

We all know that torturing a little innocent child is evil. We know it is evil independent of what anyone’s opinion on it is. But if God does not exist, then objective opinion-independent moral values and duties do not exist in such a way as this.

In a universe with no God, morality is just a herd-mentality that we developed as a means of survival throughout the development of our species. This herd-mentality could have evolved very differently if we were under different circumstances, there is no reason to value our herd-mentality over, say, gorilla herd-mentality, and there is nothing “evil” about choosing to go against the ingraining of biological evolution.

Or, morality is just a product of our social and cultural conditioning, which is far from being objective. The problem is that if God does not exist, there is absolutely no standard by which to call child torture “evil”. Infanticide is practiced in the animal kingdom all the time, and in fact some mothers of other species neglect and kill the weakest of her offspring in the struggle for survival. Contrary to being evil, natural selection has seen it fit to require mothers to kill their children in some cases.

But if a mother were to kill, torture, or neglect her human child, she would be put in prison. And rightfully so. We KNOW this is wrong. But by what objective mind-independent standard can call this action wrong? How can we justify calling this action wrong? By what standard? What is this standard of morality rooted in? And what gives humans intrinsic moral worth?

“Well it causes suffering and causing suffering is wrong, right?” We all know causing suffering is absolutely wrong. That is not the question. The question is, how can anything (even inflicting suffering) be called “absolutely wrong” in a universe where there is nothing but animated chunks of matter reproducing with one another?

Without God, there is absolutely no justification for making objective claims about what is evil and what is good. We are just relatively evolved primates with an ingrained survival mechanism we call “morality”, and as Richard Dawkins says:


This is not to say we need belief in God to be moral, or that we need religion to be good, or that we need to believe in God to know torture is wrong, or that all atheists are immoral. Atheists and Theists alike are able to identify moral values and duties. The question is not “how do we come to know them?”, the question is “what are they rooted in?”.

Morality itself would not exist objectively in a universe without God. Ethicist Richard Taylor writes:


B. Absence of God

In the absence of the creator lawgiver’s objective morality, historically most tribes engaged in torturous, ritualistic child sacrifice and blood rituals for their various pagan gods and likely felt justified that the brutal torture of their children would please their bloodthirsty gods and bring power, food, protection, or blessings to their people. Without the Creator, anything can be justified.

Atheism is even more historically brutal – for awhile massacres and genocides occurred in the name of this or that God over history, Hundreds of millions (billions post vax) of lives have been lost in the name of atheistic communism as Jewish dominated governments began to ethnically cleanse their own civilian populations. Something not even the child sacrificing Aztec’s would have bothered with or dared, and perhaps, ironically, even would have condemned as evil – For is it not better to kill one, and save the many..?


C. An Objection to the Moral Argument

But wait. What do we say to the skeptic who challenges this idea by saying, “How can you say there are objective moral values when Muslim terrorists sincerely believe it is right to kill innocent people?”

William Lane Craig gave a good answer to this: Just because terrorists think terrorism’s a good thing, that doesn’t mean objective moral laws aren’t real. It just means the terrorist’s got it all wrong. Here’s what Craig says about terrorists:

If they sincerely believe it’s right, then they also believe in objective moral values. There’s no contradiction here at all. It’s just that we have a disagreement about what the objective moral truths are. To say that there are objective moral values doesn’t mean that there won’t be moral disagreements. Pagan religions are all filled with evils, this is generally a result of people seeking the lawgiver with inferior laws.

Don’t confuse the reality of moral values with the knowledge of them.
Objective moral laws don’t just come out of nowhere. They are a communication of one mind to another.
In order for evil to exist, there must be an objective standard of goodness. Did you know you could have good without evil? But you can’t have evil without good; without a standard of goodness.
Think about it like this: You can have a standard with nothing falling short of that standard, but you can’t have something falling short of a standard without a standard!


D. Morality & Culture: God and Moral Absolutes – Losing our Freedoms and Culture to Tyranny and Degradation

The phrase “God is dead” does not mean that Nietzsche believed in an actual God who first existed and then died in a literal senseRather, it conveys his view that the Christian God is no longer a credible source of absolute moral principles. Nietzsche recognizes the crisis that the death of God represents for existing moral assumptions: “When one gives up the Christian faith, one pulls the right to Christian morality out from under one’s feet. This morality is by no means self-evident… By breaking one main concept out of Christianity, the faith in God, one breaks the whole: nothing necessary remains in one’s hands.”[3] This is why in “The Madman”, a passage which primarily addresses nontheists (especially atheists), the problem is to retain any system of values in the absence of a divine order.

The death of God is a way of saying that humans are no longer able to believe in any such cosmic order since they themselves no longer recognize it. The death of God will lead, Nietzsche says, not only to the rejection of a belief of cosmic or physical order but also to a rejection of absolute values themselves — to the rejection of belief in an objective and universal moral law, binding upon all individuals. In this manner, the loss of an absolute basis for morality leads to nihilism. This nihilism is that for which Nietzsche worked to find a solution by re-evaluating the foundations of human values.

~Excerpt, Gearing Up For Apollo: Part 3 – A Time of Great Change… And The Death of God

Why do we love truth? If you believe in evolution, you believe we adapted for survival. Not Morality. This necessarily disallows self sacrifice and discourages altruism. So where do ethics come from? Truth, love, self sacrifice?

Is it ethical for one to throw ones baby to the alligator, rather than risk being eaten myself? Why? Without God, there can be no objective morality, only infinitely subjective perspectives leading to a regressive post modernist meltdown.


E. The Basis of Western Law and Natural Rights

Famously so, for example, most people in the world have heard the Gospel message and have heard about Gods eternal legal/moral code – The Lawbooks given us by Moses. This extensive yet simple (by modern contrast) legal code of just over 600 laws (iirc) has formed the basis of modern western legal systems. For example, Christians like William Wilberforce are largely responsible for the end of historical slavery in the modern era. (The jewish deep state have reversed this, turning us all into “wage slaves” using the central banking system, but even this is hidden.)

Virtues such as Truth and Mercy were not even considered important qualities, much less virtues, in the ancient pre Christ world. A world rule by iron fisted tyrants and “god kings” who often demanded human sacrifice and other evils.

Much of the natural rights basis we take for granted in our US Constitution is derived from the biblical moral and legal system.


The Science

‘I trust science, and I need scientific evidence.’

Learning Against Learning - Wolsey
Learning Against Learning – Invention of Fake Science – Click to Enlarge

SCIENTISM – The Cult of False Sciences

Most Scientists Believe In God, Studies Concludes


~Historian Jeffrey Russell

The science of confirming God exists is found here, Including Anthropological, Etymological, Genetics, Archeological, Cosmological, and Historical Evidence.

However, Historically speaking – You do not use the “scientific method” to verify history. Think about it: The scientific method requires something to be observable, measurable, repeatable – which is impossible with historical events. Apply this to any historical situation or figure, such as George Washington. Instead you shift to evidentiary based rules such as courts use. Such as eye witnesses, of which there are many in scripture. They all agree, Jesus died for us and was reborn 3 days later, miraculously – in fulfillment of specific prophecies far before.


1. Spontaneous Generation Arising to Evolution

We now come to the question of life itself. What does science say about the creation of life. All scientific evidence points to the fact that life comes only from life.

The naturalistic claim is that the first one-cell organism was spontaneously generated. Yet scientists have no explanation as to how this could happen. Even the simplest known type of cell is so incredibly, irreducibly complex that to believe that the first cell “just happened” is an article of immense faith. There is no scientific evidence that life can be produced from nonlife.

So, if life comes only from life, what life was the first cause of life? Could it be anything but God?

Science has proposed an alternative to the existence of God—the theory of evolution. According to the theory, life began with a simple cell. Over millions of years, life-forms gradually increased in complexity and diversified until the variety of life we have today evolved.

This theory conveniently uses examples of changes within species (microevolution or adaptation within kinds) to postulate that over a long period of time such changes can occur to create completely new species (macroevolution). However, there is no evidence that the large-scale differences we see in life today could have resulted from genetic mutations, and much to the contrary – See: Spontaneous Generation Arising to Evolution, below.

Actually, the very existence of the amazing genetic code is evidence of a supremely intelligent Creator, YHWH, whose name is written in our DNA… See:

MARK OF THE BEAST – Human DNA Made In Gods Image (Until Vaxxed…)

But most importantly, evolution itself – even if it were real, does not solve the problem of initial biogenesis.

Forbidden Genetics: Evolution Is A Lie

We also do not have sufficient TIME for any evolution to occur, even if you buy official “deep time” and evolutionary numbers based in falsifiable carbon dating methods.

Finding New Genetic Sequences (Data Code) Through “Evolution” (Random Process)

There’s only 10 to the 40th organisms in the history of the planet, not enough replication events to search a space 10 to the 77th… big so you’re looking at if you take the whole history of life on the planet into account, you’re only going to be able to search a tiny tiny fraction of the relevant sequences. So you got a really big hay stack, really small number of needles, and very little time to look for them.

The bottom line is it’s overwhelmingly more probable that such a search will fail than succeed in the known time on planet earth.

~Dr. Stephen Meyer


2. Biblical Young Earth

Biblical Earth: Star Perspectives By Season – Do YOU *Get It* Yet?

Biblical Earth – Young, Stationary, Geocentric, Flat, Hollow & Domed

The 10 Best Evidences from Science That Confirm a Young Earth


Young Earth: Ice Cores: Do Ice Cores Show Many Tens of Thousands of Years?


How Do You Measure Time?
Andrew Snelling, PhD (Geologist) ˙ SP Crater & Sedona, Arizona

If the Bible presents a concise timeline of history, where does the idea of millions of years come from? Geologists like Charles Lyell wanted to replace the
history recorded in Genesis with a naturalistic history of their own construction. They started with the idea of long ages, then interpreted the rocks in light of their new paradigm. Today, geologists rely on measuring radioisotope decay and interpret its results in terms of the conventional paradigm. Yet anomalies in these dating methods question these conclusions. Instead, one can look at geological formations to see evidence of a young earth transformed by a global catastrophe: the flat and enormous extent of sedimentary layers; a lack of deep and widespread erosion between most layers; and evidence that sediment was rapidly deposited by huge amounts of water.

“The Bible would say that the past is the key to the present.”
—Andrew Snelling

Proposed-Genesis-Timeline – Click to Enlarge

Young Earth Shows Sudden Changes
Del Tackett, DM ˙ Mount St. Helens
Many people look at the earth and assume uniform processes acted over long ages to form what we see around us. Yet Mount St. Helens reveals how major
catastrophes can quickly create geological formations. It also shows how eyewitness accounts are necessary to understand what happened in the past. The book of
Genesis lays out a clear history of the earth, although many people do not accept it as an accurate witness. Is it truly history?

“Did God create the world in a few days or billions of years?”
—Del Tackett

What do the Rocks Tell Us?
Steven Austin, PhD (Geologist) ˙ Grand Canyon
The greatest catastrophe recorded in the Bible is the Flood. Such an event would have transformed everything on the earth’s surface and left an enormous amount of residue. That is what we see when we look at the layers of sedimentary rock that cover the planet. There are huge megasequences that stretch across continents stacked one on top of the other; there are countless marine fossils in those sedimentary rock layers; and there is evidence of major erosion on the earth from the advance and retreat of the flood waters. These evidences, and many more, point to a major catastrophe in the earth’s past just as the Bible records.

“It’s not a little water and a lot of time. It’s a lot of water and a little time.”
—Steve Austin

Soft Tissue in Dinosaur Bones

Kevin Anderson, PhD (Microbiologist) ˙ Van Andel Creation Research Center
In 2005, soft tissue was discovered inside the femur of a dinosaur bone. More discoveries followed by other scientists. In 2012, Kevin Anderson and Mark Armitage dug out a large section of a triceratops brow horn in Montana. Although the normal process of finding soft tissue is through decalcification of the bone, when Mark opened up the horn, he discovered uncalcified soft tissue that was stretchy and pliable. Although surprising to everyone, the presence of these intact organic materials is better explained by the bones being only thousands rather than tens of millions of years old. These discoveries can be seen as a method of dating, but they challenge the concept of ‘deep time,’ a critical component of evolution.

“Clearly this is in violation of the dating process. It challenges the entire dating process.”
—Kevin Anderson

The Genius of Design
Robert Carter, PhD (Marine Biologist) ˙ Coral World, St. Thomas, USVI
Although evolutionary theory says all creatures descended from a common ancestor, when one looks at animals today (or in the fossil record), they appear to be unique creations with the ability to change to fit their environments. That ability to live and change is programmed in at the deepest levels of the
genome in ways we do not fully understand. What we do see is that the human genome works as a four-dimensional ‘computer’: our three billion letter sequence of DNA is able to turn sections of itself on and off; it is coiled into 3D fractal spheres where sections folded near each other combine to create new levels of information; and it changes shape over time to expose different areas of DNA needed to create tens of thousands of different proteins. This level of complexity is not just limited to the genome, but can be seen in the interdependent relationships between living creatures throughout every ecosystem in the world. Such highly-engineered structures and relationships can only exist if they are created simultaneously in a short space of time — which is exactly how Genesis says God created everything.

“Life is so complex that small changes can’t explain it.”
—Robert Carter

The Potential of Created Kinds

Todd Wood, PhD (Biologist) ˙ Memphis Zoo
One of the conclusions of evolutionary theory is that natural selection working over millions of years formed all the diversity of life we see in the world. Genesis, however, says God created animals fully-formed “according to their kinds.” When one studies the similarities and differences of animals, a better explanation is that each created kind possesses enormous potential for genetic change. These changes within kinds have often been pointed to as arguments for evolution, but changes between kinds have not been observed. Instead of a single tree of life growing from a common ancestor, each created kind has its own unique tree forming an orchard of life. Humans are part of their own kind and include relatives like Neanderthals, but not extinct primates like Australopithecus. God made Adam and Eve in His image, and gave them the unique role of stewarding His creation.

“All we see are variations that happen within a created kind.”
—Todd Wood

The Purpose of the Stars
Danny Faulkner, PhD (Astronomer) ˙ Chino Valley, Arizona
Our sense of the passage of time is based on our relationship with the sun, moon, and stars. God put these celestial bodies in place on the fourth day of creation as providers of energy, sources of light, and consistent timekeepers. They are also a source of wonder for everyone who studies them, from the unique nature of solar eclipses, to the beauty of galaxies and nebulae, to the sheer immensity of space. The size of the universe and the distances between stars has led the conventional view to interpret the entire universe as very old, but scientists working within the Genesis paradigm have come up with different explanations for the presence of starlight, including rapidly bringing light to the earth on the fourth day. The truth is that no one theory seems to explain everything. Even the current cornerstone of the conventional paradigm, the Big Bang cosmology, has changed greatly during its 60-year history. More recently, it has been publicly rejected by hundreds of physicists and astronomers. The reality is that no scientific theory is able to penetrate exactly how God created the universe during the six days of the Creation epoch.

“We have some purposes given for the stars…to mark time, to rule over the night, to be for signs and seasons.”
—Danny Faulkner


3. Other

1. Second law of Thermodynamics – Everything is winding down. It must have been wound up. We’d have no energy left the universe was eternal.
2. Radiation After-Glow, Remnant Heat from creation – Showing the universe had a beginning

3 Big Reasons To Believe God Exists – (False Cosmology Alert)


Isotropic Gemstones

Roughly 2000 years before science figured out the difference, God promised to build New Jerusalem for His people out of Isotropic gems only

Isotropic & Anisotropic Jewels in New Jerusalem - Before Science Figured It Out
Isotropic & Anisotropic Jewels in New Jerusalem – Before Science Figured It Out – Click to Enlarge

This Was Written In The Bible 2000 Years Ago.. But Scientists Only Found Out About It Recently!!


Evidentiary Based Apologetics:

LEE STROBEL The Case for Faith Full Documentary

Why I choose to Believe the Bible – Voddie Baucham



Oxford Mathematician DESTROYS Atheism

God’s Fingerprint in Numbers



Hieroglyphs of every ancient culture testify to my position, Megalithic structures around the world, Giants, Elongated skulls etc

Archaeology Always Proves the Bible

Egyptology Does Not Debunk The Bible

Megalithic Ruins

The scientific meltdown over a controversial discovery of ‘biblical Sodom’

Patterns of Evidence – Exodus (The Stories of Joseph & Moses Are Real!)

Mount Sinai, The Mountain Where YHWH Met Moses, In Saudi Arabia

Sumerian Kings List PreFlood


Unfinished notes – 1:50 mark – 9 discoveries – pilate inscription/hezekiah’s tunnel/Taylor Prism/David Inscription/Moabite Stone/Nazareth House/Cyrus Cylinder/Pool of Siloam/Hittite Tablets
Nineveh – 1830 Annals of Sennacherib PRISM confirmed this.
Tel Dan Inscription

The Fossil Woman’s Finger in Limestone (Supposedly 100,000 years old, older than mankind allegedly)

The London Hammer

The 1912 Iron Cup Embedded in Coal

The Galileo Inscription



Laws of Thermodynamics – Click to Enlarge

Anthropology (People Movements)

Forbidden Biblical Anthropology:

The Table of Nations: Biblical & Historical Fact
Scientism – Modern Anthropology, Politically Correct Coverup of Tribal Histories

Lineages of Adam

The Lineages of Man and Nephilim
Beyond The Pale Origins: Caucasians – The First Men

Lineages of Noah & Shem

The Sons of Shem – Pureblood Adamite Caucasians
The Descendants of Japheth
The Descendants of Ham – Cushites, Canaanites. Blacks & Jews.
– The Jewish Paradox – Imposter Hebrews
– 97%+ Of Jews Are Not of Abraham – Fake Hebrews
– The Nephilim Tribes of Canaanites, Edomites, Amalekites (Jews)

Lineages of Ham & The Fallen Angels

– Sons of Cush – The Black Tribes of Man
— F**k You And Your Rabbi – Brilliant Son of Cush Speaks to Racial Division in USA
– The Nephilim Tribes of Canaan, Amalekites, Edomites, Idumeans, Khazarians (Jews)
— The Will of Canaan
— The Jewish Paradox – Imposter Hebrews
 Do Mexicans Descend From Jews?
— JEW OR JUDAH? The Original Manuscripts Never Used The Word ‘Jew’
— From The Jew’s Own Mouths
— The Satanic Star of Judaism (Remphan) – David Had NO Star
— European Royals are ALL from Edom/Esau/Canaan (aka ‘Jews’)
— Trump is a Crypto (Closet) Jew
— Modern US Elites Geneology
– Giants of Forbidden Archeology: The Biblical Nephilim – Enemies of God
— Homo Capensis – The Biblical Nephilim
— Anunnaki – The Princely Bloodline of the Nephilim Seed of the Serpent
— How Ham Fathered Post Flood Nephilim
— Redemption For The Nephilim
— Demons – Disembodied Nephilim Darksouls

Lineages of Abraham

– Sons of Ishmael – Modern Arabs
– The True Hebrew Israelites – The Caucasian Race (The Lost Tribes of Israel)
— 100 PROOFS the lsraelites were Caucasian
— About Christian Identity
— What Happened To The Northern Ten Tribed Kingdom Of Israel?
–Watch: The Real Jews Were White: The Synagogue Of Satan & Identity Theft of European History

— Esau Have I Hated! The Nephilim/Canaanite Connection (part 1)
— Esau Have I Hated! Edom Through the Centuries of History (part 2)
— Esau Have I Hated! The Apostate Tribe of Dan (part 3)


About Christian Identity
Things Christians Need To Know
Oxymoronic Judeo-Christian Deception
Judaism – Antichrist Flavor of Satanism

Patterns of Evidence – Exodus (The Stories of Joseph & Moses Are Real!)


Etymology (Language Evolution)

For example, all languages on Earth point towards Jerusalem. Eastern languages read right to left, and western languages read left to right.

Thracian Script Decoded – Earth’s Oldest Written Language Speaks Of Eden

Hebrew: The Language of Eden?

All Languages point to Jerusalem.

Chinese word for Flood is Noahs Story. Same with Garden (Adam and Eve)

The Ancient (Pre Mao/Pre Jewish takeover and change) Chinese Language is FULL OF EVIDENCE for Scripture.



Why did the entire world begin to use AD as their calendar system? Belief in Jesus Christ’s Resurrection. – Anno Domini


The History



The Flood

The Great Flood of Noah

Flood legends in nearly every culture worldwide,
Seashells on top of most mountain ranges,
rapidly buried dinosaurs across numerous continents and states – often choking on mud,
usually buried in mud, sand, and ash – consistent with a flood,
dinosaur mummies and 16 types of soft tissue found in dinosaur bones also show a recent burial of thousands of years ago – not billions.

Click to Enlarge


Click to Enlarge

A Brief History of the World
Kurt Wise, PhD (Paleontologist) ˙ Pocket Wilderness, Dayton, TN
The Creation of the universe in six normal days was the first epoch. During that period, God rapidly created everything in a miraculous, unrepeatable fashion. The Edenian epoch followed with Adam and Eve living in the garden of Eden. It is impossible to understand the setup of the laws of the universe since death had not entered the world. With the Fall, God cursed the creation and changed those universal laws. The children of Adam lived in the Ante-Diluvian epoch, a world with a very different arrangement and variety of organisms compared to our world today. The Flood destroyed everything. The Post-Flood epoch was therefore marked by a series of unique environments as the earth settled down from the global catastrophe. Before and during the Ice Age, the world recovered to the Modern epoch. We can now only look into the Bible and the rocks to see evidence of those prior worlds.

“The Bible lays out what I would call epochs of earth history.”
—Kurt Wise

The Origin of Fossils
Marcus Ross, PhD (Paleontologist) ˙ Discovery Park of America
There are billions of fossils in the earth. Most are from animals that lived in the Ante-Diluvian epoch before the Flood, but some are from the
Post-Flood epoch when the world was recovering from the global catastrophe. During the Flood, as huge tidal waves pulsed back and forth over the existing continents, different types of sediment and ecosystems were picked up, carried, then deposited in massive layers on top of each other. The presence of marine
fossils on the continents, the sudden appearance of complex fossils in the lowest Cambrian layers, the widespread extent of fossilization, and the pattern of trackways (footprints) below body fossils, all point to the record in Genesis where God said He was going to wipe out a violent earth with a global flood.

“Man and all of the animals over which we ruled were judged at the time of the Flood.”
—Marcus Ross

When Dinosaurs Walked the Earth

Arthur Chadwick, PhD (Taphonomist) ˙ Hanson Ranch, Wyoming
An examination of an actual ‘bone bed’ reveals unique aspects that could only occur during a massive flood. A layer of mudstone 3 to 4 feet thick is spread over a 100-acre area and contains the remains of 5,000 to 10,000 large dinosaurs. Millions of bones are disarticulated (separated) and display a unique sorting process: they are in a graded bed with larger, heavier bones at the bottom and smaller, lighter bones at the top. This could only occur through a major, waterborne catastrophe. Evidence for these kinds of burials is seen throughout the fossil record, with animals suddenly appearing fully-formed, then disappearing from higher layers.

“We don’t ever see changes from this form into this form in the rocks themselves.”
—Art Chadwick

When Dinosaurs Walked the Earth
Arthur Chadwick, PhD (Taphonomist) ˙ Hanson Ranch, Wyoming
An examination of an actual ‘bone bed’ reveals unique aspects that could only occur during a massive flood. A layer of mudstone 3 to 4 feet thick is spread over a 100-acre area and contains the remains of 5,000 to 10,000 large dinosaurs. Millions of bones are disarticulated (separated) and display a unique sorting process: they are in a graded bed with larger, heavier bones at the bottom and smaller, lighter bones at the top. This could only occur through a major, waterborne catastrophe. Evidence for these kinds of burials is seen throughout the fossil record, with animals suddenly appearing fully-formed, then disappearing from higher layers.

“We don’t ever see changes from this form into this form in the rocks themselves.”
—Art Chadwick


The Nephilim

The Seed War Between Mankind and Nephilim – Demons Walk Among Us

The Lineages of Man and Nephilim


Which God Is The Real One?

How to prove Which God is Real?



God claims prophecy is a proof He is God


Isaiah, one of the most well-known prophets of God, recorded a prophecy that deals with God’s contending with Israel over their worship of idols―gods of Israel’s own making (Isaiah 44:9-20).

God said in the book of the prophet Isaiah: “I am God, and there is no other; I am God and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand’” (Isaiah 46:9-10, emphasis added throughout).

In this section we also find the following passage where God shows that prophecy―which often includes God’s announcement of future events―is a proof that He is God and not these pagan gods:

21 Produce your cause, saith the Lord; bring forth your strong reasons, saith the King of Jacob.

22 Let them bring them forth, and shew us what shall happen: let them shew the former things, what they be, that we may consider them, and know the latter end of them; or declare us things for to come.

23 Shew the things that are to come hereafter, that we may know that ye are gods: yea, do good, or do evil, that we may be dismayed, and behold it together.

24 Behold, ye are of nothing, and your work of nought: an abomination is he that chooseth you.

~Isaiah 41:21-24

God’s test of the lifeless idols was, in essence, “Tell us what will happen in the future so we can prove whether you are gods.” Idols cannot predict the future, but God can.

God communicated His words to His prophets, as explained by the prophet Amos: “Surely the Lord GOD does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets” (Amos 3:7). These prophecies were spoken by His prophets and written down in the Bible.

The Bible contains numerous prophecies from God that were written hundreds of years before their fulfillment, events that have already occurred and can be documented in history, both biblical and secular. Other prophecies recorded in Scripture are for the future and contain amazing details about events that are yet to occur.


Prophecies that Came TrueProphecy and Prescience – Tracking Prophetic Predictives


America & The UK (Inferring Europeans) The 13 Lost Tribes of Israel – America – The Land of Unwalled Villages

Aliens – Dead Sea Scrolls – Prophecies of Aliens Censored From Modern Bibles

The Scarlet Whore of Babylon (False Church/One World Religion) Catholicism – The Scarlet Whore of Babylon

VaccinesMARK OF THE BEAST – Human DNA Made In Gods Image (Until Vaxxed…)


Many of the Bible’s prophecies have already come true. Prophecies concerning Babylon (Isaiah 13:19-22), Tyre (Ezekiel 26:3-5), Sidon (Ezekiel 28:21-23), Cyrus (Ezra 4:3; 5:13-14; Isaiah 44:28; 45:1), Medo Persia (Daniel 8:20-21), Greece (Daniel 8:20-21), and Jesus’ birthplace Bethlehem (Micah 5:2) have all been fulfilled exactly as predicted. These fulfilled prophecies are an extremely strong argument for the trustworthiness of the Bible. They signify that we can trust the prophecies concerning the Antichrist and other end- time prophecies.
Another evidence of the Bible’s inspiration is found in its cohesive unity. In more than 3000 places, the Bible declares itself inspired. It does not contradict itself.
The prophecies of the Bible in cases such as Babylon, Tyre, Petra, and Egypt, as well as the Messianic prophecies, prove the Bible’s authenticity.


The Book of Daniel

(See Daniel Section in Prophecy and Prescience – Tracking Prophetic Predictives)

The book of Daniel contains the most detailed and astounding fulfilled prophecies that demonstrate the Bible is true and can be trusted. As a result, these prophecies help prove the absolute existence of the God who gave them.

The book of Daniel is also one of the most interesting and controversial in the Bible. It contains prophecies that are so precise that some who do not believe that God foretells the future cannot believe it was written in the sixth century B.C. Because of that, they do not believe it was really written by Daniel but claim it is a pious fraud written in the 160s B.C.

But the book clearly claims it was written by Daniel, who was taken captive from Jerusalem and wrote for many years during the sixth century B.C. Scholars such as Gleason L. Archer Jr. point out many linguistic and historical reasons to accept the authenticity of Daniel, as well as the flaws in the theories for a late date for the book (A Survey of Old Testament Introduction, 1974, pp. 379-403). Note, too, that Ezekiel, who was also taken captive by the Babylonians, mentions Daniel as a righteous man along with Noah and Job (Ezekiel 14:14).

If the book of Daniel were a fraud, the Jews would not have accepted it as Scripture. And Jesus Christ also accepted Daniel. He authoritatively quoted “Daniel the prophet” (Matthew 24:15), giving the ultimate Christian stamp of approval to his authenticity.

II Esdras – Far More Detailed than Daniel

The Book of II Esdras Is Far, far more detailed and impossible without God:

The Books Of Ezra – Censored Books of Prophecies – 4th Ezra / 2nd Esdras

THE FINAL EMPIRE: Answers In 2nd Esdras: Part 2


Here’s a very small sample of prophecies that prove God’s precision accuracy:

One such prophecy involved Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, who had a dream that none of his advisors could interpret. Only Daniel, through God’s revelation, was able to reveal and interpret King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. Daniel explained that the king had seen a mysterious image, with head of gold, chest and arms of silver, belly and thighs of bronze, and feet of iron mixed with clay. The head of gold represented Nebuchadnezzar. The rest of the image foretold future kingdoms.

Timeline Of History
Timeline Of History – Click Here to Expand

“But after you shall arise another kingdom inferior to yours; then another, a third kingdom of bronze, which shall rule over all the earth. And the fourth kingdom shall be as strong as iron, inasmuch as iron breaks in pieces and shatters everything; and like iron that crushes, that kingdom will break in pieces and crush all the others. Whereas you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; yet the strength of the iron shall be in it, just as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay” (Daniel 2:39–41).

Reputable Bible scholars and historians agree about the identity of these empires. After Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylonian Empire from 625bc to 539bc came the Medo-Persian Empire from 558bc–330bc, the Greco-Macedonian Empire of Alexander the Great from 333bc–31bc and the Roman Empire from 31bc–476ad. Finally, the ten toes of iron mixed with clay represent a future revival of the Roman Empire. The prophecies of Daniel are genuine, and his predictions of these four empires did come to pass.

Also, there are more than 100 fulfilled prophecies in the Old Testament foretelling the coming of the Messiah. Among them is Isaiah’s prophecy that the Messiah would be a descendant of King David, the son of Jesse (Isaiah 11:1), that the Messiah would be born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14), that He would live in Galilee (Isaiah 9:1–2), that His mission would include the Gentiles (Isaiah 42:1–4) and that He would die with the wicked (Isaiah 53:9). Other prophecies foretold that He would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2), that He would be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver (Zechariah 11:12–13), that He would enter Jerusalem on a donkey (Zechariah 9:9) and that He would be like a smitten shepherd (Zechariah 13:7). These are just a sampling of the many prophecies that came to pass about the birth, life and death of Jesus Christ.



Jesus To Be Born In Bethlehem Micah 5:2 Matthew 2:1
Jesus to Enter Jerusalem On A Colt Zechariah 9:9 Luke 19:35-37 & Matthew 21:1-7
Crucified With Thieves Isaiah 53:12 Matthew 27:38
Sold For 30 Pieces Of Silver Zechariah 11:12 Matthew 26:15
Pierced Hands And Feet Psalms 22:16 Luke 23:33
Comes From Tribe Of Judah Genesis 49:10 Luke 3:23-24
His Way Prepared By A Messenger Isaiah 40:3 Matthew 3:1-2
Betrayed By A Friend Psalms 41:9 Matthew 26:47-50
Whipped By Enemies Isaiah 53:5 Matthew 27:26
Born To A Virgin Isaiah 1:17 Matthew 1:18-25
Infants Killed By Herod Jeremiah 31:15 Matthew 2:16-18
Ministry To Begin In Galilee Isaiah 9:1-2 Matthew 4:12-17
Would Teach In Parables Psalms 78:1-4 Matthew 13:34-35
His Disciples Would Forsake Him Zechariah 13:7 Mark 14:27 & 50
Accused By False Witnesses Psalms 35:11 & 20-21 Matthew 26:59-61
Prayed For His Enemies Isaiah 53:12 Luke 23:34
Rejected By His Own People Isaiah 53:3 John 19:14-15
Would Thirst On The Cross Psalms 22:15 John 19:28
Would Be Raised From The Dead Psalms 16:8-11 Acts 2:24-31
Would Sit At Right Hand of God Psalms 110:1 Hebrews 1:3 & 13″


Prophecies about Jesus Christ – A Sampling

Author Josh McDowell identifies 61 fulfilled prophecies concerning Jesus Christ’s birth, life and death in the Bible (The New Evidence That Demands a Verdict, pp. 168-192). For example:

He would be born in Bethlehem.
The prophet Micah, writing approximately 700 years before the birth of Jesus Christ, foretold His birthplace.

“But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of you shall come forth to Me the One to be Ruler in Israel, whose goings forth are from of old, from everlasting” (Micah 5:2).

The fulfillment: “Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea” (Matthew 2:1).

He was to enter Jerusalem on a donkey.
The original prophecy: “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your King is coming to you; He is just and having salvation, lowly and riding on a donkey, a colt, the foal of a donkey” (Zechariah 9:9).

The fulfillment: “Then they brought him [a colt] to Jesus. And they threw their own clothes on the colt, and they set Jesus on him. And as He went, many spread their clothes on the road. Then, as He was now drawing near the descent of the Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works they had seen, saying, ‘Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the LORD!’” (Luke 19:35-38).

He would be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver.
Thirty pieces of silver would be the price of betrayal and the cost of the potter’s field used to bury Judas after he hung himself. “Then I said to them, ‘If it is agreeable to you, give me my wages; and if not, refrain.’ So they weighed out for my wages thirty pieces of silver. … So I took the thirty pieces of silver and threw them into the house of the LORD for the potter” (Zechariah 11:12-13).

The fulfillment of this occurred just before Jesus’ crucifixion. “‘What are you willing to give me if I deliver Him to you?’ And they counted out to him thirty pieces of silver” (Matthew 26:15).

After Judas betrayed Jesus Christ, he tried to give the money back to the chief priests and elders, but they wouldn’t take it. “Then he threw down the pieces of silver in the temple and departed, and went and hanged himself. But the chief priests took the silver pieces and said, ‘It is not lawful to put them into the treasury, because they are the price of blood.’ And they consulted together and bought with them the potter’s field, to bury strangers in” (Matthew 27:5-7).

His garments would be parted and lots cast.
The original prophecy: “They divide My garments among them, and for My clothing they cast lots” (Psalm 22:18).

The fulfillment: “Then the soldiers, when they had crucified Jesus, took His garments and made four parts, to each soldier a part, and also the tunic. Now the tunic was without seam, woven from the top in one piece. They said, … ‘Let us not tear it, but cast lots for it, whose it shall be’” (John 19:23-24).

The garments were parted among the soldiers, but the tunic was awarded to one soldier by the casting of lots.


My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? why art thou so far from helping me, and from the words of my roaring?

But I am a worm, and no man; a reproach of men, and despised of the people.

All they that see me laugh me to scorn: they shoot out the lip, they shake the head, saying,

He trusted on YHWH that he would deliver him: let him deliver him, seeing he delighted in him.

Many bulls have compassed me: strong bulls of Bashan have beset me round.

They gaped upon me with their mouths, as a ravening and a roaring lion.

I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint: my heart is like wax; it is melted in the midst of my bowels.

My strength is dried up like a potsherd; and my tongue cleaveth to my jaws; and thou hast brought me into the dust of death.

For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet.

I may tell all my bones: they look and stare upon me.

They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture.

~Psalm 22:1,6-8,12-18

~A predicted resurrection 1000 years before it happened in exact, precise manner using highly specific wordage.



Tyre and the Bible

Petra and the Bible

Babylon and the Bible

Egypt and the Bible

5 Prophecies that Prove the Bible | Proof for God

Fulfilled Prophecy Helps Prove the Bible

Fulfilled Prophecy Is Evidence of God’s Existence

The Banned Prophecy of Yeshuah (Jesus Christ) 400BC (Fulfilled)



The scientific meltdown over a controversial discovery of ‘biblical Sodom’

Researchers discovered twin cities just north of the dead sea, on the Jordanian side of the river – with scorched at a roughly 25 degree angle with a short 4000 degree heat wave, leaving pottery glazed on one side with trinitite, and leaving the wasteland scorched. Unnaturally pure sulphur balls varying from grape to tennisball size shotgunned into the mountainsides rock. skeletons behind walls completely scorched from exposure point above the wall, with the lower (shielded) portions preserved, and nothing but a scorch mark on the spine at the top.

Gods Law Works – Giant Lemons – Giant Holy Food!!!

58 Scholar Quotes On Jesus’ Miracles




Islam Debunked In 56 Seconds

The Other religions prove Christianity – (All of which were also flesh and blood mortal Nephilim “gods” pretending to be Gods)


Did Jews Invent Christianity

It pains my soul to see Gods people rejecting Jesus over the Jewish Lie that he was a Jew or the more modern deception claiming that “He’s a jewish myth” to control people… Simply because the Jews stole their identities and culturally appropriated their holy history book. There are no more opposite religions on Earth than Judaism and Christianity. “Judeo-Christianity” is an oxymoron equivalent to “Satano-Christian”, or “Carnivore-Vegan”, Or Pro Life-Abortionist and makes as little sense.

Judaism based on Christianity
Judaism based on Christianity – Click to Enlarge


A. Opposite Religions:


Babylon’s Most Unholy Book – AntiChrist Talmud: Sin to Win


Late Rabbi Steven Wise ,Chief Rabbi of the US said

“The return from Babylon and the adoption of the Babylonian Talmud marks the end of Hebrewism and the beginning of Judaism.”


In Matthew 15:1-9 We find Yeshuah (Jesus Christ) Rebuking the Pharisees for promoting their own laws above God’s Torah:

15 Then came to Jesus scribes and Pharisees, which were of Jerusalem, saying,

Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? for they wash not their hands when they eat bread.

But he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?

For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and, He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death.

But ye say, Whosoever shall say to his father or his mother, It is a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me;

And honour not his father or his mother, he shall be free. Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition.

Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying,

This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.

9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.


This “tradition of the elders” is the Babylonian Talmud that Jewish imposter Hebrews had elevated above Gods Torah, teaching the commandments of Men over those of God.

Talmud v The Bible – Click to Enlarge

Oxymoronic Judeo-Christian Deception

Judaism – Antichrist Flavor of Satanism

Gittin 57a: “Jesus is in Hell and is being punished by being boiled in semen. Christians are boiled in dung.”

Zohar 1,160a: “Jews must always try to deceive Christians.”

The Satanic Star of Judaism (Remphan) – David Had NO Star

70 Week Prophecy of Daniel 9: Forbidden by Judaism – Christ or antichrist
About Christian Identity

Jewish Demon-God Hashem

How the Kabbalist Jews took over the Roman Catholic Church Through the Jesuit Order

Doctrines of Devils – Pagan Infiltration

70 Week Prophecy of Daniel 9: Forbidden by Judaism – Christ or antichrist


B. Seed of the Serpent – Same Story, Opposite Teams
Jesus Constantly Named the Jew

Every law in the Bible is diametrically opposed by the Talmud. Every act described as evil and vile is considered good by these Talmudic worshipping Pharisees. The basic belief of the Pharisees and the basic theme of the Talmud are identical. ONLY THE JEWS ARE HUMAN, ALL OTHERS ARE CATTLE TO BE USED AS SLAVES. This seems evil, but most do not realize that the Pharisees were (and are) descended from Canaanite (and perhaps Amalekite and other tribes) Nephilim who were also following the Will of Canaan.

In the 23rd chapter of Matthew, Christ identifies the Jews by calling them Pharisees, not once but nine times. He heaps upon them the most scathing. denunciation ever recorded, calling them thieves, liars, hypocrites, murderers, etc., even responsible for all who have been killed upon this earth including the righteous Abel. Christ could not make this statement if the Jews were not descendants of Satan through the Seedline of the Serpent. Yet Christians go to church Sunday after Sunday, sit back in their pew and, without raising any objection, listen to their minister state that Christ was a liar, murderer, pervert, child of Satan and a Pharisee, for that is what he is actually saying when he calls Christ a Jew. It really boils down to this: you must choose between two contradictory statements, both cannot be true.

Seed War – Dead Sea Scrolls Reveal The Secrets of the End Times & The Mystery Religion of The Deep State

The Seed of the Serpent Today – The Pharisees

The Seed War Between Mankind and Nephilim – Demons Walk Among Us

Dustin Nemos VS Dr. Dmitry Radyshevsky – “God’s Chosen People Or The Seed Of The Serpent?” A DEBATE

The Descent Into Truth – Click to Enlarge


C. Imposter Israelites

The True Hebrew Israelites – The Caucasian Race (The Lost Tribes of Israel)

100 Reasons Israelites Are White (100 Proofs The Israelites Were White)

The Lord Jesus Christ Was Not Jewish! The Son of God Was Anglo Saxon

Real Jesus – White – Click to Enlarge


The Jewish Paradox – Imposter Hebrews

False Jew Khazarian Edomite Origins

False Jew Khazarian Edomite Origins – Click to Enlarge

Edomite-Idumean-Khazarian-Jewish Evolution – Click to Enlarge

The Descendants of Ham – Cushites, Ishmaelites, Canaanites (Blacks, Arabs, & Jews)


JEW OR JUDAH? The Original Manuscripts Never Used The Word ‘Jew’


How can it be that Christianity, regarding itself the successor and completion of Judaism, should have elected to take into itself the body and substance of that Jewish teaching which it believed to be defective, which it regarded itself as having in measure rejected, in measure transformed, in measure repaired and fulfilled? How can it be that Judaism, the precedent in principle and progenitor in history of Christianity, should have remained not only independent of but unassimilated by the doctrinal vision and historical pressure of Christianity?

“The Judeo-Christian tradition is an eschatological myth for the Christian who no longer can deal with actual history and a historical myth for Jews who can no longer deal with the radical negations of eschatology.”

God’s Fate For Talmudists

What Jesus Said About Jews

What Yahweh (God) Said About Jews

From The Jew’s Own Mouths


Did Jews Invent Christianity: What Possible Motive?

A. Jews Hate Christ/Christianity above all things.

B. Jews don’t recruit, religiously.

C. Christians, proportional to the quality of their doctrine and their power in politics, are the top moral counterbalancing force in the world to Jewish Evil.

D. Christianity, by its nature – is competition to Judaism’s alleged claims of an upcoming Messiah.

E. Christian nations have evicted the Jews at least 109 times for the kind of child sacrifice Jews have openly practiced since before the flood, and Christianity has banned.

F. Jews often shoot themselves in the foot, or kill the golden goose in their hateful shortsightedness. But they do tend to play a long game. Why would they have done all this only to spend the next 2000 years attempting to tear it all back down?

G. Peter, Paul, etc have Doctrine and factual testimonial that syncs up with the rest of Christianity and Christs teachings. If anything, Christ influenced Peter and Paul, not the other way around.  Peter and Paul were both Hebrews, not Jews. Clearly the “religion” practiced and taught by Peter and Paul was very different from that practiced by the Jews at the time – why else the schism? Are we to believe the Jews practice all these evils, and then invent a religion that opposes all of it? See above chart for antithetical doctrinal differences between the two religions which have nothing in common.

Remember, they each died for this faith.

5. Peter
He was crucified upside down on an x-shaped cross.
According to church tradition it was because he told his tormentors that he felt unworthy to die In the same way that Jesus Christ had died.

13. Paul
Was tortured and then beheaded by the evil Emperor Nero at Rome in A.D. 67. Paul endured a lengthy imprisonment, which allowed him to write his many epistles to the churches he had formed throughout the Roman Empire. These letters, which taught many of the foundational Doctrines of Christianity, form a large portion of the New Testament.


Jesus: The Historical Figure

He was an unlikely candidate for global transformation, born in a tiny, irrelevant town and raised in an insignificant village. He walked from one place to the next, and as an adult never traveled more than two hundred miles from the town where he was born.  The locals suspected he was an illegitimate son, and his mother and father were poor peasants. He didn’t receive an expensive education, never married, never had children, and never owned a home of his own. He only appeared for a short time before public opinion turned against him and most of his followers abandoned, betrayed or denied him. He was rejected by the religious, hunted by the powerful, mocked and unjustly persecuted by his enemies. He suffered an unfair trial, was publicly humiliated, brutally beaten, and unduly executed in the most horrific way. Even then, the few followers who remained had to borrow a grave to bury him.

Yet this man – Jesus of Nazareth – changed history, introduced the Common Era, and forever transformed the most important and revered aspects of human culture. He is stilled worshipped today, while the vast majority of First Century gods are long forgotten. How is this possible? What differentiated Jesus from all the other gods worshipped in the Roman Empire? It’s simple: Jesus rose from the grave and was observed by eyewitnesses following His resurrection.


A. Mainstream Historians Agree

Mainstream historians (even atheist new testament scholar) concede these facts of Jesus Resurrection:

1. There was a guy named Jesus, he walked the Earth, preached, made some enemies – they crucified him.

2. After His crucifixion and Burial – Jesus’ guarded & sealed tomb was discovered Empty on the first day of the week by a group of his female followers. His enemies also claimed it was empty, yet claimed the disciples somehow moved the rock and stole the body that the Roman Guard was likely leaning against the entire night.

3. Various individuals and groups of people then – within the same timeframe and lifetimes – claimed to have witnessed appearances of Jesus alive, and even seen His mortal wounds.

4. The original disciples suddenly came to believe Jesus rose from the dead, including James – a skeptic previously. They were so excited about this, that they began a movement of conversion in which most of the disciples and thousands of others went to their death sticking to the same story: Empty tomb, resurrected Jesus. 


Men do not go to their death en masse for a hoax.

Gary Habermas, a New Testament scholar and philosopher of religion, has identified more than 39 pieces of evidence outside of the Bible that identifies Jesus.

D’nesh Dsouza On Christianity 4 Historical Facts


B. Witnesses: Multiple Testimony, Early Testimony, Eyewitnesses Testimony

The bible is the most accurate history book in the world

Divine Origin and Accuracy


Biblical Superaccuracy – Example – Click to Enlarge

HOW THE APOSTLES DIED (Defending the Resurrection Truth – why live in poverty and die in torture for a lie?)

1. Matthew
Suffered martyrdom in Ethiopia, Killed by a sword wound.

2. Mark
Died in Alexandria, Egypt , after being dragged by Horses through the streets until he was dead.

3. Luke
Was hanged in Greece as a result of his tremendous Preaching to the lost.

4. John
Faced martyrdom when he was boiled in huge Basin of boiling oil during a wave of persecution In Rome. However, he was miraculously delivered From death.
John was then sentenced to the mines on the prison Island of Patmos. He wrote his prophetic Book of Revelation on Patmos . The apostle John was later freed and returned to serve As Bishop of Edessa in modern Turkey . He died as an old man, the only apostle to die peacefully

5. Peter
He was crucified upside down on an x-shaped cross.
According to church tradition it was because he told his tormentors that he felt unworthy to die In the same way that Jesus Christ had died.

6. James
The leader of the church in Jerusalem , was thrown over a hundred feet down from the southeast pinnacle of the Temple when he refused to deny his faith in Christ. When they discovered that he survived the fall, his
enemies beat James to death with a fuller’s club.
* This was the same pinnacle where Satan had taken Jesus during the Temptation.

7. James the Son of Zebedee,
was a fisherman by trade when Jesus Called him to a lifetime of ministry. As a strong leader of the church, James was beheaded at Jerusalem. The Roman officer who guarded James watched amazed as James defended his faith at his trial. Later, the officer Walked beside James to the place of execution. Overcome by conviction, he declared his new faith to the judge and Knelt beside James to accept beheading as a Christian.

8. Bartholomew
Also known as Nathaniel Was a missionary to Asia. He witnessed for our Lord in present day Turkey. Bartholomew was martyred for his preaching in Armenia where he was flayed to death by a whip.

9. Andrew
Was crucified on an x-shaped cross in Patras, Greece. After being whipped severely by seven soldiers they tied his body to the cross with cords to prolong his agony. His followers reported that, when he was led toward the cross, Andrew saluted it in these words: ‘I have long desired and expected this happy hour. The cross has been consecrated by the body of Christ hanging on it.’ He continued to preach to his tormentors For two days until he expired.

10. Thomas
Was stabbed with a spear in India during one of his missionary trips to establish the church in the Sub-continent.

11. Jude
Was killed with arrows when he refused to deny his faith in Christ.

12. Matthias
The apostle chosen to replace the traitor Judas Iscariot, was stoned and then beheaded.

13. Paul
Was tortured and then beheaded by the evil Emperor Nero at Rome in A.D. 67. Paul endured a lengthy imprisonment, which allowed him to write his many
epistles to the churches he had formed throughout the Roman Empire. These letters, which taught many of the foundational Doctrines of Christianity, form a large portion of the New Testament.


Eyewitness statements (powerful in a court of law when tested):

We have a number of techniques we can use to test the reliability of an eye witness including something called forensic statement analysis – that allows us to scrutinize witnesses statement’s – inspecting to minimize emphasize or omit, verb use, tension of verbs, pronouns, how they expand time or contract time. When you separate seeming inconsistencies from actual inconsistencies we can generally tell who is lying or not, and even whom might be guilty in a criminal trial. For example:

Expert analysis concludes that Marks gospel is a reliable record of Peter’s testimony about Jesus.

All four Gospels are reliable eye witness statements of the life, ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus.


Was it a Conspiracy?

One has to consider conspiracies when assessing eye witness accounts.

There are common characteristics of successful conspiracies that are not present in the 1st century in the lives of the disciples.

Successful conspiracies typically involve the fewest number of people, over the shortest time possible, and are generally untested, without pressure to tell the truth. And most importantly, co conspirators need to be able to communicate with one another quickly and accurately to maintain cohesion and sync within the deception: and this seem unreasonable within the context of the 1st century Apostles, it is not reflected in the gospels.
Unintended Eye Witness Support Statements: Sometimes you’ll interview a witness and they provide seemingly confusing or unuseful statements or information that is useless until contextualized later by other witnesses. This is found often in the Gospels:

Matthew: During the confrontation of Jesus with Caiaphas, as they say ‘prophecy to us who hit you’ – it makes no sense, until you read Luke and understand that Jesus was blindfolded. This is just a surface level example.


Early Witness – Not a Myth or Legend:


We have a creed dated by scholars to within a few months of the death of Jesus – a statement of conviction – that early Christians would rally around, it mentions witnesses and challenges the reader to question those witnesses (who were alive at the time).

The Apostle Paul preserved it in his letter to Corinth about 21-25 years after the death of Jesus. He references this creed and indicates he had already given this creed to the church in Corinth.

This means 1-6 years within the death of Jesus this creed was being handed out by the Apostles.


C. Witnesses: Hostile Testimony

Around the year A.D. 165, Justin Martyr penned his Dialogue with Trypho. At the beginning of chapter 108 of this work, he recorded a letter that the Jewish community had been circulating regarding the empty tomb of Christ:

[A] godless and lawless heresy had sprung from one Jesus, a Galilaean deceiver, whom we crucified, but his disciples stole him by night from the tomb, where he was laid when unfastened from the cross, and now deceive men by asserting that he has risen from the dead and ascended to heaven.

Hostile Ancient Testimony of Jesus – Click to Enlarge

Is There Any Evidence For Jesus Outside The Bible?


D. The Resurrection

“The Empty Tomb, then, of Jesus, forms a veritable rock on which all rationalistic theories of the resurrection dash themselves in vain.”

~Sir Norman Anderson – Forensic Legal Analyst and Lawyer

When Peter stood up to preach on the Day of Pentecost after the resurrection of Christ, the crux of his sermon rested on the fact(s) that Jesus died, was buried, and rose again on the third day. In order to silence Peter, and stop a mass conversion, the Jewish leaders needed simply to produce the body of Christ. Why did not the Jewish leaders take the short walk and produce the body? Simply because they could not! The tomb was empty. The Jews knew it and tried to explain it away, the apostles knew it and preached it boldly in the city of Jerusalem, and thousands of the inhabitants of Jerusalem knew it and converted to Christianity. John Warwick Montgomery accurately assessed the matter when he wrote: “It passes the bounds of credibility that the early Christians could have manufactured such a tale and then preached it among those who might easily have refuted it simply by producing the body of Jesus” (1964, p. 78).


The tomb of Jesus was empty, and that is a fact.


13 Different Resurrection Appearances Made By Jesus

6 Reasons Why It Takes Faith To Deny Jesus

5 Facts Concerning Jesus’ Resurrection Most Scholars Agree With

The Resurrection Of Jesus: 38 Scholar Quotes

12 Reasons To Accept The Empty Tomb As A Historical Fact

A Case For The Empty Tomb: 3 Arguments Against The Empty Tomb Debunked

Chinese Recorded Christ’s Birth Death And Resurrection 31AD Annals

Chronicles of Emperor Guang Wu 31AD, the ancient chinese recorded the Date of Christs birth, death, and resurrection


E. Satan’s Hatred – The Deep State’s Antichrist Agenda


A. Government Conspiracies

(Hiding the truth, going to war against the Christian God, YHWH. The Iraq War 2003, etc)

Tomb of Nephilim Giant Gilgamesh Found & Hillary Asks for Access to His Resurrection/Rejuvenation Technology in Leaked Emails


B. The Illuminati’s Mystery Babylon Religion (Satanism masked as Paganism – The worlds most powerful people absolutely believe in Satan – The enemy – and follow its orders) Including Judaism, An Imposter and Deception

The Rulers of Darkness – The Illuminati’s Greatest Secrets Revealed


C. Conspiracy to Hide God

Heliosorcery – Rome Weaponized Pagan Occult Fake Science To Debunk God’s Word

Objections & FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Q: “any ideas on why God would allow Satan dominion over the earth, or even be on the earth. I see it like letting a Berkeley professor babysit your kids. Why would a parent allow that influence of their loved children.”

A: Perhaps because we originally sinned in learning about good and evil in that incident in the Garden of Eden. Now we all have it within us to do both. To become both. Therefore, it makes sense YHWH (God) must test us. Or perhaps, rather, it’s to teach each of us a very individual and personal lesson about what comes from evil, before inviting us into His kingdom for eternity. What kind of subject and neighbor will be?


Q: Why Does Evil Exist? Does God Exist? Moral Absolutes?


Evil, Suffering, And The Evidence For God



It’s been said the existence of evil is atheism’s most potent weapon against faith. If God is all good and all powerful – why does he allow evil to exist?

The answer is Free Will. God allows Evil to exist because of free will, because he loves His children. He’s set forth a contest for all mankind to choose good or evil, Him or absence from him – for eternity – anything else would be akin to mental rape.

Moral Absolutes:

Can Child Sacrifice not be justified under an atheistic or evolutionary world view if our actions are calculated to benefit us?

Yet, what basis do we have? If the actions were calculated to help someone succeed (ie, move up in the occult elite mystery babylon secret society and culture) – why not perform it? For Christians – the fixed point of morality is a straight line that leads directly back to God.

We don’t need a god to be moral – yet without a god, there’s no reason to be moral – or even an agreed standard of what moral is.

as Dostoiévski famously pointed out “If God does not exist, then everything is permitted.”

Alternatively, in the atheistic paradigm – our lives, loves, losses, and very existence is meaningless and of no more consequence in the grand scheme of things than a goldfish and of less than a star’s fart.

Frame of Reference for Good or Evil:

The fact that we know about morality points us to an objective standard of goodness. See, in order to even bring up this whole issue of God and evil, the skeptic has to borrow the idea of objective evil from theism; the worldview of people who believe in God. If there’s really such a thing as evil, it’s just more evidence for God.

Why? Because if you’ve got objective evil, then you’ve got to have an objective good. Not just something our culture made up, but something beyond us that actually establishes what good is—God’s own nature.

C.S. Lewis, a former skeptic, said:


Nemos Note: Evil is weakest where Faith in Christ (And Following YHWH’s Eternal Doctrine and Law) is Strongest – proportionally, historically.

Q. Where Did God (YHWH) Come From? (“Who Created God”)

A: Where Did God Come From?

To Deny God, we must deny the Kalam Cosmological argument:

Kalam’s deductive argument is formulated as follows:

  1. Whatever begins to exist has a cause
  2. The universe began to exist
  3. Therefore the universe has a cause

the “Who created God” challenge doesn’t affect the argument, namely, that the universe, which we know begun to exist, requires a cause. This brings us to our next point:

Namely that for a belief to be warranted one does not require an explanation of the explanation. This is not a controversial point. For example, say that explorers land in Antarctica and while exploring the planet’s surface come across what appears to be abandoned machinery and equipment of the likes they have never seen on Earth. However, they don’t know who or what left such equipment in Antarctica.

They are clearly rational, nonetheless, to conclude that some beings had, at a point in time, visited the worldrim and left the equipment there. The explorers, however, do not need to know from where these beings came (which country, time period, ethnicity) to posit that explanation. Rather, they are inferring from the facts presented before them. Similarly, we do not need an explanation of the creator of the universe to be justified in believing that the universe has a creator.

This objection can further seem unnecessary. Imagine, for example, two individuals having a disagreement on who authored a particular book. X says John authored it whereas Y says it was Jill. Imagine then that Y retorts by saying that it couldn’t have been John because if John authored the book then we would need an explanation of John, “Well,” explains Y, “Who created John?” I would wager that most of us would consider this argument silly, and I think we should not apply these silly standards when it comes to God as creator of the universe.

Finally, the “Who created God?” argument is problematic on explanatory grounds. Because the skeptic demands an explanation of a first cause (whom theists identify as God) he ends up facing off with an infinite regress of causes. Why? Well, because if we need an explanation of a first cause then we need an explanation of the explanation (that which created the fist cause), and then an explanation of that explanation, and so on into infinity. Thus, we end up with an infinite regress, and we would never have an explanation of anything. Thus, to avoid an infinite regress of causes there must be a metaphysically necessary being who is eternal and has no beginning or end. God must be that being and one who explains the fact of existence.

We cannot assume the creator of laws such as the Second Law of Thermodynamics would be bound by such laws. The clockmaker may wound the clock, but may not himself tick.


Q: Why do You Believe In the Bible? 

A: It is a reliable collection of historical documents written down by eye witnesses  during the lifetimes of other eyewitnesses. they reported specific supernatural events in fulfillment of specific prophecies and claim their writings are of Divine, not human, origin.


Enemy Arguments & Objections (EAO)


1. Jesus Myth Theory aka “Jesus Never Existed and was a Myth” Myth.

“Jesus Myth Theory” – Nobody has more evidence they existed.

Atheist Stumped by Overwhelming Evidence for Jesus’ Existence…From an AGNOSTIC LIBERAL Scholar!

God’s Not Dead – J. Warner Wallace – Atheist Converts After Investigating Jesus

Did Jesus Exist? All Scholars Agree He “Certainly” Existed

A List Of Extra-Biblical Sources For The Historical Jesus




Ex Capo Michael Franzese explains Jesus in full Mob Lingo – They Stood For Him


2. Jesus Mimics Earlier Beliefs

A. Jesus actually existed

Jesus life was an historic event. These other gods were mostly myth, however – they were rooted in real Genesis history.


B. Post Hoc Logical Fallacy

Just because something came after doesn’t mean the older thing caused the new thing

It’s like blaming the Empire State Building crash for 9/11 because the planes hit the same floors.

Nimrod originates these pagan versions, and most of them do not contain the sort of emulations portrayed by deceptive atheists: Such as the Osiris Isis coupling which produced Horus, Not a virgin birth. Yet often portrayed as one despite being in complete contradiction to the actual myth stories.

See Baal Nimrod Apollo – Deified Deep State Transhumanist Satanist NWO God-King – Man of Many Names

Zeitgeist Debunked: Jesus Is Not A Copy Of Pagan Gods

Thracian Script Decoded – Earth’s Oldest Written Language Speaks Of Eden


C. Jesus fulfilled many highly specific prophecies written hundreds of years before He existed, in full.

Jesus fulfilled prophecies written hundreds of years before he came. During the time of John The Baptist, who was also a miracle baby who baptized and preached the eminency of the savior.

D. Jesus was Sinless

Jesus life was a perfect, sinless life: Unlike any other deity – petty gods and goddesses focused on blood sacrifice, lust, war, violence, and procreation of hybrid monsters with humans.

E. Jesus’ teachings are superior, and have outlasted and outcompeted every other set of teachings in the world

F. The Similarities are logical and expected –

Prophets were predicting the Jesus story since the beginning of human history. A story written in the stars. Would there not exist corruptions of savior gods that never actually measured up, or wannabes? Hence, corrupted, failed versions of savior gods would be the predictable outcome of prophecies about a coming savior god.

G. Most of the similarities are hoaxes.


Was The Genesis Creation Story Stolen From Babylonian Myths?


3. We don’t have original copies, how can you trust your bibles?

In order to change the Bible meaningfully, there would have to be three levels of conspiracy:

1. They’d need a manuscript conspiracy: over 6,000 manuscripts or portions of manuscripts would have to be changed without being caught, in sync. In Comparison to Julius Caesar’s Gaellic Wars, we have 10 manuscripts. Aristotles Poetics, we have about 5, the writings of Herodotus – less than 10. The writings of Homer, less than 10 manuscripts.


4. But the Bible was Written much later, how can you trust it?

We can go back to earlier than AD 120 with the copies we have. With Julius Caesar’s Gaellic Wars, it was written 900 years later.
Aristotle, the earliest works we have were written 1400 years after the original

The New Testament was written within decades of the events described therein.

2. The early bibles were translated in Syriac, Latin, Coptic – So to change the scriptures, they would have to change 6000 Greek manuscripts without being caught. Then change the Syriac, Latin, and Coptic manuscripts and change them to match the Greek changes without anyone ever catching it.

3. Early Church Father Commentary: Enough to rebuild 95% of the New Testament based on just these commentaries. Which further validate modern portions. Any change would also need to edit these thousands of commentaries in multiple languages to then match the edited bibles.

Subtle changes were made in specific translations for political and conspiracy purposes – but they can be easily tracked and traced back to the original texts for the truth of those matters. See our UNCENSORED BIBLE project here.


5. God is Cruel, Christians Committed Cruelty (Evils of Government).

“Objection: The God of the Bible is the most vindictive, hateful, egotistic character in all fiction.”

Accusing any god of moral atrocities simply does not warrant the conclusion that a god is a fictional character. That must be argued on other grounds. Hypothetically speaking: a god could be a cosmic bully; but that does nothing to argue against its existence. As we know, closing your eyes to a bully doesn’t make him go away.

Why Does It Seem Like The Old Testament God Is An Evil Genocidal Maniac?

Jesus Vs Crimes Committed In Jesus’ Name

Almost all of which was the Roman Government and Fake ChristianityCatholicism – The Scarlet Whore of Babylon

This is non-sequitur. Many Christians have argued that this argument is weak since what it does is judge a philosophy by its abuse. How a religion, worldview, or philosophy has been interpreted and applied in the lives of followers says nothing about the truth claims of that specific worldview. Again, the truth of a worldview needs to be argued on other grounds.

It would also be a stretch to believe that Christianity is evil. In fact, Christianity has changed the world (both within the 1st century, throughout history, and within our modern era) for the better in many ways that other worldviews, including atheism, haven’t.

Would that somehow mean that Christianity has never been abused or hijacked by radicals or extremists with ill intentions? Of course not. However, it is very easy to show that that does nothing to discredit all the good that it has brought to the world through those who are obedient to Jesus’ message.

No one can deny that religion has had (and still does have) a hand in violence. Crusades, witch hunts, Jihad, they’re all there in the history books. However, the New Atheists will use all their effort to convince you that all religion is cut from the same cloth. They don’t draw boundaries; they simply haul religions into the same boat as if they all promote the same ethical systems and values.

They will, however, promote their secularism as the idyllic utopia hoping that onlookers overlook barbaric acts on behalf of governments possessing atheistic ideologies. Soviet Russia, Mao, Pol Pot? Revolutionary France? What links them all? Simply that they were all atheists and they massacred millions of people to promote their godless agendas.

Of course the New Atheists will overlook all the good done in the name of religions. Universities, human rights, relief efforts, orphanages, medical care all done in the name of religion appears not to ever count for anything. But what gives? Surely evil is part of the human condition.


“God is Jealous and Insecure” – Here

“God Commands Slaves To Submit to Their Masters” – Here

“God Wants You to Be Happy to Dash Babies Against the Rocks” – Here

“God Told Abraham to Kill His Son” – Here

Shall “not abhor an Edomite”

I don’t know, Perhaps:

Before they mixed with the Nephilim Hittite DNA – Edom started out as Israelite Europeans Genetic Cousins through Isaac, but their continual admixture with Canaanite then Hittite Nephilim DNA explains their prominent role in end times wars against Gods people – Europeans and the West.

Perhaps it was edited, like YHWH”s name removed over 6000 times and replaced with the English word for Baal – Lord.

I admittedly do not know everything, but unlike us – this conversation continues to evolve.

Some have used religion to justify it, others atheism. People have used sports, politics, relationships, poverty etc. to justify all kinds of evil acts. Evil is part of the human condition, and not intrinsic to religions:



Evils & Ignorance of Atheism & Statism

Evil Committed In The Name of God Vs Atheism

5 Ways Atheism Is Self-Defeating

New Atheists Are Not Intellectually Bright, Philosophers Agree

Atheists Are More Likely To Condone Morally Questionable Behaviour, Study Finds

‘New Atheism’ Is A Joke Among Academics & Scholars

New Atheists Are Not Intellectually Bright, Philosophers Agree



Atheist professor of philosophy at Florida State University Dr. Michael Ruse says the following in his article titled “Why I Think the New Atheists are a Bloody Disaster”:


He goes on to say the following statements: “Conversely, I am indignant at the poor quality of the argumentation in Dawkins, Dennett, Hitchens, and all of the others in that group.”


Christian and atheist philosophers are both appalled by the bankruptcy of this wave of New Atheism that is permeating our culture right now. For a more thorough overview of this, check out the article title “New Atheism Is A Joke Among Academics And Scholars“.

We will close with a quote from leading philosopher and professor at Notre Dame University Alvin Plantinga who doesn’t hold a very high view of Dawkins’ efforts:

~ Plantinga, A. 2007. The Dawkins Confusion.

Atheist historian Tim O’Neill, for example, claims that his atheist brethren are “historically illiterate… they tend to be about as historically illiterate as most people.” He claims they:

“try to use history in debates about religion, they are usually doing so with a grasp of the subject that is stunted at about high school level… all too often many atheists can be polemicists when dealing with the past, only crediting information or analysis that fits an argument against religion they are trying to make while downplaying, dismissing or ignoring evidence or analysis that does not fit their agenda”

~Atheist historian Tim O’Neill

Another atheist historian has noted that far too often atheists



6. Contradictions – “Aren’t there numerous Contradictions?”

Note: Specific Alleged Contradictions or Discrepancies by Book


Yes, but this is what we should expect. Reliable eye witness accounts often differ slightly in the way they recall a story. Their coming at it from different perspectives and locations.

6A Biblical Inerrancy

If one can successfully demonstrate a contradiction in the biblical texts it is at most an argument against biblical inerrancy, not against Christianity that is grounded upon the resurrection of Jesus. The Bible could be full of contradictions yet still be true, therefore the argument does not follow.


~Nick Peters

Most alleged contradictions are not actually contradictions, but differences.  A difference is when two or more independent accounts describe the same event with nuances, but do not contradict each other. According to New Testament scholar Mike Licona who has compiled 60 pages of differences between the gospel accounts:


He goes on to say, “there were certain literary liberties that were allowed; time compression, lack of precision when it came to minor chronological details such as the temptations of Jesus in the wilderness, Matthew and Luke – one of them inverts the second and the third. We wouldn’t regard that as a contradiction, we would say that that is a difference.”

If the Gospel of Mark fails to mention certain facts about the resurrection that are mentioned in Matthew, this is simply a difference, not a contradiction.  If I tell you that Sally and Sam went to the store, bought a snack, and then went home, and then later tell you they went to the store, bought a snack, sat in the park, and THEN went home, this is not a contradiction.

These two stories are not diametrically opposed to one another. One just mentions a different detail the other didn’t. When we realize this basic fact we can disqualify a good percentage of alleged contradictions. William Lane Craig having considered this writes:

“In fact, when you look at the supposed inconsistencies, what you find is that most of them—like the names and number of the women who visited the tomb—are merely apparent, not real


6B. False Dilemma Fallacy: The skeptic must be careful not to commit a logical fallacy. To simply dismiss a text because of secondary errors, differences, or contradictions would fall victim to the fallacy of the excluded middle. This is when one dismisses an entire text because he finds an error in it.

We wouldn’t dismiss the account of a historian recording the story of a war if he says there were 20,000 killed just because another historian says 25,000 were killed.  Nor would we conclude that therefore NOBODY died during the war.  Or that the war didn’t happen.  Or that every other detail about the war and other events in the same book didn’t happen.  To assume so would be to commit a fallacy and do irresponsible scholarship.

This skeptic is limiting his options by only choosing between either A (the text is 100% perfect and consistent) or B (that we must reject the entire text because we find an error in it). However, there are other options.


6C. Errors to be Expected:

Perhaps only the originals are error free, and the rest are scribal errors

Regarding the inspiration of scripture, many Christians would argue that only the originals are error free, should there be errors and/or contradictions in our translations (4). This is noteworthy as many alleged discrepancies are based on the translations of Hebrew or Greek words to English.

Many Hebrew words have several meanings that may all apply – for instance, just see the debate over the Hebrew word yom in the Genesis creation account, and how it has produced over a dozen theories of how to read Genesis. Other alleged errors are scribal lapses since our texts come down to us via scribes copying earlier manuscripts.  In such a process a slip of the pen, a misreading or mishearing of the words being copied, or a sleepy state of mind could accidentally change a word or two without the scribe being aware of it.

These, some apologists argue, could account for some contradictions and errors.  After all, with 20,000-30,000 handwritten manuscripts of the Bible, it is safe to assume that somewhere during the first few copies that spread there would have been a small amount of errors from the originals which then would have been passed down to the rest.


6D. Still Historical Documents

Whether a skeptic likes it or not, even if you take away the inspiration of the gospels/Bible they still remain historical documents that require historical analysis. Jesus’ death via crucifixion, his empty tomb, the postmortem appearances to the disciples and skeptics alike, and their willingness to suffer and die for the proclamation of the risen Jesus are absolutely central details that are attested to in all our gospel sources, Pauline epistles, extra-biblical Christian writings, secular sources, and other sources.

For example, the reliable Roman historian and senator Tacitus (c. A.D. 55 – c. A.D. 117) mentioned Jesus’ crucifixion and the Christians by name in ‘Annals, book XV’:

“Consequently, to get rid of the report, Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus.”

Bart Ehrman, an agnostic-atheist, is one of the most respected New Testament scholars of our day. He is currently the James A. Gray Distinguished Professor of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina, and received his Ph.D. from Princeton Theological Seminary. About the crucifixion, he says:


So even if there were doctrinally significant contradictions (which there really aren’t), this would not take away from the fact that the Gospels were written as historical documents and therefore must be analyzed using the historical method.

As we can see, the issue of contradictions in the Bible is one that, at the very most, might call into question certain forms of Biblical innerancy. But they do not threaten the truth of Christianity, the historicity of the Bible, any central doctrines, of the deity of Jesus.

1. Patton, M. 2009. If the Bible is Not Inerrant, then Christianity is False… And Other Stupid Statements. Available.
2. Mehta, H. 2013. An Incredible Interactive Chart of Biblical Contradictions. Available.
3. Craig, W. 2006. Is There Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus? Available.
4. Vela, T. Book Review of Disproving Christianity.

Source: Here


6E – Numerous Denominations of Christianity

As much as atheists like to milk the idea that there are many Christians denominations (which they take to shows that Christians can’t agree on anything), atheists have their fair share of the in house conflict too.


It’s rather saddening for many atheists that their name is dragged through the mud because of fundamentalists like Dawkins, Harris, Grayling etc.


7. Ridicule

“It seems to me that many of the claims made by the new atheists are simply not true, and that their view of the role of religion in world affairs is in many ways mistaken…going on in this way about religion is not a very sensible approach to tackling the problems of the world… it is surprisingly difficult…to change people’s beliefs. But if there is one thing which should be obvious here, it is that the way to do it is (generally) not to tell them that they are stupid, irrational or hopelessly ignorant”

~Atheist philosopher Tim Crane


7A. Ridicule Variant 2 –  Immature Need for a Father Figure (“God is silly or Childish”)

This argument is invalid on several grounds.

First, belief in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy is a natural condition in the early years where the lines between fantasy and reality are necessarily blurred. Many people, in fact, mature to a belief in God (witness the recent controversial conversion to theism of renowned British atheist Anthony Flew). This argument simply fails to explain why so many come to a belief in God, and specifically a belief in the God of Christianity, late in life and after obtaining a robust university education.
Clearly, not all these people have simply retreated to infantile regressive behavior by becoming theists or Christians. Many, for example, would see the conversion of an adult as a progression into maturity rather than a regression into an infantile world of denial.
This argument also ignores some basic facts derived from the biblical data in support of Christian theism. The Bible is hardly a book full of teachings that are equivalent to the vocational teachings of a nurse. From “turn the other cheek” to “give your enemy your coat,” from “feed the poor” to the doctrine of hell as a place for those not perfectly holy and for those failing to perfectly follow the Law, this is decidedly not the religious pablum that naïve primitive man would conjure up over a hot fire, a juicy femur head, and a pot of gruel.
An infantile position would be one that, for example, failed to deal with the reality of evil and instead focused only on man’s glory and greatness, or one that ignored man’s essential inability to follow even his own moral standards. In Christian intellectual history, one finds serious reflection on issues of man’s nature and the nature of God, the reality of sin and the possibility of salvation, the nature of history, and the existence of real ethics.
It’s also correct when that this argument by atheists might just as easily be turned on its head:
In short, perhaps atheists wish so badly for an all-knowing Last Judge not to exist that they have projected their highly regressive and infantile fantasies onto the issue of the existence of God. The argument, therefore, ends up being utterly self-defeating on logical grounds alone.


7B. Ridicule Variant 2 – Really? You believe in talking donkeys, that a sea was really divided, that a man lived in the belly of a fish, and a virgin birth? Christianity is such nonsense!

Again if these alleged miraculous, historical events can be demonstrated to be unhistorical it is an argument against biblical inerrancy. In that case Christianity would still be true.

Secondly, the Christian might show that his worldview holds to the existence of an all-powerful God. Not only that but this God he believes in created the entire physical universe from nothing. If this is so, then not a single miracle in the Bible is impossible for him.

It’s clearly seen that God’s power is demonstrated throughout the Bible via dramatic miracles; this is part and parcel of Christianity, namely that Christianity’s God can perform miracles through intervening in His creation.

Thirdly, I believe that there is good evidence supporting the existence of the supernatural. If one is open to the supernatural then she may also be open to God’s dramatic miracles as recorded within the Bible.


8. Objection: The Bible is Bias

Claim: you cannot prove the biblical history using the bible. It’s biased.

  1. You’re opinion or writings are biased. Can we throw that out first?
  2. The New Testament documents are, even from a secular view, are the most reliable historical documents ever written.


9. Objection: Separation of Church and State

“Not only is God invoked in our seminal founding document, the Declaration of Independence, but, more to the point, every original state in the union supported Christianity in some way, and some even had an official state church. The Founders spent no time at all trying to change that.

The only thing the Founders did was prevent the federal government from establishing a state church. They had no intention of stopping local jurisdictions from promoting one religion over another.

Furthermore, there really is no such founding principle as the “separation of church and state.” That phrase does not appear in any founding document.

The first time the idea was discussed in any detail was by President Thomas Jefferson in an 1802 letter to Baptists in Connecticut. It did not become a “thing” in government or law until 1947 when the Supreme Court used Jefferson’s letter as a basis for its decision in Everson v. Board of Education.

So the “separation of church and state” is not really a constitutional principle meant to tamp down religion in the public square, as leftists like to claim.

Indeed, the Founders thought faith was central to the survival of the United States.

Benjamin Rush, a signer of the Declaration, wrote, “The only foundation for a useful education in a republic is to be laid in religion. Without this there can be no virtue, and without virtue there can be no liberty, and liberty is the object and life of all republican governments.””


Debate Introduction Template

The world is not what we were told. It’s a lot weirder.

If one accepts the existence of a creator, a series of other questions must certainly follow in short order – questions such as: Who is this Creator? What do they want? Why did they create us? And how can we know for sure?

If one Denies the existence of a creator, one fails the intellectual honesty and/or discernment litmus test, or gets stuck in logical loops that make no sense in attempting to make logical sense of an atheistic or even agnostic worldview. The Paradigm simply falls apart under any serious scrutiny or study.

Logical deduction shows us that our universe bears witness to an intelligent, all powerful creator. It was not made randomly, because we are the only habitable planet in the universe – and we are the geocentric center of the universe, living within a young flat enclosed Biblical Earth.

Furthermore, our creator is also a loving God with a purpose and plan for His creation. And in this universal center, we – Mankind, are the superior and dominant species (Aside from our UNNatural competition – the Nephilim.)

One might say, with sincerity, based on these facts – that we are the apple of the creators eye, His greatest piece of art on a huge canvas filled with beauty. His highest form of life on His creation. Caretakers of His Garden paradise.

I believe that it can be shown not only that God exists but that His name is YHWH and His son is Jesus from Nazareth who died to save us from our own sinful natures, and was resurrected.

He has sent messages (and messengers) throughout human history to guide His children towards the nobler path, salvation and repentance of evil. I believe those messengers were sent (the prophets, Angels, and His own son in mortal form, Jesus Christ) to convince us to choose him of our own volition.

Using deductive reasoning and the scientific method, as well as vetted historical accounts as well as current events, I will endeavor to prove this to be the case. That there is only One true God, only one Creator, and that while we cannot fully comprehend anything multiple dimensions beyond our own limited understanding – we can Trust His word is authentic and from Him, A small window into eternity. As the holy scriptures can be proven authentic and divinely inspired – a claim that only the Christian scriptures (the original manuscripts, not todays modern corrupted English bibles) will confirm.

In short, Our loving Creator gave us free will and has been encouraging us, begging us, commanding us, pleading with us – to use it to choose Righteousness over Evil. But as He loves us, free will is given us as an inalienable right – our heavenly father considers us His children and will not force us to go His way.

We must all make the choice between Good, and Evil. Between Sin, and righteousness. This is the great test, this is the purpose of the mortal life.

I intend to explore the following realms for evidence of my position:

Anthropology (People movements)
Etymology (Language Evolution)
Prophecy (foreknowledge of events beyond human capability, including “blind” prophecies where the speaker had no idea of what they spoke.
Historical Accounts (From Famous and Not so Famous people that testify to the truth of God’s impact on History)
Archeology (Hieroglyphs of every ancient culture testify to my position, Megalithic structures around the world, Giants, Elongated skulls etc)
Genetics (Hybrid humanity – multiple species)
Miracles (The kind that only God could have done, such as leaving balls of pure sulphur embedded in the stone around Sodom and Gamorrah)
Government Coverups (Hiding the truth, going to war against the Christian God, YHWH. The Iraq War 2003, etc)
The Illuminati’s Mystery Babylon Religion (Satanism masked as Paganism – The worlds most powerful people absolutely believe in Satan – The enemy – and follow its orders) Including Judaism, An Imposter and Deception
Hidden History (Various)
Aliens (They are real, and are fallen angels)
The Other religions (All of which were also flesh and blood mortal Nephilim “gods” pretending to be Gods)


In summary: there is a creator, provable by the observable scientific method and reasoning. Equally so, there is a single true religion whose scriptures are:


A. Divinely inspired by God himself (this book is testable)

B. Has an accurate historical account of major events, including early histories of various peoples and massive anthropological, etymological and migratory information that also checks out against history. With events like the Flood of Noah explained in the most accurate way of all the various flood myths. (which are universal because they are various perspectives of the same story, generally the local tyrant “Nephilim” demigods godkings perspective. But the actual fallout of events is best explained and in most detail by the scriptural account of ancient (moreso than heavily censored current) Christians/Hebrews. Including the explosion in population in the post flood setting)

C. Has an accurate prophetic account of major events including the secession of empires over world history, various destructions (such as Sodom and Gomorrah), Wars, and Emergences of new leaders, laws, dates, etc.

D. Jesus of Nazareth was a real man, he existed – and furthermore, was the divinely parented son of God himself, as part of Gods plan to redeem humanity from its mortal materialistic (sinful) natures and bring us back into alignment with our higher spiritual core selves. Something Jesus did, not necessarily by miracle, but by example with His life and His sacrifice – and then resurrection. His story gave mankind Hope in a world of godkings and human sacrifice and the fallen tyrant gods of the Satanic secret societies were cruelly oppressive to everyone with fear of death. His story inspired mankind to rise above their fear of Death and live for something bigger than life itself, eternity in righteousness. And that story continues to inspire people today, over 2000 years later.

E. The “Deep State” elite hate Christianity (Esp. White Christians) above all targets on earth because they serve Satan, in a direct and willing and deeply devoted manner in the higher initiations of the secret societies. Self admittedly they serve and commune with Satan. They Hate Christianity because only it is real. Virtually every other religion on Earth (not moral code religions, but creationists) is the Nephilim’s pagan perspective. Their story is universal and basically the same story. “wisdom serpents” or some variation, a flood, giants eating or ruling over humans, etc.

The deep states entire religious code actually is built upon the Teachings of the knowledge of the tree of good and evil (Kaballah and the problem reaction solution techniques they employ to control)

and worship of the fallen angels and their demigod tyrant king of the FIRST one world government, Nimrod. Builder of the Tower of Babel – whom they seek to mimic and use transhumanism to self ascend to demigod status like Nimrod did (who BECAME a giant but wasnt born with those genes) and unite his one world religion once more. They deify and revere Nimrod, they want to be him.

F. The Fallen Angels of Genesis 6, (the entire “his story” that was covered up and censored from the Bible, also – about 1/3 of the bible was removed) are the very same “Aliens” of today. They aren’t from outer space, and they’ve been here before. It didn’t work out very well for us.

G. A loving and kind God left instructions for people to follow, including the best moral code, dietary code, best holidays (arguably).


Notes to self for upcoming debates (template)

• Each debator will get one “2 Minute Warning Card” to use at anytime. It causes the other person to be muted and gives that person the floor for two minutes, uninteruppted. Only can be used once. Can be used at anytime. Even during opening. Use as strategy or save to interject during conclusion.
• Each debator may ask for additional time twice and will receive a full minute. After the two are used no more time extentions.
WELCOME  [5 min] Coin Toss A vs. B. Winner will select to go 1st or 2nd. (A wins and goes 1st below)
INTRO [10 min]  Statements: A will give 3 min intro. B will give a 1 minute response. B will give a 3 min intro and A will give a 1 minute response. These need to be a few attention-grabbing lines that each presents, to sum up their point of view and convey their primary points. This is not where specific information is shared. Here, debators will simply state why their side of the argument is correct. For example, ‘this is true because of X and Y and Z which I will show conclusively tonight. Can use this time to say
3 QUESTIONS: [15 min]  A will have 1 minute to ask B a question. It should be direct and not be multiple questions in one. B will answer in 1 minute. Moderator can ask for clarification. B will ask A a question in 1 minute and A will respond. Repeat twice more until each has asked 3 questions.
4 CLAIMS: [50 min] A will make a claim and provide evidence to back it up. He has 3 mins. B will give a 1 min response to the claim. A and B will have open dialogue for 3 min tops. B will make a claim and provide evidence to back it up. He has 3 minutes. A will reply in one minute and then open dialogue for three mins. Repeat three more times until each has presented 4 claims.
CONCLUSION [5 min] A will give a 2 minute closing statement and B will make a 2 minute closing statement.
SUPER CHAT QUESTIONS  [? min] Answer Super Chat Questions



3 Questions.

  1. What is your falsifiability threshold? What would convince you to accept you are wrong about Jesus and God?
  2. Why do you choose to follow pagan gods, which have no power, nor prophecy, nor miracles? Did YHWH not say:21 Produce your cause, saith the Lord; bring forth your strong reasons, saith the King of Jacob.22 Let them bring them forth, and shew us what shall happen: let them shew the former things, what they be, that we may consider them, and know the latter end of them; or declare us things for to come.23 Shew the things that are to come hereafter, that we may know that ye are gods: yea, do good, or do evil, that we may be dismayed, and behold it together.24 Behold, ye are of nothing, and your work of nought: an abomination is he that chooseth you.~Isaiah 41:21-24
  3. How did you come to the conclusion that Jesus was a myth, when every historian of all religious backgrounds (including atheists) claim that there is no one else in human history that we have more evidence existed?


4 Claims:

1. Biblical Flat Earth is one among a growing number of absolute hard evidences for creationism.

Within this Creationist Paradigm: Only One Religion On Earth Has Miracles, Prophecies, Evidences All Around Us, and “Supersynchronicity” with reality all pointing to Jesus the Miracle Man who Died and Resurrected

2. YHWH – God of the Hebrew Scriptures – claims prophecy is one proof He is God. Prophecy is 100% Accurate, and miracles do demonstrably exist.

Isaiah, one of the most well-known prophets of God, recorded a prophecy that deals with God’s contending with Israel over their worship of idols―gods of Israel’s own making (Isaiah 44:9-20).

We also find the following passage where God shows that prophecy―which often includes God’s announcement of future events―is a proof that He is God and not these pagan gods:

Remember this, and shew yourselves men: bring it again to mind, O ye transgressors.
Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me,
Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:

~Isaiah 46:8-10

3. Historically speaking, every Other Religion is An Offshoot, Built from (and evidence for) The Original Faith of Mankind.

4. Christianity is the only force on Earth capable of resisting Them, but only if we follow YHWH’s laws. Historically, every time we’ve failed to do so, YHWH has abandoned his people (Europeans – Israelites) to captivity as judgement. Before Christianity – the world was ruled by Pagan Blood Gods. Without Christ – it would be again.




In Defense of Blood Sacrifice

NEVER GIVE UP – God Is With You In The Battle – Motivational Video

Hippie Jesus – A New Age Lie To Suppress God’s Warriors







In case you missed it:

Primordial Truth: Mapping the Rabbit Holes – Know Everything!

The Hidden His-Story of Man, Myth & The Mystery Babylon Religion of The Deep State

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